1967-04-27 - Plan Commission - Minutes MINUTES OF PLAN 0010tISSIKX 1 > April 27, 1967 Paftala Greve Village Well PRESENT: YarajT Mathis, MIa* r Cissglie, Ed Fabish, Alex nasal* ems trines, war Lisa, Jobs Doper, PUBLIC REARING Rearing called to order at ISO P.Y. The laffaio Greve MIA* Os, submitted as applieaties et a spacial use permit for a lift statism' sear the iaterssetisaa of Oe and Jaffa]. Or.?. Head. Sines the petitioaeers wars set present to state their esais, Bear, Maaglio quads the motion is adjourn this portion tot the public hearing to TMarmdaq, May ieth at COO P.Y. at the villa. hall. Marcy Mathis sessadsd the *sties. All is favor. the second parties of the p>rl1ie ►saris= is oessideratics et are or- disease is regard I. advarrtisisi sign relating-to b : t ties. These amendments mould be added is **sties 1, Article ®III and labeled Ml.40)j Article VEST, Section 2 and labeled 1244 Sesties 3 et Artide I adding to sabssetiss 2.1, 3.1, le.l, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1. Mr. Aiehard L. Weiss, vise president et Levitt and Soso, was ewers is by Alex Stria]. Mr. Reiss stated that this amminent wad pewit erection of sips in the esartrestiss area •f the village se that a builder wild properly a sreia ndiss his product sad in se way interfere or shays the way the villa. has handled its stela problem. In dissuasion it was printed out that all at the prs.eat esastpas • - ties sips are modes. special use perait and regeiro a hearing every ties oas has to be built. / J Usury Olaagiie made the mottos to re.ammsad is the village hoard asaptaass of the ansa eaaat as road. ham Mathis eseasisd the me'iaa. Wow Mkt., Neary Cina lie, Edward Fabisk, Ales: Stasal, aye; Ray Ansa, ne; and Norm rearms, abstala. Henry Cinaglie made the notion to *Users the puablis burin. Morey Mathis sscaaded the aotien. All is favor. Nearing adjoined at 540 P.M. PLAN CORNEWAN MERTON Regular a.stiaan sailed to order 49100 P.M. A praliaiasr;r plait that sill probably be salled STRAINNORR *)*TB was presented to the saamaissioa. There are 234a lets in this plait 'with none lees than 75 fart wide. doha Rapper ham the sngiaosria g sad is �.. eheeking eat same flail ems. Under disansioa was a revision of the village caster plea, Alai is light of the last l-11/2 Tears at bnildiag Nativity, is eat of date. New Ciaaglle made the aatisa to adjourn. Id labiada seesaaiad the nation. All is favor. Meeting adjeumeed at 9.1+6 P.U. Rd Fabian* See. Plan Commission - 2 -