2012-07-18 - Plan Commission - Minutes Board or Commission: ❑ Plan Commission Document Type: ❑A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 07/18/2012 Type of Meeting: PUBLIC HEARING BUFFALO GROVE PLAN COMMISSION July 18, 2012 Barkington Palace, 300 Lexington Drive—proposed pet resort in the Industrial District Chairman Smith called the hearing to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Council Chambers, Buffalo Grove Municipal Building, 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Chairman Smith read the Notice of Public Hearing as published in the Buffalo Grove Daily Herald, explained the procedure to be followed for the public hearing, and swore in all persons who wished to give testimony. Commissioners present: Chairman Smith Mr. Khan Mr. Cohn Ms. Myer Mr. Weinstein Mr. Goldspiel Mr. Matthews Commissioners absent: Mr. Stark Ms. Johnson Also present: Ms. Linda Webster, Barkington Palace Ms. Renee Sclafani, Barkington Palace Mr. Joseph Sclafani, the Lighthouse Services Group, LLC Ms. Beverly Sussman, Village trustee Mr. Andy Stein, Village Trustee Mr. Mike Terson, Village Trustee Mr. William Raysa, Village Attorney Mr. Robert Pfeil, Village Planner The following exhibits were presented by the petitioner at the public hearing: Exhibit 1: Display board of materials Exhibit 2: Memo from Mr. Pfeil to the Plan Commission dated July 13, 2-12 Exhibit 3: PowerPoint presentation by petitioner Ms. Renee Sclafani stated they propose a luxury, upscale premier animal resort and park. The resort will offer play care for working owners, overnight accommodations, grooming services, access to veterinary services and mostly importantly a 4,000 square foot state of the art park which is a new concept in Northern Illinois. The pet boarding industry is a 60 billion dollar per year market and they believe the future trend in the industry will be toward a higher quality, more socially innovative source of pet entertainment and care. 63 percent of U.S. households own a pet and of these households 75 percent of the owners consider their pets a member of their family. There are 68,000 registered dogs and cats in Lake County alone and those are only the dogs registered through their Rabies tags. Ms. Sclafani stated they will be offering an entirely cage free, odor free luxury resort. Their facility will offer an indoor dog park which will be especially useful in the long cold Illinois winters and the very hot summers because dogs clearly cannot be out in 100 degree weather. They will be offering free WiFi for dog parents, splash pool and a state of the art self draining odorless pet crafts. They have already reached out to two of the local facilities and several more of the facilities on the outskirts of town on lending their services to the pet shelters. They will offer some adoption events and allow them when they vacancies to bring in some of their homeless pets to have a spa day. Ms. Sclafani stated they will reach out to local schools and clubs to set up a book program where the children come in to read to the dogs and this is good for the kids to read out loud and is also good for the dogs to feel like they have a person for one on one attention. Ms. Sclafani stated they met with the referral committee of the Veterinary Specialty Clinic located on Busch Parkway and discussed having reciprocal referral agreements. They will be their exclusive 24 hour emergency vet care center. She stated they will be operating entirely inside their free standing single tenant masonry building. They will have nothing going on outside ever other than delivery from the car to the building inside. She noted the closest residents are 140 feet away and are separated by a privacy fence. The building has a sound transmission crash rating of 71 which is one of the highest ratings available. She stated they will direct their guests to dedicated areas to allow dogs coming and going to relieve themselves and will be monitored constantly throughout the day and cleaned frequently. She further noted they have already been in contact with Waste Management to discuss if they had any special needs in order to keep them coming as often as needed. They have indicated it is not a problem and they will customize a plan with them and pick up as they need. Ms. Sclafani noted with respect to cleaning and waste removal inside the facility she has spoken to Mr. Boysen and stated as long as they stick with a retail approved cleaning product versus an industrial strength product they should have no problem with draining it into the sanitary system. There was a concern about usage of plastic bags to dispose of the dog waste and they have researched alternate needs and have come with a couple of new options. First is the doggy-doo drain which requires no bags. The waste is put directly into it and tied straight into the system and you are done. The other is biodegradable bags which they will put at the entrance of the building much like the veterinary clinic uses outside of their facility. The pet grass is installed on a drainage system called shark drain and it protects the concrete which is a porous surface which could hold odors so that