2001-10-10 - Arts Commission - Minutes Board or Commission: Arts Commission Document Type: Minutes Meeting Date: 10/10/2001 Type of Meeting: Regular Meeting ARTS COMMISSION - MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, 10 October, 2001 7:00 p.m., Village Hall, Conference Room Present: Linda Rosen, Chair Rebecca Goldberg Robyn Kove Susan Moore Elizabeth Radtke Ilene Strauss Fred Weissman Lynne Schneider, Chmbr. Absent: Sandy Greenberg Staff Liaison Ghida S. Neukirch, Assistant Village Manager Trustee Liaisons Trustee Bruce Kahn - present Trustee John Marienthal Welcome Linda welcomed the commission members; the meeting began at 7:00 p.m. Linda welcomed the new trustee liaison to the Arts Commission - Bruce Kahn. Approval of Minutes, 9/19/2001 Approved by Schneider, second by Weissman. Motion Carried. Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band. First Rehearsal. Linda indicated that the first rehearsal of the new Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band was excellent. Special thanks were extended to Fred, Ilene, & Lynne for attending the rehearsal and welcoming the band players with conductor Howard Green. Thirty-six (36) musicians attended the first rehearsal. Rehearsals will continue at Meridian Middle School every Thursday evening. Liaison to the Band. Ilene accepted the appointment of AC liaison to the Symphonic Band (thank you Ilene!). Sponsorship. Trustee Kahn offered $100.00 and announced that he would serve as the band's first patron sponsor. Kahn requested that Ghida send an e-mail to the Village Board challenging them to match or exceed his contribution. The sponsorship categories were reviewed and finalized. It was discussed that letters be sent to all Buffaloes on Parade business participants and extend to them an opportunity to serve as sponsors of the first Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band. Letters will also be mailed to the property managers such as Hamilton Partners, and other community organizations such as Rotary and the Chamber. Ghida will coordinate this mailing and work with Robyn on compiling the promotional material. It was also suggested that the letters include the Commissioners names and places of employment (if desired). Letter to the editor. Linda indicated that she drafted a letter to the newspaper editor and expressed appreciation for those that participated in the Buffaloes on Parade program, discussed the band program, and highlighted the instruments still needed for the band. Band logo. The logo was revised and everyone agreed on its presentation. Fred will e-mail the logo to Ghida for Village files. Other financial issues: How do we want to address the salary/stipend issue with Howard? It was indicated that the budget plan presented to the Village provided for an annual salary of$4,200.00; $100 per week and $100 per performance. Chair Report No report. Commissioner Reports No reports. Village Report The AC contact list was distributed to the group; members were asked to update their contact information. Ordinance establishing the Commission. It was reported that the draft Ordinance establishing the Commission is still under legal review. Upon receipt, the Ordinance will be presented to the Village Board for their review and consideration. Subsequently, completed talent bank applications will be provided to the Village President with a request that additional appointments be made for members of the Arts Commission. Sculpture Park. Ghida provided information about the Vedanta Gallery, a company based at 835 W. Washington St. in Chicago. The company provides a sculpture park to municipalities, park districts, and other organizations. Twelve sculptures are loaned on an annual basis, and six are rotated each year. The cost is approximately $10,000. No action was recommended to taken. Other Business Village Flag contest. It was indicated that Jeff Braiman presented an idea to coordinate a Village Flag Design Contest. Everyone agreed with the program and established the following parameters: ✓ Open to all high school students and adults; Buffalo Grove residents or business representatives in Buffalo Grove. ✓ Coordinate the timeline to coincide with flag day on June 14, 2002. ✓ BG singers to sing star spangled banner when the new flag is displayed. ✓ Provide no restrictions on design; encourage creativity. Ghida will create a flyer and present at the next meeting. Banner Design Contest for corporations. It was suggested that this contest be coordinated in the new year. Invitations would be sent to businesses to participate, similar to the Buffaloes on Parade program. Designs would be provided for Buffalo Grove Days 2002 banners whereby one- half of the banner would provide information about BG Days and the other half would be the design or logo of the corporation. Ghida will further research this program and provide a report at the next meeting. Meeting Schedule The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14th at 7:00 p.m. (earlier starting time desired by group). AC meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted) - Village Hall, second floor conference room. Motion to Adjourn — motion made by Kove, second by Strause. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 8:25 p.m. Linda thanked the members for their attendance and input. Respectfully Submitted, Ghida S. Neukirch Assistant Village Manager cc: Bruce Kahn, Trustee Liaison John Marienthal, Trustee Liaison William R. Balling, Village Manager