1993-05-03 - Ordinance 1993-035 - AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE (MASTER CHANGE #1) TITLES 1, 2, AND 3 MASTER CHANGE ORDINANCE #1 4/19/93 ORDINANCE NO. 93- 35 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF 13UFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE PURSUANT TO RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REVIEW COMMITTEE (MASTER CHANGE ORDINANCE #1) WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code was codified in 1978; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code Review Committee has made recommendations for amendments to Titles 1, 2 and 3 of the Municipal Code as supplemented through May 1992 Insertion Guide (covering ordinances through 92-35) by Book Publishing Company and as brought current through Ordinance 92-101 passed December 14, 1992 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows : Section 1 . Sections 1 . 01 . 040, 1 . 01 . 080 and 1 . 01 . 090 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby repealed. Section 2 . Subsection U. of Section 1 . 04 . 010 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 1 . 04 . 010 Definitions U. "Written" includes printed, typewritten, or otherwise reproduced in permanent, visible form. Section 3 . Sections 2 . 02 . 090 and 2 . 02 . 100 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 02 . 090 Meetings--Disturbin . It is unlawful for any person to disturb any meeting of the Corporate Authorities or of any committee thereof . Any person violating the provisions of this section may be evicted from the meeting. 2 . 02 . 100 Meetings--_A�pplication of Robert ' s Rules of Order. Robert ' s Rules of order shall govern the delibera- tions of the Corporate Authorities . Section 4 . Sections 2 . 02 . 110 and 2 . 02 . 111 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby repealed. Section 5 . There is hereby added to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code Section 2 . 02 . 110 which shall read as follows : 2 . 02 . 110 Committees and Commissions . A majority of the Corporate Authorities may call a meeting of any commis- sion, committee or board of the Village. Section 6 . There is hereby added to the Buffalo Grove municipal Code Chapter 2 . 03 which shall read as follows : CHAPTER 2 . 03 PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTED COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Sections : 2 . 03 . 010 Application 2 . 03 . 020 Robert ' s Rules of Order 2 . 03 . 030 Appointment of Members 2 . 03 . 040 Chairperson and Vice Chairperson 2 . 03 . 050 Compensation 2 . 03 . 060 Residency 2 . 03 . 070 Meetings 2 . 03 . 080 Quorum and Voting 2 . 03 . 090 Minutes 2 . 03 . 100 Police Pension Board and Firefighters Pension Board -2- 2 . 03 . 0�10 Application Except as otherwise set forth in this Code, this Chapter shall govern the procedures of all appointed Village commissions, committees and boards . 2 . 03 . 020 Robert ' s Rules of Order Robert ' s Rules of Order shall govern the deliberations of all commissions, committees, and boards of the Village . 2 . 03 . 030 Agpointment of Members A. Members of Village commissions, committees and boards shall be appointed by the Village President by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. B . Appointments shall be for a one, two or three year term to run from May 1st to the appropriate April 30th. An appoint- ment hereunder shall not exceed the full term to which the Village President was elected. 2 . 03 . 040 Chairperson and Vice Chairperson A. The Village President, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint one of the members of each commission, committee or board of the Village as Chairperson and one of the members as Vice Chairperson. B . The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or temporary Chair- person of each Village commission, committee or board shall have the power to administer oaths . C. The Chairperson shall make arrangements for selection of a secretary for keeping of minutes . 2 . 03 . 050 CoLnpensation All appointed members of committees, commissions and boards of the Village shall serve without compensation. 2 . 03 . 060 Residenc Members of Village commissions, committees and boards shall be residents of the Village, but are not required to be residents of the Village for any specific length of time prior to their appointment . -3- 2 . 03 . 070 Meetings Commissions, committees and boards of the Village shall meet : A. as set forth in the applicable Chapter of this Code B. at the call of the Chairperson, or C. at such other times as a majority of the commis sion, committee or board shall determine. 2 . 03 . 080 Ouorum and Voting A. A majority of the voting members holding office, inclusive of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, of any Village commission, committee or board shall constitute a quorum. B. Each member, including Chairperson and Vice Chair- person of each commission, committee or board of the Village is entitled to one vote . A majority of a quorum will pre- vail . 2 . 03 . 090 Minutes Minutes shall be kept of all commission, committee and board proceedings and a copy thereof shall be kept on file with the Village Clerk. 2 . 03 . 100 Police Pension Board and Firefighters Pension Board Notwithstanding any other section in this Chapter, the Village ' s Police Pension Board and Firefighters Pension Board shall be constituted and governed by State statute. Where the State statute does not preempt the Village this Chapter shall be applicable. Section 7 . Chapter 2 . 04 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : Chapter 2 . 04 COMPENSATION FOR ELECTED OFFICERS Sections : 2 . 04 . 010 President, Trustees . 2 . 04 . 020 Village Clerk 2 . 04 . 010 President, Trustees. The following officers shall receive the salary set forth in this section: -4- A. The President shall be paid a salary of five thou- sand dollars annually. B. Trustees shall be paid a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars annually. C. Salaries shall be payable in twelve equal monthly payments . 2 . 04 . 020 Village Clerk. The salary of the Village Clerk shall be five thousand dollars annually, payable in twelve equal monthly payments . Section. 8 . Chapter 2 . 06 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : Chapter 2 . 06 OFFICERS BONDS Sections : 2 . 06 . 010 Amounts designated 2 . 06 . 010 Amounts designated. Before entering upon the duties as president, the Village President shall execute a bond in the amount of three thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the office. Before enter- ing upon the duties as clerk, the Village Clerk shall execute a bond in the amount of three thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the office . Before entering upon the duties as treasurer, the Village Treasurer shall execute a bond in the amount of three times the latest Federal Census population, conditioned upon the faithful perfor- mance of the duties . Section 9 . Sections 2 . 08 . 030, 2 . 08 . 040, 2 . 08 . 060, 2 . 08 . 070 and 2 . 08 . 080 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 08 . 030 Removal from office. The Village Manager may be removed from office at any time by a 5/7th vote of the Corporate Authorities then holding office. 2 . 08 . 