is why the back has holes allowing it to drain and not invade the impervious surface. Ms. Sclafani noted they have 48 parking spaces for their quests and employees to use. The parking is one way in and one way out and there is a permanent easement with the neighbor for 11 spaces adjacent to them. Ms. Sclafani noted in Illinois there is a Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare that operates under the Illinois Department of Agriculture which will inspect and license their facility. She stated they have already been in contact with them and filled out the paperwork. They have an Animal Welfare Act for the State of Illinois which they specifically follow and it has all the guidelines for their inspections. Ms. Sclafani stated as far as signage goes they are not asking for any variances. There is an existing monument sign there and they would reface that. Ms. Sclafani stated she feels their concept facility will have a positive impact on the Village of Buffalo Grove; it will bring jobs to the community, tax revenue and people from surrounding communities to the Buffalo Grove area to spend their money and will be providing a new use for an Industrial building which has been vacant for years. Ms. Sclafani noted the industrial district is intended to accommodate industrial and limited commercial activities which are most appropriate when located apart from a well buffered residential development so it has already been deemed that by the buffering on site so they do not foresee that as an issue. Chairman Smith asked the petitioner to discuss the special use criteria and how they are being met. Mr. Joseph Sclafani stated the following: 1. There are 65,000 dogs in Lake County and everyone sees a need for this kind of a facility. He noted even Buffalo Grove opened its own dog park. He noted they have met with every group out here and all necessary agents knowing there is a viable need for this kind of establishment. The beauty of this location is its fast access. 2. The size and location of the special use and intensity of the use is good for an industrial building which is used to warehousing and truck traffic. It had minor manufacturing in there at the time so the volumes of employees would have been more but the guests will be about the same. It is, however, a great convenient location with a wide open parking lot and it is convenient. It is wide open to the north of the lot where you have a security company that does security alarms. South of the building are more businesses and across the street is manufacturing again so it will be a nice blend that will not interfere with anything. There will be no trucks backing out onto Lexington Road and no interference with municipality or become a burden to life safety issues or the fire department. 3. The special use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity. There is no one there to get hurt and there is no risk of someone being run over by a truck or having a pallet jack pull up to their property line and drop a big bucket across their individual residence or small cars. 4. The location and size of the building is existing. 5. Adequate utilities and access to roads etc. have no anticipated problems and will not need any additional services as it is overuse for what they have there. 6. Parking areas are adequate in size and they have ample parking for their needs. He stated he has never been there where the parking lot has even been anywhere near capacity on either side. They have talked to each of the neighbors and they believe they have a very solid relationship with them and will never be a burden to them. In fact, their overflow may be used in this parking lot. Commissioner Goldspiel asked if the parking lot spaces which are access by easement are on the south side. Mr. Sclafani stated yes. He noted they are diagonal parked spaces give a permanent easement at time of construction utilized by both buildings. The easement was granted to 300 Lexington and they have provided a copy of the easement to the Plat of Survey to the Village. Commissioner Goldspiel asked if there is a cross easement or an easement on some of this property to the other owner. Mr. Sclafani stated it just gives the access to turn around through there. Commissioner Goldspiel asked the Village attorney about the State statute pertaining to the situation here and if we have adequate law so that the health and cleanliness of the operation can be inspected and enforced. He noted the statute appeared to deal mostly with puppy mill type of things rather than this type of thing. Mr. Raysa stated if the question goes to the health and whether the Village of Buffalo Grove has appropriate ordinances to govern the health and safety, cleanliness, maintenance of the facility, he does not know and will have to refer to either Mr. Pfeil or Brian Sheehan as far as whether the maintenance codes in the ordinances of the Village of Buffalo Grove address that specific animal circumstances that we have here. He stated his guess is that we do have general statutes because we have adopted the international codes as far as health and safety but he cannot specifically say that we have