1998-06-11 - Appearance Commission - Minutes v� A0POEU 0 APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER The Appearance Commission meeting was called to order by Com. Mel Cea at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, June 11, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. Chairman Richard Gordon arrived just after roll call and chaired the meeting. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: F. Weissman, E. Smith, L. Dorfman, C. Masure, C. Johnson, M. Cea and R. Gordon Commissioners Absent: None Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Jeffrey Braiman, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 23, 1998 : Com. Johnson made a motion to approve. Com. Masure seconded the motion. No additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Smith, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Cea and Dorfman Motion Passed - 5 to 0. Minutes of April 23, 1998 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. Deerfield Bakery - Awning 201 N. Buffalo Grove Road Representative was not present . Tabled at end of meeting. NE ['TED B. Superior American Plastics 1200 Barclay Boulevard - New Sign Face Mr. John Koepke, Identity Resources Limited, 407 N. Quentin Road, Palatine, IL 600 (847-202-095) described the sign. Superior American Plastics bought the facility and will replace the face of the lower panel on the existing sign. The background will be PMS Cool Grey, #7 with PMS Reflex Blue lettering and a PMS 185 Red and PMS Reflex Blue logo. The posts will be repainted blue and the top panel will be repainted cool grey with blue numerals. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the new sign face requested by Superior American Plastics at 1200 Barclay Boulevard as submitted. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Masure, Johnson, Cea, Smith, Dorfman and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . C. Walgreen' s with Drive Thru Pharmacy Lake Cook Road and Buffalo Grove Road Mr. J. F. Carter, Dial Companies, 11506 Nicholas Street, #200, Omaha, Nebraska 68154 (713-850-7660) made the presentation. Two (2) years ago, Walgreen' s submitted plans for development of a 135 ' x 112 ' building on the corner but could not secure all the property that was needed. The five (5) houses south of the auto repair shop have been acquired by the developer and the property has been zoned B-5, Town Center. It has been sub-divided into two (2) lots which will be owned by the developer. Lot 1 will be Walgreen' s, which will be constructed on 1-1/2 to 2 acres of land and Lot 2, the remainder of the 3-acre parcel will be for future development. Each lot will have to meet its own parking requirements. There will be one curb cut from Buffalo Grove Road with common access to both lots and one (1) right-in, right-out egress from Lake Cook Road for Walgreen' s only. These issues have been approved by IDOT and Cook County. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 - PAGE TWO 46, D 0 Mr. Carter described the site plan. There are drainage issues that are being worked out between IDOT and Richard Kuenkler, the Village Engineer. The Town Center detention area will be joined with Walgreen' s detention area to create one (1) detention system. They expect approval within a week. There will be a new sidewalk along Lake Cook Road and Cook County' s policy is not to have any drainage from the site to the right-of-way, so all water would have to be run back into the detention pond at the rear of the property. The problem is that this would affect the landscaping because they would have to raise the grade and Mr. Kuenkler is trying to see if the County would waive the requirement and permit some of the water to run off into the right-of-way and some back to the detention pond. The site will be cut and filled dramatically to accommodate the Lake and Cook County requirements. There will be a storm sewer system that will basically drain toward the detention pond. 1. LANDSCAPING: Many of the existing trees will have to be removed. All the trees north of the ingress/egress, serving Lots 1 and 2 will be left until Lot 2 is developed. Walgreen' s will comply with Mr. Ray Rigsby' s memo dated August 22, 1996 . Twenty-nine (29) trees will be eliminated, but thirty three (33) additional trees will be planted on the site. The White Ash trees will be changed to Silver Maples, per Mr. Rigsby' s recommendations and they will plant five inch (5") caliper trees. There will be additional plantings on Lake Cook Rd. Mr. Carter said their land- scaper' s advice was that the three (3) trees Mr. Rigsby recommended for relocation would not survive. The 30" and 24" trees are too large to be moved successfully. Also, a five inch (5") tree will soon mature and be better than the existing ten inch (10") tree. There was no current Landscape Review because Mr. Rigsby has been on vacation. Ground cover will be planted. All grass sections will be sodded and a sprinkler system will be installed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 - PAGE THREE kili1010 Ch. Gordon asked if all the parking spaces are required and if the southwest corner could be converted into an island? He would like to see some trees in the parking lot. Mr. Carter said it would be hard to eliminate any parking spaces . The lot has been designed with a twenty-five foot (25 ' ) buffer to permit future expansion of Lake Cook Road into 4-lanes each way in the year 2015 . Com. Johnson asked if there would be cross access between Lot 2 and Town Center? The answer was, "Yes, there will be access next to the K.C. Masterpiece parking area where there is an existing fence and a hedge. 