1991-58Ruocuraox NO. 91- 5"? RESOLUTION COMMENDING OUTGOING TRUT££ MICHAEL O'MACCq FOR $£RVIC£ TO THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, 1988 -1991 MHER£M, Michael O'Mallegjs first contribution to the Village of Buffalo Grave began with service to the Buffalo Grove Zoning Boarb of Appeals from Maus 1988 through April, 1989; anb, MH£REM, Mike was electeb Village Trustee in April, 1989; anb, MH£RE0, Mike server in a number of important rules inclubing liaison to the Plan Commission, Fire anb Police Commission,:.Regianal Cable Group anb Cihrarg Districts; MH£R£As, buring Mikets tenure he plageh an important part in significant becisians an bevelopment anb growth incluning the extensian of Buffalo Grove Raab, a Uniteb States Post Office anb numerous resibtntial anb commercial bevelopments such as the The Mooblanbs at Fiore anb Buffalo Grove Town Center; anb, MHER£As, through Participation in all these activities, Mike has mane significant contributions to recisions shaping the future of the Village of Buffalo Grove, anb his bebication anb perfarman"..' over the gears merit special recognition.... - _ KOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Bg THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUT££S OF THE VICCAG£ OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND CAKE COUNTIES, ICCINOIS as follows: 1. That Michael O'Malleg he commenbe3 an behalf of the citizens of Buffalo Grove far his nistinguisheb service to the Village. 2. That this resolution be presentee to Doke with best wishes for his future enbeavors. Dater this 15th nag of Julg, 1991. 5IDNE9 H. MATHIM Village Prtsibent