1998-07-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JULY 23 , 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 :41 P.M. on Thursday, July 23 , 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : E. Smith, C. Masure, M. Cea, C. Johnson and R. Gordon F. Weissman (arrived at 8 :25 P.M. ) Commissioners Absent : L. Dorfman Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 9, 1998 : Com. Johnson made a motion to approve . Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Masure, Johnson, Cea, Smith and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . IV. BUSINESS A. WORKSHOP - Proposed Office Building SE Corner of Busch Road and Deerfield Parkway Elevations, Materials, Colors and Lighting Mr. Lawrence M. Freedman, Attorney, 77 W. Washington Street, Suite 1211, Chicago, IL 60602 (312-346-1390) and Mr. Joseph A. Pasquinelli, Architect, Archideas, 311 W. Superior, Suite 410 , Chicago, IL 60610 (312-951-1106) were present . Mr. Freedman explained that the property was annexed to the Village in 1986 at the Village' s request in order to obtain continuity and annex the Corporate Grove property. At that time there was no development or zoning plans . The north- east corner was part of the property annexed and it was zoned B-i and developed as a strip center. . i fa _ r: .4 The property across the street was zoned R-9 and developed multi-family. They proposed Industrial zoning for the subject property and this was not an appropriate use of the corner. Part of the problem with marketing of the property is the terrain. The creek that used to run through the center of the site was moved east at considerable expense. The absolute northeast corner was sold to develop Comerica Bank (now LaSalle Bank) . The bank property was developed with detention immediately to the east of the site that provides detention for the entire site including the piece to the south which is the subject property. There is not a lot of buildable land because of the setback from the creek and problems with the frontage road along Weiland. They have never been able to find a developer. The Village would not allow the property to be zoned B-1 for another strip center. I-zoning allows industrial and/or office development. They have been through two (2) Plan Commission Workshops, based upon development of an office building and rezoning to 0 & R (Office and Research) . A public hearing is scheduled for August 19, 1998 . Because of several issues including the architecture and materials, Staff and the petitioner requested Appearance Commission comments before the public hearing. Mr. Pasquinelli described the site plan. There is limited access from Weiland, right-in and right out . The easement runs along the east side of the property near the bike path. There are residences to the south and west, so the building will be located as far from the south property line as possible with the narrow face of the building toward Weiland. The 2-story building will be 50, 000 square feet in size, with the entrance on the south elevation. There will be two hundred (200) parking stalls at the south end. 1. ARCHITECTURE : a. The basic exterior walls of the building will be stained pre-cast concrete panels with punched windows on the first floor and the second story will be mostly windows. b. The vision glass will have a grey tint . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE TWO k ,a . . Li d-"ji c. There is opaque green spandrel glass over second story windows . d. Window mullions will be light coated metal . e. The entrance is indented. f. The metal fascia that projects for 3-dimensional quality will be painted steel or aluminum. g. Roof top equipment will be screened with solid a pre-finished metal wall that is set back from the front edge of the wall, centered over the doorway. h. The metal screen wall has some detail and is not flat . It is effective and economical screening. I . There will be a 5 ' x 7 ' ground sign with landscaping at the entrance. The sign will be metal on a concrete base . j . The gated precast concrete trash enclosure that forms a "T" with the loading dock is located to the east of the building. 2 . LIGHTING: The photometric plan meets Village standards . The two (2) pole mounted lights will have square or rectangular fixtures with controlled light distribution. The shoebox fixtures closely match the bank lighting. The pole light at the front of the building and the bollards along the entrywalk and driveway will be more decorative . The design is optional . He has seen a recessed fixture in the sidewalk that uplight the trees that they may choose. 3 . LANDSCAPING: The landscape plan has not been submitted, but it will meet the basic requirements of the Village . The Plan Commission has requested a 3 ' - 4 ' hedge along the perimeter of the parking lot that will conceal the cars and headlights from the residential area across the street . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE THREE 1 fl' d r `gat '430 The trees will include Ashes and Locust with Willows around the creek. The detention area has a dry basin that will be cleaned up and seeded so it can be easily maintained with a lawnmower. Village ordinance requires screening of parking lot areas from adjacent residential areas . The situation is unusual because the site slopes down to the creek. They want to build up the site to the north with a retaining wall between the parking lot and the bike path. They are requesting a variance, with regard to required storm water civil engi- neering issues . The wall will either be in the 5 ' to 6 ' or 2 ' to 4 ' range . The Village Engineer is in support of the lower wall, which is preferable to the developer. The Plan Commission has requested additional landscaping at the perimeter of the wall, similar to the plantings at the base of the building. They have also added a hedge that would be above the wall and effectively screen the cars . Site line drawings were presented showing the view of the roof top units from the second floor units across Weiland. The mechanical units would not be seen, only the screen. Site line drawings of the view from the second story of residences to the south, also shows that only the screen will be seen, but not the mechanical units . 