an ordinance that addresses the feces of an animal on site. Commissioner Goldspiel noted the reason he is asking the question is because the request here is for a use that we have never had in the Village before and he would like to be sure we have it covered. Mr. Sclafani stated he would like to add one thought that this is a 24 hour facility open to the public and it is a wide open space. Anyone who walks into the building will have full access and visual sight of everything going on in there and they are certainly more aware than anybody of the horrors and atrocities that we have seen. That is one of the things that brought this whole thing to light. Ms. Sclafani noted additionally they will have 24 hour cameras for their guest parents so they can monitor their pets at all times and they can monitor their employees at all times. Commissioner Weinstein asked the petitioners if they have seen the proposed definition of"pet resort" in the ordinance. Ms. Sclafani and Webster both stated yes. Commissioner Weinstein asked if they had any questions or comments on it or if they are fine with it. Both Ms. Sclafani and Ms. Webster stated yes. Commissioner Weinstein noted there is also a definition for common household pets which limits the type of pets that will be allowed and asked if there are any issues there. Ms. Sclafani and Webster both stated no issues. Commissioner Weinstein noted the proposed sign which consists of just replacing the existing sign with facing and asked if that was it. Ms. Sclafani stated that is all there is going to be. Commissioner Weinstein asked about noise control and noted they have indicated the masonry building and the quality of the sound the building provides. He asked what kind of sound could be anticipated to occur from the number of\barking dogs and such and how it relates to the masonry and the fact that it will not get through and bother the neighbors and the rest of the community. Mr. Sclafani stated they have looked into this and they have done a lot of investigation. They have gone to shooting ranges, gun ranges and other facilities that have hollow core masonry and steel studs with drivit siding and other items and their ultimate goal will be a bit of a learning curve but you will have less noise here than at any manufacturing facility in the area. The whole idea is to keep everything internal baffled with sound attenuation boards, cork boards, baffled ceilings. The idea is to redirect the sounds. Commissioner Weinstein asked if they have run any tests. Mr. Sclafani noted when they were there they did walk in, turned up the radios and the overhead door which was open was closed and they know they have to seal the overhead door better than it is. They also know they have to put in some sound baffles at the 2 foot perimeter of the building to redirect the noise in the direction it should be going. The back of the building is solid masonry with one overhead door and one man door. The overhead door will be modified to control sound. Sound baffling will be used on the door so there will be no sound transmission through the door. Diagonal baffle boards will be used to redirect the sound into the building. Sealing will be done around the doors and any areas where sound could escape the building. Commissioner Weinstein asked about the staffing on an overnight basis. Ms. Sclafani noted the 24 hour services will be on an as needed basis. Being open 24 hours is more because we have people picking their dogs up from vacation and they have guests there for 24 hours a day. Therefore, they will have someone there on staff just to monitor the facility to make sure nothing is going awry during the night. They need constant human staffing at all times. She noted they will have 1-2 overnight staff on duty. Commissioner Weinstein asked re Mr. Pfeil's memo about procedures during emergencies. Mr. Sclafani noted they will probably bring in a full service, 500 kva generator to run the facility long term. For short term the dogs and cats will not be bothered. Commissioner Cohn asked for a discussion of the location of the customer entrance and relates it to the traffic circulation in the parking lot. Mr. Sclafani stated they find the southeast corner to be perfect for them. All cars pulling in would pull in at the north, come back around the building, pull up to the front from the south side, exit, get out, bring their dogs to the front door and go back in. Any backup would be in the loop of the facility and not out on Lexington Drive. Mr. Pfeil noted for the record that the petition includes an amendment of the Village Zoning Ordinance to add a definition of pet resort and to add it as a special use in the Industrial District. Mr. Raysa noted that a PowerPoint presentation has been used for the hearing, so it should be introduced as an exhibit. He also noted that a couple of items in the presentation such as the odor control slide and the sound transmission slide were not in the petitioners' packet presented during the testimony. Mr. Sclafani requested that the PowerPoint presentation be entered into the record as an exhibit for the hearing. Mr. Raysa noted the application to the State