1997-03-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes VILLAGE OF �./ �� VILLAGE Of wavur BUFFALO GROVE Department of Building&Zoning Frank E.Hruby,Jr..C.B.O. Fifty Raupp Blvd. Director of Building&Zoning Buffalo Grove,IL 60089-2196 Phone 847-459-2530 Fax 847-459-7944 AGENDA APPEARANCE COMMISSION MEETING AND WORKSHOP VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MARCH 13 , 1997 7 :30 P.M. I . CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. BUSINESS A. St . Paul Federal Bank for Savings One W. Dundee Road Cash Station Signs on 3-Sided Ground Sign B. Mobil Oil - "On The Run" Car Wash/Bakery Northeast Corner - Arl . Hts. Rd. & Rt . 83 Full Review - Elevations, Materials, Landscaping and Lighting Signs (Variance Required) V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI . ADJOURNMENT Prepared by Bldg. Dept . Liaison Edward Schar Deputy Building Commissioner For: Richard Gordon Chairman The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests persons with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/ or participate in this meeting, or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2518 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for these persons. • D121141 1:: IL APPEARANCE COMMISSION MEETING AND WORKSHOP VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1997 I . CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Richard Gordon, the meeting was called to order at 7 :37 P.M. and chaired by Commissioner Fred Weissman in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : F. Weissman, A. Viehman, M. Cea, E. Smith, L. Dorfman and C. Masure Commissioners Absent : R. Gordon Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: Trustee DeAnn Glover III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 23 , 1997 - Motion to approve as submitted was made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Com. Cea. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Smith and Weissman NAY - None ABSTAIN - Dorfman and Glover Motion Passed - 4 to 0, 2 abstentions Minutes of January 23, 1997 were approved as submitted. IV. BUSINESS A. St . Paul Federal Bank for Savings One W. Dundee Road Cash Station Signs on 3-Sided Ground Sign Mr. Gene W. Ryan, Sales Manager, White Way Sign Company, 1317 Clybourn Avenue, Chicago, IL (312-642-6580) made the presentation. The individual units are about 11-1/2" in height by 4 ' in length and they will be installed below the main sign. They are green with white lettering. Only the white will be seen at night . The sign will be recessed within the sheeting of the base and will be illuminated with one florescent tube light . The signs will be three inches (3" ) behind the main sign face. r The signs are needed because many people use the cash station at night and the existing low directional signs at the entrances are not easy to see. Com. Cea made a motion to recommend approval of the addition of three (3) Cash Station signs below the main identifica- cation sign faces at the St . Paul Federal Savings Bank, 1 W. Dundee Road, as presented. Com. Dorfman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Viehman, Cea, Smith, Dorfman, Masure and Weissman NAY - None Motion Passed- 6 to 0 . B. WORKSHOP: Mobil Oil - "On The Run" Car Wash/Bakery Northeast Corner - Arlington Heights Road and Rt . 83 Full Review: Elevations, Materials, Landscaping, Lighting and Signs (Variance required) Mobil Oil was represented by: Mr. Vitas Maciukevicius, W-T Engineering, Inc. , Project Manager, 39 E. Scully Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60193 (895-3640) made the basic presentation. Mr. Raymond M. Elliott and Mr. David E. Werner, Mobil Oil Corporation, Mid-America Resale District, Post Office Box 874, Joliet, IL 60434 (815-477-2863) . Mr. James B. Russell, Project Manager, atterson Construction Company, Inc . 22292 N. Pe— er Road, Unit D, Barrington, IL 60010 (847- 382-1810) Mr. Warren Johnson, Warren Johnson Architects, Inc. , 19 N. Greeley Street, Palatine, IL 60067 (847-359-9616) Mr. Maciukevicius said they have appeared before the Village Board and have met with the Plan Commission three (3) times . They are working out the noise issues associated with the car wash because of the proximity of the Spoerlein Commons residential area that is adjacent to the site . APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13, 1997 - PAGE TWO t; g ., \ • Im001 11..17�RYA • The original site plans have been revised. The car wash has been separated from the convenience store and will located at the east end of the site. The size of the standard Mobil "On The Run" building has been reduced from 3 , 000 square feet to 2, 500 square feet . The under canopy building will be removed and the end of the canopy will be cut off. There will be eight (8) gas pumps. There are similar