1998-09-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes .., 1 t • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, September 10, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, E. Smith, C. Cea and R. Gordon QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : L. Dorfman, C. Masure and C. Johnson Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 27, 1998 - Tabled. August 13, 1998 - Remain tabled. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. West side of street across from 351 Hastings Parvin-Clauss Sign Company for HSA "For Lease or Sale" Sign on Hastings Lane Recommendation for Variance of Si n Code Mr. Robert Clauss, President, Parvin-Clauss Sign Company 165 Tubeway Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188 (630-510-2020) requested a recommendation for a variance of the Sign Code that would permit installation of a 4 'x 8 Grubbs "For Lease or Sale" sign on the property located on theEllis side of Hastings Lane, across from 351 Hastings . The sign would be made of 3/8" plywood with vinyl Y graphics . It would have a white background with black copy corporate circle design. and a yellow/black pipted g The wood (not metal) posts will be grey and the total height of the sign would be seven feet (7 ' ) . The sign would be positioned at the southernmost corner of the vacant property (which consists of two 2 Suit" lots) so that it would be visible to trafficlld on to Hastings Lane. /` ti Mr. Jensen questioned the durability of 3/8" plywood (the letter stated 1/4") and recommended using 3/4" plywood. Mr. Clauss said the 3/8" plywood ood will not warp because they use "good 2-side" wood that is smooth on both sides . Com. Cea made a motion to recommen uhriance o f be Sign Code, requested by Parvi granted that would permit a Grubbs & Ellis "For Lease of Sale" sign on the west side of Hastings Lane (across from • 351 Hastings) to remain for a period of one (1) year. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, Cea, Weissman and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Item is on the September 15, 1998 Zoning Board Agenda. V. NEW BUSINESS A. 351 Hastin s Lane - Revised Elevations Mr. Carlos Diaz, Dobrin & Associats, Ltd. , Architects/A. I .A. 401 Huel Road, Suite 1C, Northbrook, IL 60062 (847-914-0850) of th said HSA has rented 16, 300 sgre1etecarrierse bHelrequested ing to DHL-World Wide Express, air f gh approval of the addition of a 10 ' x 14" overhead door sandaa- a man door on the west elevation of the building that i ing completion at 351 Hastings . The doors would be painted off-white to match as chethe eheexterior of the building. The height is the a over- headme doors . The Commissioners had no objections • of the addition Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of an overhead door and a man door onthwest elevation of the building under construction at 35l as Com. Weissman seconded the motion.i , Weissman and Gordon Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 10 , 1998 - PAGE TWO 14 B. Weiland Road, South of Deerfield Parkway Office Building - Full Review: Elevations, Materials, Colors, Landscaping and Lighting A workshop was held on July 23 , 1998 . Mr. Lawrence M. Freedman, Attorney, 77 W. Washington St . , Suite 1211, Chicago, IL 60602 (312-345-1390) and Mr. Joseph Pasquinelli, Principal with Archideas, 311 W. Superior, Suite 410, Chicago, IL 60610 (312-951-1106) were present . Mr. Freedman recalled the suggestions made on July 23 , 1998 to soften the impact of the building on the surrounding • residential areas, such as using brick or changing colors. They presented the same building concept to the Plan Commis- sion and received a unanimous recommendation with some directions to expand the width of the landscape buffer and enhance the landscape. They were concerned with the four foot (4 ' ) space and the potential overhang of parked cars. They chose not to construct a brick building, partly because it is cost prohibitive and they would lose a considerable amount of building season time. With the load bearing qualities of pre-cast concrete, they could build throughout the winter months . They have enhanced the landscaping, changed the color combinations and added some architectural features to the building in answer to the Appearance Commissioners' recommendations. 1 . LANDSCAPING: • Mr. Pasquinelli reviewed the site plan and landscape plan from the first review and described the changes that have been made. Two (2) islands, each with two (2) Skyline Honey Locust trees, have been added to the parking lot . The Plan Commission recommended lowering the wall along the south and west edges of the parking lot, so it will now be three feet (3 ' ) in height (one section will be 3 ' 6") . The dimension between the back of the parking curb and the wall APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 - PAGE THREE 01 la ;al has been increased from four feet (4 ' ) to six feet (6 ' ) so the hedge can be planted. He has observed that most people do not back into parking spaces, so plant material should not be damaged and six foot (6 ' ) spacing is adequate. Mr. Ray Rigsby' s Review, dated September 9, 1998 was discus- sed. Ray recommended replacing the Willow trees around the detention area with White Oak or Red Maple, but Mr. Pasquin- elli said they prefer to keep the Willows in that area. Regarding the screening of car lights from the residents, they will plant hedges above and below the wall . The Code requires a minimum six foot (6 ' ) screen and the proposed shrubs will mature to meet this requirement . From grade level of the bike path, people will not be able to see over the wall and hedge, so cars will not be seen. The site line drawing was reviewed, and it was agreed that the parking lot cannot be screened from the second floor windows of the single family residences . The developer wants the property to be attractive, and does not want to put up a solid fence . The Commissioners also objected to a fence. Ch. Gordon suggested staggering trees on both sides of the bike path. There are some existing trees on the other side of the creek and clusters of trees will break up the view. With regard to the trees on the islands in the parking lot, Com. Gordon suggested that the Honey Locusts be planted toward the outside, with the Ashes and Maples in the center. Honey Locusts are a nice lacy tree that adds variety. The landscaping around the ground sign at the entrance and the trash enclosure was not changed. Ch. Gordon summarized the recommendations : The row of low plantings along the top side of the parking lot retaining wall to be Spirea. In addition to the proposed River Birch, more trees are to be staggered in clusters of three (3) on both sides of the bike path. APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 - PAGE FOUR � � ; {y)yL � E j y 1 ....