1998-06-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes DRAFT CO ' Y APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Richard Gordon, the meeting was called to order at 7 :35 P.M. and chaired by Com. Mel Cea in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : L. Dorfman, E. Smith, C. Masure, C. Johnson and M. Cea QUORUM Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon and F. Weissman Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Edward Schar Director of Building and Zoning III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of June 11, 1998 - Motion to approve was made by Com. Smith and seconded by Com. Dorfman. Correction on Page Six: Com. Johnson voted NAY regarding the Exterior Architecture, Materials and Colors for the Walgreen' s at Lake Cook and Buffalo Grove Roads : Motion Passed - 4 to 3 . Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Minutes of June 11, 1998 were approved as corrected. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. 201 N. Buffalo Grove Road - Deerfield Bakery Installation of Awning over Patio Area Mr. Henry Schmidt, Owner of Deerfield' s Bakery requested approval of a retractable awning to cover the patio area in front of the store. The umbrellas are a hazard and during a recent wind storm, some of the tables were blown into a neighboring parking lot . The new awnings will have brown and white stripes . New wrought iron tables have been ordered. The awning will be permanently installed. It can be rolled up and will be left up all year round. Com. Masure asked if the new tables will have holes in them? If so, they should not be blow away even with umbrellas. Ch. Cea said one problem with awnings is that they need to be maintained. Com. Dorfman suggested that the motion carry a condition that the awnings are to be maintained and that they will be replaced when they start to deteriorate . Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Sunflexx, retractable awning as requested by Deerfield Bakery, 201 N. Buffalo Grove, with the stipulation that the awning will be maintained in good condition and will be replaced when they start to deteriorate. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Johnson, Masure and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Relics of Old - New Elevations Lucinda Drive on Route 83 Mr. John Gilmore, Owner of JPW Development Corporation, requested approval of four (4) new Relics of Old models. Purchasers are requesting more semi-custom homes and they are not selecting the original A, B and C models that were previously approved. The development consists of eleven (11) lots including the old farm house that was remodeled. Model A has been constructed and the foundations have been poured for two (2) other houses. It is unlikely that any identical models will be selected. Model D-3 was approved for construction on April 13, 1995 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE TWO The new models to be considered are labeled D-1 with a 3-car garage; D-2 with a 2-car garage that has a dormer over the garage, a dormer roof and the corner of the garage clipped; E and F. Other models may be requested because people have seen their development in Naperville and want a different model . Only the approved materials will be used. Com. Cea asked if Model E will be all aluminum siding? He observed that Model C has optional cedar or aluminum siding on the second floor over the garage. Mr. Gilmore said Model E has aluminum on the garage, on the second story and over the doorway. This model was specifi- cally designed for Lot 3 and Lot 11 because they are narrow corner lots at opposite ends of the subdivision. They have lowered the cost of the houses by lowering the cost of the materials. He was willing to change the face of the garage to brick so it is more like the other models . Com. Cea said he preferred the three peaks on Model E to all be aluminum as shown. The sides of all the models are to be aluminum. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the following new models for Relics of Old as submitted: Model D-1, Model D-2, Model E with the stipulation that the face of the garage changed to brick and Model F. There was no second. Com. Smith made a motion to recommend approval of the following new models for Relics of Old as submitted: Model D-1, Model D-2, Model E and Model F. Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Mr. Schar asked the Commissioners to specify if Models D-1 and D-2 are to be considered similar or significantly different with regard to the Monotony Code. Identical models cannot be constructed side-by-side. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE THREE ez3 771 • YLe4 • :: Mr. Gilmore said they have a potential buyer for Model D-2 and it would be built with one (1) house between the two (2) models, D-1 and D-2 on lots 4 and 6 . If a third D-1 or D-2 model is selected for construction, it would be on Lot 10 . A poll was taken: Com. Dorfman, Smith, Johnson and Cea said Models D-1 and D-2 are significantly different. Com. Masure said Models D-1 and D-2 are similar. Com. Smith clarified his motion to recommend approval of the new Relics of Old models, D-1, D-1, E and F, as submitted, specifically noting that Models D-1 and D-2 are to be considered significantly different . Com. Johnson seconded the revised motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Johnson, Masure and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. 351 Hastings Lane - HSA "For Lease" Sign Recommendation for Variance Mr. Bob Clauss, Parvin-Clauss Sign Company, requested a recommendation that would permit installation of a "For Lease" sign at 351 Hastings Lane. He described the sign. It will be a 4 ' x 8 ' single faced plywood sign installed on 2-1/2 ' green channel steel posts. The height of the sign is 6-1/2 feet and it will be set back ten feet (10 ' ) from the property line. Com. Masure asked about the reference to NAI (New America International) in the corner of the sign. It is an organization Hiffman Shaffer Associates belongs to that is a consortium of real estate companies. It is acceptable copy. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE FOUR h fi J Com. Johnson said he would prefer the sign to be installed on 4" x 4" wood posts and Mr. Clauss agreed to this change. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of a variance that would permit installation of the HSA "For Lease" sign as requested by Parvin-Clauss with the stipu- lation that the posts be 4" x 4" wood painted to match the background of the sign. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C. Hamilton Partners - "For Lease" Signs at 151 Hastings Drive and 1081 Johnson Drive Mr. John Johnson, C. Johnson Sign Company, requested a recommendation for a variance of the Sign Code, that would permit installation of a "For Lease" signs at 351 Hastings Drive and 1087 Johnson Drive. Hamilton Partners believe the size limitation of six (6) square feet for leasing signs is not adequate advertising for a complex the size and magnitude of the buildings they are trying to lease. The 4 ' x 8 ' signs are mounted on 4" x 4" wood posts painted green. The height of each sign will be seven feet (7 ' ) . The signs will be installed ten feet (10 ' ) from the property line. In response to the question of whether a time limit should be placed on the motion, Mr. Schar said the Appearance Commission should only address the aesthetics of the signs because the new ordinance will address the time issue. It was noted that the copy of the sign that was submitted for 1087 Johnson Drive states : "Available in March 1998 . Mr. Johnson said he would change the copy to read "Now Available" or "Immediate Occupancy." APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE FIVE r .=pV Com. Smith made a motion to recommend approval of a variance that would permit Hamilton Partners to install two (2) leasing signs : one at 351 Hastings Drive and the second one at 1081 Johnson Drive in the Chevy Chase Business Park West . The copy "Available March 1998" on the sign at 1081 Johnson Drive (148, 159 square foot building) will be changed to read "Now Available" or " Immediate Occupancy" . Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Johnson and Cea NAY - Masure Motion Passed - 4 to 1 . D. 333 Lexington Drive, Long Grove Confectionary Addition: Elevations, Materials. Colors and Lighting Mr. Phil Van Duyne, Itasca Construction Associates, Inc. 1333 Butterfield Road, Suite #540, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630-963-2600) presented a color rendering. He requested approval for a 40, 000 square foot addition to be constructed east of the existing 25, 000 square foot building. There is an undeveloped industrial lot to the east . 1. ELEVATIONS, MATERIALS AND COLORS: There will be glass curtain wall bookends at each end of the south elevation. The building will be constructed with pre-cast panels with brown reveals. The west elevation shows the existing 1-story building in front of the proposed 2-story building. Only the pre-cast panels of the addiiton will be seen. The brick and pre-cast materials of the new addition will match the existing building. The tinted windows will have dark bronze mullions. The roof top units will have dark bronze metal screening. The circular column at the front entrance will match the pre-cast panels. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE SIX The color of the overhead doors and the man door on the north elevation will be painted to match the pre-cast . The ramp on the east elevation will have a two foot (2 ' ) concrete base with an ornamental railing that will match the coping. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Elevations, Material and Colors as presented and discussed for the Long Grove Confectionary addition at 333 Lexington Drive. Com. Smith seconded the motion Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LIGHTING: The new light poles and fixtures will match the existing lighting. The photometric plan was reviewed and it was noted that the light levels exceed the half of foot candle limitation at the property lines . Mr. Van Duyne said they would review the plan and adjust the illumination level to meet the require- ment . New plans will be submitted. Com. Johnson made a motion to Table the Long Grove Confectionary Lighting Plan submitted for the addition. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously 3 . LANDSCAPING: In accordance with Mr. Ray Rigsby' s memo, dated June 19, 1998, the Landscaping was Tabled. New plans are to be submitted. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN E. 1370 Abbott Court - Majestic Mold, Full Review: Architecture, Materials and Colors, Landscaping, Lighting and Sign Mr. Tom Dobbins, Jr. , President of The Dobbins Group, 636 N. Western Avenue, #158, Lake Forest, IL 60045 (847-295-0225) made the presentation. Majestic Mold, Corp. is an industrial and manufacturing facility. The company make die cast molds. The company now occupies about 2, 000 sq. ft . of space at 700 Dartmouth Lane and will be expanding to the Abbott Court location. There will be about 9, 000 sq. ft . of office space and 30, 000 sq. ft . of manufacturing space. The office is located at the front of the building. 