040 Duties . The Village Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Village and shall be responsible to the Corporate Authorities for the proper administration of the affairs of the Village . The power and duties of the Village Manager shall be to: -5- A. Enforce all laws and ordinances of the village; B. Attend all meetings of the Corporate Authorities . The Village Manager shall have the right to take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Corporate Au- thorities, but shall have no right to vote . The Village Manager shall be entitled to notice of all special and regular meetings of the Corporate Authorities . C. Recommend to the Corporate Authorities adoption of such measures as may be necessary or expedient; D. Appoint, suspend or remove all employees of the Village, except those employees under the authority of the Fire and Police Commission. Such appointments, suspensions or removals shall be based upon the merit and fitness of such employee, without regard to political belief or affili- ation. The Village Manager may authorize the head of a department or office to appoint, suspend or remove sub- ordinates in such department or office; E. Exercise control of all departments and divisions thereof now in existence, or that may hereafter be; F. Make recommendations to the Corporate Authorities concerning compensation for each appointive office and position in the Village service, including minimum, interme- diate and maximum rates; G. Recommend to the Corporate Authorities the creat- ing, consolidating, combining and eliminating of office, positions and departments of the Village; H. Investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the Village and services maintained by the public utilities in the Village and see that all franchises, permits and privi- leges granted by the Village are faithfully observed; I . Purchase all materials, supplies, equipment and personal services and contracts for which funds are provided in the budget, but no item or personal service which exceeds any budget appropriation may be purchased. For a purchase of more than ten thousand dollars the Village Manager shall be required to receive two or more bids and said bids shall be presented to the Corporate Authorities for approval or rejection. The Village Manager shall make recommendations to the Corporate Authorities with respect to all such bids . The Village Manager may issue rules and regulations govern- ing requisitions and the transaction of the business of purchasing agent and the heads of departments, officers and employees of the Village. In case of circumstances creating an emergency the Village Manager may, without the prior consent of the Corporate Authorities, award contracts and make purchases for the purpose of meeting said emergency; but shall promptly file with the Corporate Authorities a report of such emergency and the necessity of such action, together with an itemized account of all such expenditures . If authorized by a vote of two-thirds of all the Trustees -6- then holding office the bid requirement in this section may be waived. J. Prepare a budget report indicating the funds neces- sary to defray the estimated expenses of the Village for the fiscal year; prepare the annual appropriation ordinance in time for consideration and enactment by the Corporate Au- thorities as required by statute; and prepare the annual tax levy. K. Submit to the Corporate Authorities, in accordance with State statute, following the end of the fiscal year, a complete report on the finances and administrative activi- ties of the Village for said fiscal year; L. Present to the Corporate Authorities each month a joint statement with the Village Treasurer showing the exact financial condition of the Village as of the end of the preceding month and showing amounts expended and unexpended balances for each department in accordance with the annual budget; M. Keep a current inventory of all real and personal property of the Village and the location of such property. The Village Manager shall be responsible for the care and custody of all Village property which is not by statute or ordinance assigned to some other officer or body for care and control; N. Devote all time to the discharge of official du- ties; 0. Appoint to all boards, commissions and committees a staff individual to act as a liaison and resource person, if necessary; P. Perform such other lawful duties as may be directed by motion, resolution or ordinance of the Corporate Authori- ties . 2 . 08 . 060 Bond. The Village Manager shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the Corporate Authorities, said bond shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of duties and shall be condi- tioned to indemnify the Village for any loss by reason of any neglect of duty or any act of the manager. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the Village . 2 . 08 . 070 Vacancy--Temporary appointment . During the temporary absence or disability of the Village Manager, the Manager shall appoint an acting Village Manager, with all the powers and duties of the office . If the Village Manager is unable to appoint an acting Village Manager, the Corpo- rate Authorities shall appoint an acting Village Manager. Any acting Village Manager may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Corporate Authorities then holding office. If such an appointment is of a person not already under bond to the Village and such person shall be acting as -7- Village Manager for more than 30 consecutive days such appointee shall furnish a bond in such amount and with such surety as may be approved by the Corporate Authorities . The cost of the bond shall be paid by the Village . 2 . 08 . 080 Vacancy--Manager 'pro tem. In case of a vacancy in the office of Village Manager, the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, may appoint a manager pro tem who shall possess the powers and duties of the manager until such time as a new Village Manager is appointed. Section 10 . Chapter 2 . 10 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 11 . Sections 2 . 14 . 010, 2 . 14 . 020, 2 . 14 . 030 and 2 . 14 . 060 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 14 . 010 Creation and composition. There is estab- lished a Department of Police, which shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the Village Manager, which shall consist of a Police Chief and such other members of the Police Department as may from time to time be provided for by the Corporate Authorities . 2 . 14 . 0�20 Appointment . A. The head of the Police Department shall be the Chief of Police who shall be ap- pointed by the Village Manager for an indefinite period of time. The Police Chief need not be appointed from the members of the Police Department, but if appointed from the members of the Police Department, the appointment need not be from the rank next below the Chief, but may be appointed from among the members of the Police Department regardless of rank. The Village Manager is authorized to suspend or discharge the Chief of Police in accordance with adopted Village personnel policies and procedures . The Police Chief is an exempt position in regards to Chapter 2 . 28 of this Code . B. The Chief of Police is authorized to appoint Deputy Chief (s) and Commander (s) upon the approval of the Village Manager. The Chief of Police is also authorized to appoint three commanders upon the approval of the Village Manager. The Chief of Police is authorized to suspend or discharge any or all of the officers holding such positions in accordance with adopted Village personnel policies and -8- procedures . The Deputy Police Chief (s) and Commander (s) are exempt positions in regards to Chapter 2 . 