1997-11-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes 'DRAFT CO .51 Y APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 , 1997 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 :35 P.M. on Thursday, November 13 , 1997 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, M. Cea, E. Smith, L. Dorfman, C. Johnson and R. Gordon - C. Masure arrived during first presentation. Commissioners Absent : None Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 23, 1997 : Com. Cea made a motion to approve. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. There were no additions or corrections. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Cea, Smith, Dorfman, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 6 to 0 . Minutes of October 23, 1997 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. Roseglen - Ground Sign on Old Checker Road Recommendation for Variance of Sign Code Section 14 . 20 . 010 - Residential Districts Mr. Rocco Maggio, President of the Roseglen Condominium Association, presented a copy of the survey and described the location of the proposed sign. There is a mound in front of the cul-de-sac and the sign will be installed on the mound perpendicular to the street . It will be set back a distance of thirty feet (30 ' ) from the street which is twenty-two feet (22 ' ) from the south side of the sidewalk, so the exact location will be eight feet (8 ' ) from the sidewalk. The sign is double-sided and will be installed on the mound with the top corner of the sign no higher than five feet (5 ' ) above grade and the lower edge of the sign will be about eight inches (8") above grade. The required landscaping around the base was discussed. Mr. Maggio said the Condominium Association has a committee that will plant annual flowers around the base of the sign. Ch. Gordon informed Mr. Maggio that the Village prefers to have low shrubs so there is something there all year. It is okay to plant flowers in the summer. Mr. Maggio had no objection to include shrubs around the base of the sign. Com. Weissman asked what the specific colors are? Mr. Maggio said the sign will match the colors that are being used within the subdivision, the background will be the color of the brick. He can provide exact colors if necessary. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the variance of the Sign Code, requested by the Roseglen Condominium Association for the purpose of installing a ROSEGLEN ground sign as submitted with the following stipulations : 1 . the height of sign is to be increased seven inches (7") with the highest point five feet (5 ' ) above grade . 2 . there will be permanent ground cover provided around the base of the sign, per the Sign Code . Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea, Smith, Dorfman, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None ABSTAIN - Masure Motion Passed - 6 to 0, 1 abstention. APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1997 - PAGE TWO ' s B. Grove Court Shopping Center Buffalo Grove Road - Landscape Plan Mr. David Rhodes of Brian Properties, managers of Grove Point Shopping Center. He explained that the landscaping at Grove Point is getting old and needs replacement . They have had a new plan designed and if it is approved, they will seek bids . They will install the plants in the spring, if funds are available. Ch. Gordon informed Mr. Rhodes that if the plan is recommended, and they cannot put in what is proposed, he will have to resubmit revised plans. Mr. Rhodes withdrew the petition. The plans will be resub- mitted after they have the funds to do the work. D. Shell Oil/McDonald' s (Workshop #2) Route 83 and Arlington Heights Road Elevations, Materials and Colors Landscaping, Lighting and Signs Item was withdrawn. E. Metra Station - Temporary Depot 825 Commerce Court Mr. Lee Szymborski, Assistant Village Manager, made the presentation. Mr. Jack Weyrauch was also present. Mr. Szymborski described the warming shelter that is needed to accommodate riders from the end of November to mid-April . A 12 ' x 42 ' trailer (smaller than the 12 ' x 60 ' trailer that is depicted) will be installed next to the Metra station. It will have two (2) doors and it is handicapped accessible . The trailer will have a light grey cedar wood finish with dark grey trim. There will be light over the doors and on the platform. Metra predicted Buffalo Grove would be the third busiest stop on the line and that there would be 500 users by the year 2010 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION • NOVEMBER 13 , 1997 - PAGE THREE At this time, there are 750 daily passengers and the station cannot accommodate that many people. The trailer is being provided by the Village as a temporary solution. Hopefully Metra will agree to enlarge the existing station but as of this time, Metra has only agreed to increase the number of parking spaces in 1998 . Ch. Gordon recalled that he and Com. Cea predicted the need for a larger station and recommended that the plan be ex- panded when it was first submitted. Mr. Szymborski responded that Wheeling has a larger station, but they do not have as many riders. Ch. Gordon observed that the doors of this building are on the back of the trailer and people will have to walk around reach platform at the front of the Metra Station. He asked if they would consider an alternate location behind the station? Riders would not have to go much farther outside and it would not be so prominent . Mr. Szymborski explained that the location of the trailer hitch requires the trailer to be positioned the way it is with the doors at the rear. However, the windows across the front will permit riders to see the trains coming. He agreed to look at the site and determine if there is a better location. Com. Johnson made a motion to recommend approval of the Metra Station Temporary Depot at 825 Commerce Court as submitted with the suggestion that a less visible site be considered. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Cea, Smith, Dorfman, Masure, Johnson and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 7 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1997 - PAGE FOUR F. Buffalo Grove Health & Fitness Center Route 83 and Busch Road Mr. Michael Rylko, Director of Parks and Recreation, Buffalo Grove Park District, 530 Bernard Drive, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (847-459-5700) ; Mr. Dan Schimmel, Superin- tendent of Recreation, Buffalo Grove Park District; Mr. Tom Seymour, Vice-President, and Mr. Christopher Frye, Design Architect, with Phillips Swiger Associates, 3622 N. Knoxville, Peoria, IL 61603-1079 (309-688-6490) ; Mr. Richard Kepshire, Landscape Architect, 9200 S. Kingery Road, Hins- dale, IL 60521 (708-325-8190) ; and Mrs. Karen Larson, Park District Commissioner, were present. Mr. Rylko detailed the history of this project . The first phase of the development of Busch Grove Community Park was dedicated on October 5, 1997 . On October 6, 1997, the second phase, The Health and Fitness Center, was presented to the Village Board for referral to the Plan Commission. Plan Commission Workshops were held on October 22nd and November 5th and they are scheduled for a public hearing on November 19, 1997 . The Park District, is proposing to con- struct and operate with the Northwest Community Hospital, a Community Health and Fitness Center Facility, approxi- mately 70, 000 square feet in size at the northwest section of the park. The purpose of the facility is to promote the general fitness of Buffalo Grove residents. Income will be generated through membership fees and activity charges . A lease agreement has been developed between the Buffalo Grove Park District for a clinical portion of the center and a management service agreement for the operation of the fit- ness center. The facility will provide high quality fitness and health training, increase the overall wellness of the residents and enhance the community by providing excellent services . Opportunities to obtain physical, cardiac and out-patient therapy will be provided. There will be minimal impact on the tax-payers because it is being built by operating and user fees . It will also provide employment opportunities for local residents and will generate income which will be invested in other park district facilities. Proposed hours will be Monday thru Friday, 5 :30 AM to 10 PM; Saturday and Sunday, 7 AM to 7 PM; and it will stay open until 11 Pm for private rentals . APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13 , 1997 - PAGE FIVE Com. Cea questioned whether this presentation is for a recommendation or a workshop? Mr. Rylko said they are asking approval of the conceptual plan and have been advised by Staff to make this presenta- tion to the Appearance Commission. Ch. Gordon explained that usually the Appearance Commission has a preliminary workshop prior to the Plan Commission public hearing to give input during the approval process. Mr. Jensen said a workshop is unnecessary if they are ready to make a formal presentation. The Appearance Commissioners preferred to hold a workshop now and after the Plan Commission makes a recommendation to the Village Board, the Appearance Commission will make a recommendation. It is a matter of procedure. Mr. Rylko had no objection to returning December llth to have a formal recommendation made to the Village Board. Com. Weissman disclosed that he has worked on a committee with Dan Schimmel when this project was discussed but this will not affect his decisions. Com. Cea disclosed that his company is involved with part of the project, but it has no bearing on the architecture. Com. Dorfman has also had dealings with the Park District but this will not affect his decisions . 1 . ARCHITECTURE, MATERIALS AND COLORS: Mr. Seymour presented a model of the proposed building and described the site plan. The entrance to the triangular site is from Busch Road on the north, the east is the rear, next to the bike trail and the front entrance is on the west elevation. There is an entrance to the parking lot from Route 83 . Colored exhibits and samples of the materials were submitted. Colors are designated on the attached list . APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1997 - PAGE SIX a. Primary building material, is dark brown masonry. Canyon Tan, Split Face Block by Shiely Products. Size of brick is 8" x 8" b. The darker brown material will either be Terra Cotta metal panels or Red Clay, #36 synthetic stucco. * c. Lighter color will either be Dark Buff metal panels or Amarillo White #113 synthetic stucco. * d. The oval shape at the top is the elevated running track will be Honey Gold #424 synthetic stucco. e. Window frames will be clear anodized aluminum. f . Windows will be non-reflective green tinted glass . g. The mechanical equipment will be on the roof and screened with matching building materials. *Cost will determine which material will be used. The colors will not change. They would prefer to use the metal panels and stone if financing is possible. Ch. Gordon said they have the option to choose materials. He asked for a description of the future expansion of the site to the east. Mr. Rylko described the Master Plan and the floor plan showing how the Fitness