2001-10-15 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Agenda Packet VILLAGE OF VILLAGE °F u u sAuffalo BUFFALO GROVE Grout Uh hL1i�l Fifty Raupp Blvd. Buffalo Grove,IL 60089-2100 Phone 847-459-2518 Fax 847.459-7906 Meeting of the Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Trustees Regular Meeting October 15, 2001 7:30 PM I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Approval of Minutes A. Minutes of the October 1, 2001 Regular Board meeting V. Approval of Warrant Approval of Warrant#944 VI. Village President Report A. Trick or Treat Day in Buffalo Grove (President Hartstein) VII. Reports from the Trustees VIII. Village Manager's Report A. Report on the Chicago Power Purchase Alliance B. 2001 Buffalo Grove Days Financial Report (Trustee Glover) C. Village of Buffalo Grove Flu Vaccine Program (Trustee Johnson) D. JCC Request to Sub-Lease the Former Tuesday Morning Space to a Bookseller (Trustee Kahn) E. Report on Status of Project Concerning Police Station Lower Level IX. Special Business X. Questions from the Audience Discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 10 minutes. Presentations before the Village Board should be scheduled through the Village Manager's Office five days prior to each meeting. XL Consent Agenda All items listed on the Consent Agenda, which are available in this room this evening, are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered after all other Regular Agenda items. (Attached). XII. Ordinances and Resolutions A. Ordinance No. 2001- Amending Chapter 5.20 Liquor Controls, reserving a Class A license for Bumpers, Inc. (President Hartstein) B. Resolution 2001- Rescinding Resolution 2001-18 and Reallocating $264,000, the balance of the Village of Buffalo Grove's 2001 Private Activity Bond Allocation to the Illinois Development Housing Authority. (Trustee Braiman) XIII. Old Business XIV. New Business A. Pre-application Conference: Riverwalk North, east of Milwaukee Ave north of Riverwalk Drive, Amendment of annexation agreement, P.U.D. and Preliminary Plan concerning a mixed-use development (Trustee Kahn) B. Authorization to Waive Bidding and to Authorize the Village Manager to Approve Change Orders for Certain Project Elements for the Arboretum Golf Course Facilities Development Program (Trustee Braiman) C. Award of Contract for Golf Car Leases for Arboretum and Buffalo Grove Golf Club (Trustee Braiman) XV. Executive Session XVI. Adjournment: Approximately 10:30 p.m. The Village Board will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 10:30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 10:30 p.m. The Village of Buffalo Grove,in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act,requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2518 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Consent Agenda October 15,2001 7:30 PM XI. Ordinances and Resolutions A. Ordinance 2001- approving a variation to Sign Code,Section 14.20.030, pertaining to Business Districts;Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs; Section 14.20.080,pertaining to Wall Signs; and Section 14.20.130,pertaining to Directional Signs for CVS Pharmacy,20 E. Dundee Road,Buffalo Grove, Ili ois (Trustee Marienthal) RECOMMENDATION:Approve by motion. SUMMARY: Recommendation to grant variance request by North American Signs, for CVS Pharmacy,20 East Dundee Road,that would permit the installation of two (2) combined CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank ground signs,wail signs and directional signs. B. Ordinance 2001- approving a variation to Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.36.030.F, pertaining to Parking, Design and Maintenance for 292 St. Mary's Parkway, Buffalo Grove, Illinois (Trustee Berman) RECOMMENDATION:Approve by motion. SUMMARY: Recommendation to approve the variation request pertaining to Parking, Design and Maintenance,for the purpose of replacing an existing residential driveway apron. C. Ordinance No. 2001- Amending Title 6, Animals,of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (Trustee Johnson) RECOMMENDATION: Approve by motion. SUMMARY: Amends Title 6 to modify the definition of a"potentially dangerous animal" and to allow for more discretion on the part of the Hearing Board to place additional restrictions, or limitations on the animal in question. D. Resolution 2001- Relating to the Participation by Elected Officials In the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (Trustee Marientha l) RECOMMENDATION:Approve by.motion. SUMMARY: A Resolution relating to the Participation by Elected OAklals In the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. E. Resolution 2001- Allowing More Than 50 Months of Retroactive IMRF Service Credit for Elected Officials. (Trustee Braiman) RECOMMENDATION:Approve by motion. SUMMARY: Allows more than 50 months of retroactive IMRF service credit for elected officials. New Business F. Authorization to Bid Site Demolition Service-Arboretum Golf Course Facilities (Trustee Braiman) RECOMMENDATION:Approve by motion. stostA Y: Q. t H tiMess Agreement between Village of Buffalod'Pace,the '. S rban Bus Division of the Regional Transport 7 t `�stee Braimen) RECOMMENDATION:Approve by ram. SUMMARY: Old Elt.i1311103se None • Meeting of the Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Trustees Regular Meeting October 15, 2001 7:30 PM I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Approval of Minutes V. Approval of Warrant VI. Village President Report VII. Reports from the Trustees Vill. Village Manager's Report IX. Special Business X. Questions from the Audience Discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 10 minutes. Presentations before the Village Board should be scheduled through the Village Manager's Office five days prior to each meeting. XI. Consent Agenda None XII. Ordinances and Resolutions XIII. Old Business XIV. New Business XV. Executive Session XVI. Adjournment: Approximately 10.30 p.m. The Village Board will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 10.30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 10.30 p.m. The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2518 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Consent Agenda October 15, 2001 7:30 PM XI. Ordinances and Resolutions None New Business None Old Business None 11149 10/01/2001 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE,HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS,50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS ON MONDAY,OCTOBER 1,2001 CALL TO ORDER President Hartstein called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present:President Hartstein;Trustees Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman, Johnson and Kahn. Also present were:William Balling,Village Manager;William Raysa,Village Attorney;William Brimm,Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director;Ghida Neukirch,Assistant Village Manager;Gregory Boysen,Director of Public Works;Richard Kuenkler,Village Engineer;Police Chief McCann;Deputy Police Chief Lippert;and Joseph Tenerelli,Village Treasurer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Glover,seconded by Berman,to approve the minutes of the September 24,2001 Special Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman,Johnson,Kahn NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. WARRANT#943 Mr.Tenerelli read Warrant#943. Moved by Marienthal,seconded by Johnson,to approve Warrant#943 in the amount of $852,259.84,authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman,Johnson,Kahn NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE President Hartstein thanked the Buffalo Grove Fire Department for the successful Open house they sponsored this weekend. It was enjoyed by the entire community. On behalf of the Board and the community he thanked the Department COMMUNITY WALKS President Hartstein commended School District 96 for their walk to promote reading. The walk was sponsored by their School District 96 Foundation. He also noted that the Highland Park Health and Fitness Club sponsored a walk with proceeds going to the Walter Payton Foundation. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK PROCLAMATION President Hartstein read a Proclamation declaring the week of October 7— 13 as Fire Prevention Week in the Village of Buffalo Grove and asked for concurrence from the Board. 11150 10/01/2001 TRANSPORTATION ISSUES Trustee Berman thanked the Chamber of Commerce for their efforts in getting their membership involved with the Route 53 public hearings that are coming up. He also thanked Lou Eisenberg for gathering the support for the Route 53 extension from the residents in the Crossings and those of Concord Place. Lake County Transportation Improvement project will be holding their public hearings on the environmental impact statement for the extension and the alternative which is being studied,on October 23 and 25. The public is urged to attend. Trustee Berman thanked Lake County Board member David Stolman for his efforts in securing funds for improvements at Prairie and Port Clinton Roads. ICMA CONFERENCE Mr.Balling gave a brief report on the ICMA Conference that he and Bill Brimm attended in Salt Lake City,Utah last week. It was an opportunity for professional development for each of them. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Alicia Webber,320 Foxford Drive and Rick Joseph 2870 Daulton Drive,Canterbury Fields subdivision,addressed the Board regarding traffic control between the hours of 7:30 a.m.to 8:00 a.m. with students cutting through their subdivision going to Stevenson high school. Mr.Balling noted that the Police Department will be notified and be requested to assess the situation. Karen Golan,2067 Sheridan Road,Rolling Hills subdivision,reviewed outstanding issues that remain to be completed by the developer,Scarsdale Homes. She reviewed the village's memo in response to her request and requested that the Letter of Credit not be extended. Mr.Balling reviewed the village's work plan to address the issues. CONSENT AGENDA President Hartstein explained the Consent Agenda,stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. The Deputy Village Clerk then read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda. President Hartstein stated that an ordinance amending Chapter 13.12 regarding stormwater management has been removed from tonight's agenda awaiting further information from staff. Moved by Glover,seconded by Kahn to approve the Consent Agenda. RESOLUTION NO 2001-36,Grant Fundin¢for Port Clinton&Prairie Road Intersection Motion to approve Resolution No.2001-36,approving an Intergovernmental Agreement providing CMAQ grant funding for the Right-Of-Way acquisition for the Port Clinton Road and Prairie Road intersection improvement. RESOLUTION NO.2001-37 Port Clinton&Prairie Road Intersection Appraisal services Motion to approve Resolution No.2001-37,approving an agreement for appraisal services for the Port Clinton Road and Prairie Road intersection improvement. RESOLUTION NO 2001-38-Port Clinton Road and Prairie Road Intersection-Appraisal Review Services Motion to approve Resolution No.,2001-38—approving an agreement for appraisal review services for the Port Clinton Road and Prairie Road intersection improvement. 11151 10/1/01 RESOLUTION NO.2001-39-Port Clinton Road and Prairie Road Intersection-Nezotiation Services Motion to approve Resolution No.,2001-38—approving an agreement for negotiation services for the Port Clinton Road and Prairie Road intersection improvement. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM—Authorization to Bid Motion to authorize to bid the installation of a fire sprinkler system for Fire Station 26 and Fire Administration as per the FY2001/2002 CIP Budget Project#PBF38/39 WERCHEK PROFESSIONAL CENTER Motion to approve the Wechek Professional Center Development Improvement Agreement,Final Plat and Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the Consent Agenda: AYES: 6—Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman,Johnson,Kahn NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION 2001-40,commendin¢Officer Kerry Kenny Moved by Glover,seconded by Johnson,to approve Resolution No.2001-40,Commending Officer Kerry Kenny for service to the Village of Buffalo Grove, 1971-2001. AYES: 6—Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman,Johnson,Kahn. NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. POLICE DEPARTMENT LOWER LEVEL REMODELING Mr.Balling reviewed the subject,details of which can be found in W.Boysen's Overview comments. The project will include locker room and bathroom expansion and a conference room in the lower level of the Police Department. Mr.Balling recommends that Amlex Developers with a bid of$168,589 as the low qualified submitter be retained through bid waiver. This bid is under the CIP estimate for FY2001-02. Deputy Chief Lippert and Mr. Boysen have worked together on the project and concur with the recommendation. Trustee Marienthal asked if there would be available State funding,to which Mr.Boysen replied he was not aware of any. Trustee Braiman asked Mr.Balling if all proposals were given the same specs. He replied that the contractors were asked to give their own functional approach and price that approach. Trustee Braiman then asked that if the other contractors were given the Amlex concept,could the Village save even more money? Mr.Boysen replied that each submitter was given the same base proposal and that if the reason for giving the other contractors Amlex's proposal was to get a lower price,Amlex's offer may be lost. Trustee Johnson believes that there is a statutory obligation to bid the project. President Hartstein asked Mr.Raysa if this approach so far is proper. Mr.Raysa replied that every time there is a public works project,it must be bid pursuant to State law. State law also allows a waiver of bid by 2/3 of Trustees(or four votes),doing away with the bid requirement. Several times the Village has done that,allowing Staff to negotiate a contract. He believes that the handling of this project so far is legal. Trustee Kahn proposed that this needs to go to bid to a broader community. Mr.Boysen commented that our solicitation for proposals was only provided to firms that we knew or have previously done business. Going to bid 11152 10/01/2001 with negligible specifications would not produce a quality project response. If we competitively bid the project,he would recommend getting an architect to prepare bid documents and bid it in the standard way. Mr.Balling expressed concerns that there may be a risk that Amlex may not want to cooperate. Trustee Glover asked if this project was put out to quote without bid specifications,how do we know what quality of product will be used. She is concerned that the concept was not communicated well enough to all the contactors. She would like to see the proposals of all the contractors to verify what made them so much higher than Amlex's. Mr.Balling reviewed some of the factors that permitted Amlex to present a bid at a much lower price. The primary difference was the space was originally perceived as a new space,which is a concept that the village did not want to pursue. The Village would have accepted any of the designs if it were the right price. Amlex had the best design. Staff used an unconventional approach to keep the project's cost at the same level as the CIP. Moved by Braiman seconded by Johnson to defer the subject pending more information. Trustee Berman believed it has become too complicated and that we do not need to go out for a formal bidding process. It is a fairly expensive project and it would add to the comfort level if the description provided by Amlex leaving out the pricing,was given to the other known contractors and ask for their estimate. He believes that Amlex should be willing to have their estimate tested by other contractors. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6— Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman,Johnson,Kahn NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. EXECUTIVE MEETING The Board moved to Executive Meeting for the purpose of Real Estate Acquisition. AYES: 6—Marienthal,Braiman,Glover,Berman,Johnson,Kahn NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. The Board moved to Executive Meeting from 8:35 p.m.to 9:05 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Marienthal,seconded by Glover to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote,the motion was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Jane L.Olson,Deputy Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS DAY OF ,2001. Village President i I I i i VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WARRANT#944 15-Oct-01 Corporate Fund: Reimbursement 185,056.73 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 Revenue Reimbursements 164,616.83 Legislative 14,212.97 Office of Village Manager 17,381.04 Planning 0.00 Management Information Systems 5,365.65 Legal 4,489.79 Finance&General Services 32,694.05 Fire Services 287,585.73 Police Services 89,601.91 Building &Zoning 19,091.61 Engineering Services 14,648.48 Building &Grounds 58,933.41 Street& Bridge Operations 125,850.36 Street& Bridge Administration 5,822.28 Forestry 74,456.10 ESDA 156.03 Transfer/Non Operating 214,978.76 Total 1,314,941.73 IMRF: Employee Contributions 0.00 Employer Contributions 0.00 Total 0.00 Parking Lot Fund: 488.41 Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 0.00 Capital Projects-Facilities: 341,275.13 Capital Projects-Streets: 3,894.18 Contractual Street Maintenance Debt Service Fund: 0.00 Bond &Interest Fund#1: 0.00 Bond &Interest Fund#2: 0.00 Bond &Interest Fund#3: 0.00 Facilities Development Debt Service: 0.00 Police Pension Fund: 0.00 Fire Pension Fund: 750.00 Water Fund: Reimbursements 0.00 Revenue Reimbursements 164.26 Water Operations 1,012,144.47 Sewer Operations 97,963.97 Total 1,110,272.70 Buffalo Grove Golf Fund: Reimbursements 0.00 Expenses 84,659.05 Total 84,659.05 Central Garage Fund: Reserve for Capital Replacement 37,269.76 Reimbursements 0.00 Expenses 15,133.23 Total 52,402.99 Arboretum Golf Fund: Reimbursements 0.00 Expenses 140,295.78 Total 140,295.78 MIS Replacement Fund 11,131.90 Refuse Service Fund: 83,905.42 PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 10/07/01 722,070.11 PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 0.00 TOTAL WARRANT#944 3,866,087.40 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS Village Clerk Village President 10/07/01 Adj Long/Bonus(Oct) Balance Net Earnings 369,450.03 70,847.67 440,297.70 Federal W/H PENMO 945 0.00 Federal W/H BW 941 74,336.95 8,142.48 82,479.43 Federal W/H MO 941 0.00 Credit Union 27,038.56 27,038.56 State W/H 14,341.61 1,553.80 15,895.41 State W/H Wisc 576.84 576.84 United Way 284.00 284.00 AFLAC 17.30 17.30 Police Pension 16,036.71 4,331.26 20,367.97 Fire Pension 11,244.01 304.39 11,548.40 Flex Savings 1,418.54 1,418.54 Dependent Care 747.29 747.29 Retiree Health Sav 1,156.52 1,156.52 ICMA Employee 26,605.70 26,605.70 ICMA Employer 2,243.58 2,243.58 PPO Premium Deduct 3,814.56 3,814.56 I PBC/Retirees 0.00 FICA 15,397.84 2,704.10 18,101.94 36,203.88 FOP 85.00 85.00 Medicare 7,014.14 1,074.36 8,088.50 16,177.00 52,380.88 Fire Dues 1,272.00 1,272.00 Life Insurance 12.00 12.00 PC Purchase 1,935.17 1,935.17 Garnishments 3,220.09 3,220.09 Suspension 0.00 General Fund Fire 241.00 241.00 Sub-total 578,489.44 0.00 88,958.06 667,447.50 693,637.94 IMRF-Supplement 427.50 427.50 IMRF-Employee 0.00 10,189.81 1,962.66 12,152.47 IMRF-Employer 0.00 13,292.02 2,560.18 15,852.20 Gross Payroll 602,398.77 0.00 93,480.90 695,879.67 722,070.11 Bank Transfer Equals total of Payd Dist by Org ee Pay Adjustment Register, Current Employer Expense Payroll Gross 722,070.11 Bank Sheets should always=this# Water/Sewer 29,307.83 Police Pension Fire Pension BG Golf 23,996.60 Arb Golf 17,700.83 Difference between Pyrl Gross 651,064.85 Total Other Funds 71,005.26 less water/golf/pension Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 1 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000010 CORPORATE FUND VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 99998 EDWARD WEILER 160881 049956 224 DEP DIA 1,000.00 166450 050168 224 DEP DIA 1,000.00 *TOTAL VENDOR -> ONE-TIME VENDORS 2,000.00 155017 CORNERSTONE BUILDERS,INC 200165 049849 224 DEP DIA 7,120.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CORNERSTONE BUILDER 7,120.00 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 221 41,666.76 NOV 01 050159 221 11,037.60- NOV 01 050159 221 195.20- *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 30,433.96 902750 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 09-25-01 050195 136 PER PROP REP TAX 6,097.95 SEPT 01 050190 136 INT DIST INVEST P 257.63 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 6,355.58 903010 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050185 127 INT DIST INVEST P 4,780.81 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 4,780.81 903030 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050183 123 INT DIST INVEST P 13,811.24 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 13,811.24 903080 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050184 126 INT DIST INVEST P 116.86 9/25/01 050191 126 PER PROP REP TAX 4,733.37 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 4,850.23 903130 VBG-FAC DEV DEBT SERV FND 9/25/01 050192 128 PER PROP REP TAX 12,110.61 9/25/01 050192 128 PER PROP REP TAX 7,505.17 SEPT 01 050186 128 INT DIST INVEST P 762.27 9/25/01 050192 128 PER PROP REP TAX 8,016.88 *TOTAL VENDOR VBG-FAC DEV DEBT SE 28,394.93 * 903140 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 9/25/01 050194 131 PER PROP REP TAX 42,173.93 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 42,173.93 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 2 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000010 CORPORATE FUND VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 903160 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050189 134 INT DIST INVEST P 350.59 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 350.59 * 903200 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050182 122 INT DIST INVEST P 682.59 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 682.59 * 903240 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 9/25/01 050193 130 PER PROP REP TAX 36,203.91 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 36,203.91 * 903280 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050187 132 INT DIST INVEST P 1,628.13 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 1,628.13 * 903340 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SEPT 01 050188 133 INT DIST INVEST P 6,270.83 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 6,270.83 **TOTAL CORPORATE FUND 185,056.73 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 3 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000210 CORPORATE REVENUE VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 99998 AUSTIN ELECTRIC 10/01/01 049891 1139 ELEC INSP FEES 75.00 1348 050267 1081 PASS REG 22.50 *TOTAL VENDOR -> ONE-TIME VENDORS 97.50 * 152888 CDW ADJ NOV-AP 049899 1066 HOME RULE SALES T 80.33 *TOTAL VENDOR CDW 80.33 * 364410 EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO OCT 01 050120 1066 STATE SALES TAX/H 54,745.66 OCT 01 050120 1052 STATE SALES TAX/H 109,491.34 *TOTAL VENDOR EDWARD HINES LUMBER 164,237.00 * 418935 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 10/2/01 050281 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 42.00 9/27/01 050276 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 14.00 10/2/01 050279 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 14.00 10/2/01 050282 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 76.00 9/27/01 050275 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 14.00 10/2/01 050277 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 14.00 10/2/01 050280 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 14.00 10/2/01 050278 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 14.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ILLINOIS STATE POLI 202.00 **TOTAL CORPORATE REVENUE 164,414.83 202.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 4 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000401 LEGISLATIVE VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 36570 AMERICAN CHARGE SERVICE 9/24/01 050139 4942 SR CIT TAXI 32.50 *TOTAL VENDOR AMERICAN CHARGE SER 32.50 36570 AMERICAN CHARGE SERVICE MULTIPLE 049842 4942 SR CIT TAXI 60.00 *TOTAL VENDOR AMERICAN CHARGE SER 60.00 51035 ARCH WIRELESS K22502021 049888 3211 TELEPHONE 6.75 K22502021 049888 3211 TELEPHONE .82 *TOTAL VENDOR ARCH WIRELESS 7.57 * 51051 AREAWIDE CELLULAR 38754 050140 3713 B G DAYS COMM 75.00 *TOTAL VENDOR AREAWIDE CELLULAR 75.00 * 160360 CROWN TROPHY 212101 049850 3720 OTHER BOARDS & CO 145.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CROWN TROPHY 145.00 * 204800 ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE 10/9/01 050283 3716 PLAN COMMISSION 89.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ELGIN COMMUNITY COL 89.00 322150 GOV PERS TEST SERV INC 5936 050223 3714 FIRE & POLICE DEP 350.00 *TOTAL VENDOR GOV PERS TEST SERV 350.00 * 370980 HOLY FAMILY MED CTR 6099880001 050225 3714 POLICE & FIRE COM 768.00 *TOTAL VENDOR HOLY FAMILY MED CTR 768.00 * 417800 IL FIRE & POL. COMM ASSOC YR 2002 049915 3714 FIRE & POL COMM 340.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL FIRE & POL. COMM 340.00 * 422115 INDESTRUCTO RENTAL CO 10653 050231 3713 B G DAYS COMM 10,525.00 *TOTAL VENDOR INDESTRUCTO RENTAL 10,525.00 512730 LAKE CO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 102 049925 3113 DUES/MEMB 20.00 *TOTAL VENDOR LAKE CO MUNICIPAL L 20.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 5 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000401 LEGISLATIVE VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 514500 CED/LAPPIN CREDIT OFFICE MULTIPLE 049926 3713 MISC SUPP/BG DAYS 13.81 *TOTAL VENDOR CED/LAPPIN CREDIT 0 13.81 * 842100 303 TRANSPORTATION 281093 049875 4942 SR CIT TAXI 35.00 *TOTAL VENDOR 303 TRANSPORTATION 35.00 * 881070 UNIQUE VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 3763 049876 4941 CABLE TV PROG 695.00 3766 049953 4941 CABLE TV PROG 770.00 *TOTAL VENDOR UNIQUE VIDEO PRODUC 1,465.00 933660 WHITE WAY SIGN 167931 049957 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 272.73 *TOTAL VENDOR WHITE WAY SIGN 272.73 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 3713 14.36 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 14.36 **TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 14,123.97 89.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 6 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000405 OFC VLG MANAGER VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 51035 ARCH WIRELESS K2250202I 049888 3211 TELEPHONE 13.50 *TOTAL VENDOR ARCH WIRELESS 13.50 * 58010 AT&T WIRELESS SERV-CHIC 8799 AUG 0 049843 3211 TELEPHONE 63.48 *TOTAL VENDOR AT&T WIRELESS SERV- 63.48 * 80000 WILLIAM R BALLING 9/21-26 050142 3213 TRAVEL 807.20 *TOTAL VENDOR WILLIAM R BALLING 807.20 * 154170 CONVERTED IMAGES, INC 10777 049848 3220 VILLAGE NEWSLETTE 8,750.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CONVERTED IMAGES, I 8,750.00 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050213 3240 OFF SUPP 6.86 MULTIPLE 050213 3240 OFF SUPP 14.90 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 21.76 276000 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 5-946-7545 050218 3212 POSTAGE 17.04 *TOTAL VENDOR FEDERAL EXPRESS CDR 17.04 376000 ILCMA 2001 VERST 049854 3113 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 147.50 *TOTAL VENDOR ILCMA 147.50 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 927.76- NOV 01 050159 3111 3,847.12 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 2,919.36 * 577600 MOHAWK STAMP CO. MULTIPLE 049863 3240 OFF SUPP 20.20 MULTIPLE 049863 3240 OFF SUPP 10.65 *TOTAL VENDOR MOHAWK STAMP CO. 30.85 * 620320 OCE-USA, INC MULTIPLE 049937 4313 OFFICE EQUIP 1,257.00 MULTIPLE 049937 4313 OFFICE EQUIP 275.00 *TOTAL VENDOR OCE-USA, INC 1,532.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 7 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000405 OFC VLG MANAGER VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 2,833.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 2,833.00 903230 VBG VIL MGRS OFFICE 10/08/01 050177 3215 MISC EXP 28.00 10/08/01 050177 3215 MISC EXP 20.00 10/08/01 050177 3112 MISC EXP 65.99 10/08/01 050177 3215 MISC EXP 30.00 10/08/01 050177 3215 MISC EXP 12.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VBG VIL MGRS OFFICE 155.99 * 903455 VERIZON WIRELESS 25002 AUG 049955 3211 TELEPHONE 89.36 *TOTAL VENDOR VERIZON WIRELESS 89.36 * **TOTAL OFC VLG MANAGER 17,381.04 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 8 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000407 MIS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 51035 ARCH WIRELESS K22502021 049888 3211 TELEPHONE 6.75 *TOTAL VENDOR ARCH WIRELESS 6.75 152890 CDW COMPUTER CTRS EN36071 050147 4313 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 830.80 *TOTAL VENDOR CDW COMPUTER CTRS 830.80 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 410.60- NOV 01 050159 3111 2,058.75 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 1,648.15 620200 NOVA BUS TECHNOLOGIES 15-512 049867 3221 COMP SERV 1,715.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NOVA BUS TECHNOLOGI 1,715.00 712180 PRECISION SYSTEMS CONCEPT 23954 049870 3221 COMP SERV 380.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PRECISION SYSTEMS C 380.00 749500 RMS INFO TECH INTEG MULTIPLE 049872 3221 RES CAP REP/COMP 775.