28 of this Code. C. In the event any of the persons holding the posi- tion of Chief of Police, Deputy Ci�ief, or Commander are discharged from said positions, said person or persons shall revert to their permanent rank, if any, in the Police De- partment as established by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. D. The rank of sergeant and police officer shall be appointed by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners as provided in Chapter 2 . 28 of this Code, and the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners . 2 . 14 . 030 Oath of members . The Police Chief and all sworn members of the Police Department, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take the oath of office prescribed by the Village. 2 . 14 . 060 Police officer Rowers generally. Sworn members of the Police Department shall enforce all applica- ble laws of the United States of America, the State of Illinois and the ordinances of the Village . They shall also perform all such duties as are now or will hereafter be required of them by this or any other ordinance of the Village or any rules or regulations adopted by the Village pertaining in any manner to the Police Department . Every sworn member of the Department is a conservator of the peace. Section 12 . Sections 2 . 14, 090, 2 . 14 . 100 and 2 . 14 . 110 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby repealed. Section 13 , There is hereby added to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code Section 2 . 14 . 200 which is to read as follows : 2 . 14 . 200 Police Pension Fund. There is hereby created a Police Pension Fund and Police Pension Board as required by law. Section 14 . Chapter 2 . 16 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 15 . Chapter 2 . 18 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : -9- Chapter 2 . 18 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Sections : 2 . 18 . 010 Created. 2 . 18 . 020 Health Officer. 2 . 18 . 030 Health Officer--Duties . 2 . 18 . 040 Sanitarian. 2 . 18 . 050 Sanitarian--Duties . 2 . 18 . 055 Exclusive jurisdiction. 2 . 18 . 060 Analysis of food and drink. 2 . 18 . 070 Enforcement of provisions relating to sale, delivery, or storage of food and drink. 2 . 18 . 080 Delegation of duties to contracted parties . 2 . 18 . 010 Created. There is created a Health Department which shall consist of a Health Officer, a Sanitarian and such other employees as may be assigned to such department from time to time by the Village Manager. 2 . 18 . 020 Health Officer. The Health Officer shall be a Registered Environmental Health Practitioner as recognized by the State of Illinois or other person duly qualified in an allied specialty, and shall have the powers of a conservator of the peace for the purpose of performing the duties of the Health officer. 2 . 18 . 030 Health officer--Duties . The Health Officer shall be responsible for establishing policies within the Department and for the execution and enforcement of all laws, rules and regulations as set forth within this Chapter. The Health Officer shall examine all cases of contagious disease arising in the Village or within one-half mile of the corporate limits thereof and shall see to the enforcement of quarantine rules and shall determine the time for raising quarantine . The Health Officer shall give the Village Manager and Corporate Authorities informa- tion and advice concerning public health and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Village Manager. 2 . 18 . 040 Sanitarian, The Sanitarian shall be a legally qualified sanitarian under Illinois State statutes . The Sanitar- ian shall have the powers of a police officer and a conservator of the peace . 2 . 18 . 050 Sanitarian--Duties . The Village Sanitarian shall report to and be responsible to the Health Officer. It shall be the duty of the Sanitarian to enforce all rules and regulations of the Village and of the Department of Health of the State . _10- 2 . 18 . 055 Exclusive Jurisdiction. The Village confers the exclusive jurisdiction to act in all matters related to and concerning retail food store and food service sanitation upon the Village ' s Health Department . 2 . 18 . 060 Analysis of food and drink. It shall be the duty of the Health Department when deemed necessary to arrange for the analysis of any food or drink alleged to be tainted or unwhole- some, and to have the drinking water of the Village analyzed whenever requested to do so by the Village Manager. 2 . 18 . 070 Enforcement of provisions relating to sale, delivery, or storage of food and drink. The Sanitarian and Health Officer shall enforce all ordinances relating to the sale, delivery or storage of food or drink intended for human consump- tion, and shall make or cause to be made such tests, analyses and inspections as may be necessary for this purpose. 2 . 18 . 080 Delegation of duties to contracted parties. The Corporate Authorities may, from time to time, by resolution, contract with any one or more persons, firms, corporations or municipalities for the inspection of food establishments, analy- sis and inspection of food and drink, or for the performance of any other duties which are imposed on the Sanitarian or the Health Department by any provision of the Village ordinances for such compensation and subject to such terms and conditions as the Corporate Authorities may deem desirable. Section 16 . Chapter 2 . 20 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby deleted from the Municipal Code of the Village of Buffalo Grove but the underlying ordinance 70-30 shall remain in full force and effect . Section 17 . Sections 2 .22 . 040 and 2 .22 . 050 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 22 . 040 Members--Ouorum. The Appearance Commission shall consist of seven members . 2 . 22 . 050 Qualification. All efforts shall be made to have the membership consist of registered architects, landscape architects, real estate appraisers and land planners . If possi- ble, one member shall be the owner or an officer of a firm, owning business, commercial or industrial property in the Vil- lage. In making appointments to the Appearance Commission, the Village President shall seek to appoint as members persons who are recognized as experts in matters of aesthetic judgment by _11- virtue of training, education and experience and possessing qualities of impartiality and broad judgment . The members of the Appearance Commission shall, beore entering their official duties, severally take the oath of office prescribed by law for village officials . No member of the Appearance Commission shall participate in discussions or vote on requests from any client he is serving or from any business of which he is owner, corporation officer or employee. Section 18 . Sections 2 . 22 . 060, 2 . 22 . 070 and 2 . 22 . 080 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby repealed. Section 19 . Section 2 . 22 . 100 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 22 . 100 Appearance plan. The Appearance Commission shall maintain an appearance plan. Said appearance plan shall be based on the intent and purposes of this Chapter, which said plan shall be intended as the standards or guide- lines for future physical developments and should consider, among other features : A. The external architectural features (as defined in this Chapter) of proposed buildings and landscaping and site planning thereof; B. Existing Village ordinances as amended, as to, but not limited to, zoning, building, subdivision, trees and shrubs; provided, however, nothing in said appearance plan shall conflict with, modify or alter any provisions of the zoning, building or development ordinances . Section 20 . Chapter 2 . 24 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 24 . 010 Creation. There is created a Board of Health for the Village . 2 . 24 . 020 Members . The Board of Health shall consist of seven members . 2, . 24 . 030 Meetings . The Board of Health shall meet not less than four times a year. 2 . 24 . 040 Duties . The Board of Health shall have general supervision of the interests of the health of the people of the Village. The Board of Health shall cooperate with and assist the Department of Health of the State and its duly constituted -12- officers and representatives in enforcing the rules and regula- tions for control of communicable diseases promulgated by the Department, and such other rules and regulations of the State and counties and Village as may be related to the sanitation and health of the Village . The Board of Health of the Village shall have authority to make recommendations to the Corporate Authori- ties for the passage of ordinances . Section 21 . Section 2 . 28 . 020 and 2 .28 . 030 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 28 . 020 Members . The Board of Fire and Police Com- missioners shall consist of five members . 2 . 28 . 030 Officers--Duties . A. A secretary will be chosen by the members of the Board of Fire and Police Com- missioners . The secretary shall keep the minutes of pro- ceedings, shall be the custodian of all records pertaining to the business and examinations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners . B. The Fire and Police Chiefs shall have the right to take part in the examination of applicants and promotional examinations for their respective departments, but shall have no right to vote. Section 22 . Chapter 2 . 30 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 23 . Section 2 . 32 . 010 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 32 . 010 Members . The Electrical Commission shall consist of six members . The chief electrical inspector shall be a member and ex officio chairman. Of the other five members, one shall be a registered professional engi- neer; one an electrical contractor; one a journeyman elec- trician; one a representative of an inspection bureau main- tained by the fire underwriters, if such a representative resides in the Village, and if no such representative re- sides in the Village, then the chief of the Fire Department; and one representative of an electricity supply company. If there is no person residing in the Village who is qualified under any one of these descriptions, the Village President may appoint by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, some other person to fill that position. -13- Section 24 . Chapter 2 .34, Emergency Services and Disaster Agency is hereby amended to read as follows : CHAPTER 2 .34 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND DISASTER AGENCY Sections : 2 . 34 . 010 Created. 2 . 34 . 020 Coordinator, duties . 2 . 34 . 030 Mobile support team. 2 . 34 . 040 Mutual aid agreements . 2 . 34 . 050 Oath. 2 . 34 . 060 Compensation. 2 . 34 . 070 Purchases and expenditures . 2 . 34 . 080 office. 2 . 34 . 090 Members . 2 . 34 , 100 Commission--Purpose . 2 . 34 . 110 Commission--Members--organiza tion. 2 . 34 . 120 Commission--Meetings--Quorum-- Records . 2 .34 . 010 Created. There is created a Village Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (Village ESDA) which shall perform such ESDA functions as provided by law, prescribed in and by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency plan and program, and such other orders, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Governor. The Village Manager shall serve as Director of the Village ESDA. There shall also be the position of ESDA Coordi- nator who shall be under the authority, command and control of the ESDA Director. 2 .34 . 020 Coordinator, duties . The Coordinator shall be responsible for carrying out the program for emergency services and disaster operations of the Village. The Coordinator, with the Village Emergency Services and Disaster Commission, shall be responsible for maintaining a Village disaster plan. Such plan shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Corporate Authori- ties . The Coordinator shall maintain liaison and cooperate with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and other disaster agencies and organizations of other political subdivisions of the state and of the federal government . The Coordinator shall have the responsibility for the organization, administration, training, and operation of the Village ESDA. -14- 2 . 34 . 030 Mobile sup�-port tgam. All or any members of the Village ESDA organization may be designated as members of a mobile support team created by the director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency as provided by law. The leader of each such mobile support team shall be designated by the Coordi- nator of the Village ESDA organization. Any member of a mobile support team who is a Village employee or officer while serving on call to duty by the Governor or the State Director shall receive the compensation and have the powers, duties, rights, and immunities incident to such employment or office. Any such member who is not a paid officer or employee of the Village, while so serving, shall, subject to State approval, receive from the State reasonable compensation as provided by law. 2 . 34 . 040 Mutual aid ,agreements. The Coordinator of the Village ESDA may negotiate mutual aid agreements with other villages or political subdivisions of the State, but no such agreement shall be effective until it has been approved by the Corporate Authorities and by the State Director of the Emergency Management Agency. This does not, however, preclude entering into emergency agreements as provided under Chapter 2 . 56 . 2 . 34 . 0�50 Oath. Every person appointed to serve in any capacity in the Village ESDA organization shall before entering upon his duties subscribe to the oath, as provided by law, which oath shall be filed with the Coordinator. 2 . 34 . 060 Compensation. Members of the Village ESDA who are paid employees or officers of the Village, if called for training by the State Director of the Emergency Management Agency, shall receive for the time spent in such training the same rate of pay as is attached to the position held, less the amount, if any, paid by the State. Members who are not such Village employees or officers shall receive for such training time such compensation as may be established by the Corporate Authorities . 2 .34 . 070 Purchases and expenditures. If a disaster occurs, the Director of the Village ESDA is authorized, on behalf of the Village, to procure such services, supplies, equipment or materi- al as may be necessary to combat effectively any disaster, to protect the public health and safety, protect property, and provide emergency assistance to victims, in view of the exigency without regard to the statutory procedures or formalities normal- ly prescribed by law pertaining to Village contracts or obliga- tions, provided that if the Corporate Authorities meets at such time, the Director shall act subject to the directions and restrictions imposed by that body. 2 . 34 . 080 Office. The Village Manager is authorized to designate space in a Village building or elsewhere, for the office of the Village ESDA. -15- 2 . 