2007-09-24 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 11916 09/24/2007 MINUTES OF THE RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS,50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS ON MONDAY,SEPTEMBER 24,2007 CALL TO ORDER President Hartstein called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Hartstein;Trustees Braiman,Glover,Berman,Trilling and Rubin. Trustee Kahn was absent. Also present were: William Brimm,Village Manager; William Raysa,Village Attorney; Scott Anderson, Finance Director;Gregory Boysen,Director of Public Works;David Haisma Utilities Superintendent;Richard Kuenkler,Village Engineer;Robert Pfeil,Village Planner;and Joseph Tenerelli,Village Treasurer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Trilling, seconded by Braiman,to approve the minutes of the September 10,2007 Rescheduled Regular Meeting.Upon roll,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4-Braiman,Glover,Berman,Trilling NAYS: 0 None ABSTAIN: 1 —Rubin ABSENT: 1—Kahn Motion declared carried. WARRANT#1081 Mr.Tenerelli read Warrant#1081. Moved by Glover, seconded by Berman,to approve Warrant#1081 in the amount of$3,337,744.77, authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Braiman,Glover,Berman,Trilling,Rubin NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Kahn Motion declared carried. VILLAGE PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Hartstein introduced Charles Berman,the new reporter from the Countryside publication. President Hartstein read from a Proclamation declaring the week of October 7-13,2007 as Fire Prevention Week throughout Buffalo Grove, and called upon residents to participate in activities at home, school,and work and to follow the 2007 theme of Practice Your Escape Plan. President Hartstein read from a Proclamation declaring October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and October 13,2007 as Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day,and urged all persons in our community to become aware of their own risks of breast cancer,to talk to their health care providers about breast cancer, and, where appropriate,to get screened for the disease. President Hartstein read from a Proclamation declaring the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the Village of Buffalo Grove,and encouraged residents to join forces with victim service programs, 11917 09/24/2007 criminal justice officials and concerned citizens across the country to raise the public awareness of domestic violence issues. TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Braiman reported on the success of the Gas Can Exchange program that took place on September 15, 2007. This was held in conjunction with the Clean Air Council,and was a huge success. Buffalo Grove was allocated 100 plastic gas cans,which had been distributed by 10:00 A.M. The Clean Air Council is already working on a spring 2008 event. Trustee Berman reported that,at long last,the final Notice of Establishment for the Canadian National Railway Quiet Zone was filed with the appropriate agencies and railroads on September 20,2007. The new corridor Quiet Zones will go into effect at 12:01 P.M on Friday,October 12,2007 at 12:01 P.M. Trustee Berman briefly reviewed further details, and again congratulated Mr.Brimm,noting that it is through his efforts that the Village now borders on having a quiet zone,which at times seemed like a pipe dream,and it is through Mr.Brimm's hard work and dedication that Buffalo Grove may enjoy our first moment of silence. Trustee Berman,as liaison to the Plan Commission,noted that Commissioners have made him aware of a concern that they are operating short-handed,and he urged President Hartstein to fill the vacancy as soon as possible The Village Clerk announced that there will be an Electronics Recycling event to be held at the Schaumburg Motorola site on Saturday,September 29,2007,and urged residents to make use of this method of disposal rather than by putting electronic items into landfills. There are also several household waste disposal events to be held this fall. The Village Clerk reported that the next meeting of the 50th Anniversary Committee will be held on October 11,2007. The committee is seeking sponsorships from individuals and businesses;these sponsorships will be highlighted in a booklet and a calendar that will be distributed to every address in the Village;a form is available in the current Village Newsletter. Commemorative 50`11 anniversary key chains and note cards are currently available at Village Hall. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Mr.Brimm noted the submittal of the Management Report for the month August 2007;there were no questions on the report. PUBLIC HEARING—SANTUCCl/VENTRELLA PROPERTY President Hartstein called the continued,from September 10,2007,Public Hearing for consideration of the First Amendment of the Santucci/Ventrella Annexation Agreement concerning the proposed Berenesa Plaza,a Planned Unit Development in the B-3 and O&R Districts,at the northwest and southwest corners of Deerfield Parkway/Milwaukee Avenue,to order at 7:50 P.M. Notice of this Public Hearing was published in the Daily Herald on August 25,2007. Ken Kuchler,Project Manager, Single Site Solutions Corporations,noted that they are before the Board to conclude the Public Hearing,and noted that they have worked with staff to revise the Amendment for the Annexation Agreement,which they believe will be agreeable to everyone. Mr.Kuchler distributed drawings depicting the pedestrian routes for the site. Mr. Ullasz,OKW Architects, reviewed and explained the revised pedestrian route plan and the landscaping. Trustee Trilling thanked the developer for providing these details, and also asked several questions which were answered by the developer. < 11918 09/24/2007 Mr. Raysa noted that before the Public Hearing tonight is that certain Amendment to the Annexation Agreement for the Berenesa/Ventrella Property dated 9/18/2007 in the upper left-hand corner of page one. Mr. Raysa then reviewed the changes that have been made to the document since the matter was before the Village Board at a Public Hearing,details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview