1998-04-23 - Appearance Commission - Minutes \.1 DitAFT COPY APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. on Thursday, April 23, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, C. Masure, F. Smith, C. Johnson and R. Gordon. QUORUM Commissioners Absent: M. Cea and L. Dorfman Bldg. Dept. Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector Village Boaxd Liaison: Charles Hendricks, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 9, 1998 - Tabled. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Landis & Staefa Ground Signs 1. 920 Deerfield Parkway 2 . 950 Deerfield Parkway Mr. Mike Maloney, Parvin-Claus Sign Company, 165 Tubeway Drive, Carol Stream, I1 60188 (630-510-2020) , requested approval of the two (2) temporary signs that have been installed at the Landis & Staefa buildings at 920 and 950 Deerfield Parkway. In December 1997, new Landis & Staefa signs were approved and some of the signs were taken down. The name is going to be changed again, so in January some temporary signs were put up without a permit . Mr. Maloney submitted photographs of the signs and apologized for neglecting to get a permit . The sign at 920 Deerfield Parkway has been replaced with is a 3 ' x 6 ' plywood sign that identifies the main entrance of the building at 1000 Deerfield Parkway. The existing illuminated sign at 950 Deerfield Parkway has been covered with a 4 ' x 7 ' plywood sign. The electricity has been disconnected. Mr. Maloney did not know what the new company name will be. Each building has a different function and he does not know what signs will be requested. The new signs should be designed within three (3) or four (4) months. Com. Smith made a motion to recommend approval of the two (2) temporary Landis & Staefa signs at 920 Deerfield Parkway and 950 Deerfield Parkway for a period of one (1) year from the date the signs were installed in January 1998 . Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Johnson, Masure, Weissman, Smith and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Chase Plaza Ground Sign Arlington Heights Road Mr. John Zoerner, OCA Construction, . 15 W 308N Fz*ontage Road, Unit B, Burr Ridge, 1l 60521 (630-323-3472) requested approval to remove the sculptured brick buffalo head from the existing Chase Plaza ground sign on Arlington Heights Road and replace it with an illuminated sign directory that will match the existing sign on Lake Cook Road. The names on the panels could be different . The Commissioners had no objections, but questioned whether there could be a "For Lease" panel on the signs . Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed revision of the Chase Plaza ground sign on Arlington Heights Road, as submitted. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, Weissman, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1998 - PAGE TWO • • V �l ��fir.-. a"- L; V. NEW BUSINESS Northwest Corner of Lake Cook Road and Raupp Boulevard Sign Face Change from Hangtime to Buffalo Grove Golf Course Mr. Dave Thometz, White Way Sign Company. 1317 Clybourn Ave. Chicago, IL 60610 (312-642-6580) requested approval to change the face of the existing ground sign from Hangtime Buffalo Grove Golf Course. The box and base will be repainted grey. The Commissioners had no questions or comments . Com. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the face change of the existing Hangtime ground sign to Buffalo Grove Golf Course, as submitted. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Johnson, Masure, Weissman, Smith and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. 975 Deerfield Parkway MST Analytics - Ground Sign Face Change Mr. William McDonald, Signs of Distinction, 149 S. Wheeling Road, Wheeling, IL 60090 (520-0787) requested approval of a new sign that will replace the Airborne Express sign at 975 Deerfield Parkway. The background of the sign will be white and the copy will be blue. The cabinet and base will be painted blue. The sign will be internally illuminated. The Commissioners had no questions or objections_ Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the MST Analytics ground sign at 975 Deerfield Parkway as submitted. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Smith, Weissman, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1998 - PAGE THREE x r A $.111, , . A C. 56 W. Dundee Road - Wall Sign _" 6 l F .,i I., , Olde Discount Stockbrokers Mr. Jim Denmark, Sure Light Sign Company, 1810 N. 32nd Street, Stone Park, IL (708-434-7446) represented Federal Sign and requested approval of the sign proposed by Olde Discount Stockbrokers, 56 W. Dundee Road. Olde Discount was formerly located at Plaza Verde, and the business has moved into the Kuppenheimer building at the Dundee Point Shopping Center. Because it will take several weeks for the sign to be fabri- cated, the owners have requested the option of installing the red letters that have been removed from the Plaza Verde location. The Commissioners preferred the white letters, but did not object to the proposal to install the red letters on the front elevation. Com. Johnson made a motion recommend approval of the request made by Old Discount Stockbrokers, to install the proposed white letters at 56 W. Dundee Road with-th'e option to install the red "Olde Discount" letters that were -taken down from the Plaza Verde location. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, Weissman, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . D. 851 Asbury - Advanced Check Printing Revised Ground Sign Colors Mr. Mark Nerens, Narens & Associates, Inc. , P.O. Box 2026, Glenview IL 60025 (291-6866) requested approval of the color change of the Advanced Check Printing sign. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1998 - PAGE FOUR 1:) ! 1' On January 22, 1998, a sign was approved that had a brown background with white letters. The color of the building is blue and grey so they would prefer the sign to match be these colors. The Commissioners agreed that the new colors are better than the original brown and white. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the change of colors as requested by Advanced Check Printing at 851 Asbury, from brown and white to blue and grey. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, Weissman, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS The Commissioners were reminded that the date for the combined Appearance Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 at 7 :30 P.M. VII . ADJOURNMENT a ' Com. Smith made a motion to adjourn. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting to 8 :20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 23, 1998 - PAGE FIVE