1 . ARCHITECTURE, MATERIALS AND COLORS : The building will be constructed with decorative split- face block that wraps around the ends of the front elevation of the building. The front of the building will be white aluminum panels with blue tinted glass . The front entrance (south elevation) will feature simulated limestone panels with a canopy and a flag pole that will be illuminated 24 hours a day. The site slopes down from the northeast to the south- west . There will be concealed loading docks on the low side of the site. A berm on the south side will screen the parking area. There will be a break room at front of the building screened with a 6 ' to 7 ' wall around the patio, so employees can sit outside to eat or smoke. The office area will have six (6) roof mounted units located at least 15 ' to 20 ' back from the edge and there will be a two foot (2 ' ) parapet around the building that will screen the six foot (6 ' ) units. Mr. Dobbins agreed to move the units back or screen them if they are visible from the street . The split face block will be grey. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE EIGHT P4i4 J„ The coping will either match the block (grey) or the white aluminum panels. The window frames will be white aluminum and the glass will be blue. The simulated limestone will be white. Com. Dorfman made a motion to recommend approval of the Majestic Mold building at 1370 Abbott Court as presented with the stipulation that the roof top units will be moved back or screened, if they can be seen from the street . Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Masure, Johnson, Smith, Dorfman and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: The front areas (east and south on Abbott Court) will be sodded. There will be a planted berm in front . The berm will be from 3 ' to 4 ' in height and the top of the berm will be level . Accent plantings will be installed in the area around the sign on the east side of the driveway at the southwest corner. Trees will be planted along the south and east sides of the site, including some evergreens . In front of the building, there are low plantings around the patio area. Com. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan as submitted subject to the review and recommendations of Mr. Ray Rigsby. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN ,,S* 7 AO% elh • Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: The lighting will match the existing lighting in the area. The light poles and fixtures are dark bronze. The light source will be 400 watt High Pressure Sodium. There are four (4) twenty-five foot (25 ' ) pole lights and some wall mounted security fixtures. The photometric plan was reviewed. The foot candles on the north and west are just over a half . The front of the building will be illuminated. The flag pole will be illuminated with metal halide ground mounted fixtures behind the screen wall around the patio. Com. Cea observed that the wall mounted fixtures on the north and west sides of the building exceed one half foot candles and should be reduced. Com. Dorfman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting submitted for Majestic Mold at 1370 Abbott Court subject to Staff Review and approval . Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Johnson, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE TEN 4 . SIGN: The ground sign, located at the southwest corner of the building, will have a 2-1/2 foot limestone base with a ten foot (10 ' ) curved stainless steel drum with backlit lettering. The total height of the sign will be thirteen feet (13 ' ) . The drawing of the sign does not show the circular sign face and Mr. Schar asked for a better diagram to be submitted. The Commissioners can approve the aesthetics. Com. Dorfman made a motion to recommend approval of the Majestic Mold ground sign as submitted subject to Building Department review. Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Masure, Johnson, Smith, Dorfman and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . E. 825 Commerce Court - Metra Station Warming Shelter Mr. Fred Bernheim and Mr. Darryl Zarnowski, Chief of Design, Bernheim & Kahn Limited, 5 Revere Drive, Suite 520, Northbrook, IL 60062 (847-480-1333) were present . Ch. Cea said he knows Mr. Bernheim professionally, but this will not affect his opinion. Mr. Bernheim explained that the Metra Station is too small for the number of daily passengers. He described the warming shelter that will be constructed to the north of the existing station and said that a second shelter is probably going to be requested for the south side of the existing station. The Buffalo Grove Metra Station won the Public Works design award for the Chicago area. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE ELEVEN 'f s'h, k The proposed four hundred square foot (400 sq. ft) warming shelter is basically a mirror image about half the size of the existing station. The materials will be the same, but there will be no tower. It will have an overhang, but no columns, and it will have a bay window in front . Com. Johnson asked if the two (2) buildings could be connected? Mr. Zarnowski said "no" because it would have to be expanded to the north and would disturb all the under- ground electric service. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Metra Station Warming Shelter as submitted. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Johnson, Masure and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . The LIGHTING will match the existing lighting. The LANDSCAPING will include the removal of the berm at the west end of the station with the installation of a new retaining wall and fence. The area will be re- graded and sodded. Some of the plantings will be relocated on site. Com. Smith made a motion to approve the LIGHTING and LANDSCAPING of the Metra Station Warming Shelter, as presented. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE TWELVE . . . , A (11; F. Workshop - Walgreen' s with Drive-thru Pharmacy Aptakisic and Buffalo Grove Roads - Full Review Review was withdrawn at the request of petitioner. Will be placed on the July 9, 1998 Agenda. VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS - None. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Voice Vote- AYE Unanimously Ch. Cea adjourned the meeting at 9 :07 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 25, 1998 - PAGE THIRTEEN