prepared by Mr.Pfeil. In answer to a question from Trustee Berman,Mr.Raysa confirmed that the language that refers to the Letters of Intent being accepted by the Village and the Village's sole discretion also includes whether a particular restaurant or restaurant use is acceptable to the Village,and Mr. Kuchler noted that the developer agrees with Mr.Raysa's interpretation. Mr. Kuchler stated that they are still not able to release any identities for any retail or restaurants that may be I located on the property,but they are moving along with negotiations for 3-4 restaurants. The lease negotiation for the hotel is also progressing. Mr. Kuchler confirmed that Section 5,Part B states that they have to have Certificates of Occupancy awarded for three restaurants before they can get a Certificate of Occupancy for a bank or a drug store. President Hartstein asked if there were any further questions from members any other public bodies,members of the audience or the Board;there were none. At 8:02 P.M.,President Hartstein continued the Public Hearing until the item is considered later on in the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING—SPORTSLINE PROPERTY At 8:02 P.M.,President Hartstein noted that the developer has requested that the Public Hearing for the consideration of an Annexation Agreement concerning the SportsLine Property(Terico Property), 15801 W. Aptakisic Road,be continued until the next meeting on October 1,2007. Moved by Braiman,seconded by Berman,to continue the Public Hearing for the SportsLine Property until October 1,2007. Upon roll call,the motion was unanimously declared carried. At 8:03 P.M.,the Public Hearing was continued until October 1,2007. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Ken Haugsness,505 Weidner Road,commented on the flooding that took place on Weidner and Beechwood Roads during the August 23,2007 storm;he would like the Village's cooperation in blocking off the street when flooding conditions occur so that traffic does not drive down the flooded streets and exacerbate the flooding condition. CONSENT AGENDA President Hartstein explained the Consent Agenda,stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion;there were no such requests. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda. Li Moved by Glover, seconded by Braiman,to approve the Consent Agenda. ORDINANCE#2007-53—LAKE COOK ROAD BIKEPATH Motion to pass Ordinance#2007-53,directing the conveyance of real estate commonly known as the Lake Cook Road Bikepath Parcels to the County of Cook. 11919 09/24/2007 ORDINANCE#2007-54—DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Motion to pass Ordinance#2007-54,authorizing the disposal of surplus Village personal property. VILLAGE HALL CARPET REPLACEMENT Motion to authorize bid for Village Hall carpet replacement program. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the Consent Agenda: AYES: 6—Braiman,Glover,Berman,Trilling,Rubin,President Hartstein NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Kahn Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#2007-55—SANTUCCl/VENTRELLA ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Moved by Berman,seconded by Braiman,to pass Ordinance#2007-55,approving the First Amendment of the Santucci/Ventrella Annexation Agreement concerning the proposed Berenesa Plaza,a Planned Unit Development in the B-3 and O&R Districts,at the northwest and southwest corners of Deerfield Parkway and Milwaukee Avenue,based on the materials in Board packets,specifically the draft dated September 6,2007A. President Hartstein asked if there were any further questions or comments from other public bodies,the audience or the Board;there were none. President Hartstein closed the Public Hearing at 8:10 P.M. Trustee Berman read a statement reviewing his thoughts on this proposal. Trustee Berman stated that he has given this matter a great deal of thought. Mr.Kuchler confirmed to Trustee Berman that the only material modification of the development proposal is the change to the language of Paragraphs 5A and 5B of the proposed Amended Annexation Agreement. Trustee Berman stated that these gateway parcels represent the last and best opportunity for a signature retail and commercial development for the Village;he was hopeful that the proposal would contain the kind of creativity that would meet the objectives,needs and desires of the Village for expanded retail and restaurant opportunities, and service to meaningfully expand our retail sales tax base for the benefit of the entire community. However, he remains profoundly disappointed in the proposal because he does not believe,even with the modifications, that it meets those objectives. Trustee Berman believes that the layout of the site fails to appropriately maximize both the marketability to retail tenants of the type the Village would like to see located here, or the benefits or desirability of the center to Village residents as a gateway,signature development. Trustee Berman stated that he has seen nothing to make him believe this proposal is the answer to the hopes and desires of the Village;he understands and appreciates that some of his colleagues are not fully in accord with his views and most are prepared to approve this proposal;he respects those opinions and will defer to their judgment,and he sincerely hopes that the developer justifies the faith of the Village in this proposal. For these reasons,albeit with great reluctance and a sense of profound disappointment,he cannot in good conscience cast an affirmative vote in favor of approval of the proposal tonight. Trustee Trilling concurs very strongly with Trustee Berman. This is the gateway to the community and everyone wants it to succeed and be something of which to be proud. Trustee Trilling stated that he will cast an affirmative vote so that the developer will be able to move this project forward to be something bigger and better than the Village ever expected. Mr.Kuchler stated that they,too, want to make this project something better than anyone anticipated and something all may be proud of, and they will continue to communicate with the Village as they talk with 11920 09/24/2007 prospective