stations in Wheeling at Lake/Cook Road and Weiland Road and in Aurora on York Road. 1 . ELEVATIONS, MATERIALS AND COLORS : The Plan Commission recommended blending the materials, colors and textures with the Spoerlein development so they will use grey horizontal siding. The rear (north) wall of the convenience store is blank because they do not want any windows on that elevation. That wall is used for cooler and storage space . They have put in two (2) false spandrel windows on that blank wall. There will be a landscaped retaining wall along the rear lot line that will screen the rear elevation. Mr. Johnson described the architectural features that will blend the building with the Spoerlein buildings . They have added three (3) gables to the front elevation. There is a large gable over the front entrance with an "On The Run"sign and two (2) gables with half-circle plastic spoke designs to break up the facade. The teal around the storefront will be continued around the windows . The window glass is clear. Similar gables will be added to the two (2) false windows with spandrel glass on the rear elevation with matching half-circle spoke designs . The spokes are a fipon material recessed into the horizontal yellow drivit band. They agreed to change the color of the drivit band on the rear elevation to grey to match the siding. The drivit band on the front and sides will be yellow. Com. Viehman asked why the color yellow was chosen when the standard Mobil colors are blue and red? Yellow is not a APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13 , 1997 - PAGE THREE 7 in/ \' el) ‘; ?"12 g burY very pleasing color especially when it is combined with so many other colors. It will help to eliminate it from the rear elevation. There are a lot of colors for one project. Mr. Ray Elliott explained that they prefer to keep the Mobil image separate from the convenience store. Their long term goal is to be recognized not only as a gasoline company with a few items, but a recognized convenience store. The "On The Run" colors are yellow, teal, white and magenta. The gutters will be yellow across the front and sides and grey along the rear elevation. The downspouts will be grey to match the siding. The roof top screening will be metal, painted out to match the grey siding on the convenience store. The shingles will be standard light grey as proposed. This was agreed upon after considering whether dark shingles would be more compatible with the Spoerlein buildings. It was decided that the lighter color was better next to the yellow horizontal band. The windows on the west elevation of the car wash will have clear glass for light and safety reasons . Patrons prefer to be able to see outside while going through the car wash. The lights do not appear bright from the outside because they are downlights. 2 . LANDSCAPING: Part of the detention area will be filled in for the road- way into the carwash. There will be an escape exit toward the end of the car wash entrance to permit drivers to leave. There will be a single row of Arbor Vitae along the peri- meter of the roadway and a double row on the east side to buffer the sight and sound of the car wash. There will be a fence along the inside of the pavement next to the detention area. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13, 1997 - PAGE FOUR • The Village Forester' s Review, dated March 10, 1997 was discussed. Mr. Maciukevicius said they have no objection to any of the recommendations with regard to the specie of the trees and shrubs but they would not want to block the sign base with evergreens the way the existing sign is obscured. They agreed to plant something low. 3 . SIGNS : The existing ground sign will be removed and a new sign will be installed on the east side of the east entrance. The new ground sign will be twenty feet (20 ' ) in height and it will be located twenty feet (20 ' ) from the property line. The existing ground sign is 104 . 59 square feet . The frontage would permit an eighty (80) square foot sign. The new sign is 106 . 58 square feet, so they will request a variance of Sign Code, Section 14 . 20 . 070 for the size and distance between ground signs. The top portion will have an "On The Run" panel next to a Mobil panel. Below the top panel there will be a Vie de France Bakery Express sign. A variance of Sign Code, Section 14 .20 . 