1996-07-25 - Appearance Commission - Minutes 1 ` COPY 1 'Miff : APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1996 I . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Richard Gordon called the Appearance Commission meeting to order at 7 :42 P.M. on Thursday, July 25, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. II . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present : A. Viehman, E. Smith, C. Masure and R. Gordon QUORUM. Commissioners Absent : F. Weissman, M. Cea and L. Dorfman Bldg. Dept . Liaison: Richard Jensen, Building Inspector Village Board Liaison: DeAnn Glover, Trustees III . APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 11, 1996 - Revisions : Page 3, Paragraph #2 - Change temporary "leasing" signs to temporary ground signs . Page 9, 1st line of last paragraph - "the" s/b to increase . Page 11, Motion - Reference to accent stripe color: Strike after semi-colon; insert : and a new color is to be submitted for Appearance Commission approval . Motion to approve the minutes of July 25, 1996 as revised was made by Com. Viehman and seconded by Com. Masure. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Masure, Smith, Viehman and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . IV. BUSINESS A. Town Place Condominium Building #13 Buffalo Grove Road - Balcony Material Change Mr. Randall Szczesny, Vice President, and Mr. Joseph Szczesny, President of Szczesny Builders, 5511 N. Chester, Chicago, IL 60656 were present . They will be constructing the second Town Place Building and have requested a change in the method of fastening the balconies. The existing balconies are cantilevered out from the building. They have two inches (2") of concrete poured into a metal pan supported by metal joists extended out from the building. The proposed balconies will have columns at the each end. They will use five inch (5") pre- cast concrete slabs and form the balcony floors . They have designed columns that complement the decorative columns on the existing building but have moved them out to the ends of the balcony for support . These steel supports will be wrapped with drivit which is the material used for the existing columns. From the front, there will not be much of a visual change but from the side, the columns will be seen. Com. Viehman asked if their were columns on Bldg. #13 when it was originally submitted to the Appearance Commis- sion? Mr. Szczesny put up a rendering of the building showing the original design, the columns have been moved for structural reasons . The construction technique is also different . The floors will be twelve inches (12" ) thick with two inches (2") of topping on it . He described the existing method of using a metal pan with two inches (2") of concrete poured on top of it . He also explained the basic construction of the building. The floor structure is made out of long concrete planks that are joined together bearing on support walls running perpendicular to the exterior wall . The original building had steel bar joists running in the opposite direction which could cantilever to form the balcony. These bearing walls are supported in the garage with precast beams and posts . Too many posts will eliminate parking area. Ch. Gordon asked the reason for changing the construction method from steel bar joists to the pre-cast planks? Mr. Szczesny said the reason is with the competition. He named other builders and said they are using the pre-cast method now. Buyers perceive that it is better for fire- proofing and sound-proofing. The color and thickness of the proposed columns will appear to the same from the front of the building. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE TWO krit, „r, tv) Com. Masure confirmed that construction has not begun. She observed from the drawing that there is no way for a column against the building to appear the same as the columns that will be away from the building. Com. Viehman asked what other options there are? Mr. Szczesny said they have had discussions with other architects and structural engineers and have been told that there are no alternative ways to fasten pre-cast planks together. One manufacturer said they would not bid on the job because of liabilities . They cannot construct the building with the original balconies . Many of the Town Place Residents were in the audience and several made statements, including the following: 1 . Fred Treitler, 451 Town Place Circle 2 . Gerald A.Levy, 451 Town Place Circle 3 . Larry Rudnick, 375 Town Place Circle 4 . James Hampton, 451 Town Place Circle-#409 W 5 . A. and J. Wolinsky, 451 Town Place Circle-#401 6 . Medwin Dayan, 384 Town Place Circle Mr. Fred Treitler read a prepared statement . He and his wife have lived at 451 Town Place Circle for six (6) years. • They were attracted to Town Place and the Town Center when the development was conceived by the land developer. The architect worked with the Village and the Appearance Commission to create a residential and retail community of which the residents, retail merchants and building officials could be proud. The concept of design integrity and aesthe- tic compatibility is now being challenged by what appears to be a modification of the exterior facade, specifically in the area of the balconies of the proposed building which was originally approved as a mirror image of the 451 facility. Mr. Treitler respectfully recommended that the appropriate building officials review the proposal submitted by the building contrctor to ensure that the interior design of he new mid-rise building is compatible with the existing mid-wise building that was originally conceived and approved. Changing the structural system from fire-proof steel framing to pre-cast reinforced concrete framing does not necessitate a change in the exterior appearance. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE THREE `v, 4 t t f orma M t7414: (:; 0 ::)17 Com. Viehman recalled that when Building 13 was presented, there was a structural support for the balconies . He asked what doesn' t work now that requires a change to exterior columns. Mr. Szczesny said the new system requires a steel plate that essentially rides over the balcony and back two planks into the building. This plate would be welded onto the planks. There is cold plate steel outside and in the winter it conducts cold and with the radiant heat system, the copper pipes would be on top of the steel plate and negate their efficiency of the heating system. The existing building is heated by forced air. Mr. Treitler said there is radiant heat on the balconies now and it works very well . He asked why they cannot construct the balconies like the existing balconies? Mr. Szczesny responded that they cannot get a supplier of concrete planks to bid on the job doing it with steel supports. This is the way the system has been designed. Mr. Treitler challenged Mr. Szczesny' s reasoning and said the real reason is money. Com. Viehman said this was his question. He recalled that when the second building was brought in, they were trying to be competitive in terms of techniques . Mr. Szczesny said that in terms of marketing they do not want to build a structure that will be vacant . People perceive things differently and there is more competition in the market now than when the first building was built. Ch. Gordon said that as an architect, some changes do need to occur in order to get the balconies to cantilever off of the face of the building with the pre-cast and is probably not the best way to do it . He has seen cante- lievered concrete balconies that have cracked. It does not mean that going back to the original bar joists is not an option. It might be a more expensive, but he agrees that in the pre-cast scenario, there could be a problem. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE FIVE ; jt ifr a r The discussion continued, but the residents were adamant about wanting to have the buildings match because that' s what they were told when they bought their units. They want the original design and the proposed balconies will be drastically different . Ch. Gordon said this is the ultimate question before the Commission. Does this proposal essentially alter the appearance of the building. Com. Masure asked if it was correct to say that it is possible to stay with the original construction plans? Com. Viehman confirmed that this is not an option the builder is willing to consider. Com. Smith asked if the reason is strictly for economics. Mr. Szczesny said it is not so much economic as it is a matter of time. It takes less time to put concrete planks down. Com. Viehman asked if it is correct to say they have been able to determine any other way to put a balcony on this building without changing the construction method. Mr. Szczesny said that this is correct . They have been discussing the issues with several architects and structural engineer' s for a long time and that' s why it took so long to make this presentation. Mrs . Wolinsky said Mr. Treitler is an architect and she asked the Commission to consider what he says. They paid a lot of money for their condomiums Mr. Hampton said when the land was purchased from Red Seal, they knew what they were buying. He could see the existing building and he was aware of what he had to do and they should honor that commitment . This is fairly recent technology and is different from what this builder wants to use . The proposed construction will become a tremendous maintenance problem. This is an easier way to construct the building. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE SIX lov id This material will require painting and the paint will flake off causing deterioration and the surrounding area and buildings will lose their value. In summary, Ch. Gordon said his reaction is that the change is not necessarily a bad design. If the original building had been done this way, it would have probably • been approved with no problem. It does not look bad with the columns . However, efforts have been made to maintain some continuity in this development and when they were in the last time with the original revisions to this building, they tried to maintain as much of the original design integrity as possible. This is not necessarily a drastic change but it does make a noticeable difference. Com. Viehman recalled that when the original presentation of the second building was made, they spent a considerable amount of time talking about the window change construction and the supports for the balconies that were going to be different from the original supports . They were concerned about maintaining as much of the original aesthetics as possible. Com. Smith made a motion to recommend approval of the revisions of the balconies on Town Place Building #13 as submitted. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - None NAY - Masure, Viehman, Smith and Gordon Motion Denied - 4 to 0 . B. Zierk' s Home Furnishings Revised Ground Sign - 650 Lake Cook Road Mr. Vic Laska, North Shore Sign, 1925 Industrial Drive, Libertyville, IL 60048 (708-816-7020) made the presenta- tion. Mr. Michael Zierk and Mr. Robert Zierk were also present . APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE SEVEN y .� Mr. Laska said the existing sign Zierk' s Home Furnishings will be removed from the brick base and a new sign will be mounted on top of the base . It will read Thomasville Home Furnishings as shown with "By Zierk' s added to the copy. The double-faced sign will be 54" x 125" and will have a dark blue background with white copy. It will be internally illuminated with dark blue columns attached to the brick wall . Mr. Michael Zierk explained that they are dedicating all their stores to one manufacturer. The size and setback of the sign will meet the requirements of the Sign Code. The brick base will be refinished when the panel is removed. Com. Masure made a motion to recommend approval of the revised Zierk' s Furniture sign as submitted, with copy to read "Thomasville Home Furnishings - by Zierk' s" with the stipulation that the existing sign is to be removed from the brick base and the base refinished. Com. Viehman seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Smith, Viehman, Masure and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . C. Midwest Automation - 1400 Busch Parkway New Parking Lot with Landscaping and Lighting Ms. Mindy Reed, Daniel Creaney Company, Civil Engineers, 450 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 105, Northbrook, IL 60062-7909 (847-480-5757) made the presentation. Mr. Greg Jackson of Midwest Automation was also present . 1 . PARKING LOT WITH LANDSCAPING: Ms. Reed explained that Midwest Automation needs additional parking space and propose to add 96 spaces across Busch Road to the site of the future expansion building with 20 addi- tional spaces to be installed when the expansion building is constructed. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE EIGHT i r Detention has already been provided on both parcels of land, so it was not necessary to add detention area. Some of the existing Willow parkway trees will be replaced with Silver Maples and Honey Locust . A Village Forester' s Review will be requested for approval of the landscape plan, including the parkway trees and approval is subject to his review. Two handicapped parking spaces are required and they will be provided in the original parking lot . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the new parking lot with landscaping for Midwest Automation, 1400 Busch Parkway, as submitted, with the stipulation that the landscaping, including the parkway trees, is subject to Ray Rigsby' s review and recommendations . Com. Masure seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE - Smith, Masure, Viehman and Gordon NAY - None Motion Passed - 4 to 0 . LIGHTING: There will be three double-headed 24 foot pole lights located down the center of the new parking lot area. Light source will be high pressure sodium. Cut sheets of the pole light fixtures and photometrics have been provided. Two (2) blinking safety lights will be installed to illuminate the walkway across Busch Parkway and one (1) Buffalo Grove street light will be added on the northwest side of the existing parking lot . The lighting conforms with IDOT standards . Com. Viehman made a motion to recommend approval of the Midwest Automation lighting plan as submitted. APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE NINE t.1 ! iik Com. Smith seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote : AYE - Masure, Viehman, Smith and Gordon NAY - None Motion Denied - - 2 - 5 Item will be on the Village Board Agenda August 5, 1996 . V. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Zoning Board of Appeals voted to recommend the variance requested for the Strathmore Square Shopping Center Temporary Leasing Signs . This item will be placed on the August 5, 1996 Village Board Consent Agenda. VI . ADJOURNMENT Com. Viehman made a motion to adjourn. Com. Masure seconded the motion. Voice Vote - AYE Unanimously Ch. Gordon adjourned the meeting at 8 :50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Bates Recording Secretary sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION JULY 25, 1996 - PAGE TEN ;