1998-04-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes DRMFTCtIY i !III APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1998 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Richard Gordon, the Appearance Commission meeting was called to order and chaired by Com. Mel Cea at 7 :48 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : M. Cea, E. Smith, L. Dorfman and C. Johnson. F. Weissman arrived at 8 : 10 P.M. Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon and C. Masure Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 26, 1998 : Com. Johnson made a motion to approve. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. There were no additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Johnson and Cea NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Minutes of March 26, 1998 were approved as submitted. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. 600 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Indeck Energy Services, Inc . Recommendation for Variance to Permit 2 Leasing Signs Mr. Wayne R. Grayczyk, Vice President of Procurement; and Mr. Jim Schneider represented Indeck Energy Services, Inc. , 600 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Suite 300, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (847-520-3212) . Mr. Schneider requested a recommendation for variance of the Sign Code that would permit installation of two (2) "For Lease" signs . One sign would be located on Rt . 83 and one sign would be located on Buffalo Grove Road. The signs are red and white. Size - 2 'x 4 ' on 3 ' posts. f Ch. Cea asked what portion of the building is occupied by Indeck? Indeck Energy occupies the third floor of the building. American Enterprise Bank is on the first floor and there is one (1) suite left to be rented on the first floor and three (3) suites left to be rented on the second floor. There is a total of 120, 000 square feet of space left to be occupied or approximately 2/3 of the building. (Com. Weissman arrived during the discussion. The signs would not be lighted and would remain up until the building is leased. There are window signs and they have been running newspaper ads . These efforts have not been effective and they need the income. The Commissioners agreed that it is important to have the building rented. The need for two (2) signs was discussed. A single location was preferable and since Buffalo Grove Road has more local traffic, the Commissioners suggested moving the sign on Route 83 to the east side of the drive- way (closer to the corner) and it would be seen from both streets. A one-year time limit would be recommended. Mr. Grayczyk agreed with this amendment to the petition. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend to the Zoning Board of Appeals that a variance be granted that would permit Indeck Energy Services, 600 N. Buffalo Grove Road, to install one (1) "For Lease" sign along Route 83 , just east of the existing driveway, with the further stipulation that the sign remain until 80% occupancy is achieved, or for a period of one (1) year, at which time the variance would be reviewed. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Johnson and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . Com. Weissman chaired the rest of the meeting. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE TWO 1,4 B. 1691-97 Weiland Road - Dunkin' Donuts Sign Panel on Existing Ground Signs Wall Signs on East and West Elevations Item was Tabled on March 26, 1998 . Motion to remove from Table was made by Com. Johnson and seconded by Com. Cea. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. Com. Cea recalled that he recused himself at last meeting because his company presented the signs but the architects are making this request, so it will be proper for him to participate in the discussion tonight . Mr. Doug Seavers, Consultant, Allied Domecz Retailing USA, 8501 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631 (773-693-3060) made the presentation. There was a question as to whether the sign on the east elevation requires a variance. It has been verified that there is a dedicated right-of-way that borders the property and no variance is necessary. The Appearance Commissioners had not approved of the color combination of the existing Grand Prix ground signs with the Dunkin' Donut orange/raspberry colors because they are not compatible. Ch. Weissman recalled that the Commission had no objection to the Dunkin' Donut wall signs, but had asked for the yellow stripes to be removed from the Grand Prix signs . Mr. Seavers said the colors of both signs are trademarks and cannot be changed. Dunkin' Donuts has agreed to one concession, that being to make the background of the sign white to match the background of Grand Prix. Com. Cea clarified that no sign criteria was approved when the two (2) buildings were submitted so there is nothing that would limit colors . Ch. Weissman said he looked at the Grand Prix signs and the yellow stripe is not too distinct and he would approve the proposed sign. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE THREE a JVff Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Dunkin' Donuts signs as submitted with the stipulation that the background of all the signs would be white. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Cea, Smith, Dorfman, Johnson and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . V. NEW BUSINESS A. Landis & Staefa Ground Signs 1 . 920 Deerfield Parkway 2 . 950 Deerfield Parkway Petitioner called to request that the signs be Tabled until April 23, 1998 . Com. Cea so moved. Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - AYE Unanimously. B. 1224-1228 W. Dundee Road - Panera Bread Window Sign with advertising & logo. Mr. John Moran, Landmark Sign Company, 7424 Industrial Ave. Chesterton, IN 46304 (773-445-8600) requested approval of a neon illuminated window sign that will feature Panera Bread with the graphic of a lady. This is the corporate identity of Panera Bread and very important to their business . The double sided sign would be installed in the window to the left of the entrance of the store. The Commissioners had no objections. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Panera Bread window sign as submitted. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Johnson and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE FOUR 4.1.1 (L, Liq ' C. Chase Plaza - Revised Ground Sign Arlington Heights Road Entrance Petitioner not present . Motion to Table was made by Com. Cea. Seconded by Com. Johnson. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. D. Wendy' s at Woodland Commons Full Review: Elevations, Materials, Colors Landscaping, Lighting and Signs with Recommendation for variance . Mr. Greg Marsh and Mr. Jeff Gylling of Wendy' s Interna- tional, Inc. , One Energy Center, 40 Shuman Blvd. , St . 130, Naperville, IL 60563 ( 630-961-5800) were present . 1. ELEVATIONS, MATERIALS and COLORS: Mr. Gylling described the building to be constructed on an outlot at the Commons Shopping Center on Route 22 . It will be a a new building design called "Evolution 2000" and will be identical to the building in Columbus, Ohio which was depicted in the photographs submitted. Most of the changes occur in the kitchen, but the seating area accommodates 94 instead of 104 customers . The full masonry building will be constructed with Buff colored brick by General Glay - Wellington. The Plan Commission required the trash enclosure to be covered with brick. The drive thru windows will be surrounded with Wendy' s red, manufactured by Buchtel, decorative tile. The window frames are Champaign aluminum (tan/pink) . The glass will be clear. The roof will be copper color. There are two (2) red neon ribbons around the top of the parapet and one below the parapet . It runs across the brick piers, but not cross the mansards . The standard parapet shown is 15 '4 ' but could be raised 17 ' 4" to screen the roof top units . APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE FIVE • 4 ^ it P im ii L9 ilke) ir ii Additional screening of the roof top units with metal painted to match the brick was discussed. Mr. Gylling said screening would be cheaper but would affect the air flow around the units and they would prefer the 17 ' 4" parapet . The units are located in the center of the roof and should not be seen by any residents. An aerial photograph was reviewed and it was noted that the Woodlands of Fiore townhouses were far enough away from the building. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the elevations, materials and colors as presented for the Wendy' s building at Woodland Commons on Route 22 with the stipulation that the parapet be 17 ' 4 ' in height . Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Johnson, Dorfman, Smith, Cea and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LIGHTING: One of the existing parking lot lights will be relocated. The building lighting consists of the two (2) strips of neon, described above. There are adjustable flood lights that illuminate the sidewalk. Decorative up/down lights flood the building. There is a light at the rear door, as required. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the lighting as submitted for Wendy' s at Woodland Commons including the neon lights and the required exit light . Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Johnson and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE SIX Il:a 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr. Gylling noted that in compliance with the Plan Commis- sion' s concern about headlights at the drive-thru area shining out toward Route 33, additional landscaping was added. Mr. Rigsby' s Review, dated April 8, 1998, indicated acceptance of the plan which is consistent with the Wood- Commons concept plan. There will not be an outdoor patio eating area. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan as submitted for Wendy' s at Woodland Commons subject to the Village Forester' s Review, dated April 8, 1998 . Com. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Johnson and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 5 . SIGNS: Mr. Gylling requested approval of signs on the east, north- east and south elevations. The signs are identical . They are 10 ' 8" in length and 3 ' in height . The sign on the south elevation facing Route 22 is the only sign permitted without a variation. The signs on the east and northeast elevations do not face a public right-of-way. The directonal signs were reviewed and they comply with the Sign Code. The menu board will be located at the southwest corner of building. It is the new type where the order is shown on a screen. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN J F Ae IS k r 4� .t j `Yl ki A ten foot (10 ' ) ground sign is indicated on the site plan but the actual size of the sign will be 6 ' 5" x 5 ' 7" = 25 sf . and the brick base will be 19" in height . A drawing of the sign was submitted. The double-faced internally illumianted sign will have a white background with red letters . The base will be landscaped as required by the Sign Code. Mr. Jensen informed the petitioners that a variance will be required if the distance between the proposed sign and the Woodland Commons ground is less than 250 feet . The Commissioners had no objections to the proposed signs. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the aesthetics of the Wendy' s signs, with a recommendation for variances that would permit signs on the east and northeast elevations of the building, the menu bcard and the ground sign, as submitted. This review is limited to the appear- ance of the ground sign, not the placemer-t . Com. Cea seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Dorfman, Smith, Cea, Johnson and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS None. VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Weissman adjourned the meeting at 9 : 05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 - PAGE EIGHT