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RMS INFO TECH INTEG 775.00 903230 VBG VIL MGRS OFFICE 10/08/01 050177 3211 MISC EXP 9.95 *TOTAL VENDOR VBG VIL MGRS OFFICE 9.95 **TOTAL MIS 5,365.65 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 9 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000408 LEGAL SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 200412 DYNAMEX 57912 050152 3617 MSGR FEES 28.56 *TOTAL VENDOR DYNAMEX 28.56 * 200412 DYNAMEX 56853 049851 3617 MSGR FEES 28.56 *TOTAL VENDOR DYNAMEX 28.56 * 654400 OTTOSEN, TREVARTHEN, 20431 050167 3618 SPEC COUNCIL 240.00 *TOTAL VENDOR OTTOSEN, TREVARTHEN 240.00 * 687700 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS,INC. 9/29/01 050251 3615 LEGAL NOTICES 194.92 *TOTAL VENDOR PADDOCK PUBLICATION 194.92 * 735200 WILLIAM RAYSA OCT 01 049942 3611 RETAINER FEE 3,997.75 *TOTAL VENDOR WILLIAM RAYSA 3,997.75 * **TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 4,489.79 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 10 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000410 FIN & GEN SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 10550 AIM BUSINESS PRINTERS 5426 050198 3219 PRINTING 2,800.00 *TOTAL VENDOR AIM BUSINESS PRINTE 2,800.00 * 36950 AMERITECH MULTIPLE 050200 3211 TELEPHONE 5,058.45 *TOTAL VENDOR AMERITECH 5,058.45 * 51035 ARCH WIRELESS K22502021 049888 3211 TELEPHONE 13.50 *TOTAL VENDOR ARCH WIRELESS 13.50 * 58181 AT&T MULTIPLE 050202 3211 TELEPHONE 274.18 MULTIPLE 050202 3211 TELEPHONE 98.94 MULTIPLE 050202 3211 TELEPHONE 46.33 MULTIPLE 050202 3211 TELEPHONE 114.33 *TOTAL VENDOR AT&T 533.78 * 103000 BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY 25189 050204 3219 PRINTING 622.97 *TOTAL VENDOR BOOK PUBLISHING COM 622.97 * 108500 WILLIAM H BRIMM 9/21-26 050144 3213 TRAVEL 1,287.94 *TOTAL VENDOR WILLIAM H BRIMM 1,287.94 * 152889 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC DL68653 050211 3240 OFF SUPP 57.77 *TOTAL VENDOR CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 57.77 * 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050213 3240 OFF SUPP 75.95 MULTIPLE 050213 3240 OFF SUPP 30.62 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 106.57 * 163100 CULLIGAN WATER COND. 932062 SEP 050214 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 47.50 *TOTAL VENDOR CULLIGAN WATER COND 47.50 204250 V.W. EIMICKE ASSOCIATES 203239 050215 3240 OFFICE SUPP 192.62 *TOTAL VENDOR V.W. EIMICKE ASSOCI 192.62 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 11 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000410 FIN & GEN SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 276000 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 5-946-7545 050218 3212 POSTAGE 61.87 *TOTAL VENDOR FEDERAL EXPRESS CDR 61.87 * 284280 FLAGS OVER AMERICA 22564 050219 3240 OFFICE SUPP 1,053.00 *TOTAL VENDOR FLAGS OVER AMERICA 1,053.00 * 302444 GALLAGHER BENEFIT SERV 26068 050053 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 180.00 *TOTAL VENDOR GALLAGHER BENEFIT S 180.00 * 348420 THE HARTFORD 8310115495 050155 3511 RISK MGMT POOL 256.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THE HARTFORD 256.00 * 361100 HEWITT ASSOCIATES 579313 050156 4913 CONS FEES OTHER 2,600.00 *TOTAL VENDOR HEWITT ASSOCIATES 2,600.00 * 376000 ILCMA YR 2.001/02 050227 3113 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 151.25 *TOTAL VENDOR ILCMA 151.25 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 6,890.22 NOV 01 050159 3111 2,076.12- *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 4,814.10 545495 ART MALINOWSKI 10/21-24 050237 3214 PER DIEM ALL 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ART MALINOWSKI 150.00 562103 MCGLADREY & PULLEN, LLP MULTIPLE 050164 3230 AUDIT FEES 1,600.00 MULTIPLE 050164 3230 AUDIT FEES 8,000.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MCGLADREY & PULLEN, 9,600.00 620320 OCE-USA, INC 1424676 050247 4313 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,257.00 *TOTAL VENDOR OCE-USA, INC 1,257.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 12 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000410 FIN & GEN SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 841600 THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOC MULTIPLE 050260 4913 CONS FEES OTHER 1,609.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THIRD MILLENNIUM AS 1,609.00 * 903125 VBG-FIRE DEPT PETTY CASH 10/9/01 050264 3212 MISC EXP 17.38 *TOTAL VENDOR VBG-FIRE DEPT PETTY 17.38 * 903220 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/11/01 050303 3112 MISC EXP 11.00 10/11/01 050303 3212 MISC EXP 3.00 10/3/01 050176 3215 MISC EXP 15.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 29.00 903250 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO P. D. 9/27/01 050178 3212 MISC EXP 33.24 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 33.24 949072 WORKFORCE YR 2001 050071 3218 SUB/PUB 59.00 *TOTAL VENDOR WORKFORCE 59.00 964520 XEROX CORPORATION 84542888 050266 3216 MAINT CONTR 102.11 *TOTAL VENDOR XEROX CORPORATION 102.11 **TOTAL FIN & GEN SERVICES 32,694.05 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 13 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000421 FIRE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 3210 ABERNATHY'S DEPT. STORE 47 049883 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 48.60 *TOTAL VENDOR ABERNATHY'S DEPT. S 48.60 3210 ABERNATHY'S DEPT. STORE 25193 050300 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 50.85 *TOTAL VENDOR ABERNATHY'S DEPT. S 50.85 10408 AGA LINDE HEALTHCARE 92951802 050197 3250 MISC SUPP 62.87 92926881 049841 3250 MISC SUPP 43.31 *TOTAL VENDOR AGA LINDE HEALTHCAR 106.18 * 36690 AMERICAN FIRE & SAFETY 69230 050046 4111 M&R DEPT EG/OPER 128.30 69230 050046 4316 M&R DEPT E9/OPER 1,244.00 *TOTAL VENDOR AMERICAN FIRE & SAF 1,372.30 * 62255 BADGE A MINIT HI223 049892 3250 MISC SUPP 269.95 *TOTAL VENDOR BADGE A MINIT 269.95 * 114780 B.G. FIRE DEPT. 10/04/01 050048 4316 MISC EXP 17.09 10/04/01 050048 4935 MISC EXP 953.95 10/04/01 050048 3240 MISC EXP 149.25 10/04/01 050048 3824 MISC EXP 75.75 *TOTAL VENDOR B.G. FIRE DEPT. 1,196.04 139282 CINGULAR WIRELESS 0377 AUG 0 050208 3211 TELEPHONE 207.94 *TOTAL VENDOR CINGULAR WIRELESS 207.94 152750 COMMONWEALTH EDISON MULTIPLE 050148 4923 ELEC FAC 29.45 *TOTAL VENDOR COMMONWEALTH EDISON 29.45 * 153460 CONNECTIONS UNLIMITED 92567 050050 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 30.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CONNECTIONS UNLIMIT 30.00 * 204600 EL-COR INDUSTRIES, INC MULTIPLE 050286 4213 AUTO PARTS 90.48 *TOTAL VENDOR EL-COR INDUSTRIES, 90.48 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 14 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000421 FIRE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 239050 ENH OMEGA MULTIPLE 049905 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 6,297.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ENH OMEGA 6,297.00 * 284255 FIVE ALARM FIRE & SAF EQ MULTIPLE 050220 4316 SAFETY EQ/OPER EQ 345.68 MULTIPLE 050220 3117 SAFETY EQ/OPER EQ 183.11 *TOTAL VENDOR FIVE ALARM FIRE & S 528.79 * 312800 MES,INC./GLOBAL 48858 050301 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 27.14 49165 050222 4316 OPER EQ DEPT 685.08 *TOTAL VENDOR MES,INC./GLOBAL 712.22 * 348325 HARRISON CONF CENTER 10001886 049911 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 868.30 *TOTAL VENDOR HARRISON CONF CENTE 868.30 * 371090 HOME DEPOT CRC 5783 AUG 0 050056 4611 MISC EXP 84.15 5783 AUG 0 050056 4316 MISC EXP 123.68 5783 AUG 0 050056 3824 MISC EXP 70.67 5783 AUG 0 050056 3117 MISC EXP 83.00 *TOTAL VENDOR HOME DEPOT CRC 361.50 417880 IL FIRE INSP.-ASSOC MULTIPLE 050121 3112 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 75.00 MULTIPLE 050121 3112 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 15.00 1805 049914 3217 EQUIP RENTAL 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL FIRE INSP. ASSOC 240.00 * 417890 IL SOC OF FIRE SERV INST 10/24-26 050058 3112 PRO TRNG 270.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL SOC OF FIRE SERV 270.00 * 422000 ISFSI 5672 10-02 050122 3113 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 75.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ISFSI 75.00 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 12,027.68- NOV 01 050159 3111 53,795.60 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 41,767.92 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 15 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000421 FIRE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 462650 JLJ CORPORATION MULTIPLE 049919 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 304.50 MULTIPLE 049919 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 255.60 *TOTAL VENDOR JLJ CORPORATION 560.10 * 468007 JORDAN INDUSTRIAL SUPP 70943 049920 3824 SMALL EQ & TOOLS 120.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JORDAN INDUSTRIAL S 120.00 * 573765 MITCH'S GREENTHUMB LAND MULTIPLE 050243 4923 FIRE TRNG FAC 550.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MITCH'S GREENTHUMB 550.00 585380 MOTO-PHOTO MULTIPLE 049930 3824 SMALL EQUIP 26.49 *TOTAL VENDOR MOTO-PHOTO 26.49 598285 NAT FIRE SPRINKLER ASSOC 5553 050126 3113 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 85.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NAT FIRE SPRINKLER 85.00 687707 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS 11/18/01 049869 3218 SUB/PUB 34.40 8484 12/01 050250 3218 SUB/PUB 34.40 *TOTAL VENDOR PADDOCK PUBLICATION 68.80 709000 PITNEY BOWES INC 239963 049941 3216 MAINT CONTR 504.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PITNEY BOWES INC 504.00 712500 DOUG POSTMA SPRING 01 050252 3118 TUIT REIMB 600.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DOUG POSTMA 600.00 719416 PROGRESSIVE MED. INT'L MULTIPLE 050253 3824 MISC EXP 146.35 MULTIPLE 050253 4935 MISC EXP 293.00 MULTIPLE 050253 3250 MISC EXP 49.35 *TOTAL VENDOR PROGRESSIVE MED. IN 488.70 * 755150 BRET ROBINSON 1048 050067 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 120.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BRET ROBINSON 120.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 16 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000421 FIRE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 755930 ROGAN'S SHOES 21216 049945 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 150.00 22890 050068 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROGAN'S SHOES 300.00 * 756200 ROLLING HILLS NURSERY 26705 049946 4612 PUB GR IMP 810.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROLLING HILLS NURSE 810.00 * 774550 SCHULTZ & ASSOC. 21075 050257 3219 PRINTING 444.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SCHULTZ & ASSOC. 444.00 * 802165 SOLDER JOINT 1186 050258 3117 EMP SAFETY EG 145.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SOLDER JOINT 145.00 804646 SW UNITED FIRE ACADEMY 11/1-3/01 049951 3112 PRO TRNG 140.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SW UNITED FIRE ACAD 140.00 856220 RONALD TWO BULLS MULTIPLE 050263 3118 CLOTH ALL/TUIT RE 131.50 MULTIPLE 050263 3115 CLOTH ALL/TUIT RE 50.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RONALD TWO BULLS 181.50 881305 UNIV IF ARIZONA AHLS O49877 3112 PRO TRNG 450.00 *TOTAL VENDOR UNIV IF ARIZONA 450.00 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 226,680.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 226,680.00 903125 VBG-FIRE DEPT PETTY CASH 10/9/01 050264 4935 MISC EXP 207.34 10/9/01 050264 3115 MISC EXP 15.00 10/9/01 050264 3213 MISC EXP 19.15 10/9/01 050264 4935 MISC EXP 50.73 10/9/01 050264 3824 MISC EXP 32.25 *TOTAL VENDOR VBG-FIRE DEPT PETTY 324.47 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffato Grove Page: 17 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000421 FIRE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 4612 4.49 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 4.49 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 4217 17.94 MULTIPLE 050072 4111 68.70 MULTIPLE 050072 3824 36.37 MULTIPLE 050072 4611 222.91 MULTIPLE 050072 3250 7.42 MULTIPLE 050072 3916 107.32 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 460.66 **TOTAL FIRE SERVICES 287,585.73 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 18 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 8567 ADT 51569773 049884 3355 OPER EQ RECORDS 91.37 *TOTAL VENDOR ADT 91.37 * 34200 ALWAYS IN BLOOM MULTIPLE 049885 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 68.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ALWAYS IN BLOOM 68.00 * 37700 AMOCO OIL COMPANY 0015 9/17/ 049886 4211 GASOLINE 24.45 *TOTAL VENDOR AMOCO OIL COMPANY 24.45 * 38600 CAROL ANDERSEN 9/19-21/01 049887 3112 PRO TRNG 39.14 *TOTAL VENDOR CAROL ANDERSEN 39.14 * 51090 ARLINGTON HTS ANIMAL HOSP 8/11/01 049889 3343 ANIMAL CONTROL 35.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ARLINGTON HTS ANIMA 35.00 * 79000 STEVE BALINSKI 9/24/01 050203 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 219.19 9/25/01 049893 3213 TRAVEL 229.75 10/03/01 049961 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR STEVE BALINSKI 598.94 * 82510 DANILLE BARON 10/03/01 049962 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DANILLE BARON 150.00 * 92750 ROY BETHGE 10/03/01 049963 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROY BETHGE 150.00 * 103550 KEITH BOURBONNAIS 10/03/01 049965 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR KEITH BOURBONNAIS 150.00 * 103570 CHRISTY BOURBONNAIS 10/03/01 049964 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CHRISTY BOURBONNAIS 150.00 * 112600 MARK BUCALO Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 19 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 10/03/01 049966 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MARK BUCALO 150.00 * 112690 VANESSA BUESCHEL 10/03/01 049967 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VANESSA BUESCHEL 150.00 * 114740 BUFFALO GROVE 10/2/01 050269 3112 PRO TRNG 30.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BUFFALO GROVE 30.00 120010 C.A.L.E.A. 11115 050205 4934 COMM ON ACCRED 3,200.00 *TOTAL VENDOR C.A.L.E.A. 3,200.00 * 125760 CENTRAL AUDIO VIS Ea INC 01-1748 050206 3346 SUPP COMM 57.63 *TOTAL VENDOR CENTRAL AUDIO VIS E 57.63 * 139250 DEBORAH CHROBAK 10/03/01 049968 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DEBORAH CHROBAK 150.00 * 148100 RICHARD CLYBURN 10/03/01 049969 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RICHARD CLYBURN 150.00 * 152500 KATHLEEN COMER 9/19-21 049898 3112 PRO TRNG 31.48 *TOTAL VENDOR KATHLEEN COMER 31.48 * 152889 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC MULTIPLE 049900 4935 ALL OTHER EXP/M&R 5.49 *TOTAL VENDOR CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 5.49 * 154510 CHRISTINE COOPER 10/03/01 049970 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CHRISTINE COOPER 150.00 * 160360 CROWN TROPHY 212211 049902 3348 SUPP OCOP 4.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CROWN TROPHY 4.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 20 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 175000 THOMAS DATTILO 10/03/01 049971 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THOMAS DATTILO 150.00 * 188620 THOMAS DERKEN 10/03/01 049972 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THOMAS DERKEN 150.00 * 196000 JAMES DUNNE 10/03/01 049973 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JAMES DUNNE 150.00 * 204550 SCOTT EISENMENGER 10/03/01 049974 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SCOTT EISENMENGER 150.00 * 204600 EL-COR INDUSTRIES, INC 30950 050216 4318 DUE ASS PURCH 163.13 *TOTAL VENDOR EL-COR INDUSTRIES, 163.13 * 276200 F & F OFFICE SUPPLIES 199870-0 049907 3352 OPER EO PATROL 27.99 *TOTAL VENDOR F & F OFFICE SUPPLI 27.99 * 292630 JANET FREEMAN 10/03/01 049975 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JANET FREEMAN 150.00 * 302400 ANTHONY GALLAGHER 10/03/01 049976 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ANTHONY GALLAGHER 150.00 * 302460 GALL'S INC. MULTIPLE 049909 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 89.99 MULTIPLE 049909 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 29.99 MULTIPLE 049909 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 79.99 *TOTAL VENDOR GALL'S INC. 199.97 * 307090 PAMELA GENENDER 10/03/01 049977 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PAMELA GENENDER 150.00 * 315010 ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 21 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 10/03/01 049978 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN 150.00 * 326600 TIMOTHY GRETZ 10/03/01 049979 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR TIMOTHY GRETZ 150.00 * 338000 STEVE HAISLEY 10/03/01 049980 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR STEVE HAISLEY 150.00 * 338500 DAVID HALVERSON 10/03/01 049981 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DAVID HALVERSON 150.00 * 338650 ROLLIN HAMELBERG 10/03/01 049982 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROLLIN HAMELBERG 150.00 * 339040 BRIAN HANSEN 10/03/01 049984 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BRIAN HANSEN 150.00 * 348100 JAMES HARRIS 10/03/01 049983 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JAMES HARRIS 150.00 * 353900 ROBERT HEER 10/03/01 049985 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROBERT HEER 150.00 * 354000 JOHN HEIDERSCHEIDT 10/03/01 049986 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JOHN HEIDERSCHEIDT 150.00 * 371775 FRANK HORBUS 10/03/01 049987 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR FRANK HORBUS 150.00 * 375100 STEVEN HUSAK 10/03/01 049988 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR STEVEN HUSAK 150.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 22 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 375220 RICHARD HYLAND 10/03/01 049989 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RICHARD HYLAND 150.00 * 417810 IL LAW ENFORCEMENT 57 YR 2001 050248 3218 SUB/PUB 176.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL LAW ENFORCEMENT 176.00 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 14,368.16- NOV 01 050159 3111 56,397.77 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 42,029.61 433300 INTOXIMETERS, INC. MULTIPLE 049917 4116 M&R PATROL EQUIP 92.00 MULTIPLE 049917 4116 M&R PATROL EQUIP 123.00 *TOTAL VENDOR INTOXIMETERS, INC. 215.00 455920 PAUL JAMIL 10/03/01 049990 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PAUL JAMIL 150.00 462600 JEWEL FOOD STORES 9/27/01 050233 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 105.81 *TOTAL VENDOR JEWEL FOOD STORES 105.81 482300 KALE UNIFORMS, INC. MULTIPLE 050235 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 148.28 MULTIPLE 049922 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 63.40 MULTIPLE 050235 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 11.90 MULTIPLE 049922 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 52.68 MULTIPLE 050235 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 57.72 MULTIPLE 049922 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 15.00 MULTIPLE 050235 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 111.40 MULTIPLE 050235 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 268.40 *TOTAL VENDOR KALE UNIFORMS, INC. 728.78 * 483200 RICK KELLMAN 10/03/01 049991 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RICK KELLMAN 150.00 * 489000 KERRY KENNEY 10/03/01 049992 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR KERRY KENNEY 150.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 23 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 495140 JOHN KLBECKA 10/03/01 050042 3116 CLOTH MAINT 70.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JOHN KLBECKA 70.00 * 495610 MICHELLE KONDRAT 10/03/01 049993 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHELLE KONDRAT 150.00 * 495615 EFTHIMIA KONTOGIANNIS 10/03/01 049994 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR EFTHIMIA KONTOGIANN 150.00 * 505320 SCOTT KRISTIANSEN 10/03/01 049995 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SCOTT KRISTIANSEN 150.00 * 505890 STACI KUPSAK 10/03/01 049996 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR STACI KUPSAK 150.00 * 512250 LAKE CO CHIEF OF POL ASSN 10-9/01 050271 3213 TRAVEL 24.00 *TOTAL VENDOR LAKE CO CHIEF OF PO 24.00 512900 NELSON LAMPERT 10/03/01 049997 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NELSON LAMPERT 150.00 * 518200 ROBERT LEAKE 10/03/01 049998 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROBERT LEAKE 150.00 * 527200 PETER LIPPERT 10/03/01 049999 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PETER LIPPERT 150.00 * 527400 KURT LOWENBERG 10/03/01 050000 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR KURT LOWENBERG 150.00 * 546820 MARK TWENTY BUS. SUPP 61444 050239 3347 SUP RECORDS 451.24 *TOTAL VENDOR MARK TWENTY BUS. SU 451.24 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 24 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 547000 MARY E. MARTIN 10/03/01 050001 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MARY E. MARTIN 150.00 * 547010 MICHAEL MARTIN 10/03/01 050002 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHAEL MARTIN 150.00 * 551900 DOLORES MC ANDREWS 10/03/01 050043 3116 CLOTH MAINT 70.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DOLORES MC ANDREWS 70.00 * 562160 LEO MC CANN 10/03/01 050003 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 9/25/01 049927 3213 TRAVEL 229.75 *TOTAL VENDOR LEO MC CANN 379.75 * 562170 TIMOTHY MC GINN 10/03/01 050004 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR TIMOTHY MC GINN 150.00 * 573500 MICHAEL MILLETT 10/03/01 050005 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHAEL MILLETT 150.00 * 583560 AMADOR MONTIEL 10/03/01 050007 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR AMADOR MONTIEL 150.00 583750 BRUCE MONTGOMERY 10/03/01 050006 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BRUCE MONTGOMERY 150.00 583910 ANTHONY MORAN 10/03/01 050008 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ANTHONY MORAN 150.00 587100 MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS, INC 1054304-02 049931 3352 OPER EQ PATROL 77.59 *TOTAL VENDOR MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS 77.59 598700 JAMES NELSON Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 25 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 10/03/01 050009 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JAMES NELSON 150.00 * 605100 JAMES NEWTON 10/03/01 050010 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JAMES NEWTON 150.00 * 611890 NO SUB ASSOC CHIEF POL 10/4/01 050272 3112 PRO TRNG 24.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NO SUB ASSOC CHIEF 24.00 611900 NO SUB JUV OFF ASSOC 2001-2002 049936 3113 DUES/MEMB 80.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NO SUB JUV OFF ASSO 80.00 611920 N E MULTI-REG. TRNG. 10/15/01 049865 3112 PRO TRNG 5,930.00 16997 050245 3112 PRO TRNG 250.00 *TOTAL VENDOR N E MULTI-REG. TRNG 6,180.00 611999 NORTHWESTERN UNIV 13295 050246 3112 PRO TRNG 500.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NORTHWESTERN UNIV 500.00 * 612030 N.I.P.A.S. 2395 049935 3211 TELEPHONE 29.00 *TOTAL VENDOR N.I.P.A.S. 29.00 * 620280 THOMAS NUGENT 10/03/01 050011 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THOMAS NUGENT 150.00 * 620500 RAY OIHERRON CO., INC. 134012 049938 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 32.13 135953 050249 3336 SAFETY EO PATROL 16.08 *TOTAL VENDOR RAY O'HERRON CO., I 48.21 * 690500 CLIFFTON PAUL 10/03/01 050014 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CLIFFTON PAUL 150.00 * 690550 STEVEN PARKINSON 10/03/01 050013 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR STEVEN PARKINSON 150.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 26 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 690600 ROBERT PAKASKI 10/03/01 050012 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROBERT PAKASKI 150.00 * 690601 CINDY PAKASKI 10/03/01 050044 3116 CLOTH MAINT 70.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CINDY PAKASKI 70.00 * 712177 SHANNON POLEN 10/03/01 050015 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SHANNON POLEN 150.00 * 712400 VINCENT POSITANO 10/03/01 050016 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VINCENT POSITANO 150.00 * 712575 MELESSA POUR 10/03/01 050017 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MELESSA POUR 150.00 * 712900 THOMAS POZIWILKO 10/03/01 050018 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THOMAS POZIWILKO 150.00 * 735310 RB PRODUCTS CORP. 20047 049943 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 2,076.41 *TOTAL VENDOR RB PRODUCTS CORP. 2,076.41 * 736940 THOMAS REED 10/03/01 050019 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THOMAS REED 150.00 * 755925 MICHAEL RODRIQUEZ 10/03/01 050020 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHAEL RODRIQUEZ 150.00 * 756260 TARA ROMANOW 10/03/01 050021 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR TARA ROMANOW 150.00 * 774209 SCHOOL DIST 102 PTO 9/25/01 049947 4952 POLICE GRANT CHGS 350.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SCHOOL DIST 102 PTO 350.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 27 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 774500 DEAN SCHULZ 10/03/01 050022 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DEAN SCHULZ 150.00 774750 GREGORY SCHWALL 10/03/01 050023 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR GREGORY SCHWALL 150.00 775860 ROBERT SIZER 10/03/01 050028 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROBERT SIZER 150.00 779000 CHRISTOPHER SENESE 10/03/01 050024 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CHRISTOPHER SENESE 150.00 779960 JOHN SEPOT 10/03/01 050025 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JOHN SEPOT 150.00 * 785300 MICHAEL SHEEN 10/03/01 050026 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHAEL SHEEN 150.00 * 786000 SHORE GALLERIES, INC. 78995 049948 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 70.88 *TOTAL VENDOR SHORE GALLERIES, IN 70.88 * 788400 MARK SHREEVES 10/03/01 050027 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MARK SHREEVES 150.00 * 799000 RANDALL SMITH 10/03/01 050029 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RANDALL SMITH 150.00 * 804600 MICHAEL SOUCY 10/03/01 050030 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHAEL SOUCY 150.00 * 805915 BRIAN SPOLAR 10/03/01 050031 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BRIAN SPOLAR 150.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 28 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 818045 LORI STOPPER 10/03/01 050033 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR LORI STOPPER 150.00 * 818050 JEROME STOPPER 10/03/01 050032 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JEROME STOPPER 150.00 * 829500 MICHAEL SZOS 10/03/01 050035 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MICHAEL SZOS 150.00 * 829600 EDWARD SZOS 10/03/01 050034 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR EDWARD SZOS 150.00 * 844750 JAMES TOMASO 10/03/01 050036 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JAMES TOMASO 150.00 * 851122 T.O.P.S IN DOG TRNG 10-4-6/01 050262 3112 PRO TRNG 250.00 *TOTAL VENDOR T.O.P.S IN DOG TRNG 250.00 * 888910 U.S. CAVALRY MULTIPLE 049954 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 69.88 MULTIPLE 049954 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 69.98 MULTIPLE 049954 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 8.95 *TOTAL VENDOR U.S. CAVALRY 148.81 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 18,795.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 18,795.00 * 903250 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO P. D. 9/27/01 050178 3112 MISC EXP 15.00 9/27/01 050178 3112 MISC EXP 13.39 9/27/01 050178 3275 MISC EXP 8.95 9/27/01 050178 4935 MISC EXP 26.51 9/27/01 050178 3213 MISC EXP 40.00 9/27/01 050178 4935 MISC EXP 18.00 9/27/01 050178 3112 MISC EXP 29.38 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 29 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000431 POLICE SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 9/27/01 050178 3213 MISC EXP 14.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 165.23 903250 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO P. D. 9/27/01 050178 3112 MISC EXP 18.00 9/27/01 050178 3213 MISC EXP 12.00 9/27/01 050178 3345 MISC EXP 15.00 9/27/01 050178 3213 MISC EXP 15.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 60.00 903450 GEORGE VINGAN 10/03/01 050037 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR GEORGE VINGAN 150.00 * 916900 EDWARD WAGNER 10/03/01 050038 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR EDWARD WAGNER 150.00 * 930600 GARY WENCKEBACH 10/03/01 050039 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR GARY WENCKEBACH 150.00 * 933908 ANDREA WIGGINS 10/03/01 050040 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ANDREA WIGGINS 150.00 * 964600 JAMES YESTER 10/03/01 050041 3116 CLOTH MAINT 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JAMES YESTER 150.00 * **TOTAL POLICE SERVICES 89,523.91 78.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 30 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000441 BUILDING & ZONING VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 34200 ALWAYS IN BLOOM MULTIPLE 049885 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 51.