Center will be connected to the Community Center by means of a common area for sitting and/ or vending machines . Future plans include two (2) lighted ball fields, an temporary driving range, and a fenced-in safety town which will run from May through September. To the east are the wetlands and a bike path has been installed that meanders through the wooded area to Route 83 . Indeck has contributed funds to enhance the wetlands and provide paving material . Com. Cea observed that the materials compliment the Indeck building and earth tones that are compatible with the surrounding residential areas. Mr. Seymour described the floor plan of the fitness center that will include a greeting area and there is administra- tive space to the right . The Northwest Community Hospital clinical space is to the left and at the rear is the "kid' s APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13 , 1997 - PAGE SEVEN exercise and child care areas. A secured outdoor playground between the two children' s areas. Baby-sitting is provided, but not licensed day care. There are men' s and women' s lockers. There are also family lockers where parents can help children change, or husbands can help wives, etc. There is an elevated 1/12 of a mile oval running track. The fitness floor with exercise equip- ment is under the running track. There is a private woman' s workout area. There are three (3) pools : 1 for laps, 1 is a spa and 1 is an exercise pool. There will be an aerobics room and a multi-purpose room. The building includes a standard size basketball court with six hoops, a volley ball court and a multi-purpose room. 2 . SIGNS: Plans are for two (2) main identification signs, constructed with matching brick. Two (2) metal panels with white back- lit letters are connected to the structure with aluminum tubes . One signs will be installed at the Busch Road entrance and eventually at the Route 83 entrance. The signs have space to add identification of other features The signs will have interior illumination with floodlights . 3 . LANDSCAPING: Mr. Kepshire described the proposed landscape plan, but it is a conceptual plan and must be resubmitted with species and number of plantings. Basically there will be landscap- ing around detention basin. There will be no landscaping south of the parking area except close to the building. Most of the landscaping will be to the north of the building and the perimeter of the parking lot. It will enhance the architecture, provide screening of the parking areas to reduce the impact of the large number of parking spaces required for this type of facility. Along Busch Road will be ten (10) ornamental trees, five (5) on each side of the entrance. These trees that were provided by IDOT and they will be relocated on this site or other park district sites . Trees along the north property line will be of the APPEARANCE COMMISSION • NOVEMBER 13 , 1997 - PAGE EIGHT ornamental nature so that they do not interfere with overhead power lines. There is existing plant material bordering the day care facility on the common property lines and this area will not be disturbed. They will be adding to the plantings to the west . Where possible, berming will be provided between the parking lot and the public walk. There is a 4-1/2 foot grade change from the curb to the sidewalk. The view from Busch Road will go up from the sidewalk and back down to the parking lot . Most of parking area will be screened from the view of residents on the west side of the road and people traveling down Busch Road. Ch. Gordon asked if they have considered pavers from the drive to the front of the building or will it be blacktop? He has observed that people tend to drive more slowly if the material is not asphalt . Mr. Rylko agreed pavers would be nice but it will depend on the budget. They are planning on blacktop. Ch. Gordon asked what size trees were being considered? Mr. Kepshire said they would use 3 to 3-1/2 caliper trees. Com. Weissman asked how they plan to remove snow in the future? The trees should be protected from salt, etc. Mr. Kepshire said they can probably use the perimeter of the property because there are more parking spaces than will be used in the winter. Ch. Gordon suggested planting annual flowers around the front of the building. This concept plan looks okay but Mr. Rigsby requires a specific list of plantings . He added that the general feeling of the Commissioners is favorable, and a recommendation can be made at the Appearance Commis- sion meeting scheduled for December 11, 1997 . Approval can be given for the architecture and materials, signs and lighting without the Landscape Plan. Mr. Rylko said the they will come back on December 11th for final approval and added that the schedule is to open early in 1999 . A complete presentation will not be necessary. APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1997 - PAGE NINE 4 . LIGHTING: The total mounting height of the pole lights will be twenty-four feet (24 ' ) with the usual shoebox fixtures and metal halide bulbs . The photometrics were within the acceptable limits . The lights will be on timers and they will be on until 10 :30 PM to 12 : 00 depending on the use of the building. Com. Johnson disclosed that his law firm is in litigation with the architectural firm and he will not vote on the project. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. V. ADJOURNMENT Com. Cea made a motion to adjourn. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Voice Vote: AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 :55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13 , 1997 - PAGE TEN