34 . 090 Members . The Village Emergency Services and Disaster Commission (ESDC) shall consist of nine members, includ- ing the Coordinator of the Village ESDA. Included within the nine members shall be at least one representative of the Police, Public Works and Fire Departments, and any other emergency departments as deemed necessary by the Village ESDA Director. Except for the foregoing Village staff representatives, all members shall be required to be residents of the Village, but are not required to be residents of the Village for any specific length of time prior to their appointment . 2 . 34 .100 Commission--Purpose . The purpose of the ESDA Commission shall be to plan and mitigate on the response func- tions of the Village emergency management operations prior to, during, and in the recovery phase of a disaster situation through an integrated emergency management system. 2 . 34 . 110 Commission--Members- -organization. Officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary. The Coordinator of the Village ESDA shall be the Chairperson of the ESDC Commission. The Chairperson shall appoint from Commission members the Secretary with the consent of the members . 2 . 34 . 120 Commission--Meetings . The ESDC shall hold regular meetings not less than four times a year. Section 25 . Chapter 2 . 36 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 26 . Chapter 2 . 38 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 27 . Chapter 2 .40 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 28 . Chapter 2 .44 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is amended to read as follows : Chapter 2 .44 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Sections : 2 .44 . 010 Members 2 .44 . 020 Oaths -16- Section 2 .44 . 010 Members . The Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist of seven members . 2 . 44 . 020 Oaths . The Chairperson, or in the absence there- of, the acting chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses . Section 29 . Chapter 2 .46 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 46 . 010 Created. A Plan Commission for the Village is created as provided by law. 2 .46 . 020 Members . The Plan Commission shall consist of nine members . 2 .46 . 030 Powers--Zoning determinations . The Plan Commis- sion shall also be the commission before which hearings shall be held for the purpose of hearing proposed amendments affecting the regulations imposed and the districts created under the zoning ordinance of the Village. Section 29 . Chapter 2 .48 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : Chagter 2 .48 ETHICS Sections : 2 .48 . 010 Definitions . 2 .48 . 020 Economics disclosure statement . 2 .48 . 030 Conflict of interest disclaimer. 2 . 48 . 040 Filing. 2 .48 . 050 Public record. 2 .48 . 060 Penalty. 2 .48 . 070 Supplier' s statement . 2 .48 . 080 Administration. 2 .48 . 010 Definitions . Unless the contrary is stated, or clearly appears from the context, when used in this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated: A. "Business entity" means any organization or enter- prise operated for profit, including, but not limited to a proprietorship, partnership, firm, business trust, joint venture, syndicate, corporation or association. -17- B. "Consultant" means any persons with professional or technical expertise retained by the Village to provide professional or technical advice to the Village . C. "Gift" means any property, real or personal, tangi- ble or intangible, of a market value in excess of $100 . 00 obtained by an individual without the payment of the proper- ty' s full market value . Gifts from an individual ' s spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, or gifts to a church, religious or charitable organization qualified as such under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code shall not be considered gifts for the purposes of this definition. Gifts of informational material such as books, pamphlets, reports, calendars or periodicals shall not be considered gifts for the purposes of this definition. D. "Immediate family" means an individual ' s spouse, dependent children, or others if the interest herein re- quired to be disclosed is constructively controlled by the person required to file a conflict of interest disclaimer and/or a statement of economic interest pursuant to state statutes . E. "Income" means salary, wage, advance, payment, fee, honorarium or any other consideration for personal, profes- sional, or commercial services, rent, dividends, interest, capital gains received from the sale of real or personal property, stocks or bonds, return of capital, forgiveness or payment of indebtedness, discount in the price of anything of value unless the discount is available to members of the public without regard to official status, rebate, reimburse- ment for expenses, contribution to an insurance or pension program paid by any person other than an employer. Income also includes a pro rata share of any income of any business entity or trust in which the individual or spouse owns directly, indirectly or beneficially, a five percent or greater interest . F. "Interest in real property" includes, but is not limited to the following: legal or equitable title; a beneficial interest in any trust (including a land trust) ; any assignment of any interest from a beneficiary or any other party of an interest; a power to direct conveyances; a right to receive rents or proceeds from the property; a lien; a tax sale certificate; an option; or any other finan- cial interest, real or personal, direct or indirect in such property including status as a nominee or undisclosed prin- cipal . G. "Payment" means a payment, distribution, transfer, loan, advance, deposit, gift or other rendering of money, property, services or anything else of value, whether tangi- ble or intangible. -18- H. "Person" means an individual, proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, business trust, company, corporation, association, committee and any other organization or group of persons acting in concert . I . "Public official" means any person who seeks to be elected or is elected to any public office in the Village, or is appointed a member of any commission, committee, or board of the Village, and all department heads, and other employees as designated by the Village Manager. J. "Purchase transaction" means a purchase, or a contract to purchase goods or services of any kind. K. "Supplier" means any individual, firm, corporation, association, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietor, or other business entity which enters into a purchase transac- tion with the Village. 2 .48 . 020 Economics disclosure statement . All public officials shall file with the Village Clerk a verified economic disclosure statement responding in detail to the following questions : Ill . other than your principal residence, do you or any members of your immediate family own any interest in real property located within the Village? If your answer is affirmative, state the following information for each such interest owned: a. The nature of your interest in the real property; b. The location of the real property (for improved property, provide the street address; for unimproved proper- ty, state its location in relation to existing streets) ; C . The property' s permanent real estate tax identifi- cation number. 