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ALWAYS IN BLOOM 51.00 * 417790 IL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 068-1-M 01 050230 3218 SUB/PUB 5.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 5.00 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 2,195.36- NOV 01 050159 3111 8,354.67 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 6,159.31 * 551550 MATTICK PRINTING, INC 241609 049860 3219 PRINTING 591.16 *TOTAL VENDOR MATTICK PRINTING, I 591.16 * 577600 MOHAWK STAMP CO. 36035 050165 3240 OFF SUPP 11.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MOHAWK STAMP CO. 11.00 * 706600 PIKE & FISCHER, INC. 13896 050066 3218 SUB/PUB 149.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PIKE & FISCHER, INC 149.00 * 774200 EDWARD SCHAR 9/16-20/2 050069 3213 TRAVEL 17.54 *TOTAL VENDOR EDWARD SCHAR 17.54 * 785250 BRIAN SHEEHAN 10/2/01 050273 3214 TRAVEL/PER DIEM 150.00 10/2/01 050273 3213 TRAVEL/PER DIEM 160.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BRIAN SHEEHAN 310.00 * 811100 PEGGY STARCZOWSKI 10/2/01 050274 3213 TRAVEL/PER DIEM 160.00 10/2/01 050274 3214 TRAVEL/PER DIEM 150.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PEGGY STARCZOWSKI 310.00 * 842000 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSP. MULTIPLE 050298 4913 CONS FEES OTHER 96.00 *TOTAL VENDOR THOMPSON ELEVATOR I 96.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 31 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000441 BUILDING & ZONING VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 11,060.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 11,060.00 903220 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/3/01 050176 3824 MISC EXP 3.24 10/11/01 050303 3112 MISC EXP 15.00 10/11/01 050303 3112 MISC EXP 12.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 30.24 903455 VERIZON WIRELESS MULTIPLE 049879 3211 TELEPHONE 243.02 MULTIPLE 049879 3211 TELEPHONE 58.34 *TOTAL VENDOR VERIZON WIRELESS 301.36 **TOTAL BUILDING & ZONING 18,471.61 620.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 32 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000445 ENGINEERING SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050149 3240 OFF SUPP 4.44 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 4.44 * 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050213 3240 OFF SUPP 30.18 MULTIPLE 050149 3240 OFF SUPP 23.75 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 53.93 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 4,694.01 NOV 01 050159 3111 1,024.48- *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 3,669.53 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 9,713.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 9,713.00 * 903220 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/3/01 050176 4935 MISC EXP 7.27 10/11/01 050303 4935 MISC EXP 13.14 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 20.41 * 933650 WHEELING REPRODUCTIONS 376727 049881 3240 OFF SUPP 94.14 68773M 050302 3240 OFF SUPP 40.38 *TOTAL VENDOR WHEELING REPRODUCTI 134.52 * 964537 XESYSTEMS, INC 156833 049882 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 1,052.65 *TOTAL VENDOR XESYSTEMS, INC 1,052.65 **TOTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 14,648.48 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 33 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000451 BUILDING SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 32250 ALDRIDGE ELECTRIC,INC. MULTIPLE 050045 3913 M&R STREET LITES 18,484.09 *TOTAL VENDOR ALDRIDGE ELECTRIC,I 18,484.09 91700 G.W. BERKHEIMER CO,INC. MULTIPLE 049844 3250 MISC SUPP/MAINT B 46.18 MULTIPLE 050143 3824 SM EQUIP & TOOLS 126.89 MULTIPLE 050143 3916 SM EQUIP & TOOLS 147.54 MULTIPLE 049844 3916 MISC SUPP/MAINT B 18.08 *TOTAL VENDOR G.W. BERKHEIMER CO, 338.69 112640 BUCKERIDGE DOOR CO., INC 33941 050047 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 160.00 127670 050145 3216 MAINT BLDG & FAC 145.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BUCKERIDGE DOOR CO. 305.00 152750 COMMONWEALTH EDISON MULTIPLE 050148 3825 ELEC FAC 1,090.73 *TOTAL VENDOR COMMONWEALTH EDISON 1,090.73 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 75.35 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 75.35 357400 HENNING BROS. MULTIPLE 050158 3916 MAINT CONTR/MAINT 18.75 335985 050055 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 4.75 MULTIPLE 050158 3216 MAINT CONTR/MAINT 52.00 *TOTAL VENDOR HENNING BROS. 75.50 * 419045 IMPERIAL SERV SYSTEM, INC MULTIPLE 049855 3216 MAINT CONTR 3,543.00 MULTIPLE 049855 3216 MAINT CONTR 2,703.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IMPERIAL SERV SYSTE 6,246.00 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 782.68- NOV 01 050159 3111 3,247.70 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 2,465.02 * 495700 KRAFT PAPER SALES CO MULTIPLE 049923 3250 MISC SUPP 1,137.30 MULTIPLE 049923 3250 MISC SUPP 94.05- *TOTAL VENDOR KRAFT PAPER SALES C 1,043.25 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 34 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000451 BUILDING SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 511042 LAFORCE 149368RI 050060 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 48.92 *TOTAL VENDOR LAFORCE 48.92 514500 CED/LAPPIN CREDIT OFFICE MULTIPLE 050061 3913 M&R ST LITES/MIS 30.00- 104439 050161 3250 M&R ST LITES/MISC 102.90 104439 050161 3913 M&R ST LITES/MISC 59.25 MULTIPLE 049926 3250 MISC SUPP/BG DAYS 12.47 MULTIPLE 050061 3913 M&R ST LITES/MIS 256.68 MULTIPLE 050061 3250 M&R ST LITES/MIS 97.12 MULTIPLE 049926 3250 MISC SUPP/BG DAYS 25.48 MULTIPLE 049926 3250 MISC SUPP/BG DAYS 84.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CED/LAPPIN CREDIT 0 607.90 568030 MENARDS 8125 049862 3250 MISC SUPP 21.57 *TOTAL VENDOR MENARDS 21.57 588910 MUNCH'S SUPPLY CO, INC S1357867 049932 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 5.60 *TOTAL VENDOR MUNCH'S SUPPLY CO, 5.60 612020 NICOR MULTIPLE 049864 3812 GAS FAC 104.75 MULTIPLE 049864 3812 GAS FAC 134.42 MULTIPLE 049864 3826 GAS FAC 286.89 MULTIPLE 049864 3812 GAS FAC 113.12 *TOTAL VENDOR NICOR 639.18 * 612150 N W COMM HOSPITAL 26953 050166 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 25.00 26953 050166 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 25.00 *TOTAL VENDOR N W COMM HOSPITAL 50.00 * 818460 SUBSTANCE ABUSE MGMT INC 450933-00 050297 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 7.50 *TOTAL VENDOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE MGM 7.50 * 841260 TEMP EQUIP CORP S0036149 049952 3916 MAINT CONTR 9.08 MULTIPLE 049873 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 85.26 *TOTAL VENDOR TEMP EQUIP CORP 94.34 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 35 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000451 BUILDING SERVICES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 856400 THYSSENKRUPP ELEV. CORP. MULTIPLE 050174 3216 MAINT CONTR 397.31 *TOTAL VENDOR THYSSENKRUPP ELEV. 397.31 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 26,595.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 26,595.00 * 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 132.01 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 132.01 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 3824 1.94 MULTIPLE 050072 3250 126.55 MULTIPLE 050072 3916 66.58 MULTIPLE 050072 4111 15.38 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 210.45 **TOTAL BUILDING SERVICES 58,933.41 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 36 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000461 STREET OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 75.35 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 75.35 * 155107 COUNTRY GAS CO 040-SEPT 0 050150 3250 MISC SUPP 2.50 *TOTAL VENDOR COUNTRY GAS CO 2.50 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 1,758.36- NOV 01 050159 3111 6,392.82 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 4,634.46 * 468007 JORDAN INDUSTRIAL SUPP 71358 050160 3250 MISC SUPP 14.87 *TOTAL VENDOR JORDAN INDUSTRIAL S 14.87 * 495700 KRAFT PAPER SALES CO MULTIPLE 049923 3250 MISC SUPP 70.80 *TOTAL VENDOR KRAFT PAPER SALES C 70.80 * 570111 MID AMERICA TRUCK & EQ CO 208194 049929 4111 M&R DEPT Ea 199.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MID AMERICA TRUCK & 199.00 * 612150 N W COMM HOSPITAL 26953 050166 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 25.00 *TOTAL VENDOR N W COMM HOSPITAL 25.00 700500 MIKE PHILLIPS 10/8/01 050065 3113 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 60.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MIKE PHILLIPS 60.00 718000 JEFF PRIVETT 100801 050169 3117 EMP SAFETY EQUIP 57.35 *TOTAL VENDOR JEFF PRIVETT 57.35 737421 RENTAL MAX L.L.C. 06-364594- 050254 3217 EQUIP RENTAL 129.47 *TOTAL VENDOR RENTAL MAX L.L.C. 129.47 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 120,291.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 120,291.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 37 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000461 STREET OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 903220 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/3/01 050176 3250 MISC EXP 1.20 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 1.20 * 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 284.34 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 284.34 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 3250 5.02 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 5.02 * **TOTAL STREET OPERATIONS 125,850.36 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 38 User: hunts, EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000462 PUB WRKS ADM VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 152889 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC MULTIPLE 049900 4111 ALL OTHER EXP/M&R 194.99 *TOTAL VENDOR CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 194.99 * 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 71.62 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 71.62 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 1,006.08- NOV 01 050159 3111 3,602.67 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 2,596.59 * 687707 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS 17073 10/2 049939 3218 SUP/PUB 39.60 *TOTAL VENDOR PADDOCK PUBLICATION 39.60 * 811170 STATE OF ILLINOIS YR 2001 050070 3113 MEMBERSHIP/DUES 60.00 *TOTAL VENDOR STATE OF ILLINOIS 60.00 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 2,833.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 2,833.00 * 903220 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/11/01 050303 3240 MISC EXP 7.48 10/11/01 050303 3213 MISC EXP 19.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 26.48 * **TOTAL PUB WRKS ADM 5,822.28 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 39 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000463 FORESTRY VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 75.35 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 75.35 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 1,591.04- NOV 01 050159 3111 7,803.27 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 6,212.23 456185 JCK CONTRACTOR 8773 049918 3250 MISC SUPP 60.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JCK CONTRACTOR 60.00 495700 KRAFT PAPER SALES CO MULTIPLE 049923 3250 MISC SUPP 70.80 *TOTAL VENDOR KRAFT PAPER SALES C 70.80 630500 OLSEN DISTRIBUTING CO. MULTIPLE 049868 3823 CHEM/FERT 149.75 MULTIPLE 049868 3823 CHEM/FERT 79.30 *TOTAL VENDOR OLSEN DISTRIBUTING 229.05 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 67,435.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 67,435.00 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 336.82 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 336.82 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 3824 32.36 MULTIPLE 050072 3250 4.49 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 36.85 **TOTAL FORESTRY 74,456.10 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 40 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000471 ESDA VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 139282 CINGULAR WIRELESS 3657 AUG/S 050146 3211 TELEPHONE 34.58 *TOTAL VENDOR CINGULAR WIRELESS 34.58 * 163100 CULLIGAN WATER COND. 932067 8/9 050052 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 47.50 *TOTAL VENDOR CULLIGAN WATER COND 47.50 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050175 4316 MISC EXP 73.95 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 73.95 * **TOTAL ESDA 156.03 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 41 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000010 DEPT NO. 000481 TRANSFER NON-OPER VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 36770 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 10/15/01 050199 4812 FND TRANS 214,978.76 *TOTAL VENDOR AMERICAN NATIONAL B 214,978.76 **TOTAL TRANSFER NON-OPER 214,978.76 ***TOTAL CORPORATE FUND 1,313,952.73 989.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 42 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000014 DEPT NO. 000503 SPEC REVENUE-PARKING LOT VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 357400 HENNING BROS. 335942 049912 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 6.00 *TOTAL VENDOR HENNING BROS. 6.00 * 419045 IMPERIAL SERV SYSTEM, INC MULTIPLE 049855 3216 MAINT CONTR 172.00 MULTIPLE 049855 3216 MAINT CONTR 257.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IMPERIAL SERV SYSTE 429.00 * 612040 NORTH SHORE GAS 6707 9/17/ 049866 3811 GAS FAC 19.82 *TOTAL VENDOR NORTH SHORE GAS 19.82 * 737242 JERRY REINERT 9/18/01 050170 3014 SALARIES PART TIM 30.00 *TOTAL VENDOR JERRY REINERT 30.00 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 3250 3.59 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 3.59 * **TOTAL SPEC REVENUE-PARKING LOT 488.41 ***TOTAL PARKING LOT FUND 488.41 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 43 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000021 DEPT NO. 000511 CAP PROJ-FACILITIES VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 152705 COMED 9/26/01 050270 4670 AGC MAINT BLDG PLAN 2,962.00 *TOTAL VENDOR COMED 2,962.00 153915 CONSORT CORP 973 049901 4640 FIRE TRNG FAC 8,036.50 945 049847 4640 FIRE TRNG FAC 10,017.75 *TOTAL VENDOR CONSORT CORP 18,054.25 288745 LEO FROELICH CONSTR. CO #3 050221 4670 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 144,240.08 *TOTAL VENDOR LEO FROELICH CONSTR 144,240.08 * 545640 MANCINI CONSTRUCTION CO #3 050238 4670 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 133,650.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MANCINI CONSTRUCTIO 133,650.00 * 687800 PALATINE OIL CO., INC MULTIPLE 049940 4670 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 300.00 MULTIPLE 049940 4670 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 225.00 *TOTAL VENDOR PALATINE OIL CO., I 525.00 * 72300 SCHAEFGES BROTHERS, INC #3 050256 4670 AG MAINT BLDG PLA 41,334.30 *TOTAL VENDOR SCHAEFGES BROTHERS, 41,334.30 * 804650 SOUND INCORPORATED D1133393 050171 4645 TELE SYS UPGRADE 26.50 *TOTAL VENDOR SOUND INCORPORATED 26.50 * 945055 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC MULTIPLE 049958 4670 AGA MAINT BLDG PL 111.00 4130108080 050265 4670 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 111.00 MULTIPLE 049958 4670 AGA MAINT BLDG PL 261.00 *TOTAL VENDOR WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, 483.00 **TOTAL CAP PROJ-FACILITIES 338,313.13 2,962.00 ***TOTAL CAP PROJ-FACILITIES 338,313.13 2,962.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 44 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000022 DEPT NO. 000512 CAP PROJ-ST & HIGWYS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 139900 CIVILTECH ENGINEERING CO. 27840 050209 4537 DEERFLD/83/WEILAN 3,894.18 *TOTAL VENDOR CIVILTECH ENGINEERI 3,894.18 **TOTAL CAP PROJ-ST & HIGWYS 3,894.18 ***TOTAL CAP PROJ-STREETS 3,894.18 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 45 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000042 DEPT NO. 000532 PENSION-FIRE VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 53073 ASSOC FIRE FIGHT OF IL 10/02/01 050268 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 100.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ASSOC FIRE FIGHT OF 100.00 422960 IPPFA 9/30/02 050157 4935 ALL OTHER EXP 650.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IPPFA 650.00 **TOTAL PENSION-FIRE 650.00 100.00 ***TOTAL FIRE PENSION FUND 650.00 100.00 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 46 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000051 DEPT NO. 000251 WATER REVENUE VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 99998 JENNIE HENRICKSON 030006103 050224 1201 SALE OF WATER 47.00 1272 050196 1299 ALL OTHER INCOME 96.00 610001173 050111 1201 SALE OF WATER 21.26 *TOTAL VENDOR -> ONE-TIME VENDORS 164.26 **TOTAL WATER REVENUE 164.26 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 47 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000051 DEPT NO. 000541 WATER OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 36950 AMERITECH MULTIPLE 050200 4412 TELEPHONE 18.14 *TOTAL VENDOR AMERITECH 18.14 * 152700 COM ED 23007 9/12 049845 3814 ELEC FAC 9,665.24 *TOTAL VENDOR COM ED 9,665.24 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 75.35 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 75.35 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 1,243.64- NOV 01 050159 3111 7,197.25 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 5,953.61 * 483000 KAR PRODUCTS, INC. 679705 049856 4016 HYDRANTS & VALVES 178.70 *TOTAL VENDOR KAR PRODUCTS, INC. 178.70 * 495700 KRAFT PAPER SALES CO MULTIPLE 049923 3250 MISC SUPP 70.80 *TOTAL VENDOR KRAFT PAPER SALES C 70.80 546300 MARK ONE COMPUTERS 137097 049859 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 93.30 *TOTAL VENDOR MARK ONE COMPUTERS 93.30 612150 N W COMM HOSPITAL 26953 050166 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 25.00 *TOTAL VENDOR N W COMM HOSPITAL 25.00 * 620240 ILLINOIS FUNDS MP-BG-11/0 050127 4722 DEBT - QUART PMT 169,995.00 MP-BG-11/0 050127 4924 DEBT - QUART PMT 201,440.40 *TOTAL VENDOR ILLINOIS FUNDS 371,435.40 * 799100 SMITH ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS MULTIPLE 050295 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 469.59 *TOTAL VENDOR SMITH ECOLOGICAL SY 469.59 * 888915 U S FILTER DIST GRP Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 48 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000051 DEPT NO. 000541 WATER OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 7743606 049878 4015 WATER METERS 137.75 *TOTAL VENDOR U S FILTER DIST GRP 137.75 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 54,918.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 54,918.00 * 903100 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 2,501.17 MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 717.94 MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 2,571.04 MULTIPLE 050179 4811 FND TRANS/EMP CON 529,785.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 535,575.15 * 903130 VBG-FAC DEV DEBT SERV FND 10/02/01 050181 4812 FND TRANS 33,200.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VBG-FAC DEV DEBT SE 33,200.00 * 903220 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/11/01 050303 3112 MISC EXP 12.40 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 12.40 * 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 214.88 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 214.88 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 1619 SEPT 050299 4012 PUMP ST/WELL EG 13.94 1619 SEPT 050299 4011 PUMP ST/WELL Ea 87.22 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 101.16 * **TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS 1,012,144.47 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 49 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000051 DEPT NO. 000542 SEWER OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 152700 COM ED 23007 9/12 049845 3814 ELEC FAC 2,121.65 *TOTAL VENDOR CON ED 2,121.65 * 152750 COMMONWEALTH EDISON 68004 9/21 049846 3814 ELEC FAC 5.66 *TOTAL VENDOR COMMONWEALTH EDISON 5.66 * 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 75.35 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 75.35 * 325900 W.W. GRAINGER,INC. 9705732924 050054 4018 LIFT STATIONS 23.22 *TOTAL VENDOR W.W. GRAINGER,INC. 23.22 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 341.04- NOV 01 050159 3111 704.40 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 363.36 * 512500 LAKE CO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT MAR-AUG 01 050290 3818 TAP DNS 60,760.00 *TOTAL VENDOR LAKE CO PUBLIC WORK 60,760.00 * 719450 PRO SAFETY, INC. MULTIPLE 049871 3115 CLOTH ALLOW 59.29 *TOTAL VENDOR PRO SAFETY, INC. 59.29 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 33,069.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 33,069.00 * 903100 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 659.12 MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 718.67 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 1,377.79 * 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 108.65 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 108.65 * **TOTAL SEWER OPERATIONS 97,963.97 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 50 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000055 DEPT NO. 000546 SEWER OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED ***TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND 1,110,272.70 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 51 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000055 DEPT NO. 000546 GOLF OPERATION-BGGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 4300 ACCURATE TANK TECH INC MULTIPLE 050108 4211 GASOLINE 510.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ACCURATE TANK TECH 510.00 * 51035 ARCH WIRELESS K2250202I 049888 3211 TELEPHONE 13.50 *TOTAL VENDOR ARCH WIRELESS 13.50 * 57100 ATLAS BOBCAT, INC. MULTIPLE 050110 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 6,840.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ATLAS BOBCAT, INC. 6,840.00 * 84520 BEAVER RESEARCH CO 67606 049894 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 172.37 *TOTAL VENDOR BEAVER RESEARCH CO 172.37 * 103700 BOYLAN SALES, INC. 9/30/01 050112 3380 GOLF CART RENTAL 6,413.65 *TOTAL VENDOR BOYLAN SALES, INC. 6,413.65 * 124406 CASTLEROCK SANITATION MULTIPLE 050113 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 364.00 MULTIPLE 050113 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 1,122.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CASTLEROCK SANITATI 1,486.00 139200 CHICAGO TURF & IRRIGATION MULTIPLE 050114 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 377.60 *TOTAL VENDOR CHICAGO TURF & IRRI 377.60 * 147200 ARTHUR CLESEN, INC. 148189 050115 3823 CHEM/FERT 345.54 *TOTAL VENDOR ARTHUR CLESEN, INC. 345.54 * 256590 FAULKS BROS. CONST, INC MULTIPLE 050117 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 1,356.42 *TOTAL VENDOR FAULKS BROS. CONST, 1,356.42 * 325900 W.N. GRAINGER,INC. 973-354037 050118 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 320.30 *TOTAL VENDOR N.W. GRAINGER,INC. 320.30 * 338100 HALLORAN & YAUCH, INC. 28696 050119 3919 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 909.85 *TOTAL VENDOR HALLORAN & YAUCH, I 909.85 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 52 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000055 DEPT NO. 000546 GOLF OPERATION-BGGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 417720 IL DEPT OF REVENUE SEPT 01 050057 3395 STATE SALES TAX 1,440.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL DEPT OF REVENUE 1,440.00 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 2,306.35 NOV 01 050159 3111 607.16- *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 1,699.19 * 522900 LESCO INC. MULTIPLE 050123 3260 FERT CHEM/SUPP G 348.25 MULTIPLE 050123 3823 FERT CHEM/SUPP G 2,490.05 *TOTAL VENDOR LESCO INC. 2,838.30 * 523100 LEWIS EQUIPMENT CO MULTIPLE 050124 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 115.20 *TOTAL VENDOR LEWIS EQUIPMENT CO 115.20 * 585379 MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC 381708 050125 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 17.60 *TOTAL VENDOR MOTION INDUSTRIES, 17.60 687800 PALATINE OIL CO., INC MULTIPLE 050128 4211 GASOLINE 2,128.16 *TOTAL VENDOR PALATINE OIL CO., I 2,128.16 700550 PHOENIX IRR. SUPP. INC. MULTIPLE 050129 3919 IRRIG SYSTEM 1,923.29 *TOTAL VENDOR PHOENIX IRR. SUPP. 1,923.29 * 736000 R.C. TOPSOIL MULTIPLE 050130 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 1,905.75 *TOTAL VENDOR R.C. TOPSOIL 1,905.75 * 758000 ROUTE 12 RENTAL CO,INC. 597836-02 050131 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 360.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ROUTE 12 RENTAL CO, 360.00 779110 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. 1269006 050132 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 499.99 *TOTAL VENDOR SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO 499.99 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 53 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000055 DEPT NO. 000546 GOLF OPERATION-BGGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 780460 SERVICEMASTER BY METZLER MULTIPLE 050133 3916 MAINT BLDG & FAC 550.28 *TOTAL VENDOR SERVICEMASTER BY ME 550.28 * 795473 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 183796SI 050134 3823 CHEM/FERT 420.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SIMPLOT PARTNERS 420.00 * 822060 SWID SALES CORP. 14664 050135 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 99.76 *TOTAL VENDOR SWID SALES CORP. 99.76 * 844350 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 1294694 050136 3370 MERCH PORCH 305.76 *TOTAL VENDOR TITLEIST DRAWER CS 305.76 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 46,059.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 46,059.00 * 903100 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 2,392.56 MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 2,414.81 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 4,807.37 * 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 48.01 2645-AUG 0 050137 3114 UNIF RENTAL 123.34 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 171.35 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050175 3240 MISC EXP 78.89 MULTIPLE 050175 3260 MISC EXP 67.74 MULTIPLE 050175 3260 MISC EXP 111.19 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 257.82 * 988815 VENCE J. ZOLMAN 160 050138 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 315.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VENCE J. ZOLMAN 315.00 * **TOTAL GOLF OPERATION-BGGC 84,659.05 ***TOTAL BUFFALO GROVE GOLF CLUB 84,659.05 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 54 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000056 DEPT NO. 000056 GOLF OPERATION-BGGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 55 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000056 DEPT NO. 000056 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 468270 J.W. TURF, INC MULTIPLE 049921 223 RES CAP REP/M&R D 35,428.00 *TOTAL VENDOR J.N. TURF, INC 35,428.00 * 841080 TEAM EQUIPMENT INC 32688 050259 223 RES CAP REP 1,841.76 *TOTAL VENDOR TEAM EQUIPMENT INC 1,841.76 **TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE FUND 37,269.76 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 56 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000056 DEPT NO. 000547 GARAGE OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 32352 ALLSTAR AUTO GLASS, INC. WON19938 050284 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 227.84 *TOTAL VENDOR ALLSTAR AUTO GLASS, 227.84 * 51150 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS FORD 674 SEPT 0 050285 4213 AUTO PARTS 589.84 *TOTAL VENDOR ARLINGTON HEIGHTS F 589.84 * 155034 CORPORATE EXPRESS MULTIPLE 050051 3240 OFF SUPP 75.35 *TOTAL VENDOR CORPORATE EXPRESS 75.35 * 193800 DUECO, INC 53862 050151 4213 AUTO PARTS 43.75 *TOTAL VENDOR DUECO, INC 43.75 * 204600 EL-COR INDUSTRIES, INC MULTIPLE 050286 4213 AUTO PARTS 179.46 30852 049852 4213 AUTO PARTS 345.91 *TOTAL VENDOR EL-COR INDUSTRIES, 525.37 * 283465 FIRESTONE TIRE & SERV CTR 18926 050153 4213 AUTO PARTS 187.28 19004 050287 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 24.99 *TOTAL VENDOR FIRESTONE TIRE & SE 212.27 * 288960 FOSTER COACH SALES, INC. MULTIPLE 050154 4213 AUTO PARTS 83.17 *TOTAL VENDOR FOSTER COACH SALES, 83.17 * 292500 FTS, INC. DBA 28070 049853 4213 MISC SUPP/AUTO PA 162.50 28070 049853 3250 MISC SUPP/AUTO PA 15.04 *TOTAL VENDOR FTS, INC. DBA 177.54 * 322600 GRAND PRIX CAR WASH SEPT 01 050288 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 111.98 *TOTAL VENDOR GRAND PRIX CAR WASH 111.98 * 418900 IL RECOVERY SYSTEMS 62500 050289 3216 MAINT CONTR 35.