of Illinois, Department of Agriculture does not designate the type of license that is requested by the petitioners. He asked if it was the Kennel Operator Code 4 license. Ms. Levine stated number 4 kennel operator license is correct. Mr. Raysa asked if the members of the LLC will get the operators license. Ms. Levine stated yes. Trustee Sussman noted that the rubber flooring to be used can be chewed and dogs could choke on that kind of flooring. Mr. Sclafani stated they looked at several different products such as rubber flooring, VCT, oxi-coated floors with sanding and gravel in and ultimately the problem is that anything they chew on has the potential for choking. This is the best product on the market and is safest for their joints and hips and their legs and their ability to grip on the floor so they are not slipping and falling. Trustee Sussman asked how we can be sure that it is being cleaned in such a way that there are no waste products let in. Mr. Sclafani stated he cannot guarantee anything but it is their goal to clean it as thoroughly as anybody humanly can. He noted they are working through the manufacturer's recommendation and through veterinarians. The product is designed for this use and ultimately the goal is proper cleaning. There being no further comments or questions from anyone else present, Chairman Smith closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Fay Rubin, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: ERIC SMITH, Chair Board or Commission: ❑ Plan commission Document Type: 0 A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 07/18/2012 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING BUFFALO GROVE PLAN COMMISSION July 18, 2012 Barkington Palace, 300 Lexington Drive- proposed pet resort in the Industrial District- Petition for a special use and amendment of the Industrial District Regulations to add "pet resort" as a special use Bucky's Express, 1251 McHenry Road - Review of building appearance and sign Package- proposed rebuild of gas station/convenience store and Addition of an automobile laundry (car wash) in the B-3 District Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. in the Village Council Chambers, Buffalo Grove Municipal building, 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Commissioners present: Chairman Smith Mr. Khan Mr. Cohn Ms. Myer Mr. Weinstein Mr. Goldspiel Mr. Matthews Commissioners absent: Mr. Stark Ms. Johnson Also present: Ms. Linda Webster, Barkington Palace Ms. Renee Sclafani, Barkington Palace Ms. Jennifer Levine, Barkington Palace Mr. Joseph Sclafani, The Lighthouse Services Group Mr. Walter Hainsfurther, Kurtz Associates Mr. Richard McMann, Buchanan Energy Ms. Beverly Sussman, Village Trustee Mr. Michael Terson, Village Trustee Mr. Andy Stein, Village Trustee Mr. William Raysa, Village Attorney Mr. Robert Pfeil, Village Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Commissioner Khan, seconded by Commissioner Cohn to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 6, 2012. Commissioner Goldspiel noted a correction necessary on page 6 at next to bottom paragraph. All Commissioners were in favor of the amended motion ad the motion passed unanimously with Commissioners Myer and Weinstein abstaining. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON REPORTS- None BARKINGTON PALACE, 300 LEXINGTON DRIVE - PROPOSED PET RESORT IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT - PETITION FOR A SPECIAL USE AND AMENDMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS TO ADD "PET RESORT"AS A SPECIAL USE Moved by Commissioner Weinstein, seconded by Commissioner Cohn to recommend approval to the Village Board to amend the Village ordinance (Title 17 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal code ) to add pet resort as a special use in the Industrial district, with the term pet resort defined as a for profit indoor establishment which contains three or more of the following facilities or services for dogs, cats and other common household pets, boarding day care, play park, swimming pool, grooming and limited veterinary services, not including surgery. Commissioner Cohn stated he likes this proposal and feels it is one of the more interesting and exciting things they have seen. He is excited by this project and hopes they are successful. Mr. Raysa noted the definition of pet resort includes other common household pets yet the state statute only allows dogs and cats. Mr. Sclafani stated they would prefer only dogs and cats but they realize that in some households pets include hamsters and gerbils ad such which they would like included. Mr. Raysa stated he would reserve judgment on the issue as far as the type of animals. Commissioner Weinstein asked if the definition of common household pets would be part of this Commission's motion or would be put into the regulations separately. Mr. Pfeil commented that he will consult with Mr. Raysa about the definition. He also noted that the petitioner has represented that the pet resort will focus on dogs and cats. Chairman Smith called for a vote on the motion and the vote was as follows: AYES: Khan, Cohn, Myer, Weinstein, Goldspiel, Matthews, Smith NAYS: None ABSENT: Stark, Johnson ABSTAIN: None The motion passed 7 to 0. Commissioner Weinstein noted the way he phrased the motion was simply to amend the zoning ordinance and he had not actually made the motion on the specific property. He stated he had only made the motion on the definition of the pet resort and did not make a motion for this property to qualify and intended to do that in a separate motion. Moved by Commissioner Weinstein Seconded by Commissioner Cohn for approval for the petitioner's request for a special use for a pet resort including a retail sales area in the Industrial District at the property at 300 Lexington Drive in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Chairman Smith called for a vote on the motion and the vote was as follows: AYES: Khan, Cohn, Myer, Weinstein, Goldspiel, Matthews, Smith NAYS: None ABSENT: Stark, Johnson ABSTAIN: None The motion passed 7 to 0. BUCKY'S EXPRESS, 1251 MC HENRY ROAD - REVIEW OF BUILDING APPEARANCE AND SIGN PACKAGE - PROPOSED RE-BUILD OF GAS STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE AND ADDITION OF AN AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY (CAR WASH) IN THE B- DISTRICT Mr. Walter Hainsfurther stated tonight he is here to talk about the building appearance and signs package. He reviewed the floor plan showing a single pair door not double paired doors. The current plan will be a single pair of double doors and there will be a second emergency door out the backside. Mr. Hainsfurther noted this is a 4,200 square foot building and he reviewed the elevations. The front elevation shows a masonry building with a brick masonry tower on the west side in a sable color. He presented the various color of panels to be used to give some variety to the look. There is a clear aluminum colored eyebrow that sticks out. Then there will be floor to ceiling clear glass. All equipment will be screened using a metal equipment screen to blend in. Mr. Hainsfurther noted that where they are not using the brick they will be using a cast stone product. He noted the canopy will be a typical canopy mostly white with a blue band and the word marked Mobil on the south and west side. Mr. Hainsfurther reviewed the sign plan. One of the issues they are asking for is the primary identification sign. There is a 10 foot required setback which means there really is no room to put that sign so they are asking a variance to move it to 2 feet. The sign code apparently allows 15 feet and they are willing to live with that. One of the other comments was the size of the digital numbering. Twelve inches is allowed but they are uncomfortable with anything under 18 inches due to visibility issues. There is no other gas station in Buffalo Grove with 12 inch prime signs and they feel it would be a safety hazard for motorists to make it smaller than that. Mr. Hainsfurther noted they have Bucky's signs with two of them facing the east and west. As far as the eastern sign which is a concern to Village staff he noted that if they could keep their 18 inch digital price they can probably lose the eastern side sign. They would like to keep the Bucky's sign that faces Arlington Heights Road. He stated they have two signs on the front elevation and are internally illuminated with LED lights which are energy efficient and will blend in with the rest of the site. Then they have a new sign B-Fresh sign which will be their deli brand. They will also have an entrance and exit sign over the car wash. Finally there is a menu board for the car wash that informs people of the pricing options for the car wash. It will go right next to the pay station. Mr. Hainsfurther noted the handicapped accessible space will be right in front of the door as staff had requested. They will work the pavement down so that there is no ramp and flush with the pavement and they will protect the store with a series of very small bollards that will be covered with a plastic cover. Commissioner Myer asked if the colors of the fiber cement material proposed for the exterior walls will be stable or fade. Mr. Hainsfurther stated that the material is warranted for 50 years. Commissioner Myer asked about the handicapped entrance. Mr. Hainsfurther stated they will work the pavement so that it meets the sidewalk and then to protect from cars driving into the store they will have a series of 5 bollards right in front. Commissioner Myer noted she wants to make sure that someone who is exiting that vehicle has clearance for a wheelchair or some sort of apparatus. Mr. Hainsfurther stated there will be ample clearance. Commissioner Goldspiel asked how the metal overhang works. Mr. Hainsfurther noted there is a wing wall that comes up which determines the eyebrow. It runs all the way from the wing wall to the east and then back to the north until it meets the other wing wall. It is spaced with aluminum clear and anodized. The underside is an aluminum soffit material. Commissioner Goldspiel asked how far it sticks out from the wall. Mr. Hainsfurther stated 5 feet. Commissioner Weinstein noted that first there is a 15 foot sign facing east and west. The canopies are where the fuel pumps are. One