2 . Do you or members of your immediate family own an interest in any business entity doing business with the Village? Are you or any members of your immediate family an officer or director of such business entity? If your answer to either of the foregoing questions is in the affirmative, state the following: the name of the business entity, the nature of your relationship to the business entity; the type of product produced or service rendered by the business entity and the extent of the interest . 3 . Other than a debt to secure a mortgage upon your principal residence or business loan are you or members of your immediate family indebted to any person or business entity doing business with the Village in an amount which exceeds the greater of $10, 000 . 00 or fifty percent of your or their total yearly income as reported on the last Federal income tax return you or they filed? If so list each such person or business entity to which you or members of your immediate family are indebted and the amount of each indebt- edness . _19- 4 . If you or members of your immediate family have given any gifts within the last Village fiscal year of a market value in excess of $100 . 00 to any person or business entity doing business with the Village, list the name of the donee of each such gift, the donee ' s address, the market value of the gift, and the date on which it was made. (b) If you or members of your immediate family have received any gifts within the last Village fiscal year of a market value singly or in the aggregate in excess of $100 . 00 from any person or business doing business with the Village, list the name and address of the donor of each such gift, the date on which it was received and its approximate market value . 5 . If you or members of your immediate family have been released from any indebtedness from any person or business entity doing business with the Village exceeding in its principal amount of $200 . 00 within the last year without repaying the total balance due on such indebtedness, list the name of the creditor providing the release, the nature and the amount of the indebtedness, and describe the circum- stances surrounding the release . " 2 . 48 . 030 Conflict of interest disclaimer. All public officials shall file annually with the Village Clerk a verified conflict of interest disclaimer in substantially the following form: "STATE OF ILLINOIS ss � COUNTY OF COOK LAKE TO: The President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois . CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLAIMER I, , being first duly sworn,, upon my oath, state as follows : 1 . 1 have been (elected, or appointed or hired) (or I intend to run for election as the) of the Village of Buffalo Grove. 2 . 1 have no interest, nor do members of my immediate family have any interest, direct or indirect, in my or their own name or in the name of any other person, association, trust, or corporation doing business with the Village in which I or they have an ownership interest exceeding 50-. , in any contract of a -20- value in excess of $500 . 00 or in the performance of any work of a value in excess of $500 . 00 for the Village of Buffalo Grove in making or letting of which I may be called upon to act or vote and if so, shall disclose same prior to acting or voting on same. 3 . 1 will not during my term of office (or period of appointment or employment) receive income for services rendered from persons having an interest in real property which such services are rendered on behalf of a plan, project or development for which approval or a favorable recommendation is requested of any Board, committee, subcommittee, commission or Department of the Village of Buffalo Grove unless same shall be disclosed prior to such approval or recommendation. 4 . (a) I will not during the year following my execution of this disclaimer receive or accept income, directly or indi- rectly, from a source related in any way to real property or an interest therein if the owner or owners thereof are presently petitioning the Corporate Authorities, committee, commission, subcommittee, or department to change, vary or amend the zoning or use classification of said real property. (b) I will not during the year following the filing with the Corporate Authorities, or any committee, commission, subcommittee or department of a petition to change, vary or amend the zoning or use classification of any real property, accept or receive income, directly or indirectly, from a source related in any way to the owner or owners of such real property or any interest therein. (c) (To only be verified by brokers employing individ- uals who derive more than 50'-. of their yearly income from servic- es rendered as a real estate salesperson. ) I have read Para- graphs 4 (a) and (b) above and I agree to be subject to the provisions thereof . 5 . During my term of office (or period of appointment or employment) , I will not solicit, accept or agree to accept gifts of a market value singly or in the aggregate in excess of $100 . 00 , loans which exceed the greater of $10, 000 . 00 or 50% of my income, or services with a market value in excess of $500 . 00 from any person or business entity doing business with the Village of Buffalo Grove. This section does not pertain to home mortgage loans for your personal residence and business loans . 6 . (To only be verified by the President, Treasurer and members of the Board of Trustees or candidates for those offic- es . ) I do not own stock in any bank or other financial institu- tion authorized to accept deposits of the Village funds or, I own the following shares of stock in -21- declare that the foregoing statements have been examined by me and are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and accurate . I have received from the Village Clerk a copy of the Ethics Ordi- nance of the village of Buffalo Grove . I understand that the penalty for wilfully attesting to a false disclaimer is a fine not to exceed $500 . 00 . DATED: If Paragraph 4 (c) applies, the real estate broker involved should sign here . 2 . 48 . 040 Filin A. The economic disclosure statement and conflict of interest disclaimer required above shall be completed on forms approved by the Corporate Authorities and provided by the Village Clerk. Disclosure statements and/or conflict of interest disclaimers shall be filed pursuant to the following schedule : 1 . Any candidate for elective public office within the Village shall file with his or her nominating petitions . 2 . A public official, as defined herein, shall file their disclosure statement and/or conflict of interest disclaimer within thirty days of appointment or retention, or if employed it shall be filed with the Clerk prior to the first day of employ- ment; 3 . All public officials shall file their disclosure statements and/or conflict of interest disclaimers annually not later than June 1st; 4 . Revised disclosure statements and/or conflict of interest disclaimers shall be filed within thirty days following any event which would require a change in any information or disclaimers contained in the statement or disclaimer on file with the Village Clerk. B. Not less than fifteen days before the filing dates specified above, except the filing date specified in subdivision 4, the Village Clerk shall, by regular U. S . mail, notify the persons required to file disclosure statements and/or conflict of interest disclaimers of their obligation to file. The Village Clerk shall provide each person filing such statements with a written receipt indicating the date on which the filing took place. In addition, the Village Clerk shall, at least fourteen days prior to the filing dates specified above, provide each person required to file a disclosure statement and/or conflict of interest disclaimer with a copy of the ordinance codified in this Chapter. -22- 2 .48 . 