1985-10-16 - Plan Commission - Minutes PUBLIC HEARING BUFFALO GROVE PLAN COMMISSION Public Hearing to consider Waterford Place Preliminary Plan approval and zoning in the R-9 Zoning District with a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development including the following variations: Zoning Ordinance--Section 17.28.060.E.1.b (related to density) and Development Ordinance--Section 16.50.080.A.1. (relating to treatment of retention ponds) and 16.50.040.C.4 (relating to sidewalks) . October 16, 1985 Chairman Sheldon called the public hearing to order at 7:38 P.M. in the Municipal Building, 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Commissioners Present: Chairman Sheldon Mr. Davis Mr. Krug Mr. Musfeldt Mr. Laskie Mr. Demski Mr. Gal Ms. Kaszubowski Commissioners Absent: Mr. Goldspiel Also Present: Mr. N. Katz, Developer, RESCORP Mr. J. Differding, Landscaper, RESCORP Mr. J. Martin, Architect, RESCORP Mr. H. Francke, Attorney, RESCORP Mr. T. O'Brien, Appaiser, RESCORP Mr. T. Cross, Marketing Consultant, RESCORP Mr. D. Miller, Traffic Consultant, RESCORP Mr. W. Griffith, Developer, RESCORP Mr. R. Cowhey, Engineer, RESCORP Mr. E. Zale, Developer, Fiore Mr. J. Martin, Land Planner & Architect, Fiore Mr. R. Nuegent, Golf Course Planner, Fiore Ms. K. Lang, Tax Impact Analyst, Fiore Mr. R. P. Coffin, Plan Commission, Long Grove Mr. L. Kendig, Land Consultant, Long Grove Mr. & Mrs. Capsuto, Buffalo Grove Resident Mr. Mathias, Buffalo Grove Resident Ms. Zizzo, Buffalo Grove Resident Mr. R. Heinrich, Chairman Buffalo Grove ZBA Mr. C. Molinaro, Director of Golf Operations Mr. W. Balling, Village Manager Mr. W. Brimm, Buffalo Grove Director of Finance Mr. R. Kuenkler, Village Engineer Mr. W. Raysa, Village Attorney Ms. M. Kowalski, Village Trustee Mr. G. Glover, Village Trustee Mr. J. Truesdell, Village Planner Chairman Sheldon read the notice of the public hearing as published in the newspapers and informed the audience of the format the meeting would take. She then swore in Messrs. Katz, Differding, Martin, Francke, O'Brien, Cross, Miller, Griffith, and Cowhey. Mr. Francke read a letter (Applicant's Exhibit 1) dated September 9, 1985 that he received from Mr. MaKoheney of Tycor Title Insurance Company apologizing for their original error in previously submitting the incorrect names of residents within 250' of the site. With this letter was a corrected list of names. Applicant's Exhibit #2 was a certificate of mailing received from the Village. Mr. Truesdell stated that the surrounding homeowners had received notice of the meeting. Applicant Exhibit #3 was a letter from the Village staff recommending approval of this project. Mr. Francke was submitting a fiscal impact analysis prepared by the Village staff. They are requesting 3 limited variations and annexation. Mr. Katz stated they feel they will produce a quality product and hope to demonstrate this at the meeting. They feel they have met all the relative criteria for good planning. He then briefly gave a summary of their team's qualifications. Mr. Martin, with the aid of Applicant's Exhibit #4 and #5, his resume and land use plan, reviewed the location of the project, the zoning of the surrounding property (Applicant's Exhibit #5) and its existing uses. They are proposing a townhome and garden apartment rental development. The plan will have 57% open space with 430 units. They feel they have worked with the school district and have come up with a proposal that has been agreed to by staff and the school district. They will provide an 80' temporary asphalt turn around at the end of the road that will eventually connect up with the next development. The maximum distance a child will have to walk to the bus would be 510' , less than the school district's maximum of 600' . The parking complies with the Village ordinance. They are requesting a variation on sidewalks and wish to only install a walk on one side of the major road with pedestrian walkways in the development. They have provided, as required, 592 parking spaces in the garden apartment areas and 212 in the townhome area. Commissioner Davis arrived. They are requesting permission to use Enkamat around the lake. This plan has less density than previous plans and what they would be allowed to build in the County under UR-3 zoning. Mr. Miller briefly reviewed the traffic plan for the site. He feels the proposed development's traffic can be accommodated by the surrounding roads. Buffalo Grove Plan Commission Public Hearing October 16, 1985 - Page 2 1 Mr. Cowhey briefly reviewed the engineering for the site. They have met with Horatio Gardens and feel that an agreement to enlarge a swale will help their water problem. They set up a meeting with Highland Grove and only one person came. Mr. Differding briefly reviewed the landscaping plan for the site. They have met with the surrounding homeowners and will use earth mounding and plantings to take care of the headlights from their development. Mr. Cross reviewed his market study. Mr. O'Brien felt the highest and best use for this site was the development and he briefly reviewed how he came to this conclusion. He stated this development would not have an adverse effect on the surrounding property values. Mr. Raysa briefly reviewed the court ordered zoning previously discussed. Mr. Katz stated the present owner of the land will develop it either through them or someone else. The county will give RESCORP revenue bonds. Commissioner Davis felt the density was too high. Commissioner Krug objected to the single entrance street. He would like to see sidewalks on both sides of the street and was not pleased with the density. The outdoor parking could create problems. Commissioner Demski felt it was a quality project but it did not belong on this site. Mr. Francke briefly reviewed their meeting with Horatio Gardens and Highland Grove. Commissioner Gal felt the density was too high. Commissioner Musfeldt, noted that given the potential of the train station being located at Busch Road, the main street in this development might become a major thorofare. Ms. Capsuto did not want multi-family across from her home. Mr. Capsuto felt this development would overload Weiland Road which is already too busy. Mr. Heinrich was concerned with the increase in multi-family developments in the village, the traffic generated from this development and the density. Mr. Mathias did not want multi-family near his home. Ms. Zizzo stated that if this developer did not build his project someone else would. Buffalo Grove Plan Commission Public Hearing October 16, 1985 - Page 3 Mr. Katz stated that they needed the present density to make the project work. It is unusual for a developer to build a site of this type with a density this low. Chairman Sheldon closed the public hearing at 9:28 P.M. Respectfully submitted, G✓ 9 `Kathleen Comer APPROVED BY: Barbara Sheldon Chairman Buffalo Grove Plan Commission Public Hearing October 16, 1985 - Page 4 REGULAR MEETING BUFFALO GROVE PLAN COMMISSION Waterford Place Zoning & Preliminary Plan Fiore Property Workshop October 16, 1985 Chairman Sheldon called the regular meeting to order at 9: 39 P.M. in the Municipal Building, 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Commissioners Present: Chairman Sheldon Mr. Davis - arrived at 8:12 P.M. Mr. Krug Mr. Musfeldt Mr. Laskie Mr. Demski Mr. Gal Ms. Kaszubowski Commissioners Absent: Mr. Goldspiel Also Present: Mr. N. Katz, Developer, RESCORP Mr. J. Differding, Landscaper, RESCORP Mr. J. Martin, Architect, RESCORP Mr. H. Francke, Attorney, RESCORP Mr. T. O'Brien, Appaiser, RESCORP Mr. T. Cross, Marketing Consultant, RESCORP Mr. D. Miller, Traffic Consultant, RESCORP Mr. W. Griffith, Developer, RESCORP Mr. R. Cowhey, Engineer, RESCORP Mr. E. Zale, Developer, Fiore Mr. J. Martin, Land Planner & Architect, Fiore Mr. R. Nuegent, Golf Course Planner, Fiore Ms. K. Lang, Tax Impact Analyst, Fiore Mr. R. P. Coffin, Plan Commission, Long Grove Mr. L. Kendig, Land Consultant, Long Grove Mr. & Mrs. Capsuto, Buffalo Grove Resident Mr. Mathias, Buffalo Grove Resident Ms. Zizzo, Buffalo Grove Resident Mr. R. Heinrich, Chairman Buffalo Grove ZBA Mr. C. Molanero, Director of Golf Operations Mr. W. Balling, Village Manager Mr. W. Brimm, Buffalo Grove Director of Finance Mr. R. Kuenkler, Village Engineer Mr. W. Raysa, Village Attorney Ms. M. Kowalski, Village Trustee Mr. G. Glover, Village Trustee Mr. J. Truesdell, Village Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES None COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS Commissioner Demski attended the October 15, 1985 Village Board meeting where Riverwalk was approved and Old Farm Village requested a change in the mix of units from 75% flats to 25% townhomes. Their request was granted. WATERFORD PLACE ZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAN Moved by Commissioner Krug, seconded by Commissioner Demski that the Plan Commission recommend to the Village Board that they reject RESCORP's Waterford Place Development petition for Preliminary Plan approval in the R-9 Zoning District with a special use for a Planned Unit Development. AYES: Commissioners Davis, Krug, Musfeldt, Laskie, Demski, Gal, Kaszubowski NAYES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Goldspiel The negative motion passed 7 - 0. FIORE PROPERTY WORKSHOP Mr. Zale introduced his development team. Mr. Martin stated the property has very little land with soil that is unbuildable. He briefly reviewed a slide presentation of the site. They are proposing a bike path around the golf course on the south parcel. Ms. Lang briefly reviewed the tax impact study passed out at the meeting. Mr. Nuegent briefly reviewed the golf course plans. This is a 6,200 yard golf course. Mr. Balling stated the course was important from the standpoint of the ability of the town securing 2 public golf courses. The Village, through an enterprise approach, will finish up the golf course. He feels this will be a very successful venture for the Village. They would like to be in the design stage by April, 1986 and develop the front 9 holes about a year earlier than the back 9. July, 1987 would be the earliest the first 9 holes would open and by July, 1988 it would be completed. Mr. Brimm briefly reviewed how the Village acquired the current golf course in 1975 and the financing of it. The present budget is $604,000.00. There will be 50,000 rounds of golf played this year. The people who use the course pay for it. The conceptual debt service needed for the new course is between 2.6 million and 3 million dollars. It will be a free standing enterprise. Mr. Molanero stated the present course plays 50,000 to 60,000 rounds a year. They turn people away. It is a very successful venture. There will be fewer and fewer courses with those in the surrounding communities closing. There Buffalo Grove Plan Commission Regular Meeting October 16, 1985 - Page 2 will be increased demand for play somewhere. He feels the chances for another course to be successful in the Village are very good. It would not be necessary to hire additional personnel before the course generates revenue because of the availability of employees from the present course. There would be a savings in bulk purchases with both courses. The new course would not adversely affect the old one and both would be filled. Mr. Coffin passed out some materials which he explained, a map of Oak Hills land plan, a pamphlet explaining their open space program and a copy of their enabling ordinances. Mr. Kendig urged everyone to rethink the current mode of development that is going on. Mr. Brimm stated the Village does anticipate there will be some taxes levied for the golf course for a couple of years but they have not finished tabulating the figures yet. Mr. Balling noted the water program provides for the full service of the Fiore property. The golf course would have a well and irrigation system from the shallow aquifer. Commissioner Demski felt the golf course might be one of the ways to preserve this unique area. He would like the housing mix to have more single family. Mr. Molenaro stated a 9 hole course would not pay for itself. The Commission was polled as to whether they wanted Plan A, the golf course, or Plan B, the single family. Plan A: Commissioners Davis, Krug, Musfeldt, Demski, Gal, Kaszubowski Plan B: Commissioner Laskie Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Goldspiel The Commission chose Plan A 6 - 1. Mr. Heinrich would like the next workshop to focus on the density and housing mix. Mr. Zale stated that they are at 2.55 units per acre and with the large land and cash donations he could not lower the density any more. Commissioner Davis moved adjournment but due to lack of a second the motion failed. FUTURE AGENDA SCHEDULE The Fiore Property would come back to the Commission for a workshop on November 13, 1985. Buffalo Grove Plan Commission Regular Meeting October 16, 1985 - Page 3 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Musfeldt, seconded by Commissioner Krug and unanimously carried that the meeting be adjourned. Chairman Sheldon adjourned the meeting at 11:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 Kathleen Comer Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: Barbara Sheldon Chairman 1 Buffalo Grove Plan Commission Regular Meeting October 16, 1985 - Page 4