4 . MATERIALS : The color of the pre-cast stain will be customized. It will be a grey/green. The base product has a lot of variation, but the panels will appear to be very uniform coloring. The area above the base with the windows will be buff color. There will be 3/4" reveals in the smooth panels . Window glass is tinted grey. Sills have been discussed, but they may not be feasible . The wall panels have an chamfered edge that forms an effective sill for the windows . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE FOUR Comments from Commissioners : Com. Johnson asked if a material has been selected for the retaining wall? Mr. Pasquinelli described the keystone system they are considering. It is similar to split-faced blocks that step back at the base. There will be plantings at the base. Ch. Gordon commented that the building is not compatible with the surrounding area. It has a very machined look in a residential neighborhood. The residential buildings are brick. The Highland Oaks Shopping Center is brick and cedar. The bank building is brick with a standing seam metal roof . Creekside Shopping Center is brick and drivit . The proposed building is fine looking, but not contextually appropriate. Mr. Pasquinelli said there are buildings to the east that are not elegant and they are trying to develop a project that is responsive to the 90 ' s office market, without residential character. Com. Johnson asked if they were open to a different color scheme, as suggested by the Plan Commissioners? Mr. Pasquinelli said they were open to a darker pallet of colors if that would be more appropriate . There is going to be extensive landscaping. Mr. Freedman said they would prefer to improve the building with colors and landscaping. At one time a 3 or 4 story building was discussed, but it was scaled down to adapt to the area. Ch. Gordon asked if economics are the main factor for the pre-cast building? Mr. Pasquinelli said cost is only one factor. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE FIVE a'"A 1 w9 L;,: _y 4141 / Mr. Freedman added that they have considered the "nitch" in the market that they are targeting. This is not a "Class A" office building. Mr. Pasquinelli said office brokers may not want to see so much glass and that is why they decided on punched windows in the base . The base of the building will be bermed up to give the perception of a lower height . That is also the reason why they prefer the lower screen wall . Com. Cea agreed it is difficult to fit the building in a residential setting. (The term he used was "tacky" ) The building design is beautiful for an office building complex. He is concerned with the production of the smooth surface of the concrete block. The colors will not be perfectly uniform. Baked enamel metal will give a better rendition of the smooth surface . He understands that in order for a project to be viable, it must provide a reasonable return for the investors . The building is basically a box, but a prairie style design may soften the appearance . Mr. Pasquinelli said one Frank Lloyd Wright approach would include a hip-type roof . He was willing to work with the aesthetics, including different textures and a sill element that would give relief to the wall . Com. Johnson said a roof overhang would add to the prairie style concept with some alteration of the windows . Also earth tone colors would help blend the building with the area. Ch. Gordon wondered how much texture can be achieved in the block to give relief to the base? Mr. Pasquinelli said the reveals could be widened and they could add limestone sills that project . An exposed aggregate finish could be considered. The large entrance breaks the building in two (2) sections . Ch. Gordon suggested more articulation of the glass entry to give if a more pedestrian scale entrance. Another possibility would be a screen out in front of the glass . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE SIX a as s 3 ...I j Com. Masure thought the colors were cold and earth tone colors would be warmer. She also suggested adding some color around the windows . The building has an institutional look. Com. Smith had no comments. Ch. Gordon asked if a brick veneer was a possibility? He knows pre-cast lowers the labor cost . Mr. Pasquinelli said pre-cast concrete is a very strong material that eliminates the need for an exterior steel structure. Ch. Gordon asked if a landscaped island could be added to the parking lot . It would increase the screening? Com. Johnson asked if additional landscaping has been considered along the south and east property lines? Mr. Pasquinelli said there are some existing trees in this area. He was uncertain if anything additional would help. Com. Cea asked if they considered areas for snow removal? Mr. Pasquinelli said they could handle snow, no problem. The Commissioners had no further comments . Mr. Pasquinelli said they understood the Commissioner' s concerns and would consider the suggestions. They would prefer to stay with the material package, but are open to changes in color and texture . They will re-submit a plan for the August 13 , 1998 Appearance Commission meeting. Mr. Stephen Trilling, Plan Commissioner, was present to speak as a resident . He is owner of one of the homes to the south and these are half million dollar houses . The proposed materials are not consistent with the materials with which the homes are constructed. None of them have aluminum siding. They are brick and drivit . The three (3) buildings to the north are all brick, i .e. the two (2) shopping centers and the bank. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE SEVEN The office buildings to the east are pre-cast but they are in unincorporated Lake County, not Buffalo Grove. He expressed strong feelings that this building should be brick or some similar material . He has no problem with the glass or spandrel glass . This gives the building a contemporary look, but pre-cast panels do not belong in that location. They cannot be finished or stained to be compatible . He is a general contractor and an engineer, so he understands construction issues . If a project is to succeed, it must succeed because of all the factors, not just the size of the building, the parking, landscaping, water retention, the sloping, the height of the retaining wall, etc . Com. Smith asked for a response to Mr. Trilling' s comments. Is economics the only issue or does it involve creativity? Mr. Pasquinelli said they are working within the client' s budget . Factoring the dollars into the any project is always necessary. They have tried to develop a building that is harmonious with the surrounding area. Mr. Freedman conceded that economics is the major considera- tion, but they feel they can achieve architecturally what the Commissioners want within the parameters of economics . He understands Mr. Trilling' s opinion. The reality is that this site is zoned for a more intense use and they could build an industrial use building with warehouse doors that would be a lot more offensive . It is a difficult site to market . A lot of users have looked at the site and there is a very limited window in the market place from the rental standpoint . They cannot throw out all the rules and build something that is incompatible, but there is a balance that can be reached. They will take a look at the proposal and if they cannot build economically, they do not want to put up a building that will not work. Com. Masure asked what type of tenants they are trying to attract, because this typically dictates the type of building to build. She is concerned that they are going to attract a lower end type of tenant with the proposed building. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE EIGHT ��' ��; Mr. Freedman did not agree . They are prepared to address this issue with the Plan Commission. Based on the pro- jections they have had, this would not be a concern. The building would meet the needs of small office users that do not require a lot of in and out traffic all day such as a medical office would generate. Attorneys and accountants are possibilities . It is not appropriate for elecommuni- cations, with many cubicles and many employees. They see it as a professional office building and less of a retail nature . Mr. Trilling estimated the building to be 107 ' x 240 ' about 12 ' to 14 ' in height . It would require about 9, 000 square feet of pre-cast block at $7 . 00 a square foot = $63 , 000 . He suggested lowering the height of the parking lot to decrease the cost of bringing in so much fill, and eliminate building the wall . This would require less landscaping and it would be beneficial to consider these modifications against the cost of brick. Com. Weissman commented that he is very familiar with the property. Picturing the area with the Appearance Commis- sion' s objective : to make sure that buildings fit in with the surrounding locality, this building would be a concrete cube with punches of glass on the same plain. It is not the type of architecture that is seen in the nearby com- mercial or residential areas. If the pre-cast base is combined with some brick, it would help to blend the build- ings in with area. The glass would tie in with the industrial buildings, such as the Courtesy Corporation. There are a lot of possibilities to work with. The elevations can be modified with brick, colors and glass . Perhaps the glass could be enlarged and framed with brick. Mr. Pasquinelli agreed to consider the discussion and return on August 13 , 1998 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE NINE y b3 Xi .9 .! V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Regarding the Appearance Commission' s recommendation with regard to adding landscaped islands in the Strathmore Square parking lot, Mr. Marvin Feiger wrote a letter to Chairman Gordon (dated July 16, 1998) stating that the recommendation has been reviewed by their landscape architect and he requested that these islands not be included. Ch. Gordon said he spoke to Mr. Edward Schar and was told that the number of parking spaces at the center is below Code requirements . The islands would require the loss of parking spaces . Mr. Kuenkler and Mr. Pfeil agreed that the islands also would pose a snow removal problem. 2 . Com. Weissman noted that at the northeast corner of Buffalo Grove Road and Busch, there are trucks, earth moving equipment and piles of debris. The property belongs to a church but is being used as a staging area for temporary constrution projects, such as the road and sidewalks . It looks very unsightly. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Masure made a motion to adjourn. Com. Johnson seconded the motion Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 23 , 1998 - PAGE TEN