2 . ARCHITECTURE. COLORS AND MATERIALS: Mr. Carter described the design of the building that was submitted before. The 1995 prototype had three (3) peaks: two (2) on Lake Cook Road and one (1) on Buffalo Grove Road. A new building has been designed for the site that was previously approved by the Village Board. The west elevation of the building is twenty-nine feet (29 ' ) in height with a two foot (2 ' ) parapet . The building will be brick with glass windows and a drivit system with signs. The corner has brick piers that are continued around to the south elevation that ends with a white drivit drive-thru canopy. The tan brick is by RAMM, Carolina Ceramics, Shadow Grey. The EIFS will be white, #449, manufactured by Drivit Corp. The window frames will be clear anodized aluminum with clear glass . Com. Weissman asked if the windows will be similar to the Walgreen' s on Route 83 where the back of boxes can be seen? Mr. Carter said the windows should be above the seven foot (7 ' ) brick wall and are designed to permit more light into the building. He was uncertain about storage• of products. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 - PAGE FOUR ARNE) The east elevation has the drive thru pharmacy window and there are brick columns supporting the canopy. The end of the trash dumpster seen at the end of the east elevation will be covered with brick. The north elevation has the wooden dumpster area and the exit of the drive thru can be seen. The signs were not reviewed at this time, but Mr. Carter described the sign on the front of the tower elevation. It will be a neon sign suspended inside the tower and will be about six feet (6 ' ) from the front wall of glass. Com. Johnson commented that the east elevation, facing Town Center, across from the retention pond, is all brick and needs something to break up the expanse. There is about one hundred feet (100 ' ) of blank wall. He asked if addi- tional landscaping could be included? Mr. Carter said this is the new standard building and they want the drive thru area to be identifiable. The canopy is offset with brick columns. Com. Weissman suggested adding some masonry columns to break up the wall. Mr. Carter agreed this was a viable option and he will discuss this with the Walgreen' s architects. The store will not stay open all night . The hours will probably be from 8 :00 AM to midnight . Ch. Gordon commented that the design of the building is fine for a prototype and if it was situated in the middle of a block, it would be great, but it is at the corner of Lake Cook Road and Buffalo Grove Road. This is one of the most prominent corners in town and he would like to see something more dramatic. Mr. Carter responded that the front entrance tower at the corner extends about eight feet (8 ' ) out in front . • APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 - PAGE FIVE HMO Ch. Gordon expressed the opinion that the Appearance Commis- sion should have seen the building sooner, during the planning process, so it would have had some input earlier. Mr. Carter commented that the Commission is looking for uniqueness, but Walgreen' s has designed a quality brick building and they want more "Walgreen' s" identity. He was open to creative suggestions. Com. Johnson asked if the drivit on the tower elevation could be changed to glass? Mr. Carter said this is a possibility. Com. Cea commented that from an overall perspective the building is OK, but he thought there is entirely too many signs on the front elevation. He did not object to the signs on the west elevation. He asked for a description of the sign inside the tower. Mr. Carter said the ceiling of the tower is sealed off and has interior "up and down" can lights. The lights will be turned off when the store closes. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the exterior architecture, materials and colors, as submitted for the Walgreen' s at Lake Cook and Buffalo Grove Roads, excluding the signs, as presented with the stipulation that brick columns will be added to the east elevation. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Smith and Dorfman NAY - Masure, Johnson and Gordon Motion Passed - 4 to 3 . Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping for the Walgreen' s at Lake Cook and Buffalo Grove Roads, as submitted subject to the review and approval of Mr. Ray Rigsby. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. • APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 - PAGE SIX u MITE) Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Johnson, Cea, Smith, Dorfman and Gordon NAY - Masure Motion Passed - 6 to 1. A. Deerfield' s Bakery, 201 N. Buffalo Grove Road, request for an Awning over patio area was Tabled because no representative was present. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Gordon welcomed Trustee Jeff Braiman, the new liaison. Com. Cea said he has observed many of the shopping center signs that have tenant panels are not being maintained. When new panels are replaced the colors do not match. When stores are vacated, such as K.C. Masterpiece, the signs are not removed. These panels are supposed to be replaced with blank panels. Com. Johnson commented that the Grand Prix/Dunkin' Donuts sign is not objectionable, but a large coffee cup balloon has been put up to advertise the grand opening. Mr. Jensen said he would take care of this violation. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Smith made a motion to adjourn. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 : 50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /g-e/ Q Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION JUNE 11, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN