1997-05-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes AFT APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1997 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Richard Gordon, the Appearance Commission was chaired by and called to order by Commis- sioner Albert Viehman at 7 :40 P.M. in Room 28 at Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : A. Viehman, F. Weissman, C. Masure, E. Smith and L. Dorfman QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon and M. Cea Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Department Village Board Liaison: Charles Hendricks, Trustee III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 24, 1997 - Tabled. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Buffalo Grove High School - 1100 West Dundee Road Wall Sign with Automatic Changing Sign' Recommendation for Variation of Sign Code Mr. Carter Burns, Principal of Buffalo Grove High School, 1100 West Dundee Road, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (718-4010) presented an elevation drawing showing the location of the proposed sign including the automatic changing sign. He requested a recommendation for a variance to pemit the installation of the sign on the southwest elevation of the building at the corner of Arlington Heights and Dundee Rds . . Three (3) sizes of the sign were presented. Eight feet (8 ' ) , ten feet (10 ' ) or twelve feet (12 ' ) in length. Each of the three (3) signs would be six feet, nine inches (6 ' 9") in height . The colors of the top portion would be the school colors, blue and with orange letters and buffalo head. The reader board would have ten inch (10" ) red letters that can be read from a distance of four hundred fifty feet (450 ' ) . ' k ' Arta kr,, U Cost would be a factor, but the school could afford the additional $3, 000 for a sign ten feet (10 ' ) in length. Dr. Burns agreed and said the sign would be used to display public service announcements and well as school functions . Ch. Viehman commented that the Village wants the sign to be as effective as possible, considering the cost . The sign would be illuminated from approximately 7 : 00 A.M. to 10 : 00 P.M. Com. Weissman said when he stopped at the light and looked at the sign location, he observed some blocked the sign. Mr. Burns was aware of this and said that after the sign is installed, they will decide if the trees need to be trimmed or relocated. Com. Dorfman made a motion to recommend to the Village Board and Zoning Board of Appeals, that a variance be granted that would permit installation of the changeable copy sign as requested by Buffalo Grove High School . The sign would be ten feet (10 ' ) in length and six feet nine inches (6 ' 9" ) in height . The reader board would have ten inch (10 ' ) red letters . Sign to be installed on the metal fascia above the library windows on the southwest elevation of the building. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, - Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . V. NEW BUSINESS A. Riverwalk II - Landscape Plan Milwaukee Avenue, North of Lake Cook Road Mr. Dick Mallory, Design Manager, Theodore Brickman Co. , Landscape Architects, Long Grove, IL 60047 (438-8211) described the Riverwalk complex. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE TWO 4 t f ) �s,t F Pjtygre6 �t f�, r‘ Riverwalk Phase II is a mirror image of Riverwalk Phase I except that the Riverwalk II building is the same height, but a little larger and the parking garage has seven (7) stories instead of five (5) . Some of the existing plantings on the site have been moved to a storage area during construction of the building and they will be replaced as shown on the plan. The area around the parking garage will be bermed with and planted with evergreens and shade trees . The landscaping at the back of the building will be augmented with some new trees and will appear very similar to Riverwalk Phase I . There is an existing grove of mature trees to the west of the parking garage that are 30 ' to 35 ' in height that will help compensate for the additional height of the garage . Mr. Ray Rigsby' s Review, dated May 1, 1997, states : "This plan is consistent with the original concept plan developed for the project. The list of plant material is acceptable. " He recommended "specimen material in clusters .at the high water mark of the basin. " Mr. Mallory said he is sure their client will agree to comply with Mr. Rigsby' s Review. Com. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Plan as submitted for Riverwalk II with the stipulation that they comply with Mr. Rigsby' s Review. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . B. Millbrook Business Center at Half Day Road and Schelter Road - Fence, Street Trees and Landscaping Around Detention Pond APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE THREE A Cfc [j a Mr. Mark Weir, represented the Miller Families who own the Quill Corporation in Lincolnshire, 100 Schelter Road, Lincolnshire, IL 60067 (634-5707) . The Millers also own a 30-acre parcel in Buffalo Grove located on the south side of Half Day Road, west of the Town & Country Tenerife Sub- division. Mr. Weir summarized the attached Project Overview and described the site plan for the business park that will be constructed during the next few years . The park will consist of a five (5) story office building and three to five (3-5) office/warehouse buildings. The business park to be constructed in both Buffalo Grove and across Schelter Road in Lincolnshire will be built in phases. The office building, which they plan to start in July 1997, will be set into the water and entered on a split level with a 1-level 500 car parking deck. The Quill facility will be expanded. In Buffalo Grove, they plan to construct twin office build- ings (towers) also set into the water with deck parking. There will be three (3) industrial buildings totaling about 400, 000 square feet . They will be back with the first building very soon. The Millers plan to build the complete comples and will not sell any land. This review will be for the street trees along Schelter Road and Half Day Road (Route 22) ; the landscaping around the detention ponds which are outlots and the fence along the western property line. This work wil be done prior to con- struction of the buildings . 