2003-08-13 - Arts Commission - Minutes Board or Commission: ❑Arts commission Document Type: ❑A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 08/13/2003 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting ARTS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, 13 August, 2003 7:00 p.m., Village Hall, Second Floor Conference Room Present: Linda Rosen, Chair Bonnie Gold Sandy Greenberg Barbara Herman Robyn Kove Lynne Schneider Ilene Strauss Absent: Susan Mann Gayle Pervos Michelle Taxe Fred Weissman Staff Liaison Ghida S. Neukirch, Assistant Village Manager Trustee Liaison Trustee Jeff Berman Trustee Steve Trilling - present Welcome Linda welcomed the Commission members and special guests Howard Green, Jim Osters, and Dan Weinberger, BG Symphonic Band. The meeting began at 7:09 p.m. Approval of Minutes, 6/18/2003 6/18/2003— Motion by Herman, Second by Strauss. Motion carried. 7/18/2003— Motion by Kove, Second by Herman. Motion carried. Chair Report 1) Linda applauded everyone for their efforts on the second BG Invitational Fine Art Festival. She further thanked Commissioners and volunteers for sending their follow-up comments as a preliminary recap of the festival. Robyn also thanks Linda for sending a Letter to the Editor following the festival. Linda indicated that she and Ghida met with Amy earlier this week to obtain her feedback from the festival. A detailed report will be given later in the meeting. Commissioners Reports No reports. Buffalo Grove Invitational Fine Art Festival 2003— recap • Volunteer recognition from the Village Board will take place at their meeting on Monday, 8/19/2003, 7:30 p.m., Village Hall, Council Chambers. A recap of the festival will be provided at the Village Board meeting. • An overview of the financials was provided; a spreadsheet identifying revenue and expenses is available upon request. Recommendations and insights were discussed; the list was compiled and is available under separate cover. As a winter project for the AC, Linda suggested a bench decorating or painting program. The Commission would obtain from benches that could be decorated and displayed throughout the community. The benches could then be placed at future community festivals. Ilene volunteered to research the cost of various benches, and the possibility of a donation by Menards, Lowes, or Home Depot. Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band Business Plan. The Proposed Business Plan was distributed at the last meeting. Commissioners were asked to review the document and provide comments via e-mail or at the August meeting. Howard indicated that the changes by Ghida (staff) would be incorporated into the Plan. Motion to approve the Plan by Schneider, second by Greenberg. Motion carried. Dan will e-mail the Plan to Ghida for distribution to the Village Board. Park District. Howard reported that the cross-promotion with the Park District has been going well. Linda asked, on behalf of the Park District, if the Band would agree to a gratis performance. Howard responded that the Band board could discuss a specific performance; they are amenable to the suggestion. Band Board - 1) The band is soliciting churches for the winter performances; there are potentially 4 Sundays this winter that the Band will be performing. Music is on order for the winter concerts. 2) The goal for the Fall performance is to have tickets and posters ready for sale/promotion on 9/20. 3) There will be an increase in the cost of tickets for the Fall performance to $7/$9 from $5/$7. 4) The band is working on additional sponsorships, as well as modifying the sponsor levels to provide for individuals/small business/and corporate sponsorships. Steve is preparing a report for the consideration. 5) Rehearsals are back at Meridian Middle School. 6) The group is getting ready for the BG Days performance. Sponsorship - Ghida provided an update on the "band-aides" and expenditures. A copy of the budget was distributed and is available upon request. Upcoming performance schedule: ✓ 8/31/03 —Sunday. BG Days. Rotary Village Green. 7:00 p.m. —8:15 p.m. ✓ 10/25/03—Saturday. Second Annual Fall Concert. BGHS. 7:00 p.m. Advance tickets, $7;Students with identification, seniors, and door sales are $9. ✓ 5/2/04—Sunday. Second Annual Spring Concert. SHS. BG Days The Commission considered volunteering the weekend of Labor Day for BG Days. Barbara volunteered on Saturday; Lori volunteered on Sunday. Due to limited availability, it was decided that the Commission would not set-up a booth to sell fans/t-shirts and promote the AC. Proposed Art League Lori distributed a document identifying a summary of the survey results from the Fine Art Festival. A copy of the report is available upon request. Based on the survey results and research conducted at the Arboretum regarding banquet prices, Lori recommended an artist display at the fall band performance. Linda, Barbara and Gayle have volunteered to assist with the committee. Old Business 1) Due to Michelle's absence, a report regarding the discount card was deferred to the next meeting. 2) Linda reported that the Village received a letter from the Friends of the Parks promoting John Green's "Architecture and Art" program that will be featured at the Raupp Museum September 14 through November 21, 2003. The Park District has asked for sponsorship of the program in the amount of$250. Everyone agreed that due to financial reasons, it was not in the best interests of the Commission to provide financial support for the program. Village Report No report. New Business 1) Linda asked everyone to come to the next meeting with goals for the new "school year". 2) Ilene indicated that Marilyn Alaynick, a volunteer at the Arts Festival, expressed an interest in joining the AC. Ghida will follow-up and send her a talent bank application. All Meeting Schedule . The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 10th at 7:00 p.m. AC meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month - unless otherwise noted. Meetings will be held at Village Hall, second floor conference room, unless noted. Motion to Adjourn — Motion by Greenberg, second by Schneider. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. Linda thanked the members for their attendance and input. Respectfully Submitted, Ghida S. Neukirch Assistant Village Manager cc:Jeff Berman, Trustee Liaison Steve Trilling, Trustee Liaison