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL RECOVERY SYSTEMS 35.00 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 57 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000056 DEPT NO. 000547 GARAGE OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 3,635.62 *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 3,635.62 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 793.04- *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 793.04-* 468007 JORDAN INDUSTRIAL SUPP 71262 050059 4213 MISC EXP 40.85 71262 050059 4111 MISC EXP 10.98 71262 050059 3250 MISC EXP 5.60 *TOTAL VENDOR JORDAN INDUSTRIAL S 57.43 515900 LATTOF MOTOR SALES CO. 6704 SEPT 049857 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 75.00 *TOTAL VENDOR LATTOF MOTOR SALES 75.00 529000 LUND INDUSTRIES, INC. 34038 050291 4213 AUTO PARTS 267.50 34030 050163 4213 AUTO PARTS 35.85 MULTIPLE 049858 4213 AUTO PARTS 163.95 *TOTAL VENDOR LUND INDUSTRIES, IN 467.30 567900 MEIER BROTHERS TIRE SUPP MULTIPLE 049861 4213 CONT AUTO SERV 18.28 MULTIPLE 049861 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 61.00 *TOTAL VENDOR MEIER BROTHERS TIRE 79.28 * 570111 MID AMERICA TRUCK & EQ CO 208174 050062 4213 AUTO PARTS 60.57 *TOTAL VENDOR MID AMERICA TRUCK & 60.57 * 570150 MIDWAY TRUCK PARTS 558691 050292 4213 AUTO PARTS 207.62 *TOTAL VENDOR MIDWAY TRUCK PARTS 207.62 * 612150 N W COMM HOSPITAL 26953 050166 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 50.00 26953 050166 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 25.00 *TOTAL VENDOR N W COMM HOSPITAL 75.00 * 612240 N W FORD & STERLING Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 58 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000056 DEPT NO. 000547 GARAGE OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 395251 050063 4213 AUTO PARTS 17.23 *TOTAL VENDOR N W FORD & STERLING 17.23 * 690672 PARTS PLUS OF PROS HTS 811270 SEP 050064 4213 AUTO PARTS/SM EQ 463.60 811270 SEP 050064 3824 AUTO PARTS/SM EQ 13.99 *TOTAL VENDOR PARTS PLUS OF PROS 477.59 * 729230 QUALITY TRUCK PARTS & SUP MULTIPLE 050293 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 440.00 *TOTAL VENDOR QUALITY TRUCK PARTS 440.00 * 807900 SPRING ALIGN 41149 050172 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 670.57 *TOTAL VENDOR SPRING ALIGN 670.57 * 809400 STANDARD EQUIPMENT CO MULTIPLE 050296 4213 AUTO PARTS 810.14 *TOTAL VENDOR STANDARD EQUIPMENT 810.14 * 818460 SUBSTANCE ABUSE MGMT INC 450933-00 050297 3111 GRP MED & LIFE 7.50 *TOTAL VENDOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE MGM 7.50 * 822060 SWID SALES CORP. 14658 049874 4213 AUTO PARTS 75.21 *TOTAL VENDOR SWID SALES CORP. 75.21 * 901162 VICTOR FORD 146020 049880 4218 CONT AUTO SERV 100.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VICTOR FORD 100.00 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 6,363.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 6,363.00 * 985000 A. W. ZENGELER UNIF RENT 2898 SEPT 049959 3114 UNIF RENTAL 189.35 *TOTAL VENDOR A. W. ZENGELER UNIF 189.35 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050072 3250 1.29 MULTIPLE 050072 4213 26.22 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 59 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000056 DEPT NO. 000547 GARAGE OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED MULTIPLE 050072 4218 8.24 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 35.75 **TOTAL GARAGE OPERATIONS 15,133.23 ***TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE FUND 52,402.99 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Vitiage of Buffalo Grove Page: 60 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000057 DEPT NO. 000548 GOLF OPERATIONS-AGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 36950 AMERITECH MULTIPLE 050200 3211 TELEPHONE 122.10- *TOTAL VENDOR AMERITECH 122.10-* 51030 ARBORETUM GOLF CLUB 10/7/01 050109 3240 MISC EXP 65.74 10/7/01 050109 3240 MISC EXP 8.52 10/7/01 050109 3219 MISC EXP 70.00 10/7/01 050109 3212 MISC EXP 6.48 *TOTAL VENDOR ARBORETUM GOLF CLUB 150.74 * 58010 AT&T WIRELESS SERV-CHIC 0306 AUG/S 050201 3211 TELEPHONE 52.91 0306 AUG 0 049890 3211 TELEPHONE 44.74 *TOTAL VENDOR AT&T WIRELESS SERV- 97.65 * 99850 BLUE BOY PORTABLE TOILETS MULTIPLE 049895 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 280.50 MULTIPLE 049895 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 280.50 *TOTAL VENDOR BLUE BOY PORTABLE T 561.00 * 139200 CHICAGO TURF & IRRIGATION MULTIPLE 050207 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 212.17 MULTIPLE 049896 4111 M&R DEPT EQ 242.96 *TOTAL VENDOR CHICAGO TURF & IRRI 455.13 * 147200 ARTHUR CLESEN, INC. 147137 049897 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 1,911.11 147978 050210 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 181.00 *TOTAL VENDOR ARTHUR CLESEN, INC. 2,092.11 * 153600 CONSERV FARM SUPPLY 113420 050212 3917 M&R GOLF COURSE 570.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CONSERV FARM SUPPLY 570.00 * 188630 DESERT SPRINGS WATER CO 2992 049903 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 90.00 *TOTAL VENDOR DESERT SPRINGS WATE 90.00 * 200610 EAGLE ONE GOLF PRODUCTS 12566 049904 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 46.37 *TOTAL VENDOR EAGLE ONE GOLF PROD 46.37 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 61 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000057 DEPT NO. 000548 GOLF OPERATIONS-AGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 256570 EZ GO TEXTRON MULTIPLE 050217 3380 G C RENTAL 446.59 *TOTAL VENDOR EZ GO TEXTRON 446.59 * 256570 EZ GO TEXTRON 9/30/01 050116 3380 GOLF CART RENTAL 4,607.90 *TOTAL VENDOR EZ GO TEXTRON 4,607.90 * 256590 FAULKS BROS. CONST, INC MULTIPLE 049906 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 1,306.53 *TOTAL VENDOR FAULKS BROS. CONST, 1,306.53 288730 JOSEPH D. FOREMAN COMPANY 199954 049908 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 1,168.52 *TOTAL VENDOR JOSEPH D. FOREMAN C 1,168.52 326750 GROVE D.C. ELEC., INC. 38691 049910 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 180.00 *TOTAL VENDOR GROVE D.C. ELEC., I 180.00 * 375030 HURDZAN-FRY SEPT 2001 050226 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 1,055.37 *TOTAL VENDOR HURDZAN-FRY 1,055.37 * 391650 IL COMM SALES, INC 14237 050228 3240 OFFICE SUPP 249.00 *TOTAL VENDOR IL COMM SALES, INC 249.00 * 396350 ILLINOIS COMM CO INC 192095 049913 3240 OFFICE SUPP 111.95 *TOTAL VENDOR ILLINOIS COMM CO IN 111.95 * 417740 IL LAWN EQUIPMENT INC. 533299 049916 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 28.13 MULTIPLE 050229 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 731.65 *TOTAL VENDOR IL LAWN EQUIPMENT I 759.78 * 422505 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYS 80052997 050232 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 93.90 *TOTAL VENDOR INTERSTATE BATTERY 93.90 * 422850 I.P.B.C. NOV 01 050159 3111 3,994.08 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 62 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000057 DEPT NO. 000548 GOLF OPERATIONS-AGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED NOV 01 050159 3111 513.56- *TOTAL VENDOR I.P.B.C. 3,480.52 * 468270 J.W. TURF, INC 674503 050234 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 1,457.14 MULTIPLE 049921 4111 RES CAP REP/M&R D 598.78 *TOTAL VENDOR J.W. TURF, INC 2,055.92 * 483000 KAR PRODUCTS, INC. 688186 050236 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 135.26 *TOTAL VENDOR KAR PRODUCTS, INC. 135.26 * 495720 KRANZ INCORPORATED MULTIPLE 049924 3240 OFF SUPP/SUPP G C 301.16 MULTIPLE 049924 3260 OFF SUPP/SUPP G C 301.16 MULTIPLE 049924 3240 OFF SUPP/SUPP G C 90.90- *TOTAL VENDOR KRANZ INCORPORATED 511.42 * 523000 LESTER'S MATERIAL SERVICE #1 050162 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 59,350.00 *TOTAL VENDOR LESTER'S MATERIAL S 59,350.00 * 567900 MEIER BROTHERS TIRE SUPP MULTIPLE 050240 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 139.80 *TOTAL VENDOR MEIER BROTHERS TIRE 139.80 * 568030 MENARDS 8642 050241 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 120.80 *TOTAL VENDOR MENARDS 120.80 * 568032 MENARD'S MULTIPLE 049928 3824 SM EQ & TOOL/SUPP 69.43 MULTIPLE 049928 3260 SM EQ & TOOL/SUPP 27.60 MULTIPLE 049928 3260 SM EQ & TOOL/SUPP 19.95 MULTIPLE 049928 4613 SM EQ & TOOL/SUPP 103.04 MULTIPLE 049928 3260 SM EQ & TOOL/SUPP 16.99- MULTIPLE 049928 3260 SM EQ & TOOL/SUPP 20.02 10445 050242 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 19.59 *TOTAL VENDOR MENARD'S 242.64 * 596510 NADLER GOLF CART SALES 166536 049933 4111 M&R DEPT EQUIP 109.39 *TOTAL VENDOR NADLER GOLF CART SA 109.39 * Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 63 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000057 DEPT NO. 000548 GOLF OPERATIONS-AGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 598325 NATURAL JUICE COMPANY MULTIPLE 050244 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 60.00 77 AUG 01 049934 3260 SUPP GOLF COURSE 120.00 *TOTAL VENDOR NATURAL JUICE COMPA 180.00 * 687800 PALATINE OIL CO., INC MULTIPLE 049940 4211 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 736.96 MULTIPLE 049940 4211 AGC MAINT BLDG PL 345.66 *TOTAL VENDOR PALATINE OIL CO., I 1,082.62 * 736930 RICK REED 9/21/01 049944 3260 SUPP G.C./C/P G.0 12.37 9/21/01 049944 4613 SUPP G.C./C/P G.0 79.60 10/08/01 050294 3113 DUES/C/P G.0 95.00 10/08/01 050294 4613 DUES/C/P G.0 59.62 *TOTAL VENDOR RICK REED 246.59 * 795450 SIGN-A-RAMA, USA MULTIPLE 049949 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 390.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SIGN-A-RAMA, USA 390.00 * 795473 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 183795SI 049950 3823 CHEM/FERT 420.00 *TOTAL VENDOR SIMPLOT PARTNERS 420.00 * 850010 TONYAN BROS., INC 154940 050261 4613 C/P GOLF COURSE 380.98 *TOTAL VENDOR TONYAN BROS., INC 380.98 * 903060 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 10/02/01 050180 4315 FND TRANS 53,000.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 53,000.00 * 903100 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 2,011.68 MULTIPLE 050179 3125 FND TRANS/EMP CON 2,118.83 *TOTAL VENDOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 4,130.51 * 988700 ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE MULTIPLE 050175 3260 MISC EXP 24.57 MULTIPLE 050175 4111 MISC EXP 5.36 MULTIPLE 050175 3240 MISC EXP 53.96 *TOTAL VENDOR ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 83.89 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 64 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000057 DEPT NO. 000548 GOLF OPERATIONS-AGC VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 988815 VENCE J. ZOLMAN 161 049960 4613 OPER EO DEPT 315.00 *TOTAL VENDOR VENCE J. ZOLMAN 315.00 **TOTAL GOLF OPERATIONS-AGC 140,295.78 ***TOTAL ARBORETUM GOLF CLUB FUND 140,295.78 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 65 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000058 DEPT NO. 000058 MIS OPERATIONS FUND VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 57025 A2Z MOBILE OFF SOLUTIONS 15035 050141 223 RES CAP REP 349.90 *TOTAL VENDOR A2Z MOBILE OFF SOLU 349.90 * 152890 CDW COMPUTER CTRS EN06197 050049 223 RES CAP REP 296.00 *TOTAL VENDOR CDW COMPUTER CTRS 296.00 * 749500 RMS INFO TECH INTEG MULTIPLE 049872 223 RES CAP REP/COMP 10,446.00 *TOTAL VENDOR RMS INFO TECH INTEG 10,446.00 * 755150 BRET ROBINSON 1049 050255 223 RES CAP REP 40.00 *TOTAL VENDOR BRET ROBINSON 40.00 * **TOTAL MIS OPERATIONS FUND 11,131.90 ***TOTAL MIS OPERATIONS FUND 11,131.90 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 66 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000059 DEPT NO. 000059 REFUSE SERVICE FUND VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 821400 SWANCC TRUST #35883 773 050173 142 USER FEE/REC OTH 9,367.62- *TOTAL VENDOR SWANCC TRUST #35883 9,367.62-* **TOTAL REFUSE SERVICE FUND 9,367.62- Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 67 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000059 DEPT NO. 000550 REFUSE SERVICE OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED 821400 SWANCC TRUST #35883 773 050173 4922 USER FEE/REC OTH 93,273.04 *TOTAL VENDOR SWANCC TRUST #35883 93,273.04 **TOTAL REFUSE SERVICE OPERATIONS 93,273.04 ***TOTAL REFUSE SERVICE FUND 83,905.42 Date: 10/11/01 10:19 Village of Buffalo Grove Page: 68 User: huntsa EXPENDITURE APPROVALS LIST Warrant Date 10/15/01 FUND NO. 000059 DEPT NO. 000550 REFUSE SERVICE OPERATIONS VENDOR# VENDOR NAME INVOICE# VOUCHER ACCT# TSK OPT C-CTR ITEM DESCRIPTION EXP AMOUNT HAND-ISSUED ****TOTAL BILLS 3,139,966.29 4,051.00 M AGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Mroclamatlon _000, TRICK-OR-TREAT DAY IN BUFFALO GROVE WHEREAS, the children of our community are entitled to the fun and excitement associated with Halloween, including going from door to door in their immediate neighborhoods (subject to parental approval)with their happy challenges of"trick-or-treat"; and, WHEREAS, the increased possibility of accidents due to the general carefree spirit of the children at this particular time when their natural caution is abandoned and when costumes and masks often make them indistinguishable in the darkness on these cold fall evenings is an ever- present threat; and, WHEREAS, it would appear that parents generally favor the late afternoon and early evening schedule since it tends to limit participation to the younger children, for whom the observance was originally intended, and discourages interference and disruption by the very small percentage of older children who,under cover of darkness and with their identities concealed by masks and costumes, might otherwise seek to spoil the fun for the small children. NOW, THEREFORE, I, ELLIOTT HARTSTEIN, President of the Village of Buffalo Grove do herebyproclaim that Wednesday, October 31,2001 shall be known as TRICK-OR-TREAT DAY in Buffalo Grove. I do further ask both children and their parents to cooperate in limiting the time of trick-or-treat activities between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 7:00'P.M. I also ask that, whenever possible,parents insure that they or other responsible adults accompany children, and I further encourage all householders, wherever they are able to do so,to cooperate in making this a happy occasion for all youngsters by limiting "treats" to non-edible items. Proclaimed.this 15t'day of October, 2001. Village President TO: William R. Balling Village Manager FROM: Gregory P. Boysen Director of Public Works DATE: October 10, 2001 SUBJECT: Chicago Metropolitan Mayors Conference Power Purchase Program In follow-up to yesterday's meeting of the Chicago Power Purchase Alliance Group, which was held at the City of Chicago Department of Environment offices,the four largest non-streetlighting accounts which are not covered by free franchise credit provisions would be proposed for enrollment in the program. These accounts involve the water and sewer utility pumping facilities,the Buffalo Grove Golf Course and the Arboretum Golf Course clubhouse and maintenance facilities and the Metra train station facilities. The total bills for the past year for these facilities amounted to $257,800. The Chicago Power Purchase Alliance arrangement, which resulted from the competitive review process which has recently been completed, is projected to result in a savings of approximately $10,000 per year with approximately $2,000 being utilized for the purchase of green power/renewable energy usage certificates resulting in a net savings to the Village of approximately $7,500. The green power/renewable energy usage certificates will contribute to the startup assistance of alternative electric power source facilities, such as landfill gas recovery, hydroelectric power generation, wind power generation and solar power generation facilities in the Chicago metropolitan area in the future. Dave Bennett, Executive Director of the Chicago Metropolitan Mayors Conference, notes that the accommodation of these alternative renewable energy sources within the Chicago metropolitan area will reduce the demand for traditional coal powered electrical generation units in the future. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please let me know. Gre ry o en, P.E. attachment \\WIN2KPW\GROUP\PWDIRGRP\LHC\COMED\10101 wrb.doc VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE COWED ACCOUNTS WITH OVER 50 kWh OCTOBER 5,2001 ACCOUNT NUMBER SERVICE ADDRESS kWh kWh CURRENT CHARGES DATE BILL ISSUED SERVICE FROM SERVICE TO RATE A 0115OW7 NS LAKE COOK 1W RAUPP 72.434kWh 72.434 198.97 821100 7113000 8/11100 80.444 kWh W.444 $5,534.35 9/15100 8/11100 9/12I00 62.726 kWh 62.726 $4,648.78 10/11100 9112100 10111I00 49.745kWh 49.745 $3,341.08 11/14/00 10/11/00 1119000 77.372kWh 77.372 $4.587.01 12/15A10 lilt 0 12/13000 84.048 kWh 84.048 $4,990.97 123001 12/13M 1/18/01 Change to 48 RAUPP BLVD 70.256 kWh 70.256 $4,445.37 221/01 1/iml 2114/01 67.907 kWh 67.967 $4.614.94 3/15101 2114101 WWI 58.172 kWh 58.172 $3,974.81 4/17101 3115101 4/13101 61.614 kWh 61.614 $4,129.64 5/16001 4113001 MAIM 60.274 kWh 60.274 $4,175.79 5/14/01 5114101 6/13101 89.800 kWh 89.800 $5,974.06 720A11 6113101 7/16/01 80.681 kWh W.581 55,750.37 8/15001 711=1 8/13/01 Total kWh 91-5 33. Total Charges 61,288.14 0111523007 50 RaW Blvd Punp 193,432 kWh 193432.000 $13,569.37 9112101 8/11 9/1200D 159,800kWh 1599W.000 $12,015.57 10/150) 9/12000 10/11= 142,809kWh 142809.000 $10,110.27 11114170 10/11/00 11/9/00 230,253kWh 230263.000 $15.841.41 12/15/00 11/900 12/13/00 254,728 kWh 254728.000 $16,159.42 1/19/01 12/13/00 1/16101 217,488 kWh 217488.000 $14,687.90 2116101 1/16A11 2114/01 210,848 kWh 210548.000 $13,503.41 3/15101 2/14101 3/15101 189,650 kWh 189550.000 $12,540.17 4117/01 3/15101 4/13001 173,197kWh 173197.000 $11,946.11 5/16/01 4/13001 5/14MI 156,977kWh 158977.000 $11,895.38 6/15/01 5114101 6113101 197.523 kWh 197623.000 $14.177.72 7/17101 6/13101 7/16Ml 170,935 kWh 170935.000 $12,360.05 8/15001 7/1601 8/13001 Total kWh .000 Total Charges $168,805.78 1940140M 801 Corrowerce CI Vernon Twp 1 ,849kWh 15649.000 1I.M.33 9x" em/00 9XIM 4,803kWh 40W.000 $587.36 10/5M 9000 10mm 19,397 kWh 19397.000 $1,341.85 1117100 10/4100 112100 11.90 kWh 11948.000 $1.013.50 1211M 11r" 12MM 10.870kWh 10670.000 5880.12 I/BMI 12/5100 1/8101 8,981 kWh 8981.000 $781.14 2/7101 1AWI 20101 8,123 kWh 8123.000 $737.50 31=1 2/7/01 3AY01 7,877 kWh 7877.000 $812.58 MWI 31AO1 41=1 13.312 kWh 13312.000 $1,061.07 5/8/01 416/Ot 51=1 13,359kWh 13389.000 $1.058.80 awl 5001 awl 12,052 kWh 12052.000 $1.048.54 71=1 8/8101 719/01 9,837 kWh 9037.000 $902.10 awl 711101 awl Total kWh 1 1 Total Charges $11,428.41 D 00255850D4 AtborMurn Golf Course 28,825 kWh 26M.000 $2.846.97 8/10/01 7/1 8/10M 48 Raupp Blvd 34,892 kWh 34692.000 $3,306.32 9114100 8/10= 9/11100 17.692 kWh 17892.000 $2,172.45 10/10000 9/11A0 10110/00 19.472 kWh 19472.000 $2,074.47 11/13100 t0/10A>D 1119100 8,603 kWh 8603.000 $763.83 12/12I00 1law 12/11/00 7,875kWh 7875.000 $613.27 1/31011 12/1I= 1/15001 8,343kWh 6343.000 $522.79 2/13011 1/15001 2113001 5,912 kWh 5912.000 $570.19 3116MI 2113001 3/14/01 8,792 kWh 8792.000 $1,340.57 4117101 3114MI 4114101 19,23WM 19238.000 $1,925.66 5/15101 4112001 5/14101 17,379 kWh 17379.000 $1,780.30 6/12001 5/14/01 GM2101 29,028 kWh 29026.000 $2,948.23 7/16AN W12/01 7/12101 31,599 kWh 31599.000 $3,219.97 8113001 7112001 8/13001 20,768kWh 20788.000 i2,240.48 9/13101 &13101 9/10101 Total kWh 1 - Total al kWh 81 Total For AN Accounts Es&na*d Annual Sayings C S0.002AtWh= $10.752.95 Pop 1 10/10/01 Board Agenda Item Submittal VIII-B Requested By: Scott D Anderson Entered By: Scott D Anderson Agenda Item Title: 2001 Buffalo Grove Days Financial Report Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 0 Consent Agenda 10/10/2001 10/15/2001 Regular Agenda Finance&GS 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 NO funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Attached to this memorandum is the financial report of all revenues and expenditures for the 2001 Buffalo Grove Days event. All charges and expenditures other than payroll expense have been processed and paid through the committee account. Operating departments have been charged for the payroll expense. This report should be considered final although there may be certain expenditures that have not yet been received. Any future receipts or expenditures of a significant nature will be reported as an amendment to this report. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files L J bgdays2.pdf Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: To: William R. Balling i From: Scott D. Anderson Date: October 10, 2001 RE: Buffalo Grove Days - 2001 Financial Report Attached to this memorandum is the financial report of all revenues and expenditures for the 2001 Buffalo Grove Days event. All charges and expenditures other than payroll expense have been processed and paid through the committee account. Operating departments have been charged for the payroll expense. This report should be considered final although there may be certain expenditures that have not yet been received. Any future receipts or expenditures of a significant nature will be reported as an amendment to this report. Total event revenue was $254,554.37 an increase of $46,818.34 from 2000 revenues. The gross revenue from contributions was approximately $1,000 higher than the previous year although the net collections were $1,449.06 less due to a change in the cost of collection percentage. The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for soliciting and collecting contributions and are compensated for their time and expense through a fixed percentage of the total collections. The primary source of revenue is from carnival proceeds. This year revenue increased 16.35% to $168,514.18. Craft show fees ($4, 950) more than doubled from 2000 totals. The participant /entertainment fees are approximately 10% less than what was collected during last year's event. The net budget draw from the Corporate Fund will decrease from last year's draw of $16,829.42. As of this report, the legislative account has been charged $39,349.72. A check will be issued from the Committee checking account to the village for $23,000 to reduce the budget draw. After the reimbursement, the net budget draw will be $16,349.72. Total event expenditure was $229,042.97. This figure represents an increase of $24,882.19 or 12.19% over 2000 expenditures. The largest percentage increase (32.9%) was in All Other Expenditures. A majority of the increase from last year is attributed to a rise in transportation costs. Carnival Fees increased by $19,265.53. Carnival fees are paid on a percentage of the revenue generated by the amusement company so any increase in revenue will have a corresponding increase in expense. Currently this year's event is showing a net loss of 1,063.85. The attached analysis presents a year-to-year comparison with a detailed listing of revenues and expenditures by vendor. Also included are reports from Public Safety and ESDA. This report will be formally distributed to the Buffalo Grove Days Committee for their information and comment in conjunction with the submittal to the President and Board of Trustees. c: William H. Brimm VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE BUFFALO GROVE DAYS-EVENT COMPARISON 2001-2000 REVENUE/EXPENDITURE COMPARISON 2001 2000 CHANGE PERCENTAGE REVENUE SOURCE: EVENT EVENT CHANGE PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVER 3,575.25 2,222.36 1,352.89 60.88% PARADEIENTERTAINMENT 25,624.94 27,074.00 (1,449.06) -5.35% CONTRIBUTIONS PARTICIPANT/VENDOR FEES 9,012.38 10,086.25 (1,073.87) -10.65% CRAFT SHOW FEES 4,950.00 2,300.00 2,650.00 115.22% CARNIVAL INCOME 168,514.18 144,837.84 23,676.34 16.35% COMMITTEE SALESIMISC 3,527.90 4,386.16 (858.26) -19.57% NET BUDGET DRAW 39,349.72 16,829.42 22,520.30 133.82% TOTAL REVENUE 254,554.37 207,736.03 46,818.34 22.54% EXPENDITURES: ENTERTAINMENT 36,715.52 39,954.15 (3,238.63) -8.11% CARNIVAL FEES 118,707.75 99,442.22 19,265.53 19.37% FIREWORKS 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00% PARADE 5,444.56 4,687.00 757.58 16.16% EQUIPMENT RENTAL 43,994.00 39,827.25 4,166.75 10.46% ALL OTHER EXPENDITURES 16,181.14 12,250.16 3,930.98 32.09% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 229,042.97 204,160.78 24,882.19 12.19% NET INCOME/(LOSS) 25,511.40 _ 3 575.25 21,936.15 613.56% VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE BUFFALO GROVE DAYS-2001 REVENUE COMPILATION REVENUE SOURCE AMOUNT AMOUNT OF CARRYOVER-2000 EVENT 3,575.25 3,575.25 PARADEIENTERTAINMENT CONTRIBUTIONS: ABC PLUMBING 500•00 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE BANK 2.500•00 ARAMARK 500.00 BANNER PLUMBING 500.00 COMPUTER DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE 4,000.00 COLFAX ENVELOPE CO. 250.00 COYEST 500.00 DAKOTA K 250•00 EVANSTON NORTHWESTERN 400.00 FIRST AMERICAN BANK 250.00 FIRST NORTHWEST 500•00 FIRST MIDWEST BANK 500.00 GENERAL BINDING CORP 500.00 GROUNDWORK 500•00 HAMPTON INN 250.00 HARRIS BANK-BARRINGTON 500•00 HIGHLAND PARK HEALTH&FITNESS 500.00 HINES LUMBER 2,500•0 IWNOIS PROPERTY INSPECTIONS 250•00 INDECK ENERGY SYSTEMS 1,000.00 INTERNATIONAL PROFIT ASSOCIATES 500.00 J.C.PENNEY 100.00 JCYS 500.00 KL.EFSTAD COMPANIES 100.00 KRISTINAS STUDIO OF DANCE 250.00 NIELSEN ASSOCIATES 400.00 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS 250•00 SUSAN MOORE&ASSOCIATES 500•00 PINZER&HARTSTEIN 400.00 POWERNAIL 500.00 REMAX 500.00 REPUBLIC TITLE 1,000.00 ROTARY CLUB 500•00 SCHWABEN CENTER 250•00 SIEMENS TECHNOLGY 1,000.00 SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING 400•00 THE BEST SALON 500.00 THORNTON HEATING 500.00 VAN MELLE 5,000.00 VILLAGE TAVERN&GRILL 500.00 YASKAWA ELECTRIC 1,000.00 ZENON 250.00 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS 481.17 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COLLECTIONS (6,406.23) SUB-TOTAL 25,624.94 OTHER REVENUE SOURCES: PARTICIPANT FEES-VENDORS 9,012.38 CRAFT SHOW FEES 4,950.00 CARNIVAL FEES 168,514.18 FY 01-02 VILLAGE LEGISLATIVE 39,349.72 BUDGET EXPENDITURES MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 3,527.90 SUB-TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE 225,354.18 254 554.37 EXPENDITURES AMOUNT DESCRIPTION A TO Z ENTERTAINMENT 3,450.00 ENTERTAINMENT ADGIFT SPECIALITIES 250.41 BADGESIFAVORS AREAWIDE CELLULAR 75.00 MISC EXPENSES ASTRO AMUSEMENTS 118,707.75 CARNIVAL LEON BER 1,073.00 BUS DRIVER RANDY BERNSTEIN 750.00 ENTERTAINMENT BIZAR ENTERTAINMENT,INC 500.00 ENTERTAINMENT BOYLAN SALES 1,420.00 GOLF CART RENTAL BRAN SIMON ORG. 3,750.00 ENTERTAINMENT ANDY BRAND 250.00 ENTERTAINMENT BUFFALO GROVE H.S.BAND 300.00 PARADE BIG BOWL 52.00 MISC EXPENSES CART MART 600.00 GOLF CART RENTAL CHAMBER DUES 115.00 MISC EXPENSES CHEMICAL LIGHT,INC 1,702.00 GLOW NECKLACES CHICAGO BLACK HORSE TROOP 600.00 PARADE RICK COLAN 1,000.00 ENTERTAINMENT RHONDA CORCHIN 40.20 ENTERTAINMENT CLOWNING AROUND 2,917.22 ENTERTAINMENT CRAVINGS 116.00 MISC EXPENSES CROWN TROPHY 49.00 PARADE AWARD CRYAN SHAMES 4,600.00 ENTERTAINMENT DAILY HERALD 983.40 MISC EXPENSES DENNIS DEBONDT 400.00 ENTERTAINMENT NATIONAL CITY BANK 85.75 BANK CHARGES FLYING CARPETS 325.00 PARADE GEN POWER INC. 4,852.00 LIGHTING/POWER GLENBROOK SHRINE TS 800.00 PARADE PAULETTE GREENBERG 29.29 MISC EXPENSES ROGER GROGAN 200.00 ENTERTAINMENT HIGHWAY SAFETY CORPORATION 550.00 SIGN RENTALS HILLBILLY CLAN 400.00 PARADE HYGO-PORT,INC 10,765.00 PORTABLE TOILETS JOSE IBANEZ 400.00 ENTERTAINMENT INDESTRUCTO RENTAL CO 11,525.00 TENT/CHAIRSIfABLES RYAN JACOBI 800.00 ENTERTAINMENT JORDAN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 209.99 MISC SUPPLIES SUE JOHNSON 175.00 ENTERTAINMENT LAIDLAW 8W.96 BUS DRIVERS LAKELAND COMMUNICATIONS,INC 825.00 RADIO RENTAL LAPPIN ELECTRIC 41.20 MISC EXPENSES LIMO OF ARLINGTON,INC 361.10 ENTERTAINMENT DAN LEMONNIER 650.00 ENTERTAINMENT JERRY MALONE 832.50 BUS DRIVER ELIEEN MARSH 250.00 ENTERTAINMENT MEDINAH BIG WHEELS 350.00 PARADE MEDINAH CLOWNS 500.00 PARADE MEDINAH MOTOR CORP 500.00 PARADE MELODY MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS 1,250.00 ENTERTAINMENT MELROSE PYROTECHNICS 8,000.00 FIREWORKS MENARDS 57.28 MISC EXPENSES MIGHTY MITES AWARDS 176.00 EVENT AWARDS MINI MOTOR CORP-NORTHWEST 300.00 PARADE JOSH MORTON 350.00 ENTERTAINMENT MUNICIPAL MARKING SYSTEMS 102.00 MISC EXPENSES MICKEY NELSON PRODUCTIONS 1,500.00 ENTERTAINMENT MICKEY&THE MEMORIES 2,500.00 ENTERTAINMENT WHITEY O'DAY 200.00 ENTERTAINMENT PACVAN 885.00 EQUIP RENTAL BOB PERNA 1,600.00 ENTERTAINMENT CHARAL PHENGPHIPAT 832.50 BUS DRIVER PRO SAFETY 45.00 MISC EXPENSES MARK PUTTERMAN 500.00 ENTERTAINMENT RALPH RANDOLPH 351.50 BUS DRIVER SANROMAN MAINTENANCE 1,860.00 MAINTENANCE SERVICE SIGNS FOR SUCCESS 1,470.00 BANNERS/SIGNS SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS 7,500.00 ENTERTAINMENT JV SPRINGMAN 51.60 MISC EXPENSES ST.MARY'S BAND 200.00 PARADE STEVENSON H.S.BAND 300.00 PARADE SUPER STAGE LIGHTING 12,470.00 EQUIP RENTAL ART SYMEC 1,082.25 BUS DRIVER TABALA MOTOR PATROL 300.00 PARADE JOE TENEREW 44.56 MISC SUPPLIES VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 2,390.49 MISC EXPENSES MAUREEN WELBORN 350.00 MISC SUPPLIES WHEELING H.S.BAND 300.00 PARADE BONNIE WIL.SON 721.50 BUS DRIVER STEVE WILSON 814.00 BUS DRIVER WYNDHAM GARDEN INN 472.00 MISC EXPENSES ZIMMERMAN HARDWARE 102.52 MISC EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENSES 229 042.97 NET INCOME/(LOSS) 25,511.40 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE BUFFALO GROVE DAYS CONTRIBUTIONS 2001-1995 CONTRIBUTORS 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 ABC SEWER&PLUMBING 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 ADVANTEST 300.00 AIM PRINTING 800.00 AKEBONO 250.00 ALAN OPTICAL 50.00 0.00 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE BANK 2,500.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 AMERITECH 5,000.00 ANGUS CHEMICAL 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 ARAMARK 500.00 ARLINGTON NISSAN 0.00 300.00 00.00 3 ARTHUR J.ROGERS 0.00 A.T.&T. 750.00 AUSTIN CHEMICAL CO 250.00 0.00 MI BANC GROUP MORTGAGE COMPANY 250.00 BANNER PLUMBING 500.00 1,000.00 BLOOMING GROVE FLORIST 50•00 BRAN&LUEBBE 0.00 50.00 BT OFFICE PRODUCTS 0.00 250.00 BUFFALO GROVE AMOCO 100.00 250.00 BUFFALO GROVE GYMNASTICS 250•00 BUFFALO GROVE HEALTH&FITNESS 500•00 500.00 BUFFALO RESTAURANT 100.00 0.00 COMPUTER DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 CHICAGO BOILER COMPANY 250.00 500.00 CITIBANK 0.00 250.00 CITIZENS TO PROTECT 500.00 COLFAX ENVELOPE CO 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 COUNTY LINE PARTNERS 0.00 250.00 COURTESY MOLD CO 250.