of the sheets shows a Mobil sign on the north facing and another sheet shows it on the south face. Mr. Hainsfurther noted the sign faces Route 83. He stated the two street sides are the sides that have the word mark. Commissioner Weinstein reiterated the canopy facing the street says Mobil and the sign facing east/west says Mobil. Mr. Hainsfurther noted it is the one facing Arlington Heights Road. The two corners that have it are the ones that face the two streets. Commissioner Weinstein further noted that now there is also Bucky's on the two-sided street sign and elsewhere. Mr. Hainsfurther noted Bucky's appears on the west side and on the south. The B-fresh sign is to be on the south side. Commissioner Weinstein stated it is a lot of signage for a little building consisting of Bucky's, Mobil, B-fresh and Rapid Wash. Mr. Hainsfurther stated they are not looking for a size variation in any of this. He further noted they are allowed to have signs on both frontages since they are on a corner. Clearly the gasoline is one use and he does not know of any gas station in town that does not have their name of their petroleum product up. He also does not know of any gas station that does not have the name of their mart on their building. He stated they have a number of businesses even though they are operated by the same individual or company on this site and they are trying to tell people the businesses they have. He stated he feels the signs comport well on the building and they are not overly large. They balance the building to some extent. He stated that unfortunately signs are important in retail business. If you think of this almost like a mini shopping mall it is really what you have here the signs are pretty modest. Chairman Smith asked Mr. Pfeil for a summary of signage. He noted the petitioner has agreed to take off the Bucky's on the east so where are we at as far as variations. Mr. Pfeil stated the south elevation has multiple wall signs requiring variations. The ground sign would be only 2 feet from the property line rather than 10 feet. The digits in the electronic message portion of the ground sign would need a variation to exceed 12 inches in height. He said that he will confirm with Mr. Sheehan, Deputy Building Commissioner, whether the sign areas (square footage) will require variations. Mr. Pfeil noted that the auto laundry/car wash is a special use and there are variations to the Sign Code being requested, so the Plan Commission would be well within its purview to work with the petitioner on reducing the amount of signage. Mr. Pfeil said the staff consensus is that the sign on the east wall would not be seen by most customers, so it appears that it is not needed to support the visibility of the business. Mr. Hainsfurther indicated that the petitioner will consider removing the east wall sign, but the location and size of the ground sign along Route 83 is very important to the business. They will request variations to construct the ground sign as proposed. Commissioner Myer noted there was an appearance recommendation about extending the dark brown trim at the base of the north wall along the entire wall. Mr. Hainsfurther indicated that it would be feasible to extend to the dark brown band along the north wall of the building. Commissioner Myer inquired about the landscaping proposed for the area around the ground sign. Mr. Hainsfurther noted that they are intend to landscape around the sign as best they can given the limited area available adjacent to Route 83. Chairman Smith asked about the other exit off of Courtland Drive. Mr. Pfeil stated he is waiting for the petitioner's traffic impact report. Mr. Hainsfurther stated he would have it in the morning. Chairman Smith asked about the hours of the car wash and he asked if we know what the car wash hours of the Shell are. Mr. Pfeil said he check the hours of the Shell car wash. He noted that the previous approval in 2004 for the Mobil site restricted the hours of the car wash. Mr. Hainsfurther commented that restrictions may have been to allow operation between 6:00 am and 10:00 p.m. They will discuss this with their management team. Trustee Stein he had been asked by one of the residents in the area about noise abatement and lighting on the site. Mr. Hainsfurther stated they have had a noise report commissioned and they will forward that to Village staff. There is significant landscaping proposed for the back area as well as a board on board fence. They are confident they can allay any concerns about noise. All fixtures are LED and directly downward on the site. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - None FUTURE AGENDA SCHEDULE Mr. Pfeil indicated the next meeting would be August 1, 2012. STAFF REPORT Mr. Pfeil noted the Open Meetings Act training needs to be completed by commission members. NEW BUSINESS - None ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Myer, seconded by Commissioner Khan and carried unanimously to adjourn. Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:5 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Fay Rubin, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: ERIC SMITH, Chair