050 Public record. All statements filed under this Chapter shall be available for examination and copying by the public at all reasonable times . Each person examining a state- ment must first fill out a form prepared by the Village Clerk identifying, and listing the date of examination and reason for such examination. The Village Clerk shall promptly notify each person required to file a statement under this Chapter of each instance of an examination of the statement by sending a dupli- cate original of the identification form filled out by the person examining the statement . 2 .48 . 060 Penalty. Any person required to file the state- ment provided for in this Chapter who knowingly fails to so file, or knowingly files a false or incomplete statement is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than five hundred dol- lars . 2 .48 . 070 Supplier' s statement . A. All bidding forms and purchase orders for purchase transactions in excess of $100 . 00 between the Village and a supplier shall contain the following provision as one of the terms and conditions of such purchase orders : "The undersigned supplier hereby represents and war- rants to the Village of Buffalo Grove as a term and condi- tion of acceptance of this (bid or purchase order) that none of the following village officials is either an officer or director of supplier or owns five percent (5*-.) or more of supplier: The Village President; the members of the Village Board of Trustees; the Village Clerk; the Village Treasurer; the members of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Plan Commission; the Village Manager; Assistant Village Manager; the heads of the various departments within the Village . If the foregoing representation and warranty is inaccurate, state the name of the Village official who either is officer or director of your business entity or owns five percent (5*1) or more thereof . B. The Village Manager shall promptly notify the Corporate Authorities of any persons named by suppliers in response to the foregoing inquiry. 2 .48 . 080 Administration. Administration and review of this Chapter shall be the responsibility of the Village Manager. Section 30 . Chapter 2 . 50 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : -23- Chaipte:r 2 . 50 FIRE DEPARTMENT Sections : 2 . 50 . 010 Creation and composition. 2 . 50 . 020 Appointment. 2 . 50 . 040 Oath of members . 2 . 50 . 050 Supervision of department . 2 . 50 . 060 Rules and regulations . 2 . 50 . 070 Removal of property. 2 . 50 . 080 Destruction of buildings . 2 . 50 . 090 Power of arrest . 2 . 50 . 100 Absence or inability of fire chief. 2 . 50 . 200 Firefighters Pension Fund. 2 . 50 . 010 Creation and composition. There is established a Fire Department, which shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the Village Manager, which shall consist of a Fire Chief, and such other members of the Fire Department as may be from time to time provided for by the Corporate Authorities . 2 . 50 . 020 :&ppointment . A. The head of the Fire Department shall be the Fire Chief . The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the Village Manager for an indefinite period of time. The Fire Chief need not be appointed from the members of the Fire Depart- ment, but if appointed from the members of the Fire Department, the appointment need not be from the rank next below the Chief, but may be appointed from among the members of the Fire Depart- ment regardless of rank. The Village Manager is authorized to suspend or discharge the Fire Chief in accordance with adopted Village personnel policies and procedures . The Fire Chief is an exempt position in regards to Chapter 2 .28 of this Code. B. The Fire Chief is authorized to appoint Deputy Chief (s) and Captain (s) upon the approval of the Village Manager. The Fire Chief is authorized to suspend or discharge any or all persons holding such positions in accordance with adopted Village personnel policies and procedures . Deputy Chief (s) and Cap- tain (s) are exempt positions in regards to Chapter 2 . 28 of the Code. C. In the event any of the persons holding the position of Fire Chief, Deputy Chief or Captain are discharged from such positions, said person or persons shall revert to their permanent rank, if any, in the Fire Department as established by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners . D. The rank of Lieutenant and Firefighter/paramedic shall be appointed by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the -24- Village as provided in Chapter 2 .28 of this Code and the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners . All full-time members of the �"aepartment, except lieutenants, appointed by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall be certified pursuant to the requirements of the State as, at least, a Provisional EMT-P (paramedic) in the Village ' s designated mobile intensive care system on the date of employment by the Village . Non-Paramedic (non EMT-P) lieutenants shall be k�w EMT-A certified. Employees shall attain certification as an EMT- P (paramedic) in the Village ' s designated mobile intensive care system within six months following the date of appointment . Failure to attain such certification shall result in dismissal as provided by Section 2 .28 . 040 of this Code. 2 . 50 . 040 Oath of members . The Fire Chief and all other members of the Fire Department, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take the oath of office prescribed by the Village . 2 . 50 .050 Supervision of Department . The Fire Chief shall have the control, subject to the order and direction of the Village Manager, of the Fire Department and all fire and emergen- cy medical service apparatus belonging to the Village. The Fire Chief shall report and be directly responsible to the Village Manager. All members of the fire department shall perform such duties as may be required of them by the Fire Chief and the ordinances of the Village. 2 . 50 . 060 Rules and regulations . All officers and employees of the Fire Department are subject to the rules and regulations of the Fire Department as promulgated by the Fire Chief and the adopted Village personnel policies and procedures . All employees appointed to rank by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners are also subject to the rules and regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners . Each member of the Fire Depart- ment shall be furnished copies of said rules and regulations . Any employee of the Fire Department appointed to rank by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall be subject to discharge or disciplinary action of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, or subject to suspension for a period not to exceed five days by the Fire Chief . 2 . 50 . 070 Removal of properLy. The Fire Chief shall have the power to cause the removal of any property, whenever it becomes necessary for the preservation of such property from fire or to prevent the spreading of fire or to protect adjoining property. 2 . 50 . 