1997-04-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes c � - - n d APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLIOIS THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1997 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 :45 P.M. on Thursday, April 24, 1997 in Room #9 of the Alcott Community Center, 530 Bernard Dr. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, A. Viehman, M. Cea and R. Gordon Commissioners Absent : E. Smith, L. Dorfman and C. Masure Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 10, 1997 - Motion to approve was made by Com. Cea and seconded by Com. Viehman. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Weissman, Cea and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . Minutes of April 10, 1997 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. Creekside Jewelers - Wall Sign 1143 Weiland Road at Creekside Commons Mr. Brian Walther from Light Waves, Inc. , 1737 E. Wilson Street, Batavia, Il 60510 (630-761-8515) requested approval of a diamond on the wall sign for Creekside Jewelers at the Creekside Commons shopping center. Mr. Walther said the diamond is the business trademark. Creekside will be orange letters with a white outline in a small bronze box. The individual JEWELERS orange letters will be mounted on a bronze raceway with white trim caps and bronze returns . The diamond will be blue on white mounted the same as the channel letters . The letters are backlit. 4.0iwVir Com. Viehman said the Creekside Commons Sign Criteria does not include bronze and blue colors. Specified colors are red, orange, yellow and white. Mr. Walther said there is blue in the Re/Max Realtors sign and blue will be part of the corporate logo. The landlord of the shopping center has approved the sign. There were no actual objections to the sign, just caution that it meets with Building Department approval . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Creekside Jewelers sign at 1143 Weiland Road as submitted. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . B. Indeck Energy Systems - Landscaping Lighting 600 N. Buffalo Grove Road at Route 83 Mr. Mitchell Beiser, Moonscape Landscape Illumination, 3710 Fairview, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (630-852-2400) presented a color rendering of the proposed lighting that would be added to the approved landscaping of the Indeck Energy Systems building. The intent is to bring light to the building and the landscaping, expecially the trees that are reflected in the circular glass feature at the north elevation of the building. The two (2) architectural features that will be emphasized are the pink wall and the point- ed end of the building. These lights are close to the building. They are brighter at the bottom and shine straight up, so they acutally make the building look lower. The bullet-shaped fixtures are shielded so the light source is never seen from the roadways. The lighting will be compatible with the surrounding residential areas . The intent is to add substance to the building at night and is not meant for safety or security. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 24, 1997 - PAGE TWO a The landscape plan showing the location of the fixtures was submitted with cut sheets and specifications of each fixture . Some of the lighting is High Pressure Sodium and some is Mercury Vapor. The lighting will blend with the parking lot lights. Com. Viehman commented that the construction lights in the second and third floors are very bright now and there are no parking lot lights out there yet . He is hopeful that this lighting will help to downplay the building. After discussing the lights, there were no objections . Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the Landscape Lighting as presented for the Indeck Energy Services building at 600 N. Buffalo Grove Road. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Weissman, Viehman, Cea, Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Town & Country Homes - Prairie Road Subdivision Development Sign No representatives were present . Item was Tabled. D. Riverwalk II - Landscape Plan Milwaukee Avenue, North of Lake Cook Road Tabled at petitioner' s request . E. J.H. I . Weiland L.L. C. - Revised Elevations 901 Weiland Road - Commercial Building Com. Cea is a principal with the architectural firm, Groundworks, and was prepared to make the presentation, but then there would not be a quorum of Commissioners, so they could not review the revisions . APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 24, 1997 - PAGE THREE F. Buffalo Grove High School - 1100 W. Dundee Road Wall Sign & Electronic Changeable Sign Recommendation for Variance Miss Audrey Graff, Sophomore at Buffalo Grove High School, 418 Whitehall, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 and Mrs . Chris Guth, 2816 N. Vista, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (259-9395) member of Inovations and Change Committee at Buffalo Grove High School. A variance was requested to permit an electronic changeable sign that would be used for public service announcements including up-coming events . Drawings to two (2) designs were present and Mrs. Guth said the committee has not made a final selection. The word HIGH would be eliminated from the sign with the buffalo in the center (right side of drawing) . The sign will only have a buffalo head, not the full buffalo drawing. The sign would be mounted on the diagonal wall facing south- west over the library windows even with the top of the roof. They want the sign installed in time for the 25th anniver- sary of the school . The sign is state of the art, with LED lighting so it will not require a maintenance contract . The lighting will use orange for the letters and will use electricity, so the circuits do not burn out . The width of the sign is 8 ' 3" and the height is 6 ' 7" with large ten inch (10") letters. Smaller letters will be three to four inches (3" to 4" ) . The top will be illuminated. The changeable letters would also be ten inches (10" ) . The Commissioners discussed the sign and agreed that the design on the right was preferable for visibility at that corner. Ch. Gordon asked why they chose this particular sign rather than a manual changeable copy sign? APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 24, 1997 - PAGE FOUR Ms . Guth said the someone has to put up the letters on the other signs and the sign will not be damaged by vandalism. Weather is also a factor, no one has to go out to change the sign. Com. Weissman wondered if the sign could be read from a car at ground level without stopping traffic. The reader board would be up very high and it needs to be lowered some to permit a border. Ms . Guth said they have talked about a larger sign, but their funds are limited. The Plaza Verde sign is closer to the street and the letters are larger. A single line of copy was discussed and it would take too long for people to read the sign. Mr. Jensen suggested asking the sign company to bring out some letters and put them up on the building so the committee can if it is practical to proceed. Com. Viehman observed that the only way the sign could be read would be straight on because of the angle. They would want the sign to be as large as the building would accommo- date. He suggested having the sign drawn up on a colored architectural rendering of the building with a list of all the materials. The Commissioners preferred the drawing on the right . Mrs . Guth agreed that visiblity is limited from Arlington Heights Road going south and Dundee Road going east . They have discussed the size and the cost and the committee is going to meet next Monday, so she agreed to resubmit the sign for the May 8th meeting. Motion to Table until May 8, 1997 was made by Com. Weissman and seconded by Com. Viehman. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously. APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 24, 1997 - PAGE FIVE ftpd V. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 . The backgrund of the sign for the health club at the Woodlands was painted, but it still not match the other signs . Mr. Jensen said there are other signs with the same background and they are supposed to fade. 2 . Com. Cea has observed some portable signs on Dundee Road at Papa John' s Pizza, but they are put up over weekend. 3 . Com. Weissman asked if there is a time limit on the repair of damaged signs? Mr. Jensen said that written notice is given when signs are in need of repair and the owner is given thirty (30) days to comply before they get a citation. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Weissman seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 9 :30 P.M. Respectfully submitted Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION APRIL 24 , 1997 - PAGE SIX