✓Y Plan Commissioner Stephen Trilling was present and agreed that a fence is not appropriate . He questioned the use of Spirea because it is a deciduous shrub with thin branches that will have no foliage for about six (6) months of the year. Com. Weissman suggested off-setting the Spirea with some evergreens. Mr. Pasquinelli had no objection to adding some Junipers but he wanted to discuss this with their landscape archi- tect and defer the final decision to him. He might want to use all evergreens, but they would be more expensive. Ch. Gordon concurred and recommended planting at least 50% evergreens and that they be spaced randomly. Snow removal was discussed, and it can be accomplished. One possibility would be to eliminate some of the plantings at the east end of the wall . Com. Smith made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping Plan submitted for the office building on Weiland Road, south of Aptakisic Road, as submitted including the amendments agreed upon during the discussion. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea, Smith and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . 2 . ELEVATIONS, MATERIALS AND COLORS : Mr. Paquinelli displayed the elevations that were previously reviewed and rejected because the colors were cold. He presented new drawings with a selection of color schemes and described the elements they have added to give the walls shadow lines and texture. Four (4) color combinations were displayed. The basic material will be pre-cast concrete and there are two (2) elements . Vertical panels that will be thicker and will be set out about an inch in front of the smooth wall panels . This will create rhythm and take away the monolithic appearance . APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 - PAGE FIVE tdl They have considered adding sills, but the materials have not been finalized because of cost . They could be limestone, or pre-cast or metal and their purpose is to create a shadow line that will break up the scale of the wall . A lot of the glass at the center entryways has been elimin- ated and the spandrel glass over the windows has been re- placed with concrete panels over the windows . The color combinations are warmer and there is a range of color schemes . The basic color of one building is darker with a lighter color base. Another color scheme is similar but some green has been added to the base color. The colors are earth tones and contrasts are blended. All the colors are custom colors and field applied. The vision glass and the spandrel glass at the entrances is tinted grey. The coping is black metal and screen wall is grey. Some different materials are being considered for the screen at the top of the building. It could be painted projecting tube steel, possibly lattice or it could be wood. The simplest form would be a number of armatures fastened to the pre-cast concrete every six to ten feet (6 -10 ' ) with a steel tube around the perimeter of the panels . Treated wood can be successful and could add an interesting feature to the building. Com. Cea objected to the use of wood because it is a high maintenance material in this weather. Mr. Pasquinelli said the screen will project about two feet (2 ' ) from the building and they must work within the budget . Com. Weissman questioned whether the screen would hold water and snow, but Ch. Gordon did not think much water would collect . Com. Cea suggested tilting the screen to the rear. APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 - PAGE SIX /c V w ..Y Mr. Pasquinelli described the altered end element . The original design was straight across but the new elevation has a lot of relief. The finishes on the pre-cast will be varied from smooth to a pronounced sandblasted aggregate. By adding a retarder, subtle differences can be achieved. Ch. Gordon liked the new colors and the concept, but he hesitated to select a definite color pallet from the drawings. The changes in texture are not defined and the design of the overhang is not specified. Mr. Pasquinelli asked for general approval with the option of selecting the coorsafter theybhavel field applied and observed, a been made, they will submit the color nschemeatol dthesCom ion has beenn for approval . Commission Com. Cea agreed that the texture will determine which color is best . The bottom panels should be a more aggregate and the texture of the other panels ison t to be determined. The finished trim color around the buildin optional . He definitely did not want to see a wood overhas Ch. Gordon suggested thatng a color pallet be submitted with the option to change after they have been field tested. They should submit texture and material choices for a A general recommendation could be made with the stipulationl . that alternative revisions be submitted for review. on Mr. Trilling commented that there has been great improvement in the architecturalThe colors have been soft meet but the range of a plans. aggregate will affect the overall scheme The building needs a dark substantial base. There are possibilities that should be defined. many Mr. Pasquinelli offered to submit textures with a of three (3) colors and the option to make change as necessary. Mr. Jensen advised that the general concept could be recommended with final approval of texture and colors to be submitted for review at a later date. APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN // Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the architectural concept as submitted by Archideas for the on Weiland Road, south of Aptakisic Road, office building with the range of color pallets as presented, subject to final approval after the exact texture and materials are determined. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE man, Smith, Cea and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Ch. Gordon complimented the architect on the revisions. 3 . LIGHTING: plan was reviewed and the light levels are The photometric acceptable . The four (4) parking lot lights will have cut- offs and the fixtures offs to prevent spill from the property oles are twenty-five feet will have metal halide bulbs . The p (25 ' ) in height . depicted along the walkway, but Some bollards (E-2) are a light that is mounted Mr. Pasquinelli has been considering up he trees . The Commis- sionersin the pavement and shine this design, instead of the said they would preferht oles and bollards . It was agreed that all the lig P fixtures are to be black. There are some ten foot (10 ' ) pole lights with decorative fixtures along the sidewalk at the east end in the front of the building. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting submitted by Archideas with the following modifi- cation: Fixture E-2 is to be replaced with ground levelarking lot lights landscape up-lighting. The color of the p and the decorative sidewalk lights E-3 is to be black. Com. Smith seconded the mot1Sn. AYE - Cea, mith, Weissman and Gordon Roll Call Vote: NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 - PAGE EIGHT • . 4 VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS None . VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Smith made a motion to adjourn. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 9 : 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 - PAGE NINE