080 Destruction of buildings . The Fire Chief, or other officer in command, may direct the firefighter to cut down and remove any building, erection, or fence for the purpose of -25- checking the progress of any fire; and the Fire Chief, or other officer in command, shall have power to blow up or cause to be blown up, with any explosive or other means, any building or structure during the progress of a fire for the purpose of extin- guishing or checking same. 2 . 50 . 090 Power of arrest . The Fire Chief, or any officer designated by him of the Fire Department, shall have the power, during a fire or other emergency incident, to arrest any person suspected of incendiarism, or any person hindering, resisting, or delaying the firefighter or conducting himself in a noisy or disorderly manner, or refusing to obey such officer while acting in the discharge of his duty. Said officers are severally vested with the usual powers and authority of police officers to command all persons to assist them in making any necessary arrests . 2 . 50 . 100 Absence or inability ...of.-Fire Chief. During the absence or inability of the Fire Chief to act, the next senior officer or member of the Department, or such member of the Department as may be designated in writing by the Village Manag- er, shall perform the duties of the Fire Chief . 2 . 50 . 200 Firefighters Pension Fund. There is hereby created a Firefighters Pension Fund and a Firefighters Pension Board as required by law. Section 31 . Chapter 2 . 51 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 32 . Chapter 2 . 52 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : Chapter 2 . 52 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Sections : 2 . 52 . 010 Creation. 2 . 52 . 020 Purpose . 2 . 52 . 030 Members . 2 . 52 . 040 Meeting. 2 . 52 . 050 Duties . 2 . 52 . 010 Creation. There is created a Transportation Commission for the Village. Said commission is an advisory body to the Corporate Authorities . _26- 2 . 50 . 020 Purpose. The purpose of the Transportation Commission shall be to assess and verify the public transporta- tion needs of the Village . The Transportation Commission shall maintain a public transportation plan for the Village and coordi- nate this plan with neighboring communities and other regional transportation authority. 2 . 50 . 030 Members . The Transportation Commission shall consist of five members . 2 . 52 . 040 Meeting. The Commission shall hold regular meetings not less than four times a year. 2 . 52 . 050 Duties . The Transportation Commission shall perform and exercise the following duties : A. Assess and verify the public transportation needs of the Village; B . Make recommendations to the Corporate Authorities with respect to present and future needs of public transportation systems for the Village; C. Develop, implement, and coordinate public transporta- tion plans approved by the Corporate Authorities; D. File an annual report on or before April 30th of each calendar year or at such other times as may be designated or requested by the Corporate Authorities; E. Exercise such other duties as prescribed by the Corpo- rate Authorities . Section 33 . Sections 2 . 58 . 030 and 2 . 58 . 060 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . 58 . 030 Membership. The Commission for Residents with Disabilities shall consist of nine members . Preference shall be given to persons with disabilities, that it, persons who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, and family members, care providers or educational/rehabilitational professionals involved with such individuals . 2 . 58 . 060 Meetings . The Commission for Residents with Disabilities shall hold regular meetings not less than once a month at a date and time to be determined by the Commission. Section 34: . Chapter 2 . 60 is hereby added to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code as follows : -27- Chapter 2 .60 BUFFALO GROVE DAYS COMMITTEE Sections : 2 . 60 . 010 Creation 2 . 60 . 020 Purpose 2 . 60 . 030 Membership 2 . 60 . 040 Duties 2 . 60 . 050 Meetings 2 . 60 . 010 Creation There is created a Buffalo Grove Days Committee which is an advisory body to the Corporate Authorities . 2 . 60 . 020 Purgose The purpose of the Buffalo Grove Days Committee shall be to organize and arrange the activities, programs and procurements directly related to the implementation of the annual Labor Day festival known as Buffalo Grove Days . Buffalo Grove Days is a community celebration designed to provide family-oriented enter- tainment and to give not-for-profit community groups an opportu- nity to raise funds . 2 . 60 . 030 Membership The Buffalo Grove Days Committee shall consist of any number of members as deemed necessary by the Village President, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees . Appoint- ments shall be for one year terms to run from November 1 to the following October 31 . 2 . 60 . 040 Duties The Buffalo Grove Days Committee will perform and exercise the following duties : A. Recommend and coordinate entertainment for perfor- mances during the festival; B. Organize and establish an arts and crafts fair; C. Organize and guide the implementation of the Taste of Buffalo Grove, an opportunity for area restaurants and not-for-profit groups to prepare and sell food, for a prof- it, to festival goers; -28- D. Organize and execute consistent procedures for participation in the Buffalo Grove Days Parade; E. Develop an annual strategy for funding all events and entertainment for Buffalo Grove Days . This strategy may include: (1) funds from the Village ' s Corporate Fund in an amount annually determined by the Corporate Authorities; (2) funds raised in various manners including solicitations for funds, sales of tickets, receipts from concessionaires or other sources as determined from time to time by the Buffalo Grove Days Committee. F. Expend funds in a manner that shall be completely accounted for by written records and according to direction given by the Village ' s Finance Director; G. Provide to the Corporate Authorities an annual financial report including an event-ending summary of ex- penses; H. Coordinate with Village Staff the necessary permis- sion and arrangements for use of Village facilities, Village Staff and security in the preparation and implementation of the event . 2 . 60. 050 Meetings The Buffalo Grove Days Committee shall hold regular meetings during the months of January through August, not less than once a month at a time and date to be determined by said Committee. Section 35 . Chapter 3 . 08 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 36 . Chapter 3 . 12 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 37 . Chapter 3 . 1G of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Section 38 . Section 3 . 28 . 010 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 3 . 28 . 010 Definitions. The terms "hotel" and I'motelli within the meaning of this Chapter, include every building or structure kept, used, maintained, advertised and held out to the public to be a place where lodging or lodging and -29- food, suites or other accommodations are offered for hire or rent to guests, in which ten or more rooms, suites, or other accommodations are used for the lodging or lodging and food for such guests . Section 39 . This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and publication. This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES : 6 - Marientbal, Reid, Kahii, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks NAYES : 0 - Nqne ABSENT: 0 - None PASSED: May 3 1993 . APPROVED: May 3 1993 . PUBLISHED: May 4 1993 . AP PROVE Vill'Nge President ATTEST: V-1-11age Clerk -30-