1998-07-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes ' : ik 5.: Jt.. A, PY APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 :35 P.M. on Thursday, July 9, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : L. Dorfman, E. Smith, C. Masure M. Cea, C. Johnson and R. Gordon. F. Weissman arrived at 7 :55 P.M. Commissioners Absent : None Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINTUES June 25, 1998 - Com. Johnson made a motion to approve . Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. There no were no additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Masure and Johnson NAY - None ABSTAIN - Gordon Minutes of June 25, 1998 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. 1191 McHenry Road - Harris Bank Parking Lot Lighting Mr. Michael Storako, Seivert Electric Service & Sales Company, 1230 S. Hannah Street, Forest Park, IL 60130 requested approval of the installation of two (2) new light poles in the parking lot to increase security at night . The parking lot is very dark. There is one existing pole light in front of the building and one (1) new one will be located at each end of the property. The poles and fixtures will match the existing lights . The poles will be 25 feet in height and will have 400 watt high pressure sodium bulbs . r i t{ k� i f:d Harris Bank is located within Strathmore Shopping Center at the southeast corner of Arlington Heights Road and Route 83 . The photometric plan was reviewed. Ch. Gordon observed that the light levels are high at the permimeter but they are adjacent to parking lots. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the new lighting as submitted for the Harris Bank, 1191 McHenry Road. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Weissman (arrived during discussion) Motin Passed - 6 to 0, 1 absention. B. Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road Strathmore Square - Landscape Plan Mr. Marvin Feiger and Mr. Norman Litz, Raybec Investments, 7855 Gross Point Road, Skokie, IL 60077 (677-1000) were present . Mr. Feiger described the proposed landscaping for Strathmore Square Shopping Center which is undergoing extensive renovation. Mr. Feiger said they consulted Mr. Ray Rigsby before they started the design procedure and have incorported Ray' s recommendations in the plan. The Plan Commission has recommended approval of an Osco Drive-Thru at the east end of the building (now Blockbuster Music) along Arlington Heights Road. They have added a curb and landscaping with four (4) planted islands along Arlington Heights Road, north of the Mobil Gas Station. The islands will be planted with matching bushes . There is a long island consisting of bushes and bed rock in the center of the parking lot area and a small planted "finger" on the east elevation that will have flowers and bushes . About thirty (30) bushes will be added to the existing bushes along the fence at the north property line . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE TWO 1a i' iiuov On Dundee Road, all the existing grass will be removed and bushes will be planted along the front of the property. The existing honey locusts will remain. Some of the cement around the ground sign will be removed and three (3) islands with large planters will be created on the east side of the driveway. The entrance driveway is very wide and a sidewalk will be installed on the west side of the entryway. The plantings on existing islands in front of the stores will be removed and replaced with new bushes, including wild roses. There will be a variety of flowering plants all year with evergreens and Honey Locust trees . The existing utility box will be surrounded with bushes and flowers . Ch. Gordon questioned whether the planters on the east side of the entrance driveway are high enough and plantings durable enough to withstand the salt used for snow removal? The plows will push snow right up against the planters. Mr. Feiger said he and the landscaper met with Mr. Rigsby to discuss the hardiness of the chosen plants because they do not want to have to replace the shrubs, etc . There is a sidewalk next to the parking lot with wheels stops and they will use mulch around the plantings. Ch. Gordon asked if the parking is sufficient? The section between the Mobil Station and the corner space (now Block- buster Music) is very wide open and cars are driven across the lanes dangerously. He suggested reducing the number of parking spaces to create (2) planting islands at each end of the area (shown as ovals on the plan) . This will add some greenery and provide a barrier that will help control traffic. Mr. Feiger said the parking lot is going to be restriped. He had no objection to the proposal, but said he would have to talk to his architect and Mr. Rigsby before making the changes . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE THREE • \./ Com. Johnson made a recommendation to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan submitted for the Strathmore Square Shop- ing Center with Ch. Gordon' s suggestion that two (2) planted islands will be added to the southeast quadrant of the plan, all subject to the review and approval of Mr. Ray Rigsby. Com. Smith seconded the motion and added favorable comments on the appearance of the shopping center. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Weissman, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . C. WORKSHOP: Walgreen' s with Drive-Thru Pharmacy and Retail Center Buffalo Grove Road and Aptikisic Road - Elevations, Materials, Colors, Lighting, Landscaping and Signs Mr. Timothy F. Stewart, AIA, Stewart-Nosky Architects, Ltd. 1430 Branding Lane, Suite 100, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630-241-0444 made the presentation. Mr. Douglas A. Bean, Vice President of Terraco, Inc . , 8707 N. Skokie Boulevard, Suite #303 , Skokie, IL 60077 847-679-6660) was also present . Com. Cea disclosed that his company is doing the site planning for this project, but he is not personally involved and his observations and comments will not be affected. Mr. Stewart described the site plan. The Walgreen' s store will be located at the north end of the property. The retail building will be constructed south of Walgreen' s and the detention pond will be located on the long narrow strip south of the buildings . The land across the creek will be donated to the Park District . Com Ed property is located to the east of the site. They are in discussion with Lake County regarding the traffic flow. 1 . LANDSCAPING: The site will be planted with canopy trees, evergreen trees and perennial flowers at both entrances and at the corner of the site. A Landscape Plan Review was not available. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE FOUR r 2 . ELEVATIONS, MATERIALS AND COLORS : The Walgreen' s Building will be the new prototype with the drive-thru pharmacy on the south elevation. Materials consist of grey brick (Glen Gary, Hanley W 56 FB) and grey/tan (Buckskin, #449) stucco. There will be a canopy at the front corner that has a see-thru tower with a mortar & pestal logo sign that can be seen behind the glass. The drive-up window has a canopy made of the drivit material with a Drive-Thru Pharmacy sign The Walgreen' s building has several signs on the north and west elevations : pharmacy food mart and 1-hour photo. The architecture of the Retail Building faceing Buffalo Grove Road is maintains the character of the Walgreen' s building using the same grey brick with the grey/tan stucco material over the entrances with fiber- glas columns on the east, south and west elevations. The east elevation is all brick, with tan doors . The store fronts on both buildings will be clear anodized alumiumum with clear glass . 3 . SIGNS: The signs for the retail building were described. The tenants will be permitted to choose the color and style of lettering. There will be two (2) ground signs on the site . A Walgreen' s monument sign on the corner and a tenant identification sign on Buffalo Grove Road, with spaces for three (3) tenants . These signs meet the specifications of the Buffalo Grove Sign Code as to height, size of letters and dimensions . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE FIVE 4 r ` 'tiCr.� !Il There could be from three (3) to five (5) tenants in the retail building, but the sign will only identify three (3) of the tenants and these tenants will be limited to 20% of the wall sign area, per the Sign Code . A sign will be requested for the north elevation for a major national tenant . Mr. Stewart was informed that signs on the north and/ or south elevations will require a variation. Com. Weissman noted that the south elevation of Walgreen' s with the drive-thru window is very plain and when the same building was presented for the corner of Buffalo Grove Raod and Lake Cook Road, the developer agreed to break up the east elevation with some brick columns for relief . Mr. Stewart said there is a soldier course on that elevation but he had no objection to providing some brick pilasters. Ch. Gordon said the developer is not limited to pilasters and can choose some other feature to break up the elevation. He asked that drawings be submitted when the project is brought back for Appearance Commission final recommendation. The canopy under the corner tower with the neon sign is recessed about ten to twelve feet (10-12 ' ) . The tenant building has a 1-1/2 foot to 2 foot projection but no canopy. Regarding the Walgreen' s ground sign, when Mr. Stewart was informed that changeable copy signs are not permitted, he asked if a 1-Hour Photo sign panel would be acceptable? The Walgreen' s wall signs shown on Page E-1 included Pharmacy and 1-Hour Photo. Mr. Stewart' s exhibit had been revised. Pharmacy, 1-Hour Photo and Food Mart were on one (1) line below Walgreen' s. Ch. Gordon commented that Pharmacy is synonymous with Walgreen' s and the Commissioners preferred the E-1 drawing. The Walgreen' s signs will all be red. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE SIX %Ilia, II,. ir The tenant signs were discussed. The petitioners were reluctant to limit the fonts or colors of the signs because they anticipate nationally known tenants with corporate colors and logos . The background of the ground sign panels will all be white and there will only be three (3) tenant panels. It was understood that the wall signs would be limited to 200 of the sign band if the tenant' s name is on the ground sign. Ch. Gordon informed Mr. Stewart that the Village prefers strip centers to have written sign criteria and any signs that do not conform the criteria all the tenant signs would have to be submitted for Appearance Commission review. The roof top units will be screened by the parapet walls which are 3-1/2 feet in height . The height of the building will be 28 '4" at the corner and the sides are 21 ' tall . The dumpster is at the rear of the Walgreen' s building is enclosed with a fence. The tenant building dumpsters at the southeast corner of the building are also enclosed. Entry to the Drive-Thru Pharmacy is eastbound only. The Village has proposed limited access on Buffalo Grove Road and full access from Aptakisic Road, but they are negotiat- ing with Lake County for full access from both interchanges . A tree survey was submitted to Mr. Rigsby and he informed the landscape architect that he is not going to recommend preservation or relocation of any of the trees . Com. Weissman observed that the Walgreen' s ground sign on Aptakisic Road will be too high without the changeable copy because it will look like it is on stilts . He suggested lowering the sign and placing it on a berm withlandscaping surrounding the base. Mr. Stewart said they will probably resubmit a larger sign and it will possibly be lower, but they want to comply with the Sign Code . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN Com. Johnson commented that there are no other ground signs at that intersection. A lower sign will be more compatible with the area, which consists of park and farm property. Mr. Stewart said the sign is lower than the building and Walgreen' s typically asks for signs that are higher than the building. He asked about the possibility of Sign "C" on the tenant ground sign being a Walgreen' s sign to give it identity on Buffalo Grove Road? The Commissioners had no objections and agreed this might be good because it would identify the entrance. The total frontage could permit a second sign for the parcel . If not a variance could be requested. The LIGHTING was reviewed and found to be acceptable . The light source will be metal halide. Mr. Stewart said the revisions discussed will be incorpor- ated into the plans when they are resubmitted for final review after the project has been approved by the Village. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . Com. Weissman mentioned seeing a hol.e in the wall on the east elevation of the Strathmore Square Shopping Center and wanted to make sure that it is closed when the renovtions are completed. 2 . Com. Smith said he observed a blue wall sign at Town Center and asked if it was permitted? Mr. Jensen will check this out ! VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 9, 1998 - PAGE EIGHT