2002-02-13 - Arts Commission - MinutesBoard or Commission: ❑ Arts commission Document❑ Type: A e g nda 0 Minutes Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting ARTS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, 13 February, 2002 7:00 p.m., Village Hall, Second Floor Conference Room Present: Linda Rosen, Chair Bonnie Gold Rebecca Goldberg Sandy Greenberg Lynne Schneider Fred Weissman Absent: Susan Moore Robyn Kove Gayle Pervos Ilene Strauss Elizabeth Radtke Staff Liaison Ghida S. Neukirch, Assistant Village Manager Trustee Liaisons Trustee Bruce Kahn Trustee John Marienthal Welcome Linda welcomed the commission members. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m Approval of Minutes, 1/9/2002 Motion by Schneider, second by Weissman. Motion carried. Chair Report 1) Linda announced a special article about the Arts Commission in Countryside's 1/10/2002 newspaper. 2) Linda announced that a taping of People, Places & Issues with the Village President was taped Monday afternoon. The program featured an overview of the upcoming art festival with several quality artists displayed their work. Plus a feature program was also conducted of the Symphonic Band; several Band Board members served on the interview panel. Ghida announced that the air dates will be as follows on channel 6: Mondays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., February 18 through March 16. Commissioner Reports Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band Rehearsal space. Staff sent a confirmation back to Meridian Middle School to reserve the band room beginning in April. Staff is awaiting final confirmation and a letter from Meridian providing dates where the school will not be available. For the summer, it was suggested that the Band makes inquiries regarding space for the band to rehearse; confirmation should not be made - the Village must sign all contracts. Miscellaneous Issues. • Showboat will not be performed at the upcoming performance. • BG Days parade. No costs should be expended for this performance. It was recommended that performance at various community events should be approached as a good opportunity to showcase the Band. However, it is not recommended that the Band march in the parade and compete with high school and other professional bands that have extensive experience marching, those that have uniforms, a grand presence, and flags/other visually appealing elements to the band. Upcoming performance schedule: ✓ Senior Expo, April 23, 2002. 10:00 a.m. Confirmed. ✓ Stevenson High School, April 28, 2002. 7:00 p.m. Confirmed. ✓ Rotary Concert Program, June 27, 2002. 7:00 p.m. $300.00. Confirmed. ✓ Park District Lawn Chair Lyrics (Tuesday — June/July). Waiting for confirmation. ✓ BG Days — Labor Day weekend. Inquiry inititated by staff. Waiting for confirmation. ✓ Performance with the Mt. Prospect Band. Waiting for confirmation. 4/28/2002 performance Unique Video provided a cost estimate in the amount of $1295 for 2 camera coverage. Linda and Bonnie will get other estimates. Sponsorship - Ghida provided an update on the budget and "band -aides": BAND -AI DES Date Contact Name Company Donation 3-Sep-01 Elliott Hartstein Individual $5.00 11-Oct-01 Bruce Kahn Individual 100.00 14-Nov-01 Susan Moore Nationwide Insurance 300.00 10-Dec-01 Jennifer Pfeifer Merle Norman, BG Town Center 25.00 12-Dec-01 Robyn Kove Highland Park Hosp. HFC 1000.00 17-Dec-01 Mark Esposito Pastabilities food for VIP recept. 21-Dec-01 Robert Kern Moto Photo 1000.00 21-Dec-01 lJohn Burgess linternational Profit Associates 1 1000.00 27-Dec-01 IMarvin Heimlich jDr. Marvin H. Heimlich & Associates 1 100.00 31-Dec-01 jDan Wiczer IWICO Information Technologies, Inc. 100.00 16-Jan-02 ILeonard Gold / Peter Lineal 1PIum Grove Printers, $500 printing grant 24-Jan-02 Shari Green "The Thumblady" - Thumbsucking Therapist 25.00 25-Jan-02 Patrick & Karen Scullion Individual 25.00 31-Jan-02 Alice G. Boghosian Hagopian & Boghosian, P.C. 100.00 Total $3,780.00 EXPENSE S Date Name Description Expense 14-Sep-01 jKarnes Music ISheet music 1 1 $521.03 25-Sep-01 Karnes Music Sheet music 2 160.53 26-Nov-01 Howard Green Music Conductor 500.00 26-Nov-01 Stevenson High School Auditorium Deposit (total $375) 75.00 13-Dec-01 Karnes Music Sheet music 3 84.45 12/19/01 Assoc. of Concert Bands Annual membership, paid to HG 50.00 12/21/01 Howard Green Music Conductor 500.00 1/9/02 Karnes Music Sheet music 4 84.45 1/25/02 Karnes Music Sheet music 5 228.60 1/25/02 Karnes Music (Lb. Sale) Sheet music 6 46.54 1/28/02 Assoc. of Concert Bands BMI License Fee (discounted by ACB) 75.00 1/28/02 Warner Bros. Publications Copy/License Admn; copy fee - Show Boat 120.00 1/28/02 Carl Fischer, New York Copy fee for William Tell Overture 50.00 1/28/02 ASCAP (for perf. license) Amer. Society of Composers, Authors and Pub. Total $2,495.60 Difference $1,284.40 Personality Profile. Surveys were distributed at the last Band meeting. VIP location. Ghida spoke to the owner of Valentino's Vineyard in Long Grove. Following is an update: 1) Wine label. Valentino has requested approval from the Department of ATF to obtain for a Buffalo Grove wine label. The approval process takes approximately one month. 2) The following cost estimates were obtained for a Sunday afternoon or Wednesday evening VIP reception: 50 people, $1124; 70 people $1580; 100 people, $2247. 3) It was suggested that in lieu of a VIP reception prior to the concert, we should coordinate a ,'music in the park" appreciation event at the Rotary concert. Sponsors, elected officials, and band members will be invited to attend. Ghida will check with Rotary about the feasibility of this suggestion. Plaques for sponsors will be provided at the 4/28 concert. Shirts It was agreed that the Commission should have shirts to wear to the performance. The Commission agreed on bright yellow polo shirts, embroidered, black lettering For the Band shirts, it was agreed to select white shirts, black lettering, embroidered. The band logo on the left chest, the Village logo on the left sleeve. Samples will be obtained. Buffalo Grove Fine Arts Invitational Ghida coordinated a meeting with staff to review the timeline and layout of the upcoming festival. Minutes from the meeting were sent to the Commission via e-mail. The jury will take place Thursday, April 4 beginning at 1:00 p.m. Based on interest at the last meeting, the following people will serve on the jury: Amy Amdur, Ilene Straus, Elizabeth Radtke, Sandy Greenberg, and Rebecca Goldberg. Plus, the co-owner of Eclectic and Shoes for the Soul. Village Report Nothing further. Meeting Schedule . The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 13th at 7:00 p.m. AC meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted) - Village Hall, second floor conference room. Motion to Adjourn — motion made by Greenberg, second by Weissman. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 8:00 p.m. Linda thanked the members for their attendance and input. Respectfully Submitted, Ghida S. Neukirch Assistant Village Manager cc: Bruce Kahn, Trustee Liaison John Marienthal, Trustee Liaison William R. Balling, Village Manager