tenants. Mr.Kuchler noted that they respect Trustee Berman's opinions,and they hope that they can prove his opinions wrong. Trustee Braiman stated that he also respects Trustee Berman's opinions,but he thinks that it is imperative to approve this development,and he thinks the developer has done a good job,he also shares some of the same concerns with Trustee Berman. Trustee Braiman stated that the developer as been very cooperative in complying with requests from the Village,and he realizes that the developer has made a tremendous investment in this property and,therefore,is also very anxious for the project to succeed. Trustee Braiman stated that he is concerned that,if this project is not approved,there will be no development,and the proposed uses will be pushed down the street where we will get no benefit;he will be voting affirmatively,but he is asking that the developer not disappoint the Board and the Village. Trustee Rubin is also very disappointed in the lack of creativity;this is the gateway to the Village and he was hoping for something creative,and he does not see that in this plan;he is disappointed that he is looking at a sea of concrete;if the proposal does pass,he hopes that the developer will surprise the Board and the uses that are brought in will be an enhancement to the Village. Trustee Braiman pointed out that the so-called sea of concrete is necessary because of the parking required by the Village;he believes that the development is somewhat unique for the Village. President Hartstein also commented that he also wants this to be a special development and is hopeful that it will be;he is pleased with the willingness of the developer to work with the Village. Trustee Berman stated that he has the same hopes and aspirations for this parcel,but he does not have the level of confidence that others do to take the leap of faith;he sincerely hopes this is a success and hopes that some day the developer can look him in the eye and say"I told you so!". Mr.Kuchler stated that they are committed to bringing a level of uses to this project that will be a unique and successful addition to the community. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4—Braiman,Glover,Trilling,President Hartstein NAYS: 1 —Rubin PRESENT: 1 —Berman ABSENT: 1 —Kahn Motion declared carried. Mr.Raysa confirmed that the above vote constitutes sufficient votes for passage. ORDINANCE#2007-56—SANTUCCIIVENTRELLA ZONING Moved by Berman,seconded by Braiman,to pass Ordinance#2007-56,approving zoning in the B-3 Planned Business Center District and the Office&Research District pursuant to the First Amendment of the Santucci/Ventrella Annexation Agreement concerning the Planned Unit Development for the proposed Berenesa Plaza,based on the materials in Board packets,specifically the draft dated September 20, 2007. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4--Braiman,Glover,Trilling,President Hartstein NAYS: I --Rubin PRESENT: 1 --Berman ABSENT: 1 --Kahn Motion declared carried. 11921 09/24/2007 ORDINANCE#2007-57—APTAKISIC CREEK CORPORATE PARK Moved by Trilling,seconded by Rubin,to pass Ordinance#2007-57,annexing property in the proposed Aptakisic Creek Corporate Park, south side of Aptakisic Road,north and west of the Leider Greenhouses. Mr.Brimm reviewed the proposed ordinance. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Braiman,Glover,Berman,Trilling,Rubin,President Hartstein NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Kahn Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#2007-58—APTAKISIC CREEK CORPORATE PARK ZONING Moved by Trilling,seconded by Rubin,to pass Ordinance#2007-58,approving zoning in the Industrial District for the property in the proposed Aptakisic Creek Corporate Park,south side of Aptakisic Road,north and west of the Leider Greenhouses. Mr.Brimm reviewed the proposed ordinance. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Braiman,Glover,Berman,Trilling,Rubin,President Hartstein NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Kahn Motion declared carried. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Moved by Trilling,seconded by Berman,to authorize the execution of an agreement and request for waiver of bidding for professional engineering services—Stormwater Consultation—Christopher B. Burke,Ltd. Mr.Brimm reviewed this proposal. Trustee Trilling thanked staff for getting this proposal together so quickly,and proceeded to explain to residents what is involved in this process. Trustee Braiman asked that Village staff or the engineering consultants make recommendations to the homeowners as to steps that they make take to help alleviate this problem. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4—Braiman,Berman,Trilling,Rubin NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 2—Glover,Kahn Motion declared carried. INTERNATIONAL 7400 SBA CHASSIS Moved by Braiman, seconded by Berman,to authorize purchase and waiver of bids for a 2007 International 7400 SBA Chassis w/Camel Super Product Combination Catch Basin Cleaner/Flusher(Central Garage Unit 435). Mr. Brimm reviewed the reason for requesting this piece of equipment,after which he answered questions from Trustees and identified the reason for the bid waiver. 11922 09/24/2007 Mr. Brimm confirmed to Trustee Braiman that this purchase is fully funded by the Central Garage Fund. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4—Braiman,Berman,Trilling,Rubin NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 2—Glover,Kahn Motion declared carried. EXECUTIVE MEETING �•/ Moved by Berman,seconded by Braiman,to move to Executive Meeting to discuss Pending Litigation. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4—Braiman,Berman,Trilling,Rubin NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 2—Glover,Kahn Motion declared carried. The Board moved to Executive Meeting from 8:50 P.M.until 9:18 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Berman,seconded by Trilling,to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote,the motion was declared carried,and the meeting was adjourned at 9:19 P.M. Jane Sirabian,Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 1st DAY OF October ,2007 Village President