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 COVEST 500.00 500.00 CLAREMONT NURSING HOME 1.500.00 500.00 CROSSCOM NATIONAL 250.00 CUB FOODS 1,000.00 DAKOTA K 250•00 500.00 DATABASE DESIGN 500-00 250.00 FIRST AMERICAN BANK 250.00 FIRST NORTHWEST 500•00 250.00 FIRST MIDWEST BANK 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 FRIENDS OF THE FEST 364.00 EVANSTON NORTHWESTERN 400.00 EXXON CHEMICAL CO. 200.00 GENERAL BINDING CORP 500.00 500.00 GIFTCO SPECIALITIES 0.00 100.00 GROUNDWORK 500•00 100•00 GROVE BANQUETS 250.00 0.00 HAMILTON PARTNERS 0.00 4,500.00 HAMPTON INN 250.00 HARRIS BANK-BARRINGTON 500.00 500.00 500.00 HARRIS BANK-5W HALF DAY 300.00 500.00 0.00 250.00 HARRIS BANK-700 LAKE COOK 500.00 HEART&SOUL ENTERTAINMENT 400•00 500.00 HIGHLAND PARK HEALTH&FITNESS 500.00 HILTON GARDEN INN 250.00 250.00 250.00 HINES LUMBER 2,500.00 HOUSEHOLD BANK 0.00 250.00 HYDRAFORCE,INC. 500.00 200•0 ICON CHEMICAL RESEARCH 150.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 IWNOIS PROERTY INSPECTIONS 250.00 INDECK ENERGY SYSTEMS 1,000.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 INTERNATIONAL PROFIT ASSOCIATES 500.00 800.00 100.00 500.00 0.00 IN WORKING ORDER 25.00 J.C.PENNEY 100.00 500.00 250.00 JCYS 500.00 JEWEL 250.00 500.00 KLEFSTAD COMPANIES 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 5W.00 KOVITZ,SHIFFRIN&WAITZMAN 0.00 250.00 KRISTINA'S STUDIO OF DANCE 250.00 LASALLEBANK-NORTHBROOK 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2 250.00 0.00 LANDIS&GYR POWERS 250.00�'00 2 MERCK DRUG COMPANY 0.00 2000.00 MICROMASTER 300.00 MIDWEST AUTOMATION CO '� '� SUSAN MOORE&ASSOCIATES 500.00 500.00 MSA REALTY CORPORATION 'S MURPHY PACKAGING 25•00 NIELSEN ASSOCIATES 400.00 300.00 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS 250.00 250.00 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 500.00 500.00 PADDOCK PUBLISHING 500.00 STEVE PANICH 500.00 PINZER&HARTSTEIN 400.00 300.00 250•00 PLEWS/EDELMANN 150.00 150.00 150.00 250.00 0.00 PORTERS STEAKHOUSE 200•00 POWERNAIL 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 REMAX EXPERTS 500•00 500•00 500.00 500.00 REPUBLIC TITLE 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 00 ROLLING HILLS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 500.00 100.ROLLING ROTARY CLUB OF BUFFALO GROVE 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 0 BRIAN RUBIN 200.00 SCHWABEN CENTER 250.00 250.00 SIEMENS TECHNOLOGY 1,000.00 ST PAUL FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 250.00 250.00 500.00 STEVEN R.SCHUBERT,M.D. 25.00 SIGNS OF SUCCESS BARB SOROCCO REALTY 250.00 200.00 SPRINGMAN&ASSOC. 100.00 DAVE SULLIVAN 250.00 STRUEBING CONSTRUCTION 100.00 0.00 SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING 400.00 500.00 SWISTEN ALUMINUM 0.00 0.00 25 TELEMEDIA CORPORATION 300.00 0.00 0.00 TELULAR CORPORATION 250.00250.0050�'� 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 TETRA REX PACKAGING THE BEST SALON 500.00 500.00 THORNTON HEATING SERVICE 500.00 500.00 500.00 UNITED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING,INC. 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 TOSHIBA USA VAN MELLE 5,000.00 VILLAGE GRILL&TAVERN 500.00 500.00 600.00 VIROTEK 1,000.00 WASHINGTON SPECIALITY METALS 0.00 300.00 WHOLE FOODS MARKET 250.00 WOODHEAD INDUSTRIES 0'� '00 YAMNAR DIESEL AMER�A 0.00 100.00 YASKAWA ELECTRIC AMERICA 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 360.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 ZENON 250.00 MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS 481.17 476.00 COST OF COLLECTIONS (6,406.23) (4,010.00) (1840.00) TOTAL 25,624.94 27,074.00 16,785.00 16,275.00 11,350.00 14,200.00 17,900.00 To: Chief Leo C McCann From: Sergeant James Newton Date: September 10,2001 Subject: After Action Report—Buffalo Grove Days 2001 Cc: Command Staff Sergeants Bill Brimm,Assistant Village Manages CALEA 46.1.11 This year's festival ran very smoothly and I would like to thank our officers for their professionalism and demeanor.The Village President,Trustees,committee members and residents presented me with compliments on our performance.All the problems we encountered were minor and handled effectively _ . __without incident The excellent weather brought out very large crowds,but those attending were well behaved and seemed to enjoy themselves. I was on the grounds all weekend and worked closely with Chairperson Maureen Welborn to alleviate any problems or concerns that arose.I would like to thank the other village staff members who assisted me before,during and after the event such as Ray Rigsby(Public Works),Carmen Molinaro(Golf Operations), Bill Brimm(Village Hall), Steve Panitch,Sara Herrman(Chamber),Roger Remblake(ESDA)and Dale Dukeman(Park District).All of these individuals strongly support the department and our efforts to make the event a safe and enjoyable one.Their assistance and support made my job much easier. On Thursday night the carnival shut down 45 minutes early because the presence of lightning in the area. There were no problems at the Bingo tent. On Friday evening the carnival was allowed to remain open until 11:00 p.m. There was an overflow of people into the carnival area after the teen stage,but this did not cause any problems.After the carnival shut down the crowd was directed to leave.The entire area from the carnival site to St Marys was cleared by 11:30 pm. On Saturday there was the Teen Challenge Night consisting of Tri Volleyball,Climbing Wall and Velcro Wall.Theseactivity concluded when the main stage ended at 10:30 p.m. I did not receive any complaints from the residents on Raupp Blvd.I wrote a letter to each resident supplying my office and pager number.This allowed the residents to deal with one person in case a problem arose(P.O.P.)Each resident was also given parking passes for their family or guests coming to the festival. During this years festival our officers were allowed to wear polo shirts for non-traffic related details.I did not receive any complaints from the citizens about not being able recognize our officers wearing polo shirts.On a couple of the nights officers did have to put on a department windbreaker over their polo shirt because it cooled off,but I don't think this detracted from their appearance. Overall the appearance of our officer's in uniform or wearing a polo shirt still presented a positive image to the public. The officers who did wear the polo shirts commented on how comfortable they were even with their ballistic vests on underneath.I would like to continue the use of the polo shirts in the future. I asked for comments and concerns from everyone involved in this year's festival in an effort to seek further improvements.Below are the responses I received and my comments addressing them.My response to each is italicized. Carnival A public address system would be very beneficial.It would help when looking for lost children/parents. I will see if MobilCom can make a PA hook up near their command center. Teen Sta¢e We had a large showing of gang members this year,specifically"Latin Kings"from Mundelein and Prospect Heights.Several gang members were identified and escorted off the grounds. A briefing by investigations on any expected or perceived gang presence prior to the start of Bu, ralo Grove Days. The option of the Lake County Gang Unit either on stand by or on the grounds is always an option If special operations and gang units were at the festival we could use our investigators in uniform. Beer Tent: _:Ihe alcohol area needs to be.better secured with snow fencing to prevent people from circumventing the checkpoint.Also additional signs at the checkpoint stating "No beer beyond this point" During the festival snow fence was put up between the business fair vendors tents and the beer area This fence was constantly getting knocked down.Next year the fence will be reinforced Additional signs will be posted in the beer tent area and at the checkpoint. The chamber continued to sell beer after the last call time.Also there was some confusion on who was allowed to stay and who was allowed to leave when the beer tent shut down. This issue was addressed with the chamber and committee chairperson during the festival.Some effort was made to resolve the problem.I plan on addressing this issue with our post committee meeting, so these issues don't repeat next year. 5K10K Runs The park district created new routes this year.They started and ended at their fitness center on McHenry Rend and utilized the new pedestrian bridge over McHenry Road.They received permission to detour McHenry Road traffic between Deerfield and Buffalo Grove Roads for 30 minutes(0800-0830)Public Works created and set up detour signs for us.The new routes required more officers for traffic control; however,the routes appeared to be more`user friendly'for area residents.It took 14 officers for traffic control,plus one bike patrol and one motorcycle officer to lead the runs.Of the 16 officer's,3 were on duty traffic Officers.The 10K run started at 0800.The 5K started at 0815.The runs lasted until 0920 hours. The only negative issue was Lori Stopper's injury while on bike patrol. Recommendations:Change the detail time from 0730 to 0930 hours,to more accurately reflect when we are needed Parade The parade went responsibly well.We were short one officer due to Lori Stopper being out with her injury from earlier in the day.One on duty Traffic officer was suppose to help at Arlington Heights and Bernard. The other on duty traffic officer was used to help at Bernard and Weidner.I assisted at the staging area before the parade and then responded to Navajo and St Mary's to assist the officer there.Officer Spolar and Wiggins rode bike patrol and also floated ahead of the parade to address a parking concern on Raupp. Officer Spolar had signed up as a`Supervisor Discretion'Officer.I had planned to have him at a specific location,not riding the bike.The other`Supervisor Discretion'Officer was used at Bernard and Glendale to direct traffic away from the parade route.This year,we posted additional no parking signs on Navajo south of St Mary's for the band school buses.This worked well,however,some of the buses parked on Crestview by mistake. The only negatives were two injuries.One Shriner vs.pedestrian crash and a young man who fell off a float,hitting his head on the street.The maneuverability of the police motorcycle allowed Officer Nelson to get through the crowds to both incidents. Recommendations:Eliminate the specific locations on the sign up sheet(similar to the 5K/1 OK runs and fireworks that just list a number of officers needed).The Traffic Sergeant would then assign officers where they are needed.I would suggest 10 slots be included on the sheet.On duty Traffic Officers would still be used to fill any gaps.Any bike patrol officers that wish to ride in tiie parade should make separate arrangements,and not be on the sign up sheet. Fireworks The following comments are from Sgt.Husak who handled the fireworks program: The expanded fireworks display was well received by the public.No one signed up for the uniformed patrol at the golf course,so Sergeants Newton,Nugent and I worked this detail.At the conclusion of the fireworks display we handled traffic direction on Church at the parking lot exits.The officer at Church and Manchester moved to Church and Buffalo Grove Rd to assist the C.S.O.there.Corporal Dattilo started an hour early and assisted me with checking the perimeter of the golf course(fence line). Recommendations:I do not recommend any change to this detail,provided officers sign up for available slots. Traffic/Crime Prevention Display: We worked with the Crime Prevention unit on Saturday and Sunday at their booth.We rented the"My First I.D'system from the McHenry County Safe Kids Coalition.This service was very well received.We had a line of parents and children waiting for I.D.s at all times.We created 142 I.D Cards during the two days,and had to turn people away at the end of each day. The Illinois State Police brought their rollover simulator on Saturday.This device is a pick up truck mounted on a trailer that has a cab that spins to show what happens in a roll over crash. When the stuffed dummies in the truck wear their seat belts,they stay in the cab.When they are not belted,they are ejected. This display was also very well received. We could not have handled this display without the help of the two on duty traffic officers Kupsak/Senese).The more community contact with the Traffic Unit is involved in during Buffalo Grove Days,the more evident it is to me that we should continue to refrain from assigning on duty Traffic officers to Buffalo Grove Days details. Many of our successes throughout the weekend were directly related to your hard work work and management of this community festival.Thank you. Miscellaneous Concerns: This year's event presented us with bigger traffic problems than in the past. Part of the problem was the amount of activities at St Mary's limiting the use of their parking lot. The barricade we had posted at Church and Buffalo Grove rd.stating"Permit parking only"cut down slightly on the amount of unauthorized traffic,but those people who didn't feel the sign pertained to them had to be redirected out by the officer at Manchester and Church causing the traffic to back up.I will explore the possibility of regulating the traffic at Buffalo Grove Rd and Church to cut down on the congestion on Church,Manchester and Circle Drive. The chamber wanted to create a free flowing area for people walking through the business fair to be able to walk over to the beer tent area.This presented a problem with people walking out of the beer area with their beer.I was able to get some snow fence erected as a barrier,but this kept getting knocked down.Next year we'll have some reinforced fencing in place. Police Manaower Date Duty Time Overtime Comy Time Thursday 177.50 4.50 0 Friday 179.50 49.50 0 Saturday 167.50 106.50 18.5 Sunda 168 145 16 Monday 59.5 18 0 Totals 752 323.5 134.5 - Police Manuower Deployment - A total of 1 110 hours of manpower was used for this year's event.Scheduled duty time saw an increase of 29.5%.The overtime increased 1.2%,while the comp time was down 10.3%.These figures include patrol and investigations personnel along with staff service personnel who adjusted their duty hours for the festival. These figures do not reflect the hours of comp time (42.25 hours)or overtime(79.25)used for Crime Prevention,community relations and parade participants(Color Guard,K-9 and DARE) Investigations supplied a total of 173 hours of manpower for Carnival and Teen Dance security.This was an increase of 9.1 %from last year.Their duty hours and overtime hours are included in the above totals. Our Volunteers donated 22 hours of their time and our Cadets 20 hours of their time to help with traffic direction at Lake Cook and Raupp. It was a pleasure serving as the liaison for the Buffalo Grove Days Committee.I look forward to next year's event. Respectfully, James Newton Sergeant,#512 Summary of EMS at BG Days This year the Fire Department supplied a two- (2) man ambulance on Friday, (08/31) and Monday (09/03). On Saturday (09/01) and Sunday (09/02), manning was increased to three (3) paramedics. This year we continued the Bike Medic program that we implemented on a trial basis last year. On Saturday and Sunday two (2) of the paramedics were assigned to bicycles that were equipped with an assortment of medical supplies. The supplies ranged from trauma, to cardiac medicines and even included oxygen and an AED. The ability of the bike medics to respond exceeded that of the ambulance or the golf cart. They were quicker to mobilize, more maneuverable, and able to deploy closer to the patient. They were also effective public relations tools. Many residents came up to the paramedics and engaged them in conversation. Overall this year the number of calls responded to by the Bike Medics and the First Aid tent was down. This is most likely due to the cooler temperatures, which drastically decreased heat stress among the visitors to BG Days. Following is a breakdown on the type of patients and whether they were transported. Thursday. August 30, 2001 No manned First Aid tent AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT 14 F Scratched eye No Q25, A4 total treated. 1 total transported 0 Friday, August 31, 2001 First Aid tent manned by 2 paramedics AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT 3 F Fell from ride No 43 M Tripped No 2 F Bee Sting No 4 M Bee Sting No 47 F Bee Sting No F Bee Sting No 43 F Dropped candle on foot No total treated. 7 total transported 0 Saturday, September 1, 2001 3 paramedics, (includes 2 on bikes) Treated at First Aid Tent AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT 40 F Sliver in finger No 12 M Fell on Knee No 48 F Bee sting No total treated. 3 total transported 0 PAGE 1 of 3 Summary of EMS at BG Days 2001.doc Saturday, September 1, 2001 (cont.) Treated by Bike Medics 7 F Bee Sting No 10 F Finger Injury No 5 M Bee Sting No F Rug Burn No 17 M Bump on forehead No 39 M Nausea No Head injury No Refusal done by Bike Medics Pt. feeling ill No Refusal done by Bike Medics total treated. 8 total transported 0 total Bike & First Aid Tent treated. 11 total Bike & First Aid Tent transported. 0 Sunday, September 2, 2001 3 paramedics, (includes 2 on bikes) Treated at First Aid Tent AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT 8 M Bee Sting No 75 F Bee Sting No 47 F Bee sting No 32 F Heel blister No 72 F Bee sting No 6 M Jammed thumb No 56 F Bee sting No 55 F Bee sting No 12 F Bee sting No 44 M Ankle injury No 43 F Bee Sting No 3 F Scraped knee No 5 F Bee sting No 8 M Bee sting No 10 M Bee sting No 16 F Scratch on hand No 14 M Fell, injured hip&ankle No total treated. 18 10 M Abrasion on stomach No total transported 0 Sunday, September 2, 2001 Treated by Bike Medics AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT 8 M Contusion/hand No F BGPD officer poss Fx wrist Yes A26 MV vs pedestrian No Bike Medics dispatched off site by 203 PAGE 2OF3 Summary of EMS at BG Days 200 Ldoc Sunday, September 2, 2001 Treated by Bike Medics AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT Sprained ankle No Refusal by Bike Medics MVA No A25 also dispatched, Refusal by Bike Medics MVA No At BGPD dispatched by 203 Refusal by Bike Medics total treated: 6 total transported 1 total Bike & First Aid Tent treated. 24 total Bike & First Aid Tent transported. 1 Monday, September 3, 2001 First Aid tent manned by 2 paramedics AGE SEX INJURY TRANSPORT 19 M Finger injury No 7 F Split Lip No 6 M Abrasion on shoulder No 16 F Bee sting No 10 M Cut leg No 10 F Cut leg No 56 M Bee Sting No 10 F Bee Sting No F Passing out Yes A25 total treated. 10 M Hit by Ferris Wheel tub Yes A4 total transported 2 Total number of patients treated: 53 Total number transported 3 1 patient was treated on Thursday by Ambulance 25 when there was not a manned first Aid tent. The Bike Medics assisted in all of the serious patients on Saturday and Sunday and pulled 6 numbers for refusals. In addition they treated the BGPD officer who fell from her bicycle while leading the 1 OK race on Sunday and possibly fractured her wrist. They were also dispatched by 203 on two calls that would not be part of their normal response area. One was during the parade at Greenwood and Bernard after the Bikes had returned to the campus; the other was to the Police Station for a patient from an MVA. PAGE 3 OF 3 MEMORANDUM Date: 9/05/01 To: Paul Soucy ESDA Coordinator From: Roger Wm. Remblake ESDA, Mobilecom RE: Buffalo Grove Days Liaison Report Buffalo Grove Days 2001 was the introduction of Mobilecom H. This year's event totaled 158 man-hours of coverage and 61 hours of radio airtime. Mobilecom handled radio communications for the committee volunteers, police department,fire department, and public works personnel. We also monitored the cell telephones for all seven-shuttle bus drivers. Mobilecom handled the following radio traffic: 18 calls for paramedics on site Three ambulance calls via Central 17 Code Blues Eight Calls for lost children We also were responsible for communicating between BG Days committee members and the police department personnel for security issues. My only recommendation for next year is to provide Arlington Heights Station 4 with a Site Plan of the area, Ambulance 4 responded on two separate occasions to the grounds. Our sincere thanks to all departments for there continued support of Mobilecom. We treasure the working relationships that have been formed to create a solid Emergency Management System. Respectfidly Submitted, THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S 2001 FLU SHOT PROGRAM The Village of Buffalo Grove's Flu Shot Program will be offered in both October and in November 2001 in order to try and reach as many residents and employees as possible. Please Note: These shots are for adults age 18 and older. The times and dates are as follows: Condell Medical Center will be providing low cost Flu shots to all Village employees and residents beginning the 23rd of October and continuing every Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Condell Medical Center located at 150 Half Day Road Buffalo Grove. No advance registration required. DATE TIME PRICE October 23 8:00 am - 8:00 p.m. $20.00 Northwest Community Hospital will be providing Flu shots to Village employees and residents on Thursday November 1, 2001 beginning at 9:00 a.m. on a first come first served basis until the vaccine is depleted. The shots will be offered at the Village Council Chambers located in Village Hall 50 Raupp Blvd. These shots are for adults age 18 and older. No pre-registration is required. Questions can be directed to the Northwest Community Flu Shot Hotline at(847) 6184FLU(4358). No advance registration required. DATE TIME PRICE Thursday November 19:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.. TBA* * Free to Seniors with current Medicare B coverage. HMO/PPO participants, including Medicare HMO and Railroad plans are not part of the free program. Highland Park Health & Fitness Center of Buffalo Grove, located at the corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Deerfield Parkway in Buffalo Grove, will be providing Flu shots on Monday, November 12th from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. The fee is $17.00. Pre- registration is not required, however individuals must be 18 years of age or older. DATE TIME PRICE Monday November 12 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. $17.00 Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-A Requested By: Edward Schar Entered By: Julie C Kamka Agenda Item Title: Ordinance 2001- approving a variation to Sign Code,Section 14.20.030, pertaining to Business Districts; Section 14.20.070,pertaining to Ground Signs; Section 14.20.080,pertaining to Wall Signs;and Section 14.20.130, pertaining to Directional Signs for CVS Pharmacy,20 E. Dundee Road, Buffalo Grove, Illinois Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 10/03/2001 10/15/2001 � Consent Agenda g&Z ❑ Regular Agenda ❑ None Does this item Does this item include Specify Other: Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference ❑ Hardcopy Distribution required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? ❑ Trustee Lounge board? ❑ Clerk's Office ❑ Other ❑ Yes 0No 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 0No Exhibits can be accessed in: Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in ❑ Yes 0 No funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends that the Village Board grant the variance request by North American Signs,for CVS Pharmacy,20 East Dundee Road,that would permit the installation of two (2) combined CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank ground signs,wall signs and directional signs as depicted and described by the Petitioner, designated sign package # 30106004-01 dated July 28,2001 that was received by the Building Department on August 31,2001. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files CVS_Minu.pdf CVS_Draw.pdf El CVSord.pdf Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: I �� fir(,; ^ry ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 SPECIAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bruce Entman called the Special Zoning Board of Appeals meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Windecker, J. Horwitz, H. Teplinsky, S. Lesser and B. Entman. S. Krakauer arrived after the approval of minutes. Commissioners Absent: S. Sandler Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Kenneth Lehmann, Plan Examiner Village Attorney: Richard Skelton Also Present: Julie Kamka, Bldg. Dept. Secretary APPROVAL OF MINTUES August 21, 2001 —Motion to approve was made by Com. Windecker and seconded by Com. Teplinsky. Roll Call Vote: AYE—Windecker, Horwitz., Teplinsky and Entman NAY- None ABSTAIN - Lesser Motion Passed—4 to 0, 1 abstention. Minutes of August 21, 2001 were approved as submitted and will be placed on file. OLD BUSINESS A. 20 E. Dundee Road, CVS Pharmacy Sign Code, Section 14.20.030 - Business Districts Sign Code, Section 14.20.070 - Ground Signs Sign Code, Section 14.20.080 - Wall Signs Sign Code, Section 14.20.130 - Directional Signs Item was Tabled from August 21, 2001 for revision of the signs. Mr. Peter Hauser and Mr. Doug Merritt, Zoning; Specialists,North American Signs, Inc. P.O. Box 30, South Bend, In 46674-0030 (1-800-348-5000) were sworn in. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 —PAGE ONE Mr. Hauser described the revised signs: l. Ground Signs - The height of the ground signs has been lowered to fourteen(14) feet and the size has been reduced proportionately. Both signs identify CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank. The brick bases will match the bank building brick. 2. Wall Signs—Drive Thru Pharmacy, 1 Hour Photo and Food Shoppe have been eliminated from the south and west elevations; and the Drive-Thru pharmacy sign has been eliminated from canopy on the north elevation. Drive-Thru Pharmacy: Enter and Exit non-illuminated signs will remain on the Drive-Thru canopy as submitted. A nine (9) inch by twenty-two (22) foot bullet will be inserted under the CVS Pharmacy signs with"Drive-Thru Pharmacy" and "Food Shoppe." Com. Horwitz questioned whether a nine(9) inch.sign would be large enough but the other commissioners were satisfied that the height is sufficient. A"24 HOURS" sign(43 by 42 inches) will be added to the south and west elevations. When asked if the store would be open 24 hours, Mr. Hauser responded that the plan is for this to be a 24 hour store but staffing could be a problem. The market calls for a 24 hour store, but the sibn will not be installed unless the store is actually open 24 hours. 3. Directional Signs—The number of directional signs has been reduced from six (6)to three (3). There will be two small (2) Drive Thru signs and one ATM sign. The signs will be mounted on two (2)posts that are too small to have brick bases. The Commissioners had no objections to the revised sign package identified as Drawing #30106004-02, dated 7/28/01 and received by the Building Department on August 31, 2001. Com. Windecker made the following motion: I move we recommend that the Village Board of Trustees grant the variances of the Sign Code, requested by North American Signs, for CVS Pharmacy, 20 East Dundee Road, including two (2) combined CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank ground signs (Section 14.20.070); wall signs (Section 14.20.080) and directional signs (Section 14.20.130) as depicted and described by the petitioner, designated Sign package # 30106004-02, dated 7-28-01 that was received by the Building Department on August 31, 2001 Signs recommended pursuant to Sign Code, Section 14.44.010— Sub-section A. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 —PAGE TWO 4 a Com. Teplinsky seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE—Krakauer, Teplinsky, Windecker, Lesser and Entman NAY- Horwitz Motion Passed—5 to 1. Findings of Fact Attached. Item will be on the October 15, 2001 Village Board agenda and permit may be issued October 16, 2001 if all plans have been submitted and the permit has been approved by the Building Department. NEW BUSINESS A. 30 N. Timberhill Road, Aaron and Cheryl Newman Municipal Code, Section 15.20.040—8 foot fence Mr. Aaron Newman, 30 N. Timberhill was sworn in. Notice of the public hearing was published in the Daily Herald on September 8, 2001. Mr. Newman requested a variance that would permit installation of an eight (8) foot wood fence to provide security and privacy and eliminate road noise from Lake Cook Road. The fence would be red cedar (arched or scalloped) and would replace the existing four(4) foot chain link fence. It will be located along the rear property line (abutting Omni Youth Services), along Lake Cook Road and returning to the rear of the house. It was noted that the location of the fence as shown on the plat submitted with the application was incorrect. The fence will be along the rear lot line (not on the easement line) and the length of the fence from Lake Cook Road returning to the house will be nineteen (19) feet not thirty (30) feet. The existing four(4) foot chain link fence will remain along the south lot line, next to the neighbors, and if it is replaced, it will not require.a variance. Mr. Skelton noted that the proposed fence will also require a variance to be installed past the building line along Lake Cook Road. This is included in the Section that was published. The Commissioners had no objections and there were no questions from the audience. Com. Krakauer made the following motion: I move we grant the request made by Aaron and Cheryl Newman, 30 N. Timberhill Road, for variance of Municipal Code, Section 15.20.040, pertaining to Residential Districts, that would permit installation of an eight(8) foot wood fence along the rear property line; along Lake Cook Road(past the building line) and returning to the house. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 —PAGE THREE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS FINDINGS OF FACT ON VARIATION OF SIGN CODE THE BUFFALO GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HEREBY MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS: 1. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: A. Applicant: CVS Pharmacy B. Location: 20 East Dundee Road C. Type of Signs: Ground Signs—CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank Wall Signs Directional Signs D. Characteristics of Signs (including size): 1. Two Ground Signs: Height- 14 feet Width - 5 feet, 10-3/4 inches 2. Two Wall Signs: 24 Hours (if store is open 24 hours) Bullet: Height- 9 inches Width-29 feet, 3 inches 3. Three Directional Signs: Height- 3 feet, 4 inches E. Lot Characteristics: CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank are both located on the lot at the corner of Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Road; F. G. II. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SURROUNDING AREA: North—Grove Court Shopping Center- B-4 Zoning District South- Cambridge Commons Shopping Center-B-2 Zoning District East - Medical Office—B-3 Zoning District West- The Plaza Shopping Center—B-3 Zoning District III. VARIATION SOUGHT: Sign Code, Section 14. IV. EXHIBITS DEPICTING VARIATION: A. Drawing#30106004-02, including a site plan, dated 7-28-01 and received by the Building Department on August 31, 2001 — Exhibit E. V. VILLAGE ENGINEER'S REPORT—N/A VI. VARIATION POWER& CRITERIA: Sign Code, Section 14.44.010, Sub-section A. VII. PUBLIC HEARING: After due notice as required by law, a copy of said publication notice being attached hereto as Exhibit "C",the Zoning Board of Appeals held a special public hearing regarding the proposed variance on Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 at 7:30 P.M. The applicant, Peter Hauser,Zoning Specialist, for North American Signs, testified at the hearing and presented documentary evidence. No objectors appeared at the hearing. No written objection prior to the hearing. Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "J" are the minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 — CVS Pharmacy signs were Tabled; and Exhibit—"J-1"are the minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals special meeting held on Tuesday, September 25, 2001. VIII. FINDINGS: The Zoning Board of Appeals finds that the criteria as set forth in Section 14.44.010, Subsection A, of the Sign Code have been met in that the Petitioner has shown: 1. That not allowing the variance will cause undue and unnecessary hardship due to the following unique circumstances: A. Two businesses occupy the same lot and need entrance signs that identify CVS Pharmacy and National City Bank. B. Signs are needed for economic success. 2. That granting the requested variance would not be detrimental to the property owners in the vicinity. 3. That the unusual conditions applying to the specific property do not apply generally to other properties in the Village. 4. That granting of the variance will not be contrary to the general objectives of this Title of moderating the size,number and obtrusive placement of signs and the reduction of clutter. IX. CONDITIONS: The variance shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Signs are to be as presented per the exhibits submitted with the application, as amended and resubmitted as Drawing# 30106004, stamped and signed September 25, 2001. X. CONCLUSION: The Zoning Board of Appeals, by a vote of 6 to 0, recommends to the Village Board,that the request of Peter Hauser,North American Signs, on behalf of CVS Pharmacy, 20 East Dundee Road, and National City Bank, East Dundee Road, for variance of Sign Code, Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, to permit installation of ground signs at the entrances on Dundee Road and Buffalo Grove Road; Sign Code, Section 14.20.080, pertaining to Wall Signs,to permit Drive Thru Pharmacy Enter and Exit signs; a 9 inch Bullet and 24 Hours (if and when store is to be open 24 hours) and Sign Code, Section 14.20.130 pertaining to Directional Signs,to permit two (2) CVS Pharmacy and one (1) ATM Bank Sign,per the Drawing #30106004, dated 7-28-01,revised and submitted 09/25/01. Date: September 25, 2001 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL Bruce Entman, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals sb ORDINANCE NO. 2001- GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 14.20.070. 14.20,080 and 14.20,130 OF THE BUFFALO GROVE SIGN ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and, WHEREAS, CVS PHARMACY, 20 E. Dundee Road, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, has re- quested variations from Sections 14.20.070, 14.20.080 and 14.20.130 of the Buffalo Grove Sign Ordinance for the purpose of displaying two ground signs, additional wall signs, and one ATM directional sign; and, WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has held a public hearing, received testimony, prepared minutes, made certain findings, and has made an affirmative recommendation on said request for variation; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove hereby determine and find that said variation is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Sign Ordi- nance, and that (1) due to unique circumstances the ordinance in question would cause undue and unnecessary hardship; 2) granting the requested variation would not be detrimental to the property owners in the vicinity; 3) the unusual conditions applying to the specific property do not apply generally to other properties in the Village; and 4) granting the variance will not be contrary to the general objectives of the Sign Code of moderating the size, number and obtrusive placement of signs and the reduction of clutter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The preceding WHEREAS clauses are hereby adopted by the Corporate Authorities. Section 2. Variations are hereby granted to Sections 14.20.070, 14.20.080 and 14.20.130 of the Village Sign Ordinance to the following legally described real property: The South 300 feet of the East half of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 4, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, (except that East 230 of the South 300 feet of the East half of the East half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 4, Township and Range aforesaid) and also except the South 50 feet and the West 50 feet of the aforedescribed property, all in Cook County, Illinois. The specific variations permit CVS Pharmacy to install two 14-foot ground signs, one at the entrance on Dundee Road and one at the entrance on Buffalo Grove Road; a "Drive Thru Pharmacy" "Enter" and "Exit" wall sign on the East and West elevations of the drive thru; a 9 inch bullet included in the CVS/ Pharmacy wall signs on the West and South elevations of the building, that say, "Drive Thru Pharmacy" and "Food Shoppe"; and a "24 hours" sign (to be allowed if and when the pharmacy is open 24 hours); and two CVS Pharmacy and one ATM Bank directional signs, per the exhibit numbered #30106004 dated 7-28-01 as revised and resubmitted on 9/25/01. The signs are to be constructed per Petitioner's exhibits. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. 2 I i AYES: f NAYES: ABSENT: I PASSED: , 2001. APPROVED: , 2001. E i F APPROVED: E i 4 Village President ATTEST: i I Village Clerk E iftE FF E k I G C I i Z 4 I i p� I E 3 z t13 ID ra M. mg .. =S �o n N N CD C K m Zm a � rn Vf 2 y fA 6 h 6 IJd Z� 90l! SOOx -ld30 tl 437 3O Nla ling QN mmo BUFFALO GROVE ROAD N—• i x rk ?m �_O C tt afi rt 2 ,� ti f P rSr t' ��3 '�.,a..trt,;;"h se„ •��.,�w',t fd'i „�� �','�,..aN J' 3�t �r� x n �U j , n,• Sig 00 0-6 0 a F , �.�' -�'t?h'r it rho f•\ �.. x. CL m 5z c `4f n�A fih rtt�y�Sx k��'� ♦ Y3�Y ih'3''tF` Nln h ue a v� oo m� n� K N� I r �! • o cn m = b O 3 N d C � a < !m a N m 9 m a A s a m m m a � � V 2 w A CD } U r i f! ii { I I m '(. } of f N W f V d Ej CD m i K - CD OL o -3 g N fD ,8 o a oCD ID mm C. o n _J m m O 0 w Co o rn m m II ti mo o ! 5 3 m a m m a m a v x m oco yp � 0 -i CD a I 3 Q-i s ~ O ?Atn2 0 0 ,;0 _.OL 9Zx11 I z 3 - Oc� Qm � SDo -� -- - z° 6 jA fro ° N — O N su su d C y �9° 11t Z' o by m w N X N :3 AA M T � N —I O C P" o co wok C c 3 m _*0 z T tD rr CD d Q N v b (D(D _@ w r r O @ me m Oco� o W m NOS"-'i v 0 o� �3 q{ X m n.a C -u s. mmC uz Cr OL '� 6 N O .Z co uci O v99 . :3 M z a X N Q C p C p Z Z z "�O N r V V n =� N -'o o m C'� owo �k 6, � . N D C_I 1 N Cm 'D n cn 11 m M m fu d =A �1A v mm O a CD (D CL tD O tD (A N m fD N J O 0 b a c m B � ( - � � \ } « , G2 � \ {\\ ( �\ ■ /d � ~ § �\ . \y. \\\ - #a\ s» /\ < . ? � t» � ■ �`�' � -- .> . . . \�/ . � | 1 . ■. �M ,� ■ 4 ■ | . | �� Cl) d /`� ? © . \ :w CID00 $ ƒ^CID 0 >2 }> § 00 k 0 ; ;» 2 0 ¥ ,» ID 0 . I§ ma o \ CD } t \ ■ � 74 � \ Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-B Requested By: Edward Schar Entered By: Julie C Kamka Agenda Item Title: Ordinance 2001- approving a variation to Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.36.030.F,pertaining to Parking, Design and Maintenance for 292 St. Mary's Parkway, Buffalo Grove, Illinois Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 10/03/2001 10/15/2001 � Consent Agenda g&Z 0 Regular Agenda 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 No funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends that the Village Board approve the variation request of Thomas and Clarita Opiela,292 St. Mary's Parkway,for variance of Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.36.030.F,pertaining to Parking,Design and Maintenance,for the purpose of replacing the existing driveway apron, as depicted in the Exhibit submitted with the application. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files 292_St_M.pdf 2920rd.pdf Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: ` N. -- D. 292 St. Mary's Parkway, Thomas and Clexita Opiela Zoning Ordinance, 17.36.030 F—Parking, Design and Maintenance Replacement of driveway apron. Mr. and Mrs. Opiela were called of town and appointed a neighbor, George Krug, 297 St. Mary's Parkway to represent them. Mr. Krug was sworn in. Notice of the public hearing was published in the Daily Herald on September 8, 2001. Mr. Krug described Opiela's driveway apron. It is crumbling and needs to be replaced. Between Raupp Boulevard and Crestview Terrace there are only two (2) driveways on that side of the street, including the Opiela's. The lots are large and the driveways are very far apart. The Opiela's driveway is often used by people making 3-point turns and this has contributed to the deterioration of the apron. There is no parking permitted on the north side of the St. Mary's Parkway. The variance will not be detrimental to the Village. The existing apron is thirty (30) feet wide without a taper at the sidewalk or street. It is twelve (12) feet long to the sidewalk. The garage is two (2) feet wider than the current code allows for single car drive- way i.e. eighteen (18) feet. . The Opielas would like to have a variance to permit the apron to be thirty (30) feet wide. Ameritech tore up the apron when they installed conduit and this contributed to the condition. Ch. Entman ascertained from Mr. Skelton that the variance would only apply to the driveway apron. The variance will only apply to the apron with no provision to replace the driveway at a later date. The Code requires driveway aprons to be concrete. Com. Windecker observed that they have a 2-1/2 detached garage and there is a driveway between the house and garage. He confirmed that the permitted width of a 3-car garage is twenty-seven(27) feet. Mrs. Marge Shanahan, 251 St. Mary's Parkway, was present. She said the apron is crumbling badly and should be replaced. Mr. Krug added that the street will look better with the apron replaced. The Commissioners had no objections and there were no questions from the audience. Com. Teplinsky made the following motion: I move we recommend that the Village Board grant the request of Thomas and Clarita Opiela, 292 St. Mary's Parkway for variance of Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.36.030 F,pertaining to Parking, Design and Maintenance, for the purpose of replacing the driveway, as depicted in the exhibit submitted with the application, 30 feet x 12 feet. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 —PAGE SIX Unique circumstances and hardship having been demonstrated,the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Com. Windecker seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE—Horwitz, Krakauer,Teplinsky, Windecker, Lesser and Entman NAY—None Motion Passed—6 to 0. Findings of Fact Attached. . Item will be on the October 15, 2001 Village Board agenda and permit may be issued October 16, 2001 if all plans have been submitted and the permit has been approved by the Building Department. E. 441 Springside Lane, Patrick and Phyllis Cerone Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.40.020—Addition Encroach 9 feet into the required 30 foot rear yard setback Mr. Pat Cerone was sworn in. Notice of the public hearing was published in the Daily Herald on September 8, 2001. He requested a variance that would permit construction of a 1-story addition at the rear of the house. The house has no basement and the family needs additional living space. The addition would be approximately 28 feet by 16 feet and they need a variance of nine (9) feet. The addition will conform with the roof line and the exterior materials will match the existing cedar shakes. It will have gutters and downspouts. The drawings were reviewed. The Village Engineer's Review, dated September 19, 2001, states: "The proposed addition need not affect the existing drainage in the area and should be verified by requiring a grading plan. Please advise the homeowner that no alteration within five (5) feet of the property line or any existing swale is permitted." The family does not want to move from the community and the cost would be prohibitive. The addition would be a great room and is needed because the family has increased with grand- children who live in the area. They have spoken to all their neighbors and there:were no objections. The Commissioners had no objections and there were no questions from the audience. Com. Windecker made the following motion: I move we grant the request of Patrick and Phyllis Cerone, 411 Springside Lane, for variance of Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.40.020,pertaining to Area, Height, Bulk and Placement Regulations,to permit construction of an addition at the rear of the house that would encroach a distance of nine (9) feet into the required thirty (30) foot rear yard setback. Addition is to match the existing construction in like kind and quality, per plans submitted to and approved by the Village. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 —PAGE SEVEN ........... VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - FINDINGS OF FACT ZONING VARIATION k i THE BUFFALO GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HEREBY MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS : I . THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: A. Petitioner: Thomas and Clarita Opiela i i B. Property: 292 St. Mary' s Parkway E C. Legal Description: as set forth in the Owner' s Policy, Exhibit G" attached hereto and made a t part hereof: D. Zoning District : R- 6A E . Lot Size: Front : 96' 10" + 7312" (arc) Side: 7018-3/4' I Rear: 14310" 4 Side : 5915" t i 1 . Characteristics of Lot: Very wide,narrow lot 2 . Characteristics of House: One story brick and frame SFD E E 3 . Anything distinguishing about the house and lot : Lot was constructed with a f thirty (30) foot wide driveway. R II . CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: A. Location: Lot 82 in Buffalo Grove Unit 2 B. Similar Houses and :Lots : Yes, in the same subdivision. B. Public Rights of Wary: St . Mary' s ,Parkway and Raupp Boulevard; Public Sidewalk and Public Parkway E 4 t 3 t t I I E t f D. Adjacent Lots : 1 . Only two (2) houses on the north side of the street between Raupp Boulevard and Crestview Terrace. III . VARIATION SOUGHT: A. Zoning Ordinance, Section 17 . 36 . 030 F Pertaining To: Parking, Design and Maintenance C. Purpose: Petitioners requested a variance that would permit replacement the driveway apron that would exceed the specified width of eighteen (18) C. Exhibits Depicting Variation: 1 . Plat of Survey: Exhibit "A" 2 . Letter, dated- August 17, 2001 - Exhibit "D" After due notice, as required by law, a copy of said publication notice being attached hereto as Exhibit "B", the Zoning Board of Appeals held a special public hearing on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 . The petitioner' s representative, Mr. George Krug, testified at the public hearing and presented documentary evidence . F No individuals testified on behalf of the applicants . No objectors appeared at the :hearing. No written objections were received. r V. FINDINGS : E The Zoning Board of Appeals finds that the Petitioner' s request for a variation for the q purpose of replacing the Driveway apron meets the criteria, set forth in Section 17 . 52 . 070, in that : f F A. 1 . The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances : i E a . The existing asphalt driveway apron is 30 feet by 12 feet. i G b. The driveway is deteriorating and needs G to be replaced. E 2 . The proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. B. Conditions or restrictions imposed: N/A i C. Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "J" are the minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals special public hearing of Tuesday, September 25, 2001 . i VI . CONCLUSION: i Accordingly, by a vote of 6 to 0, the Buffalo Grove Zoning Board of Appeals hereby recommends that the Village Board _GRANT that the variation as requested by Thomas and Clarita Opiela, 292 St . Mary' s Parkway, that would permit the replacement of the existing driveway apron, that would be 30 feet x 12 feet . ! R i DATED - September 25, 2001 i 1 VILLAGE of BUFFALO GROVE, IL ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS t {Ff ji Bruce R. Entman, Chairman sb I i r E g p1; P t f t i I i i .j !�1 S ti C� G L— Q © J7 N rn Na o vg �p =i '•'ii/.-^1 aC CAP IY cr\ it •O n Q = .! •'• i cv c � hN%8—OL• ~ � ORDINANCE NO. 2001- GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM SECTION 17.36.030 OF THE BUFFALO GROVE ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, Thomas and Clarita Opiela, of 292 St. Mary's Parkway, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, have requested a variation from Section 17.36.030 of the Buffalo Grove Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Parking Design and Maintenance, for the purpose of replacing the driveway apron that would exceed the specified width of eighteen (18) feet; and, WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals has held a public hearing, received testimony, prepared minutes, made certain findings, and has made an affirmative recommendation on said request for variation; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove hereby determine and find that said variation is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordi- nance, and that (1) the plight of the owners is due to unique circumstances and (2) the proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood, . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The preceding WHEREAS clauses are hereby adopted by the Corporate Authorities. Section 2. A variation is hereby granted to Section 17.36.030 of the Village Zoning Ordinance to the following legally described real property: Lot 82 in Buffalo Grove Unit 2, being a Subdivision of Section 4 and Section 5, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded July 3, 1958 as Document 17,251,866 in Book 517 of plats, Page 12, by the Recorder of Deeds in Cook County, Illinois. The specific variation will allow construction and replacement of a driveway apron that would exceed the specified width of eighteen (18) feet. The new apron will be 30 feet by 12 feet. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2001. APPROVED: , 2001. APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk 2 Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-C Requested By: Brian P Sheehan Entered By: Brian P Sheehan Agenda Item Title: Ordinance No.2001- Amending Title 6,Animals,of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 10/09/2001 10/15/2001 0 Consent Agenda g&Z Regular Agenda 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 No funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Attached is an ordinance amending Title 6, Animals, of the Village of Buffalo Grove along with a copy of the strikeout and deletion version of the ordinance. The intent of the first change is to modify the definition of a "potentially dangerous animal". As written, the current ordinance only allows for an animal which has attacked, or bitten, another domestic animal to be found dangerous, and therefore the animal must be removed from the village. The modification would allow for the animal to be classified as a "potentially dangerous animal as well. The second change is to allow for more discretion on the part of the Hearing Board to place additional restrictions, or limitations on the animal in question. These modifications were previously discussed by the Animal Control Hearing Board and follow the recommendations of the Hearing Board and the Police Department. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Ordinance Amendin tj 6, Animals Strikeouts and Deletions Amending Title 6, Anim Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: ORDINANCE NUMBER 2001 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 6,ANIMALS, OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section1 Section 6.04.020 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 6.04.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Title,the definitions set forth in this section shall apply: A. "Animal" means every living creature, domestic or wild, not including human beings. B. "Animal Control Center" means a place designated by the Village Police Department for the housing of animals in the temporary custody of the Village. C. "Dangerous animal" means: 1. Any animal which has inflicted injury on, or has bitten a human being without provocation on public or private property; or 2. Any animal which has attacked a domestic animal without provocation while off the owner's property,unless the animal is found to be "potentially dangerous" under the provisions of sub-section J; or 3. Any individual animal with a known propensity,tendency or disposition to attack without provocation,to cause injury or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings or domestic animals; or 4. Any individual animal that has a trait or characteristic and a generally known reputation for viciousness, dangerousness or unprovoked attacks on human beings or other animals,unless handled in a particular manner or with special equipment, excluding dogs used as part of a law enforcement program; or 5. Any dog owned or harbored primarily or in part for the purpose of dog fighting or any dog trained for dog fighting; and 6. Represents a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. Dangerous animals shall not be classified in a manner that is specific to breed. No dog shall be deemed a dangerous animal if it is a dog owned by a law enforcement agency. D. "Found to be a dangerous animal" means: 1. A member of the Police Department has conducted an investigation and made a finding, in writing,that the animal is a dangerous animal as defined in this section and the owner of the animal having been notified in writing has not appealed the finding of the Police Department to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice; or 2. The owner of an animal found to be a dangerous animal by a member of the Police Department has appealed such finding to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice and the Hearing Board has sustained the finding of the Police Department; or 3. The Circuit Court has found the animal to be a dangerous animal as defined in this section and has entered an order based on that finding; or 4. The Circuit Court has found the dog to be a vicious dog as defined in the Illinois Animal Control Act and has entered an order based on that finding; and 5. Represents a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. E. "Found to be a potentially dangerous animal' means: 1. A member of the Police Department has conducted an investigation and made a finding, in writing,that the animal is a potentially dangerous animal as defined in this section and the owner of the animal having been notified in writing has not appealed the finding of the Police Department to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice; or 2. The owner of a dog found to be a potentially dangerous dog by a member of the Police Department has appealed such finding to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice and the Hearing Board has sustained the finding of the Police Department; or 3. The Circuit Court has found the animal to be a potentially dangerous animal as defined in this section and has entered an order based on that finding; and 4. May represent a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. F. "Has bitten" means has been seized with the teeth or jaws so that the person seized has been nipped, gripped,wounded or pierced. G. Hearing Board. The Village Manager, or a designee of the Village Manager, shall select a board of three individuals which may consist of the Village Manager, or a designee of the Village Manager, the Village Trustee Liaison to the Board of Health and the Village Health Officer. H. "Owner" means any person who: 1. Has a right of property in an animal; 2. Keeps an animal; or 3. Has an animal in his or her care, custody or control; or 4. Knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her. I. "Pit Bull Terrier" means the American Pit Bull Terrier breed of dog,the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed of dog, the American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dog, or any dog which predominately possesses the physical characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed, or the American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dog, or any dog exhibiting a majority of the distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club for any of these breeds. J. "Potentially dangerous animal" means any animal which; 1. when unprovoked, chases or approaches a person upon any public or private property in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack; or 2. has attacked a domestic animal without provocation while off the owners property; and 3. may represent a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. No dog shall be deemed a potentially dangerous animal if it is a dog owned by a law enforcement agency. K. "Rottweiler" means the Rottweiler breed of dog, or any dog exhibiting a majority of the distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club for the Rottweiler breed of dog. L. "Run at large" means a dog free of restraint and off the premises of the owner. M. "Special enclosure" means a structure of at least five feet in height, but no higher than six feet in height with secure sides, top and bottom forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children, and suitable to confine an animal in conjunction with other measures which may be taken by the owner or keeper. Such enclosure shall be located a minimum of twenty feet from any lot line and shall be securely closed and locked whenever the animal is enclosed within the structure. Such enclosure shall have a self-closing and selflatching gate and shall be securely locked, in a manner that ensures that only authorized persons may open it with a key, code or similar security device and the enclosure shall be so designed, installed and maintained with secure sides, top and bottom designed to prevent the animal from escaping from the enclosure. (Ord. 97-87_ 1, 1997: Ord. 97-22_ 1 (part), 1997). Section . Section 6.04.030 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 6.04.030 Hearing Board--Authority and procedures. A. The Hearing Board shall have the power and authority to: 1. Hear an appeal by an owner, of the Police Department's finding of a dangerous animal, or a potentially dangerous animal. 2. Conduct a hearing on the reclassification of a found to be potentially dangerous animal. 3. Sustain, overrule or modify the Police Department's finding of found to be a potentially dangerous animal, or found to be a dangerous animal. 4. Impose limitations, restrictions, or additional requirements on animals found to be dangerous, or found to be potentially dangerous or the Owners thereof. B. During the Hearing Board's hearing, the owner shall have the opportunity to present evidence that the animal is not a dangerous animal, a potentially dangerous animal or that the animal has been rehabilitated. (Ord. 97-72_ 1 (part), 1997). Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED: t APPROVED: PUBLICATION: t C k �t Village President ATTEST: i Village Clerk t [t Q(E C {E (P I i } i t i i 6.04.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Title,the definitions set forth in this section shall apply: A. "Animal"means every living creature, domestic or wild, not including human beings. B. "Animal Control Center"means a place designated by the Village Police Department for the housing of animals in the temporary custody of the Village. C. "Dangerous animal'means: 1. Any animal which has inflicted injury on, or has bitten a human being without provocation on public or private property; or 2. Any animal which has attacked a domestic animal without provocation while off the owner's prledy uujnietpo� 6' wn,,rn 1 1 =fip1,Vrlcjj 3. Any individual animal with a known propensity,tendency or disposition to attack without provocation,to cause injury or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings or domestic animals; or 4. Any individual animal that has a trait or characteristic and a generally known reputation for viciousness, dangerousness or unprovoked attacks on human beings or other animals, unless handled in a particular manner or with special equipment, excluding dogs used as part of a law enforcement program; or 5. Any dog owned or harbored primarily or in part for the purpose of dog fighting or any dog trained for dog fighting; and 6. Represents a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. Dangerous animals shall not be classified in a manner that is specific to breed. No dog shall be deemed a dangerous animal if it is a dog owned by a law enforcement agency. D. "Found to be a dangerous animal'means: 1. A member of the Police Department has conducted an investigation and made a finding, in writing,that the animal is a dangerous animal as defined in this section and the owner of the animal having been notified in writing has not appealed the finding of the Police Department to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice; or 2. The owner of an animal found to be a dangerous animal by a member of the Police Department has appealed such finding to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice and the Hearing Board has sustained the finding of the Police Department; or 3. The Circuit Court has found the animal to be a dangerous animal as defined in this section and has entered an order based on that finding; or 4. The Circuit Court has found the dog to be a vicious dog as defined in the Illinois Animal Control Act and has entered an order based on that finding; and 5. Represents a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. E. "Found to be a potentially dangerous animal'means: 1. A member of the Police Department has conducted an investigation and made a finding, in writing,that the animal is a potentially dangerous animal as defined in this section and the owner of the animal having been notified in writing has not appealed the finding of the Police Department to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice; or 2. The owner of a dog found to be a potentially dangerous dog by a member of the Police Department has appealed such finding to the Hearing Board within five days of mailing of such notice and the Hearing Board has sustained the finding of the Police Department; or 3. The Circuit Court has found the animal to be a potentially dangerous animal as defined in this section and has entered an order based on that finding; and 4. May represent a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. F. "Has bitten" means has been seized with the teeth or jaws so that the person seized has been nipped, gripped, wounded or pierced. G. Hearing Board.The Village Manager, or a designee of the Village Manager, shall select a board of three individuals which may consist of the Village Manager, or a designee of the Village Manager, the Village Trustee Liaison to the Board of Health and the Village Health Officer. H. "Owner" means any person who: 1. Has a right of property in an animal; 2. Keeps an animal; or 3. Has an animal in his or her care, custody or control; or 4. Knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her. I. "Pit Bull Terrier' means the American Pit Bull Terrier breed of dog,the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed of dog, the American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dog, or any dog which predominately possesses the physical characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed, or the American Staffordshire Terrier breed of dog, or any dog exhibiting a majority of the distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club for any of these breeds. -- 1. "Potentially dangerous animal"means any animal ) ° .. .... .when unprovoked, chases or approaches a person upon any public or private property in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of , 2 *i4ie4c,*'and, fe!��.��Y,1� g0 tl;'p� ir1�N of? .w_, 3. may represent a significant threat to the health or safety of the public. No dog shall be deemed a potentially dangerous animal if it is a dog owned by a law enforcement agency. K. "Rottweiler"means the Rottweiler breed of dog, or any dog exhibiting a majority of the distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club for the Rottweiler breed of dog. L. "Run at large"means a dog free of restraint and off the premises of the owner. M. "Special enclosure" means a structure of at least five feet in height, but no higher than six feet in height with secure sides, top and bottom forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children, and suitable to confine an animal in conjunction with other measures which may be taken by the owner or keeper. Such enclosure shall be located a minimum of twenty feet from any lot line and shall be securely closed and locked whenever the animal is enclosed within the structure. Such enclosure shall have a self-closing and selflatching gate and shall be securely locked, in a manner that ensures that only authorized persons may open it with a key, code or similar security device and the enclosure shall be so designed, installed and maintained with secure sides, top and bottom designed to prevent the animal from escaping from the enclosure. (Ord. 97-87_ 1, 1997: Ord. 97-22_1 (part), 1997). 6.04.030 Hearing Board--Authority and procedures. A. The Hearing Board shall have the power and authority to: 1. Hear an appeal by an owner, of the Police Department's finding of a dangerous animal, or a potentially dangerous animal. 2. Conduct a hearing on the reclassification of a found to be potentially dangerous animal. 3. - Sustain, overrule or modify the Police Department's finding of found to be a potentially dangerous animal, or found to be a dangerous animal. UlflA 1 a& 711I ION $1) till �11f4 �Il:klll r bl�( III'tlll`4 ) IS IV ,[I,,,e Iind to, Ird �.N�rbrly ilk r" „aril I^I��ud kf �ra UY,:Ify�IUG w � u��,-��i� �Ild� r � pus l ?uu u. lr.: B. During the Hearing Board's hearing, the, owner shall have the opportunity to present evidence that the animal is not a dangerous animal, a potentially dangerous animal or that the animal has been rehabilitated. (Ord. 97-72_ 1 (part), 1997). Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-D Requested By: Arthur Malinowski Entered By: Arthur Malinowski Agenda Item Title: Resolution 2001- Relating to the Participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: Consent Agenda 10/10/2001 10/15/2001 0 Regular Agenda Finance&GS 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes No funds? Is this a budgeted item.? Projected total budget impact: $1,080 Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Expenditures represent the Villages portion of the total contribution to IMRF.Currently the Village contributes approximately 6.0% of an employees salary to the employees IMRF benefits.The employee contributes 4.6% of salary toward their IMRF pension benefits. Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Attached is a Resolution Relating to Participation by Elected Officials in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files 1J IMRF Elected Official Resolution. Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: i Published to Web: Resolution No. 2001- A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICPATION BY ELECTED OFFICIALS IN THE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND (IMRF) WHEREAS, The Village of Buffalo Grove is a participant in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF); and WHEREAS, elected officials may participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund if they are in positions normally requiring performance of duty for one-thousand (1,000) hours or more per year; and WHEREAS, this governing body can determine what the normal annual hourly requirements of its elected officials are, and should make such determination for the guidance and direction of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the CORPORATE AUTHORITIES, of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, finds the following elected positions qualify for membership in IMRF. TITLE OF ELECTED POSITION DATE POSITION BECAME QUALIFIED Village President April 1, 1975 Village Trustee April 1, 1975 Village Clerk April 1, 1975 AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: Approved , 2001 Passed , 2001 Village President Attest: Village Clerk A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATION BY ELECTED OFFICIALS IN THE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND IMRF Form 6.64 (Rev. 9/97) (Income tax information can be found on the reverse side of this resolution) PLEASE ENTER Employer IMRF I.D. Number RESOLUTION Number__________________ WHEREAS,the------------------------------------------------------------—---------------- EMPLOYER NAME is a participant in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund; and WHEREAS,elected officials may participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund if they are in positions normally requiring performance of duty for_______—__---hours or more per year;and (600 OR 1,000) WHEREAS,this governing body can determine what the normal annual hourly requirements of its elected officials are, and should make such determination for the guidance and direction of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the__—--------_----------------------_--___---_—_---- BOARD,COUNCIL,ETC. finds the following elected positions qualify for membership in IMRF. TITLE OF ELECTED POSITION DATE POSITION BECAME QUALIFIED ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------—---------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -----—------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----—-----—------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- CERTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------ the---------------------------------------- NAME CLERK OR SECRETARY OF THE BOARD of the---------------------------------------------- of the County of ------------------------- EMPLOYER NAME COUNTY State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I am keeper of its books and records and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by its ------------------------------------------------at a meeting duly BOARD,COUNCIL,etc. convened and held on the------------day of, ---- —-----------—------------19----- SEAL ------------------------ CLERK OR SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Suite 500, 2211 York Road, Oak Brook Illinois 60523-2374 630/368-1010 IMRF Form 6.64 (Rev. 9/97) Service Representatives 1-800-ASK-IMRF(1-800-2754673) A RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATION BY ELECTED OFFICIALS IN THE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND INCOME TAX INFORMATION All elected officials eligible to participate in IMRF are considered active participants in an employer sponsored retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code, even if the official does not elect to participate in IMRF, and are subject to the IRA deductibility limits imposed by law. Rescission of this resolution is not definite evidence under IRS regulations that these elected positions are no longer covered by an employer sponsored pension plan. Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-E Requested By: Arthur Malinowski Entered By: Arthur Malinowski Agenda Item Title: Resolution 2001- Allowing More Than 50 Months of Retroactive IMRF Service Credit for Elected Officials. Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: Consent Agenda 10/08/2001 10/15/2001 0 Regular Agenda Finance&GS 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 No funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Attached is a resolution to allow more than 50 months of retroactive IMRF service credit for elected officials. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files 0- IMRF Elected Official 50+ Month Resolutio Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: i Published to Web: Resolution No. 2001- A RESOLUTION TO ALLOW MORE THAN 50 MONTHS OF RETROACTIVE IMRF SERVICE CREDIT FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS WHEREAS, Article 7 of the Pension Code (Illinois Compiled Statutes, 40 ILCS 5/7-139 (a) (7)) provides that governing bodies of IMRF employers with compensated elected officials may resolve to allow eligible former, current, and future elected officials to purchase service credit in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund in an amount that exceeds 50 months of retroactive service, and WHEREAS, such an allowance is limited to time periods during which the elected official qualified for IMRF participation, and WHEREAS, the governing body must adopt this resolution before December 31, 2001; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the CORPORATE AUTHORITIES, of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, shall allow the purchase of retroactive service credit for eligible elected officials in excess of 50 months. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove shall be directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund and that this resolution shall remain in full force and effect until modified or rescinded and notice of such modification or rescission has been filed with the IMRF Board or Trustees. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: Approved , 2001 Passed , 2001 Village President Attest: Village Clerk SUGGESTED FORM OF RESOLUTION TO ALLOW MORE THAN 50 MONTHS OF RETROACTIVE SERVICE CREDIT FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS IMRF Form 6.81 (8/2001) PLEASE ENTER Employer IMRF I.D. Number RESOLUTION Number WHEREAS,Article 7 of the Pension Code (Illinois Compiled Statutes, 40 ILCS 5/7-139 (a)(7)) provides that governing bodies of IMRF employers with compensated elected officials may resolve to allow eligible former, current, and future elected officials to purchase service credit in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund in an amount that exceeds 50 months of retroactive service, and WHEREAS, such an allowance is limited to time periods during which the elected official qualified for IMRF participation, and WHEREAS, the governing body must adopt this resolution before December 31, 2001; RESOLVED, that the GOVERNING BODY of EMPLOYER NAME shall allow the purchase of retroactive service credit for eligible elected officials in excess of 50 months. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the shall be directed CLERK OR SECRETARY to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund and that this resolution shall remain in full force and effect until modified or rescinded and notice of such modification or rescission has been filed with the IMRF Board of Trustees. CERTIFICATION l the NAME CLERK OR SECRETARY OF THE BOARD of the of the County of EMPLOYER NAME COUNTY State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I am keeper of its books and records and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy Of a resolution duly adopted by its at a meeting duly convened BOARD and held on the day of 20 SEAL CLERK OR SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Suite 500, 2211 York Road, Oak Brook Illinois 60523-2374 IMRF Form 6.81 (8/2001) Service Representatives 800/ASK-IMRF (1-800-275-4673) Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-F Requested By: William H Brimm Entered By: William H Brimm Agenda Item Title: Authorization to Bid Site Demolition Service-Arboretum Golf Course Facilities Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: Consent Agenda 10/03/2001 10/15/2001 0 Regular Agenda Finance&GS 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 NO funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. One of the project elements for the Arboretum Golf Course facilities development program will require the demolition and removal of the existing maintenance building and club house. This is work that has been outside of the site construction and planning efforts and has always been intended to be addressed as a separate scope of work to be undertaken. Before continuing site work can occur,the existing structures need to be removed through demolition. This work is intended to occur after occupancy of the new maintenance building,scheduled for mid-November and after the current golf season,which will be concurrent with that time line. It is intended that this bidding will be authorized on Monday, October 15th with the calendar structured for MTI to manage the process in concert with staff so that a recommendation can be brought forward on November 5,2001. Prior to demolition, all materials and fixtures to be saved will have been removed and stored, disposal of unneeded items coordinated through Waste Management and the structures demolished. This timeline will keep work on the project going into the winter to take advantage of as much of the off-season as is possible to continue our objective of minimizing impact of operations. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: Board Agenda Item Submittal XI-G Requested By: Tim Sashko Entered By: Ghida Neukirch Agenda Item Title: Hold Harmless Agreement between the Village of Buffalo Grove and Pace,the Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority. Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 10/02/2001 10/15/2001 � Consent Agenda OVM 0 Regular Agenda 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 NO funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Staff requests approval of the attached Hold Harmless Agreement between the Village of Buffalo Grove and Pace. In emergency and evacuation situations, Pace uses their resources and makes every effort to assist municipalities. For example, on a number of occasions, Pace has provided buses that fire fighters used as warming shelters in emergency situations. In order to work with Pace and receive these services during these emergency situations, a Hold Harmless Agreement is required. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files u . Hold HarmlessPace.pc Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE AND PACE This agreement made on October 15, 2001 by and between Pace, the Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority ("Pace") and the Village of Buffalo Grove. WHEREAS, the Village has requested Pace to provide transportation services to the Village if there is available manpower and equipment at the time of the emergency, and on the conditions that Pace is indemnified for t he services rendered; NOW THEREFORE, Pace and the Village agree as follows: 1. Pace shall provide emergency transportation services to the Village for the purpose of evacuation of its residents, to the extent that equipment and manpower are available at the time of the emergency. In most cases, Pace will waive its cost to provide emergency services, however, if the event is of a long duration, the Village should discuss the actual costs of providing emergency transportation services and the Village shall reimburse Pace for such costs within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. The Village agrees to waive, release and hold harmless Pace, its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any claims, injuries, losses, or any causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or in any way relating to the provision of transportation. 2. The Village agrees to indemnify Pace, its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, losses, suits, judgements or settlements of any party arising out of or in any way relating to the provision of transportation services under this Agreement, including but no limited to any claims by the Village residents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the date above written. Village of Buffalo Grove Pace Print Name and Title Print Name and Title Board Agenda Item Submittal xII-A Requested By: Jane L Olson Entered By: Jane L Olson Agenda Item Title: Ordinance No.2001- Amending Chapter 5.20 Liquor Controls,reserving a Class license for Bumpers, Inc. Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 0 Consent Agenda 10/04/2001 10/15/2001 Regular Agenda Finance&GS 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 No funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Approval is requested for an ordinance reserving a Class A liquor license for Bumpers,Inc. 312 Mc Henry Road and revoking a liquor license for L & B Starr,Inc. d/b/a Bumpers Billiards and Pub. The current license shall be revoked upon issuance of the license for Bumpers,Inc. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Bumpers.pdf Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: i Approved By: Published to Web: ORDINANCE NO.2001- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5.20 LIQUOR CONTROLS WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE,COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS.As follows: Section 1.Subsection A.of Section 5.20.072 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Class A. Licensee and d/b/a Address 1. Buffalou's Inc.d/b/a Lou Malnati's 85 South Buffalo Grove Road 2. Select Restaurants,Inc.d/b/a Caf6 Winberie 800 Lake-Cook Road 3. Bumper's,Inc. 312 McHenry Road 4. Little Pizza,Inc.d/b/a Little Italian 1175 McHenry Road 5. The Schwaben Center 301 Weiland Road 6. Mongolian China Buffet,Inc. 154-158 McHenry Road 7. Outback/Chicago Joint Venture d/b/a 720 Lake-Cook Road Outback Steak House 8. Foods by M.E.III,Inc.d/b/a 1281 W.Dundee Road The Melting Pot Restaurant 9. Las Palmas Restaurant,Inc. 86 W.Dundee Road 10. Village Tavern&Grill of Buffalo Grove,Inc. 48 Raupp Boulevard 11. Village Tavern&Grill of Buffalo Grove,Inc. 401 Half Day Road 12. Razam,Inc.d/b/a 301 Weiland Road The Grove Banquets and Meeting Rooms 13. Midas Banquets,Inc.d/b/a L'Ermitage 1375 W.Dundee Road Section 2 A. A Class A license is hereby reserved for Bumpers,Inc.,312 Mc Henry Road. This reservation is subject to the applicant completing all Village requirements for said license on or before February 15,2002. The Village Manager shall have the right to extend the February 15, 2002 date for good cause shown and if not so extended,this reservation shall cease. A Class A license previously held by L&B Starr,Inc.d/b/a Bumpers Billiards and Pub,312 Mc Henry Road shall be revoked upon the issuance of the reserved license. B. This license shall be subject to the following special condition: There shall be no alcoholic beverages served in the pool table area during family hours from 11:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays,and that liquor can be served in the bar area only. C. This Section shall not be codified. Section 3 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED: APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk Board Agenda Item Submittal xII-B Requested By: Ghida Neukirch Entered By: Ghida Neukirch Agenda Item Title: Resolution 2001- Rescinding Resolution 2001-18 and Reallocating$264,000,the balance of the Village of Buffalo Grove's 2001 Private Activity Bond Allocation to the Illinois Development Housing Authority. Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 10/08/2001 10/15/2001 0 Consent Agenda OVM Regular Agenda 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 NO funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Background and Recommendation. On April 16, 2001, the Village Board approved Resolution 2001-18, authorizing the transfer of the Village's Industrial Revenue Bonds to Lake County. The allocation authorized the Village to enter into a clearinghouse pool with Lake County, Lake County Partners, and the Lake County Municipal League. On June 18, 2001 the Village rescinded Resolution 2001-18 and re-allocated $2,400,000 of the Village of Buffalo Grove's 2001 Private Activity Bond Allocation to the Illinois Development Finance Authority to support the Long Grove Confectionery Co. project. This action was requested after bond attorneys provided an opinion regarding the inability of Lake County (a non-home rule unit)to transfer Home Rule allocations to IDFA or to any other unit of Local Government (see the following statute for reference, http://www.legis.state.il.us/ilcs/ch30/ch3Oact345.htm). It is recommended that the Village Board consider the attached Resolution to Rescind Resolution 2001-18 and transfer$264,000, or the balance of the Village's 2001 Private Activity Bond Allocation to the Illinois Housing Development Authority to support a project in the City of Joliet. In return,the City of Joliet has agreed to transfer a like amount next year, when it is anticipated that a greater number of local employers will be seeking the Industrial Revenue Bond allocation in Buffalo Grove or the neighboring area. BG Allocation. Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, as a home rule community, the Village of Buffalo Grove is allocated an amount equal to $62.50 per capita or $2,664,000 (Population estimate 7/1/1999, Pop. 42,624). A recent change in federal law increased the cap amounts from $50 to $62.50 per capita beginning in year 2001. Due to significant up-front issuance costs, IRB's less than $2 million generally are not cost effective. Because of this, municipalities often cede their volume cap to other towns or the State of Illinois,who combine their resources and approve larger bond issues. Attached is a letter from David Young representing Lake County Partners further describing this request for action; a letter from Harris Bank, representing the City of Joliet and the project client, Alexander Company; and a letter from the City Manager's Office of the City of Joliet. Staff has promoted the IRB program locally, via the BG Area Chamber of Commerce, and has contacted the Northwest Municipal Conference to determine if IRB funding is needed in year 2001 for local projects. It is recommended that the attached Resolution be approved. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files El I RB01 CityofJoliet.pc Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: RESOLUTION NO. 2001 — A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2001-18 AND REALLOCATING THE BALANCE OF VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE'S 2001 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND ALLOCATION, $264,000, TO THE ILLINOIS DEVELOPMENT HOUSING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois (the "Village") is a municipality and a home rule unit of government duly organized and validly existing under Section 6(a) of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Village has been allocated, pursuant to federal and state tax law, a Private Activity Bond volume cap of$2,664,000.00 for calendar year 2001; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2001, the Village of Buffalo transferred its Private Activity Bond authority for 2001 to Lake County; and WHEREAS, on June 18, 2001, the Village of Buffalo transferred $2,400,000 of its Private Activity Bond authority for 2001 to the Illinois Development Finance Authority to benefit the Long Grove Confectionery Co. project; WHEREAS, Lake County Partners is supporting a project to allocate a total of $500,000 to the Illinois Development Housing Authority, and has requested with the City of Joliet, the balance of the Village of Buffalo Grove's Private Activity Bond Allocation, $264,000; WHEREAS, in return for the 2001 allocation, the City of Joliet will transfer a like amount in year 2002 to Lake County; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Village to transfer and reallocate its balance of $264,000 of the Village's volume cap to the Illinois Development Housing Authority; WHEREAS, under the Illinois Private Activity Allocation Act, the Village may reallocate any remaining unused portion of its volume cap; and WHEREAS, the Village will report this transfer of approximately $264,000 in Volume Cap for the City of Joliet to the Governor's Office, as dictated by the Governor's Office allocation guidelines; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS that: Section 1. The Village of Buffalo Grove hereby rescinds Resolution 2001-18 transferring its total Private Activity Bond volume cap of approximately $2,664,000.00 to Lake County, and hereby reallocates the balance, $264,000, to the Illinois Development Housing Authority. Section 2. That this resolution shall constitute the agreement of the Home Rule Unit to a different allocation under Section 146 (e) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and the writing required under Section 6 of the Illinois Private Activity Bond Allocation Act. As required by the Act, Lake County and the Illinois Development Housing Authority shall maintain in their records of the term of the bonds a record of the allocation as described in Section One of this resolution. Within ten (10) calendar days of the date the bonds are issued, Lake County and the Illinois Development Housing Authority shall file or cause to be filed, in the Office of the Governor of the State of Illinois, a confirmation of a bond issuance letter as described in the Guidelines and Procedures of the Office of the Governor. Section 3. That the Home Rule Unit convenants and warrants that it has taken no action or issued bonds which would abrogate, diminish, or impair its ability to fulfill the written agreement, covenants and undertakings on its part under this Resolution. Section 4. The Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take all necessary and advisable actions in connection with the execution and implementation of this Resolution. Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: 12001. APPROVED: 72001. Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk Finance/I RB01 CityofJoliet.doc 11-Oct-01 Board Agenda Item Submittal xIV A Requested By: Robert E Pfeil Entered By: Robert E Pfeil Agenda Item Title: Pre-application Conference: Riverwalk North,east of Milwaukee Ave north of Riverwalk Drive, Amendment of annexation agreement, P.U.D.and Preliminary Plan concerning a mixed-use development Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: ❑ Consent Agenda 10/10/2001 10/15/2001 Regular Agenda Planning ❑ None Does this item Does this item include Specify Other: Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference ❑ Hardcopy Distribution required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? El Trustee Lounge El Clerk's Clerk's Office ❑ Other ❑ Yes 0No 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 0No Exhibits can be accessed in: Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in ❑ Yes 0 No funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Hamilton Partners and the property owner have submitted the attached concept plan proposing a mixed use development for the 13.2-acre site. The Village Board referred a similar proposal to the Plan Commission in January 1999. The property is zoned B-3 pursuant to the annexation agreement dated July 2, 1990. The approved plan allows two 3-story office buildings with a total floor area of 150,000 square feet. the annexation agreement limits development on the property to office and accessory uses and stipulates that a hotel use is not permitted. The proposed land uses are: 0 a six-story office building (158,700 square feet; 4.95 acres) • a six-story hotel (160 rooms, 2.99 acres) • a six-story multi-family residential building (90 units, 2.2 acres) A four-level parking structure with 702 spaces is proposed. An additional 294 spaces are available in surface parking lots adjacent to the office building, hotel and residential building. Although more information will be needed concerning the hotel use and the residential units, it appears that adequate parking can be provided for the development. The B-3 District does not allow free-standing residential buildings. The proposed density of approximately 41 units per acre (90 units/2.2 acres) is more than double the density allowed for most of the other multi-family developments in the Village. No Village zoning district allows a density of greater than 30 units per acre. The R-9 District in theory could allow up to 24 units per acre, and the B-5 District allows a maximum of 30 units per acre. Primary access to the development would be provided by Riverwalk Drive. The plan shows a right-in, right-out access to Milwaukee Avenue across from Chevy Chase Drive. The internal road system extends to the north property line abutting the Gerber Auto parcel. Traffic impact will need to be thoroughly evaluated for this development. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has classified Milwaukee Avenue as a Strategic Regional Arterial (SRA). The possibility of providing an additional signalized intersection at Johnson Drive should be explored. The hotel and office development should serve as a catalyst for redevelopment along the adjacent Milwaukee Avenue frontage. The developer should comment concerning the potential for additional restaurant or commercial uses in the immediate area. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized I Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files At Li riverwalk_north 1ocation_map_10-10-01.PDF 13 Site plan 10082001.pdf Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: LOCATON MAP N Riverwa k — North ° R 200 0 400 ............ P r o p o sed S * te 100 H / N ,pm 1 4d .� /rr M �t w �. r Y'" ou ,/ 25,/19 /T B �� % o^� „ 1 20 "o ., M 1L O o� f / / �� I H 0 <C d � d M � M oil w N 771 . TTqTmmTff r ZE k qq yy,, ^T TT�� ` � •. yp � VN t 144 01 C63 Q ice' z Board Agenda Item Submittal xIv B Requested By: William H Brimm Entered By: William H Brimm Agenda Item Title: Authorization to Waive Bidding and to Authorize the Village Manager to Approve Change Orders for Certain Project Elements for the Arboretum Golf Course Facilities Development Program Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 0 Consent Agenda 10/10/2001 10/15/2001 Regular Agenda Finance&GS 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 No Yes 0 No funds? Is this a budgeted item.? Projected total budget impact: $667,639 Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: The budget represents estimates provided by identified contractors to continue work this construction season on Arboretum Golf Course facilities development site improvements. Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Staff and MTI have identified an opportunity to continue the development of the Arboretum facilities project through the remainder of this year's construction season by accelerating several of the Phase II site improvement elements. By maintaining our working relationship with current, mobilized contractors to complete site excavation and site grading, site utilities, concrete curbs and paving, asphalt paving could be completed. In addition, landscaping costs would be locked in for 2002 although work efforts would be minimal this year with probably nothing actually paid out. Any work done before the end of the season will permit efforts to be directed toward the club house so that an effective implementation and construction schedule will result. The intent is to utilize information obtained by MTI at the time of bidding the maintenance building for what were then considered Phase II site improvements. Estimates were obtained, using either bid unit costs or in the case of paving, at lower levels due to economies of scale now present. In consultation with MTI, we believe it advantageous to continue as far into this season as is possible with contractors familiar with the work. This assumes that there is consent to continue with the club house phase of this project as defined to date although significant design and planning efforts remain necessary before an authorization to bid is brought forward. If there is confidence that work will proceed after design considerations critical to the building are approved, site work will still be a necessity and could be completed earlier rather than later, to permit directed construction and completion efforts toward the club house as well as final site work in 2002. The specific contractor recommendations are as follows: Work Element Contractor Estimate Site Excavation and Grading Schaefges Brothers $170,000 Asphalt Paving Chicagoland Paving 194,700 Site Concrete Schaefges Brothers 52,000 Landscaping Ronald Rehling 167,939 Site Utilities Mancini 83,000 Total $667,639 All work will be concurrent with existing building demolition, for which authorization to bid will be on Monday's agenda. Detail provided to MTI is attached and identifies work/material to be provided as well as cost. MTI, as construction manager, believes this is a competitive approach and recommendation. Additionally, Sente & Rubel affirmed that pricing was generated as part of the original bid process, and in that they were provided as an alternate proposal, are by their nature, competitive. It is intended that these work efforts, if authorized by the President and Board of Trustees, would be accomplished through Change Orders to the existing agreements between the Village, MTI and respective contractors and executed as part of the normal course of business . We believe this is an appropriate method to follow but will affirm with Bill Raysa. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files M_ arbsite.pdf Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: TO: William R. Balling FROM: William H. Brimm DATE: October 11, 2001 SUBJECT: Arboretum Facilities Development- Phase II Site Work Proposal Staff and MTI have identified an opportunity to continue the development of the Arboretum facilities project through the remainder of this year's construction season by accelerating several of the Phase II site improvement elements. By maintaining our working relationship with current, mobilized contractors to complete site excavation and site grading, site utilities, concrete curbs and paving, asphalt paving could be completed. In addition, landscaping costs would be locked in for 2002 although work efforts would be minimal this year with probably nothing actually paid out. Any work done before the end of the season will permit efforts to be directed toward the club house so that an effective implementation and construction schedule will result. The intent is to utilize information obtained by MTI at the time of bidding the maintenance building for what were then considered Phase II site improvements. Estimates were obtained, using either bid unit costs or in the case of paving, at lower levels due to economies of scale now present. In consultation with MTI, we believe it advantageous to continue as far into this season as is possible with contractors familiar with the work. This assumes that there is consent to continue with the club house phase of this project as defined to date although significant design and planning efforts remain necessary before an authorization to bid is brought forward. If there is confidence that work will proceed after design considerations critical to the building are approved, site work will still be a necessity and could be completed earlier rather than later, to permit directed construction and completion efforts toward the club house as well as final site work in 2002. The specific contractor recommendations are as follows: Mork Element Contractor Estimate Site Excavation and Grading Schaefges Brothers $170,000 Asphalt Paving Chicagoland Paving 194,700 Site Concrete Schaefges Brothers 52,000 Landscaping Ronald Rehling 167, 939 Site Utilities Mancini 83,000 Total $667, 639 All work will be concurrent with existing building demolition, for which authorization to bid will be on Monday's agenda. Detail provided to MTI is attached and identifies work/material to be provided as well as cost. MTI, as construction manager, believes this is a competitive approach and recommendation. Additionally, Sente & Rubel affirmed that pricing was generated as part of the original bid process, and in that they were provided as an alternate proposal, are by their nature, competitive. It is intended that these work efforts, if authorized by the President and Board of Trustees, would be accomplished through Change Orders to the existing agreements between the Village, MTI and respective contractors and executed as part of the normal course of business. We believe this is an appropriate method to follow but will affirm with Bill Raysa. Representatives from MTI as well as staff will be available Monday to address any and all questions that may arise during the discussion of this matter. William H. Bri 21 May,2001 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Re: Arboretum Golf Course 401 Half Day Road Buffalo Grove,Illinois 60089 Gentlemen: As a supplement to your Bid for Phase I of the Arboretum Golf Course project,we should like you to provide a Proposal for the work involved in completing your related Phase II work. For the purposes of project continuity and budgeting between the Phases, it is in the Owner's interest to solicit pricing from the most competitive qualified Bidders for the following Trade packages from'Exhibit "A"'(30 April 2001): 2100-Excavation (Demolition and Site Grading) 2200-Asphalt Paving 2300-Concrete Curbs and Paving 2400-Landscaping 2600- Site Utilities Proposals shall include all remaining work shown on the Documents issued for bid and dated 24 April 2001,Drawings dated same,and all subsequent Exhibits and Addenda. Work on the'Future Clubhouse'itself shall NOT be included. Please provide Proposal to this office as soon as possible,and by this Friday,25 May 2001. Sincerely, Jeof L. Close Sr.Project Manager MTI CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,LLC PgIofI Village of Buffalo Grove Phase II estimate completion of the following Site related trade work 4 June,2001 Phase II estimate Phase I bids total Budget bidders Site Excavation and Grading 170,000.00 71,600.00 241,600.00 Schaefges Asphalt Paving 194,700.00 73,000.00 267,700.00 Chicagoland Site Concrete 52,000.00 25,800.00 77,800.00 Schaefges Landscaping 167,939.00 53,582.00 221,521.00 Rehling Site Utilities 83,000.00 148,500.00 231,500.00 Mancini total construction costs 667,639.00 372,482.00 1,040,121.00 Contingency(@10%) total per Civil consultant soils haul-off Phase I 3800 cy Phase II 4500 cy - site 3500 cy - bldg 11,800 cy SBIN 'a General Contractors Schaefges Brothers,Inc./851 Seton Court,Suite 2A,Wheeling.Illinois 60090-5790 Tel(847)537-3330•Fax(847)537-7439•www.sbigc.corn June 4,2001 MTI Construction Services Attn: Jeff Close 1900 E. Golf Road, Suite 125 Schaumburg,IL 60173 RE: Arboretum Golf Course Excavation Gentlemen, Per your request we reviewed the Civil Drawings for the Phase 2 Parking Lot work and developed Budget Numbers for excavation of the parking lot. The scope we have included is as follows. Excavate to pavement subgrade Haul offsite all spoils(450 loads out) Compact subgrade Provide granular fill for under curbs Backfill curbs and islands Rough grade within 10' —0"of curb Total: $170,000.00 Exclusions&Qualifications Layout by others No demolition included No tree removal or grubbing No undercutting Removal of spoils generated by other trades not included If you have any questions or require additional information,please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, nneth Schaefges President KS/cf MTI ARBORETUM GC 060401 B 10/01I2001 15:02 E4755096E4 CHIGOLAND PAVING PAGE 01 Chicagoland Paving Contractors, Inc. 225 Telser Rd Late ZurlCl&IL,60047 Phone: (847)550.9681 Far: (847)530-9684 June 1, 2001 PROPOSAL FAX TRANSMISSION Proposal SabnW d to: work to Be Perforwtd at: MT.1. Construction L.L.C. Buffalo Grove Aboretum Ater: Geof Close Golf Course. New Maintenance Fax: (847) 592-6305 Building We keruby propose to juFx&h the onweriols and perform the labor ttetsssary for: Phase H Parkbq Lot Per Platy 1) Heavy Duty Pavement A. 4"C46 type stone with prime coat B. 8"AA.M C. Clean Sweep&tack coat D. 2"swface course 2) Light Duty Pavement A. 10"CA6 type stone with prime coat B. 2"Binder course C. Clean-Sweep&tack coat D. 1.S"swface coat 3) Cart Path A. 8" B.A.M B. Clean-Sweep&tack coat C. 2"surface course 4) Striping Per Plan Toed jor phone ll S 194,700.00 Respectfully Submitted by: William R. Bowes Ch• oland paving Contractors, Inc. �cag L,ake Bch. mnois 60047 225 TeLSor Road Fax 847-550-9684 Phone: 847-550.9681 October 3, 2001 FAX TRANSMISSION I�OD08A6 bUD?Qf'PLD TO: '�ORX TO 5L DLDlOT?I�D AT: Village of Buffalo Grove MTI Construction Services LLC Arboretum Golf Course Attn.: Jeof Close, project ManaBcr New Maintenance Facility Fax: 847-592-6505 phone: 847-592-6500 we bewby propow to iu=h the a wrj&god pc&�the 6bcx owc"07 Breakdown of pricing for Asphalt Site Work: Phase I(per Trade Breakdown Sheet in Bid Documents): IQisl , IJ� allogiixIInit Edo / 2,200 tons S34,100.00 Stone, labor and material S39.65 $21,411.00 B�.labor and material 540 tons $16,035.25 Suffwc, labor and material 385 tons $41.65 Phase 11 Y I Total �`�'1 t IL�a 6,85 8 tons $15.50 S 106,299.00 I Stone, labor and material ( ? . 7� 283.05 2,277 tons f 39.65 3�• S90. . B�r> labor and material $53,811.80 Surface, labor and material 1,292 tons 541.65 ;y ) C Note. Using Phase I Unit Prices the Phase 11 wor- oh ubanak higW, r Respectfully Submitted by: William R. Bowes i0 39Cd 9NII%tJd QNVID9IHO b3960SSLb3 bZ:T T 100Z:'C�0/01 Br .. -„A\. GetwrW COntractora Schaefges Brothers,Inc./851 Seton Court,Suite 2A,Wheeling,Illinois 60090-5790 Tel(847)537-3330•Fax(847)537-7439-www.sbigc.com June 4,2001 MTI Construction Services Attn: Jeff Close 1900 E. Golf Road, Suite 125 Schaumburg, IL 60173 RE: Arboretum Golf Course Concrete Gentlemen, Per your request we have reviewed the Phase 2 Parking Lot Drawings and developed Budget Numbers for installing the B6.12 curb. Based on the same scope of work as Phase 1,the estimate is as follows. Total: $52,000.00 It is assumed this work would be completed in 2001. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us at your convenience. i chaefges 4? KS/cf MTI ARBORETUM GC 060401 Ronald Rehling Associates,Inc. CA N I Road RA Mr. Jeof L. Close MTI Construction Services Lic 1900 E. Golf Road, Suite 125 Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 Fax: 1 (847) 592-6505 May 23, 2001 Project: Village of Buffalo Grove Arboretum Golf Course Dear Mr. Close: We are enclosing our" Rider A", dated 5/23/01, detailing all costs relative to the combined project. All costs are inclusive of the Phase I bid submitted earlier and represent a completed Phase I and Phase 11 for the project. The attached"Rider X'details all work and any modifications from the original list of work requirements. The area of the voluntary changes relate principally to plant selection for reasons of plant hardiness or availability. Please note the Miscellaneous area of Rider A as it includes an expensive soil mix and perhaps this item may be a duplication, covered under excavation. Also tree pruning, root pruning, tree protection, and transplant work, may be covered by "own forces"of the Park District or already done. Naturally, these costs must be deducted from our total bid. Our combine bid for all work as drawn, exceptions, noted, is 221,521.00 No bond is included in that amount. An alternate for arborvitae, as requested, is included and bid at 8400.00 extra. Kindl review our detail. If we can be of further assistance please feel free to call as required. V In e(it re ly review y w 0 our Gelt R nald Rehlings Ronald Rehli g A RR V&enc:MRiderAndated ay 23, 2001 e t ly yo , R nald . Rehling Ronald Rehling Ass iates, Inc. RIDER A Arboretum Golf Course -- May 23.2001 Sheets L-2a i L-2b Size Description Unit X'd Shade Trees 3 2.51 Bonfire Sugar Maple 300 900 0 2.51 Briotti Borse Chestnut 557.375 0 15 2.52 (sub Baumanii for hardiness) 355 5325 6 2.51 Hackberry 275 1650 4 2.51 Burr Oak 300 1200 9 2.51 Red Oak 283 2547 2 4' Norway Maple 489 978 Understory Trees 1 7/8' Redbud, clump 237.5 237.5 210' C.caroliniam 401 802 0 61ht Smooth Sumac(not available) 40 61ht (sub Stagdorn this size) 78 3120 3 2.58 Shadblow Serviceberry 264 792 9 12/15' Aspen clumps 325 2925 10 8/10' Am Maple 237.5 2375 11 8/10' Washington Tbo n 185 2035 Shrubs 43 24' Green Mound 39.75 1709.25 16 485 Bridelwreath Spirea 40 640 20 241 Snowberry 31 620 0 5' V. rufidula(sub below) 11 5' V. p dfolium 132 1452 17 421 Arrowood 39.75 675.75 5 6' V. lentago 73 365 12 241 S. c occinea 31.25 375 6 481 V. carlc gWum 97.5 585 Evergreen Shrubs 118 181 Hughes Juniper 30.25 3569.5 94 30' Nigra Yew 79.75 7496.5 0 361 Dwarf Colorado Spruce 484 0 9 (Sub Mugho Pine 1 125 each installed) 125 1125 Upright EvergreW 3 61ht White Pine 284.5 853.5 5 5' Hemlock 230 1150 21 8' Soots Pine 362.25 7607.25 7 12' Concolor Fir 767-5 5372.5 3 8' Concolcr Fir 443 1329 2 8' Colorado Green Spruce 421 842 Broadleaves 6 2Ga1 Ezbury Azalea 50 300 17 3Gal PJN 57 969 27 3GA1 Northern Lites 57 1539 0 301 Eobold Barberry(not avail t 0 0 19 301 (sub Brontiensis Forysthia) 53.25 1011.75 2S311 D"Wh Road =19A Batavia,Imnow so510 630-8704)6n Ronald RahbV Assodatas Groundcovers i Vines 4198 3e Bowles Vinca 1.76 7514.42 738888.48 4198 3" Purpleleaf Nintercreeper 1.7 1740 3' Dwarf Fleeceflower 1.76 3062.4 1051 3' Hedra 'Wilson, 1.79 1881.29 450 Gal Bald Bagle Daylily 10.75 4837.5 71 5Ga1 Heckrotti Honeysuckle 12.25 869.75 375 Gal Liriope wuscari 10.35 3881.25 Sitework 8800 Sy P.G., fart i sod 3.05 26840 16000 SF F.G.,fert i seed(construction damage) 0.15 2400 6 units Stake transplant UP EV 25 150 41 units Stake Upright Bvergreens 20 820 Niscellaneoas 730 CY Load,truck,spred in sod areas(soil free) 7.5 5475 951 CY Load,truck,spread topsoil in bed areas(soil free) 7.5 7132.5 243 CY Peat Noss(sod areas)- not recaaended 24 5832 316 CY Peat Noss(bed areas) 24 7584 211 to Mason Sand(2edepth) 22 4642 629 to Mason Sand(21deptb) 22 13839 280 CY Shredded Hardwood 47 13160 211 CY Pine Needle b1ch 53.5 11298.5 Naintenance 30 day Naintenaace L.S. 4800 Tree Protection 2075 LF Snow Fence/260posts 3.94 8115.5 Root Pruning 680 LF Trenchirg(dotted line) 5 3400 Tree Real 0 units Tree Removal by others" Transplanting 1 4" Bradford Pear(spade) 375 375 2 8" Hmlocust(spade) 375 50 375 0 4 10, Austrian Pine 375 1 1 61ht White Fir 375 375 1 10, White Fir 375 375 3 12' 12' dia Red Maple 1800 5400 3010'ht Arb0rvitae(keld/NlCbiPlr0 110 3300 Total 221521.1 Alternate 30 8' Techay Arborvitae(Alternate Add) 280 8400 2S311 Oee:o:!n Road tialavia,Illinois 60510 630-878.0577 Ronald Ral>ting Associates Residential • Commercial • Industrial June 4,2001 Village Of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard _Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089 PROPOSAL FOR PHASE 2 OF NEW MAINTENANCE BUILDING Sewer and Water Utility Improvements: 1) Sanitary Sewer 2) Watermain 3) Storm Sewer Total Amount Of This Bid $83,000.00 1. All excavated spoils to remain on job site on trench and moved or hauled away by others. 2. All work covered under Phase 2 is to be completed by April 30,2002 or EXTRA charges will be ADDED for equipment,labor and material. Respectfully Submitted, MANCINI CONSTRUCTION, INC. Richard Mancini,President 578 W.ColFax Street 9 Palatine, Illinois 60067 • (847)934-0195 • Fax (847) 934-4766 MTi moommends Award of additional work by tic,Vidal a of Buffalo Grove to the following°E mjcct contractors for construction of the Arboretum f iolf Caurae-�E site Rids were solicited and received during thv lnit►al Bid Qrua6fication process,prior to issue of letters of lam,Corr the r4rpoms of continuity and expedience in site work preparation for an�early Spring start of construction on the now Clubhouse. pack 51d ke been.revicrwed and qualificd to verify compl ance with the Contract scope gfwork and the Contract Documents.- The following award amounts include anylall rocptired adjustments to the original Aids including scope Of work coverage and value eugmecring. Award to be processed via Change Order to existing Agreements. 1. Bccavatkm and.Grading, Skhaefps Faros-,lnc. $ i 70,000.00 2. ,Asphah PHvJ4 Chic:agoland Paving Contractors,Inc. $ 194,700-01) 3. Conte Construction Schaefges E rm,Inc, $ 52,000.00 4. Lmidscaping Ronald Railing Associ0tex,Inc. $ 267,939.00 5. Site Utilities Mancini Construction,Inc. S 83,Ot10.00 total Trade C;hm0c O"kr $ 667,639.00 Presented IS October,200E Jeof L.Close Sr.Pn*ct MaIMM MTI Construction Services,LLC S:vea+,wcw.t�wOw.vewa•ae�arw�1'C4�«aniA�wrmd,a MT1 Board Agenda Item Submittal xIv C Requested By: Carmen A Molinaro Entered By: Carmen A Molinaro Agenda Item Title: Award of Contract for Golf Car Leases for Arboretum and Buffalo Grove Golf Club Date Submitted: Meeting Date Agenda Place Requested: Requested: Department: 0 Consent Agenda 10/10/2001 10/15/2001 Regular Agenda Golf 0 None Does this item Does this item include Will AV equipment be relate to another additional reference required to present item on the info separate from the this item to the agenda? Board packet? board? 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No 0 Yes 0No Item Description Will this action involve an expenditure in 0 Yes 0 NO funds? Additional Notes regarding Expenditures: Type the body of the cover memo here. Requests cannot be submitted if this field is blank. Seeking award of contract to Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc.for a five year lease for golf cars at the Arboretum Club as well as an award of contract to Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc. for a five year lease for golf cars at Buffalo Grove Golf Club. Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc.was low bid for each of these contracts, and Nadler has an excellent reputation for quality cars and superior service. Letter-Sized Legal-Sized Ledger-Sized Odd-Sized Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files Attached Files GolfCarLease.pd Approval Section: Name: Date and Time: Submitted By: Pre-Approved By: Approved By: Published to Web: To: William Balling Village Manager From: Carmen Molinaro Subject: Recommendation on Golf Car Leases for The Arboretum Club and Buffalo Grove Golf Club Date: October 9,2001 On August 30,2001 bids for five-year leases for golf cars for both The Arboretum Club and Buffalo Grove Golf Club were opened and read aloud. Three bids were received and the following are the results of those bids: Company 5 year lease for B.G. 5 year lease for Arboretum Boylan Sales Inc. 24.91/6 of receipts 26.25%of receipts Yamaha Cars to Vendor to Vendor-48 volt E-Z Go Textron 24.9%of receipts 26.70%of receipts E-Z-Go Cars to Vendor to Vendor-36 volt Nadler Golf Car Sales 23%of receipts 24%of receipts Club Car Cars to Vendor to Vendor-48 volt 22%of receipts to Vendor-36 volt My recommendation is to award a contract to Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc. for a five year lease of sixty five gas cars for use at Buffalo Grove Club as specified in the bid documents. Also I would recommend an award of contract to Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc. for a five year lease for eighty five, 36 volt,electric cars for use at The Arboretum Club as specified in the bid documents. Both recommendations represent the low,best,bid for both courses,and both leases reflect a more favorable percentage of retained revenue for the Village than the current leases do at both courses. To keep the Village Board informed, I have also received a letter of proposal from Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc to provide to the Village for all eighty five cars at The Arboretum Club as well as two beverage cars and two ranger cars the Uplink GPS system for no up front investment for the Village. The Village will simply lease the GPS service on a per use basis much as it does in the-golf car lease. At the moment we have a not to exceed per use price of$ 4.35, but I think the final price will be lower than$4.00. Once we determine exactly when The Arboretum Club new clubhouse facility will be ready we will finalize the per use price and report back to the Board. VIU AGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Fifty Raupp Blvd. Buffalo Grove,IL 60089-2100 Phone 847-459-2500 Fax 847-459-0332 To: President and Board of Trustees From: Jane Olson Subject: Bid Opening—Golf Cart Lease Date: August 30, 2001 On August 30, 2001 at the Village of Buffalo Grove Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard, the bid opening was held reference the above stated bid. The following people were in attendance: Bill Shaub, E-Z-GO; Ken Klein,E-Z-GO; Dave Nadler,Nadler Golf Car; Larry Joseph,Boylan Sales; Carmen Molinaro,Director of Golf Operations; and Jane Olson,Deputy Village Clerk. Bidder Bid(%of Gross Receipts) Buffalo Grove Golf Club Arboretum Golf Course Nadler Golf Car Sales Inc. 23% 24%/22% 2700 N.Farnsworth Ave Aurora,IL 60504 Boylan Sales 24.9% 26.25% 590 Heartland Sugar Grove,IL 60554 E-Z-GO 24.9% 26.7% 24404 N.Hwy 12 Lake Zurich,IL. 60047 The bids will be reviewed and a recommendation will be forthcoming. Jane Olson CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION Paddock Publications, Inc. Daily Herald Daily Herald Values Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that it is the publisher of the DAILY HERALD. That said DAILY HERALD is a secular newspaper and has been circulated daily in the Village(s) of Algonquin, Arlington Heights,Barrington,Barrington Hills,Bartlett,Batavia, ..�_. Buffalo Grove, Burlington, Carpentersville, Cary, Deer Park, Des Plaines, South Elgin, East Dundee, Elburn, Elgin, Elk Grove Village, Fox River Grove, Geneva, Gilberts, Grayslake, Gurnee,Hampshire, Hanover Park, Hawthorn Woods, Hoffman Estates, Huntley, Inverness, Island Lake, Kildeer, Lake Barrington, Lake in the Hills, Lake Zurich, Libertyville, Long Grove, Mt. Prospect, Mundelein, Palatine, Prospect Heights, Rolling Meadows,Schaumburg, Sleepy Hollow,South Barrington,St. Charles, Streamwood, Tower Lakes, Vernon Hills, Wauconda, Wheeling, North Barrington County(ies) of Cook, Kane, Lake, McHenry and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of general circulation throughout said Village(s), County(ies) and State. I further certify that the DAILY HERALD is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended in 1992 Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 715, Act 5, Section 1 and 5. That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published August 9, 2001 in said DAILY HERALD. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed by, this authorized agent, at Arlington Heights, Illinois. PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. DAILY HERALD NEWSPAPERS BY A. Auth 'zed Agent Control # T2639659