030 will be required to permit an occupancy within an occupancy. Mr. Elliott said the bakery is a franchise owned by Mobil and would be operated by Mobil employees . He asked for verification that a variance is needed. Ch. Weissman asked if the Vie De France sign is not permit- ted, would the height of sign be lowered? Mr. Maciukevicius response was that they would like to keep the twenty foot (20 ' ) height and would raise all the copy. Com. Viehman noted that if the sign faces are raised then the landscaping at the base would have to be modified. There is a red Touch Free panel on the ground sign. The blue Touch Free sign on the east end of the car wash would require a variance because it does not face a right-of-way so it will be moved to the south end over the car wash exit . APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13 , 1997 - PAGE FIVE 1 r t 2} id � A 'l .y„�y� �` ,fir fo4,1fp @r There will be an "On The Run" sign over the door and a Vie de France wall sign on the front of the convenience store. Interior drawings were displayed. If the Vie de France use is not permitted, this sign would be eliminated. They would not display the Pegasus symbol . The Mobil signs on the canopy were discussed. There are two (2) existing Mobil signs on the south face of the canopy and a third sign is shown on the east end. Because the third sign would not be facing a right-of-way, it would require a variation. Mr. Maciukevicius agreed to remove the sign at the east end on south face of the canopy and eliminate the proposed sign on the east end. (The sign on the west end is not shown on the Site Signage Plan - 1 of 7 . ) The Detail Center was described as a new feature of the Mobil car wash system and the sign is required to inform the public of the services offered. Since this is an additional ground sign, it would exceed the number of ground signs permitted, and they will request a variance to keep it . The vending machine supplies various car care products. The Detail Center would be open 24 hours, but the car wash would closed at 10 : 00 P.M. This has been worked out with the Plan Commission. Com. Viehman had observed another sign on the car wash building in Wheeling that informs customers - f the prices and includes instructions for using the car .7ash. This sign was omitted from the diagrams and presentat _on but will be installed at the proposed location. It should be submitted for review at the next Appearance Commission meeting. The directional signs are under four sq. ft . (4 sf) and do not require Appearance Commission recommendation but they were discussed. The entrance signs consist of a Pegasus with an arrow. Mobil agreed to eliminate the sign at the east driveway on Rt . 83 (#14) . It is an entrance, but it is really an exit from the car wash and it is unnecessary because it is in close proximity to the new ground sign. There is no left turn from the station to Route 83 . APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13 , 1997 - PAGE SIX - LA A %nti Nome 21 r , �, 4 . LIGHTING and PHOTOMETRICS: There are three (3) types of light fixtures on the site and they will add matching fixtures as necessary. There are two (2) heights of pole mounted shoebox fixtures. There are pole lights at the entrance to the north, at the Detail Center, two (2) on the drive aisle at the entrance to the car wash, one (1) at the exit to the car wash and one (1) on the west side of the car wash building where the air hose is located. There is also perimeter pole lighting. There are both single and double light fixtures . There is existing recessed down lighting under the canopy. They may add a light fixture between the gables on the rear wall of the convenience store. The lights will be adjusted to keep all the light on the Mobil property. They do not want to be obtrusive to the neighbors . The site was approved for a car wash in 1989 with hours beginning at 7 :30 A.M. on weekdays and 8 : 00 A.M. on the weekend. The car wash will close at 10 : 00 P.M. every night . The lights will remain on all night for safety reasons. 5 . CONCLUSION: Mr. Maciukevicius summarized the elements that have been discussed and the revisions that have been agreed to with regard to the gables, the color of the drivit band on the rear elevation of the convenience store, the signs that will be eliminated and the signs that require variations . Regarding the procedure that will be followed, the repre- sentatives were informed that the minutes of this workshop will be forwarded to the Plan Commission. APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13 , 1997 - PAGE SEVEN ,A ,i::)1,_ After the Plan Commission has indicated that the plans are acceptable, a final presentation will be submitted to the Appearance Commission for recommendations to the Village Board for approval of the aesthetics and to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the variations of the Sign Code. V. ?NNOUNCEMENTS None . VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Smith made a motion to adjourn. Com. Cea seconded the motion. Ch. Weissman adjourned the meeting at 9 :45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 2,0LL,J2e-j, Shirley Bates Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION MARCH 13 , 1997 - PAGE EIGHT