1998-10-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes 110)f o' ,* ir / d APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 :32 P.M. on Thursday, October 22 , 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, M. Cea, L. Dorfman, E. Smith, C. Johnson and R. Gordon • Commissioners Absent : C. Masure Bldg. . Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Jeffrey Brahman, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 8, 1998 : Com. Dorfman made a motion to approve. Com. Johnson seconded the motion. No additions or corrections . Roll Call Vote: AYE - Cea, Dorfman, Smith, Johnson, Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman Motion Passed - 5 to 0, 1 abstention Minutes of October 8, 1998 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS • A. 900 Busch Parkway - R.G. Ray Corporation Addition - Full Review: Elevations, Materials and Colors Landscaping and Lighting Mr. Joseph R. Krusinski, President of Krusinski Construction Company, Five Westbrook Corporate Center, Westchester, IL 60154-5797 (708-947-4400) and Mr. Steven McCowan, Kwasek Architects, Inc . 1602 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 (847-359-9360) were present . ri • Mr. Krusinski said the R.G. Ray Corporation has been in Buffalo Grove since 1985 and they want to expand the build- ing and will add a substantial parking addition as far as the east property line . The building will provide a ware- house and manufacturing area with truck docks on the south elevation of the addition. There will also be washrooms, a small human resources office, employee entrance and a combination cafeteria/lunchroom on south elevation. The addition will match the existing building which is constructed of load-bearing masonry blocks. The existing building has a 2-story office area. 1. ELEVATIONS, MATERIALS AND COLORS : a. Brick - Five color blend with colored mortar in the medium range brick color. b. Windows - Match the existing windows on the west end with brick soldfier coursing at the base. c. Frames - Medium bronze anodized aluminum. d. Glass - Tinted bronze . e . Mechanical, A/C and heating units on roof would not be visible from the ground. f. Coping and fascia - Pre-finished metal . g. Overhead doors - Painted to match one of the brick colors . Existing doors to be repainted. Com. Johnson disclosed that Robert Peron, who signed the • approval letter from Van Vlissigen Company, is a client as Commissioner the Lake County Public Building Commission. This will not affect his vote. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations, Materials and Colors as submitted for the R.G. Ray Corporation addition at 900 Busch Parkway. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Weissman, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1998 - PAGE TWO r V r t :. ,,ttom� J /..y IA F k,;71 i u 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr. Krusinski said some of the larger existing trees will be relocated. The planted berm along Busch Parkway will be continued. They will comply with the Village Forester' s Review, dated October 16, 1998, submitted by Richard Kuhl Forestry and Grounds Supervisor. Approval of the plan was recommended. The existing driveway will be expanded to accommodate the new truck dock. They will relocate the existing driveway • from the center of the addition to the east end of the property. This will separate the truck traffic from the car traffic . The small patio with low plantings on the south side of the addition that will provide a break/smoking area. Mr. Kuenkler has given them permission to begin excavation and installation of the new parking lot . The building will be started this fall if possible. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping as submitted for R.G. Ray Corporation at 900 Busch Parkway, subject to the Village Forester' s Review. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Weissman, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: The dark bronze light poles and fixtures in the parking lot will match the existing lights . The lamps are Metal Halide . There is a parking lot for the existing building to the east . There will be three (3) wall pacs at the entrances . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Plan as submitted by R.G. Ray Corporation at 900 Busch Parkway. APPEARANCE COMMISSION OCTOBER 22 , 1998 - PAGE THREE v M j {.ry u L9 Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Johnson, Weissman, Dorfman, Smith, Cea and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . B. 400 Lexington Drive Brandt Box Corporation - Landscaping Mr. Barry Brandt, President of Brandt Box Corporation, 400 Lexington Drive, requested approval of an Arbor Vitae hedge along the west side of the property. The hedge will replace the wood fence that was removed because it was maintenance and graffiti problem. There is a retention pond is on the other side of the • proposed hedge. There is a berm along the side of the • property and the hedge will be 4 ' to 5 ' in height when planted. It will grow to be a height of 6 ' and will grow to be a solid buffer. Mr. Ray Rigsby' s Review dated October 22, 1998 recommends approval of the plan as submitted. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Arbor Vitae hedge along the west side of the Brandt Box Corporation property at 400 Lexington Drive. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Weissman, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Com. Cea said he has noticed inactive neon signs in the center next to Jewel/Osco on McHenry Road; and Blockbuster Video has an exposed panel that should be replaced. It is very unsightly. APPEARANCE COMMISSION OCTOBER 22 , 1998 - PAGE FOUR - 11 Ch. Gordon repeated his objection to the architecture of the Walgreen' s building at the corner of Buffalo Grove Road and Lake Cook Road. He has seen the stores under construction in Northwoods and Prospect Heights that are not the proto- type the Appearance Commission was told is the only building Walgreen' s will approve. Not so! VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Smith seconded the motion. •• Voice Vote : AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 10 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION OCTOBER 22, 1998 - PAGE FIVE