1980-12-11 - Appearance Commission - Notice of Cancellation VILLAGE OF " BUFFALO GROVL MactiO Wifid. 1;1401, Wes, gill. 60090 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The APPEARANCE COMMISSION of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois will hold a meeting on Thursday, December 4. 1980 at the Village Hall. 50 Ramp Blvd.. at 7:30 P.M. The regularly scheduled meeting for Thurs., Dec. 11. 1980 has been CANCELLED. The above notice was posted in the lobby of the Buffalo Grove Village Hall on Nov. 24, 1980 and mailed to the following publications: Countryside Reminder Paddock Publications The Suburban Trib Independent Register WYEN and WWMM (Radio Stations) WLS — TV Keystone Printing Journal/ Tonics Lerner Life ames D. Griffin, Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. sb