1 . FENCE - They have designed a solid cedar fence that will run about 2, 000 feet to screen the townhomes . It will be tongue and groove, built to last thirty (30) years. They discussed an eight foot fence, but decided that a six foot (6 ' ) was appropriate. The fence will have three (3) boards on the Town & Country side . It will be maintained. There are a number of mature trees along the Town & Country property line that will be saved to provide an effective screen, especially for the second floor of Tenerife . The fence will be constructed around the trees . The sixty foot (60 ' ) buffer area will be landscaped extensively. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE FOUR • 2 . STREET TREES - The street trees are a mix of ash and maple, a couple of ginkos and some honey locust . There will be some larger bradford pears that will have some decorative lighting near the entrance. 3 . AROUND POND - The Corps of Engineer' s required a wild life habitation re-creation. They have naturalized the edges of both ponds and the plants will grow in the water and, along the sides of the water. The future entry will feature a brick wall with the name of the business park. Mr. Ray Rigsby' s Review dated May 2, 1997 states : "The street tree plan and plant material proposed is acceptable . " Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Fence, Street Trees and Pond Area Landscaping as submitted by the Miller Brothers for the Milibrook Business Center. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . C. Courtesy Corporation #3 - 600 Busch Parkway Full Review: Elevations, Materials, Colors, Landscaping, Lighting and Ground Sign Mr. Randy Bees, V. P. of Dobrin & Associates, Ltd. Architects/A. I .A. 401 Huehl Road, Suite 1C, Northbrook, IL 60062 (564-5480) and Jeff Sloot, with Architerra, Landscape Architects, 239 U. S. Highway 45, Indian Creek, IL 60061 (847-949-6576) . Mr. Bees said Courtesy Corporation Building No. 3 will be built on the west side of the railroad tracks across from Building Nos. 1 and 2 . The front of the building will face Busch Parkway. The driveway from Commerce Drive will line up with Building #2 . The same curved motif, similar to Building #2, was used to match the corner. Courtesy wants to maintain a specific image in Buffalo Grove. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE FIVE. `./ Ki..YI L , is 1. ARCHITECTURE. MATERIALS AND COLORS: The three (3) buildings are similar and Building #3 will be constructed with matching materials : 1 . Office area will be exposed aggregate pre-cast . 2 . The back half will be painted flat pre-cast panels . 3 . The curtain wall will be blue reflective glass. 4 . The pre-cast panels will have strip windows. 5 . The office area extends half way down the side. 6 . The side facing the railroad is flat pre-cast . 7 . Truck docks are in the rear of the building. 8 . Rooftop screening will be horizontal metal painted white to match the pre-cast concrete and will match Building #1 . Building #2 does not have roof-top screening. 9 . The front entrance is recessed and covered. 10 . Employee entrance will be recessed with a canopy. 11 . Exposed metal will be Courtesy Blue. This building will be the Med-Tech Division that is now located in a small building in Wheeling. They are planning to keep the Wheeling facility open. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Architecture, Materials and Colors for the Countesy Corporation Building #3 , as submitted. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 2 . LANDSCAPING: Mr. Sloot described the Landscape Plan. The public walk along Busch Road is lined with shade trees . The entry has groves of Blue Spruce with a blue gravel drip strip. The existing plant materials along the Amli property line will be preserved. Some of the trees are 30 ' to 40 ' in height . There are also existing trees on the Amli property. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE SIX There will be a six foot (6 ' ) alternating board cedar fence along the west property line. The buffer along the west property line will be cleaned up and the fence will go around any large trees . The fence will be installed about one foot (1 ' ) from the property line and about six inches (6") off the ground. It will have three (3) horizontal supporting boards as depicted on page A-1 of the site plan. The fence will run from the setback line through the detention area to edge of the property. The entryway will have a mix of flowering trees, shrubs and evergreens . This building does not have as much area to be landscaped so there is a narrow area of continuous plantings along the side of the building. There are trees on the parking lot islands. The sign will be installed on the bermed area south of the entrance on Busch Road. There may be an empolyee entrance along the side with an exposed aggregate patio to be used for lunch. . Mr. Ray Rigsby' s Review, dated May 8, 1997, states : "The plan as proposed is consistent with the other two phases that Courtesy Corporation has completed. Overall a very good plan. " Com. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscaping Plan for Courtesy Corporation Building #3 as submitted, including the six foot (6 ' ) cedar fence that will run along the west elevation. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 3 . LIGHTING: A photometric plan was submitted. The wall mounted shoebox fixtures will match Buildings #1 & #2 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1998 - PAGE SEVEN j The parking is farther away from the building so there will be two (2) double-headed fixtures . The poles will be the same height as the single poles at Buildings #1 and #2 . The light source will be metal halide . There will be lights over all external doors and there will be down lights in the canopy for the employee entrance. There will be some square bollards along the walkways. Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the Lighting Plan for Courtesy Corporation Building #3 as submitted. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . 4 . GROUND SIGN: The double-faced sign will match the existing signs and it will identify the Med Tech Division. It will be Courtesy blue with black reveals. It will be installed in the landscaped area. Com. Dorfman made a motion to recommend approval of the double-faced Med Tech Division ground sign for Courtesy Corporation Building #3 as submitted. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Windecker STAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . D. Strathmore Square Shopping Center Revised Front Elevation and Sign Criteria Mr. Marvin Feiger, Raybec Management Company, Ltd. , 7855 Gross Point Road, Unit F, Skokie, Il 60077 (708-677-1000) and Mr. Phillip M. LeBoy, Architect/A. I .A. 8250 Skokie Boulevard, Skokie, IL 60077 (847-679-8250) were present . Mr. Feiger reported that the leasing program is going well . The center section is almost fully leased. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE EIGHT ♦ C They want to start construction of the new facade so that people will know that they are proceeding with the renovation. They want to get quality tenants . Mr. LeBoy said this was a difficult building to design because its age and configuration. He described the new front elevation. There will be three (3) brick towers with white drivit sign areas. Powerhouse Gym has taken one storefront and the section to the rear of the building. The west tower will identify one other tenant . The center tower is for the Saint Louis Bread company sign and the east tower has not been designated. The entire front and sides will be the same brick with a band of brick for signs in the center area and interspersed with green square medallions. The existing brick columns will remain and the columns on the east end will be trimmed out with a deep drivit molding. The mansard in the center area will be green metal . Some of the existing mansard will be flattened and some will be cut off. The large parapet areas above the brick will be drivit and the cap mouldings and trim will be the same color as the sign background. The drivit will be #4, Manor White, with a sandlewood beige trim that compliments the brick. The drivit band will be wrapped around the east and west ends of the building. • The tenant signs on the brick area will be mounted to a recessed sign raceway. Mr. LeBoy said they were going to proceed with the plan as proposed, but if a major tenant, such as Walgreen' s, wants to change location, it is possible that they will want an entry on the east elevation and they will want to match the tower design. Mr. Jensen informed Mr.LeBoy that any changes would have to be submitted to the Appearance Commission for approval . APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE NINE IL) ail vl a 4 0 la, u Com. Weissman made a motion to recommend approval of the revised elevations as presented for the Strathmore Square Shopping Center. Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . The Sign Criteria is very detailed and all signs must be approved by the landlord so that the tone and quality of the center will be consistentkept . Size criteria and parameters, construction parameters and identification parameters are well defined and will be enforced by the landlord. Ch. Viehman asked if the colors would be limited? Mr. LeBoy said they have not made this a requirement because tenants like to use their identification color and they will also be permitted to use their own script and identification symbols after they are reviewed by the landlord. A copy of the Sign Criteria will be attached to all leases . They are considering a different ground sign and it will be submitted for approval at a later date . The Sign Criteria has been revised pursuant to Mr. Edward Schar' s Review. Mr. LeBoy was asked to submit a revised copy to be included with the Village' s Sign Packages. Com. Dorfman made a motion to recommend approval of the revised Sign Criteria for Strathmore Square Shopping Center as submitted, with the stipulation that a final copy on 8-1/2" x 11" paper will be submitted to the Building Department . Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE TEN E. Riverwalk - Sports Select with Torch Addition to Ground Sign on Lake Cook Road Mr. John Johnson, Johnson Sign Company, 9615 W. Waveland Franklin Park, IL 60131represented Hamilton Partners, requested approval of a sign panel for Sports Select to be added to the existing Riverwalk ground sign on Lake Cook Road. Zenith has moved out of the building and Trimark will be moving so those panels will be blank until there are new tenants . Sports Select will occupy the Fitness Center space. The owner is a doctor has trained Olympic atheletes and they will be training children. The sign requires Appearance Commission review because the "T" in SporTs is actually a torch. The color of the copy will be white .on the grey metal to match the existing panels. Com. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the SporTs Select panel to the added to the Riverwalk ground sign on Lake Cook Road, as presented. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Masure, Smith, Dorfman and Viehman NAY - None Motion Passed - 5 to 0 . VI . ANNOUNCEMENTS The Town & Country sign on Prairie Road and the Commercial Building at 901 Weiland Road will be notified to make a presentation on May 22, 1997. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE ELEVEN L: F _ hS 3 x F ::f 442 VII . ADJOURNMENT Com. Weissman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Voice Vote : AYE Unanimously Ch. Viehman adjourned the meeting at 9 :40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION MAY 8, 1997 - PAGE TWELVE