2002-10-16 - Arts Commission - Minutes Board or Commission: ❑Arts commission Document Type: ❑A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 10/16/2002 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting ARTS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, 16 October, 2002 7:00 p.m., Village Hall, Second Floor Conference Room Present: Linda Rosen, Chair Bonnie Gold Lynne Schneider Fred Weissman Absent: Rebecca Goldberg Sandy Greenberg Robyn Kove Susan Moore Gayle Pervos Elizabeth Radtke Ilene Strauss Staff Liaison Ghida S. Neukirch, Assistant Village Manager Trustee Liaison Trustee Jeff Braiman Trustee Bruce Kahn Welcome Linda welcomed the commission members and special guest Ray Jagert. The meeting began at 7.00 p.m. Approval of Minutes, 9/4/2002 Deferred due to lack of quorum. Chair Report Linda reported on Schaumburg's 1% for the Arts Program. The Committee is a fairly new in its creation (1999/2000). Membership includes six members. According to Kathleen Tempesta, Schaumburg Senior Assistant to the Manager, the committee gets its inspiration from visiting art shows and foundries, reviewing art and sculpture magazines, etc. The Annual Budget is $75,000 (roughly 1% of the general fund). The purpose of the funding is to purchase art/sculpture to enhance public areas of the village. Purchases to date: 1) "Ecce Hora" by Christine Rojek/May 2002 dedication (a whimsical sundial located on the municipal grounds and second piece to be commissioned) 2) "Spirit of the Prairie" by David Allen Clark/October 2002 dedication (press release below and sculpture is located in Town Square and first piece to be commissioned) 3) "Awaking Muse" by Lawler-White piece (to be installed on the municipal grounds) Attendance. Linda indicated she would follow-up with the Commissioner whose attendance has been very low. Commissioners Reports No reports. Buffalo Grove Sculpture Park - Gayle Gayle conducted research and provided a report regarding Skokie's sculpture park. A copy of the report is available upon request. Linda recommended that everyone review the extensive report, and the information will be discussed at the next meeting. Grant Research — Ilene Linda reported that Ilene has done an extensive amount of grant research; a report will be provided at the next meeting. Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band Band Board Report . Bonnie reported that Howard expressed great appreciation to the Village and Arts Commission for assistance and support. Ray suggested coordinating a strategic planning session with the appropriate members of the Band so a budget can be created, including a review of challenges such as lack of equipment, rehearsal space, establishing a goal for the number of performances, etc. Ray volunteered to coordinate this task with the Band. October 26, 2002 Performance 1) A draft of the program was distributed to the group for review. Bonnie will share the draft with the Band Board at their meeting tomorrow; the names of the musicians needs to be reviewed. Stacey is coordinating the printer of this program; it was indicated that all changes need to be given to the Village by Friday this week. 2) Five people have volunteered to assist with food and beverage sale at the upcoming performance. 3) It was recommended that Dunkin Donuts or Panera Bread be contacted about donating coffee/refreshments for the performance. 4) Ghida will provide a cash box for the performance. 5) Ghida will obtain a check for payment of the videographer 6) Ghida will obtain a poster featuring the sponsors for this program. 7) Fred will coordinate the water bottle distribution — it was agreed that everyone contributing a minimum of $5.00 to the Band will receive a water bottle featuring "I support the Arts in Buffalo Grove" logo. 8) Ray will design a poster/flyer for the performance regarding the water bottle distribution. Band Boosters/Band-Aides. It was recommended a group of interested individuals serve as band-aides or band boosters. The individuals would work the staff table at performance, assist with sponsorship, and help promote the Band. Fred Spagat is coordinating this function on behalf of the Band. Ray suggested coordinating a tele-thon in an effort to obtain sponsors for the Band. Elmhurst Symphony Orchestra raises $15,000 to $20,000 by this endeavor annually. Sponsorship - Ghida provided an update on the budget and "band-aides". A total of $2,052.18 is in the Band budget. A copy of the budget was distributed and is available upon request. Upcoming performance schedule: ✓ 10/26/02 — Saturday, Buffalo Grove High School. 8:00 p.m. Confirmed ✓ 12/1/02 — Sunday, Hope Lutheran, 7:00 p.m. Confirmed. ✓ 12/8/02 — Sunday, St. Mary's Holiday Concert. 2:00 p.m. Confirmed. ✓ 12/15/02 — Sunday, Kingswood Methodist Church. Tentative. ✓ 5/4/03 — Sunday. 3:00 p.m. Stevenson High School. Confirmed. ✓ 7/4/03 — Independence Day Celebration, Rotary Village Green. Village Report Draft Contract from Amdur Production for 2003 Fine Art Festival. At the request of the Village, Amdur provided a contract to coordinate a fine art festival for year 2003. Ghida provided an overview of the draft proposal and expressed great concern with the $15,000 contract cost. Research is being conducting on the cost of other Amdur coordinated festivals including Highland Park, Wheaton, Botanic Garden, and others. Everyone agreed that the contract should not exceed $10,000; Ghida will follow-up with Amy and suggest that the AC can coordinate food vendors, and sale of promotional items. Meeting Schedule . The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13th at 7:00 p.m. AC meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month - unless otherwise noted. Meetings will be held at Village Hall, second floor conference room, unless noted. Motion to Adjourn — Deferred due to a lack of quorum. The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. Linda thanked the members for their attendance and input. Respectfully Submitted, Ghida S. Neukirch Assistant Village Manager cc: Jeff Braiman, Trustee Liaison Bruce Kahn, Trustee Liaison