1980-07-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes c' APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS., JULY 24. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:42 P.M. on Thurs.. July 24. 1980 at the Village Hail. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: M. Holland. L. Kirby. B. Gibbs and D. Hardt. (Quorum) Commissioners Absent: P. Carr. D. Knaak and L. Paolillo (L.P. arrived later) Bldg. Department was represented by James D. Griffin. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Before the July 10. 1980 minutes were reviewed, Ch. Hardt asked Com. Holland to report on the Board of Trustees meeting held Mon. July 21. 1980: "The Anden Model was approved after two votes. The first motion was based on 2 Elevations as discussed by the Appearance Commission. (July 10. 1980) The vote was a 3-3 tie and Pres. Clayton voted Nay — Motion .Denied. - The second motion was for acceptance of the Model as per the A.C. Motion. The vote was again a 3-3 tie. Pres. Clayton voted Aye thus approving the Model. Com. Holland represented the A. C. reason for opposing the Model. Ch. Hardt expressed the reasons to approve the Model. clarified the Monotony Code and answered questions pertaining to statements that were made by Anden and Mr. Berger at the July 10th AC meeting." Because of the possibility of a law suit being filed by the residents, the minutes were deferred until later in the meeting so that they can be clarified. 4. BUSINESS a) Pulte — New Models and Signage. Daniel Star . V. P. Ill. Div. of Pulte Architecture Mr. Star requested approval of two (2) additional models. At present there are three models. In response to questions concerning the PUD agreement. Mr. Star said he did not think the number of models was limited, and that off—street parking will be shared with Green—Knolls. He agreed to meet all previous PUD requirements. Mr. Griffin said that if they are limited to three models they would have to sell off two of their other models. But they can offer as many models as they get approved. He will check the PUD agreement before issuing permits. Mr. Star presented Model #735 — Elevations A & B and stipulated that all Previously approved architectural standards will be met: the same materials will be used: and the same color packages will be offered: plus one new one. (Com. Paolillo arrived — 7:55 P.M.) Roof stacks will be painted out as previously agreed. Fireplaces are an optional item and at present they will be masonary. If they desire to change to aluminum, AC annroval will be necessary. Muttons are on ail windows° All exteri or wood is White Pine except for the Tudor elevation 1B1 which is masonite stacatto board. Masonite Freeze Board on plans is eroneous. 1 The exterior wood posts have moisture barrier paint between the posts ands the concrete: also, louvers are used at the top and bottom for ventilation. Windows and shutters are all aluminum. A light will be installed at the front door. possibly a recessed fixture. Com. Holland asked about the wood bracket on Elevation "A" under the over- hang because of the safety feature. Mr. Star agreed that it will be placed a minimum of six (6) feet. approximately at the top of the third panel of the garage. Mr. Griffin was asked to check the original motion and to go see the Model on Gail. Drive. The kickboard at the front door will be concrete if the house is brick and treated wood if the house is aluminum. The step is about 7" to 8". The shutters are all aluminum. The downspout is on the side. The 'birdhouse' on Elevation "A" is not open. It is cut out with a solid block of wood or screening to prevent wasps from building nests. Elevation "B" - Tudor style - The exposed boards will be painted. The blank elevation will always be on the right over the garage. There is only 14 ft. between buildings. The Commissioners were polled to see if any window treatment was preferred: Aye - Holland and Gibbs Nay - Paolillo. Kirby and Hardt Mr. Star stipulated to additional landscaping should a blank elevation appear on a corner lot; as per previous agreement. A typical landscaping plan will be submitted. Model #735 - Elevations A; B: Cl: and C2. Two-story Colonial. Basically all three Elevations will be used interchangably. and all the previous stipulations will apply. Model #721 - Elevation D and E. - Same as #735 with garage reversed. The MonotonyCode will be met. The Color Packages will be the same with one new roof color - Dusky Olive. The brick colors will be the same - Chicago Bland (Dark) and Old West (light). Colors in a package are not interchengable. No two houses with the same base colors can be built next to each other. Shutters are baked on aluminum. and if they are painted:- a primer and two coats of paint will be used. All exterior wood will also have a primer and two coats of paint. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the two models as presented: Model #735 - Elevations A and B Model #725 - Elevations A; B; Cl: C2.; D and E. with the following stipulations: 1. On Model #735 - A: the smooth. masonite wood bracket on the overhang by the uarage doors be to a minimum base of six (6) ft. in height; 2. That the optional fireplaces be masonry. constructed 3. The brick and aluminum siding are as presented - Bri ck to be Chi cago Blend or Old West and the siding colors are as per the exterior color packages APPEARANCE COMMTSSTON July 24. 1980 - Page Two Pulte motion continued: 4. The right side elevati on of Model #735 and on the right side elevation of Model #725 if constructed • on corner lots. that additional landscaping be pre— sented to the Commission prior to construction. 5. All materials used will be the same as previously approved. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Paolillo. Holland. Kirby. Gibbs and Hardt. Nair — None Pulte Architecture motion approved 5 to 0. Si gnage for Pulte Sharon Covey presented the Commission with photographs of the two previously approved signs that have been repainted color #108 — Maroon . A change appears on the face because ofthe addition of two small houses — one is the Logo for Equal Opportunity which is required and the second is a Homeowner property plan (10 years). The location of the two signs: One@ Busch Rd and Rt. 83 which was formerly owned by Levitt and secondly at Busch and Green Knolls. The double—faced sign is on rented property and are allowed under Sec. 5.2 of the Sign Code. A permit was secured for this sign and it was cut down to the proper size. The Commissioners agreed that the signs look better than they did before. Since they have been mounted with back braces. Mr. Star agreed to set the posts in concrete and remove the braces. The landscaping around the botton of the V shaped sign was commended. Com. Paolillo made the following motion for the On—Site single faced sign: I move we accept the Pulte sign at the entrance of the sub—division at Busch & Green Knolls as submitted. Color is Maroon — #108. The back braces will be removed and the supports set in concrete. The back of the sign will be painted the same Maroon #108: and the size must conform with the Ordinance The sign is approved for a period of 1 year with renewal as per the Sign Code. with the stipulation that it is kept in good repair. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Aye — Paolillo. Holland, Gibbs, Kirby and Hardt. Nay — None Pulte signn approved 5 to 0. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: 0ff—Premise sign — V shaped. I move we accept the Double faced sign located at Busch Rd. and Rt. # 83. with the following stipulations: APPEARANCE COMMISSTON July 24. 1980 — Pane Three { Pulte motion continued — Off Premise sign: Stipulations: 1. Back supports will be removed and the posts set in concrete: 2. As per Section 5.2 ofthe Sign Code — the sign is granted for a 6 month period of time with renewal granted ONLY with Appearance Commission approval. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Holland. Paolillo and Hardt. (Ch. Hardt stated that his vote was contingent upon the additional landscaping.) Nay — Gibbs and Kirby. Pulte sign — Off Premise was approved by vote of 3 to 2. Ch. Hardt requested the developer to provide the Building Department with Site Locations for the file. b) Diamond Outdoor Advertising — Temporary Sign Industrial Center Jack Metzger., presented the proposed sign to be located on Lake/Cook Rd. as per the site plan. The construction of the sign will be a plywood face with cedar plywood being used to box it in. The total height of the sign will be 16 ft. by 12 ft. in length. The base will be well landscaped. There will be no lighting. It was understood that the permit for the sign will be for a period of six (6) months with renewal as per the Sign Code if the sign is in good condition. Logos are allowed on advertising signs such as this. Should the telephone number be changed, the new number is to be painted on the sign face not attached in any other way. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the proposed sign as presented for the Buffalo Grove Commerce Center. with these stipulations:- 1. The set back from Lake/Cook Road be at least 10 feet from the property line; 2.. The sign be cedar plywood around the exterior and the interior supports will be set in concrete: 3. Should any telephone change occur. the new number will be painted out to match the original sign colors: 4. The sign is approved with NO illumination. Xf lighting is desired in the future (continued) APPEARANCE COM4ISSION July 24. 1980 — Page Four ... Motion for Buffalo Grove Commerce Center. continued: 4...such lighting must be approved by the Appearance Commission. 5. Before a Hermit is issued. all other signs on the property must be removed. Com._Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Gibbs. Kirby, Paolillo, Holland and Hardt. Nay — None Sign for Buffalo Grove Commerce Center approved by vote of 5 to_O. The Commissioners commended the designer of the sign. c) Dunell Center — The Eyes Have It Mr. Marvin Goldstein. Best Neon Sign Co. Ch. Hardt asked Mr. Goldstein if he had authority to change the sign copy because of the Logo and apparent advertising.'Prescription Opticians.t Mr. Goldstein said he did not have such authority and since the owner was not present the Commissioners thought best to Table the sign. giving the specific reasons. Ch. Hardt explained the intent of the Sign Code is to permit sianage that identifies the business, without the use of Logos or advertising. The exception being Registered Trademarks. Logos can be used on temporary signage. The can must be in good condition and the disconnect painted out. Mr. Goldstein said he would explain the situation to the owner and return at a later date when the owner can be present. The Commission has two options: one is to table and two is to deny the sign and let the owner appeal to the Village Board. Com. Gibbs made a motion to table the sign for "The Eyes Have It" and Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call vote was taken: Aye — Paolillo. Holland. Gibbs. Kirby and Hardt. Nay — None The Eyes Have It sign was Tabled. d) Koenig and Strey .. Sim "For Lease" at Country Court on Dundee Road. Ellen Lata presented photos of the sign and explained that it was put up in June. There is a store in the center that is experiencing problems and the sign is up in antici nation of that store becoming vacant. Ch. Hardt asked Ms. Lata why she did not come after Mr. Griffin told her that she must get a permit and have the sign approved. She said they have used the sign before and it was approved at that time. She did not realize that she must come in for approval each time. The sign is a masonite sign. 4 x 4. doublefaced with black and blue letters. Ch. Hardt informed Ms-Lata that she has two options: a) Request a permit each time it is used and b) Cut the size down to less than 6 square feet. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 24. 1980 — Page Five If the sign is under 6 square feet. no Hermit is needed. Ch. Hardt s emphasized the fact that in the future the sign must be approved BEFORE it is put up. Each permit will cost 35.00. The Commissioners felt that a 4 x 4 sign is too large and would prefer the smaller sign. Com. Gibbs made a motion to deny the sign presented by Koenig and Stray because of the size of the sign. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Paolillo. Holland. Kirby. Gibbs and Hardt. Nay — None Ch. Hardt said that his basic objection is not the size cf the sign but its relation to the two nylon signs at Country Court in very c1o!e Proximity. He explained the 3 • options to Ms. Lata again. An appeal can be made or a new sign which is over six_sq. feet in size may be submitted. Either way the sign must be removed. The third option is to construct a sign which is less than 6 sq. feet in size. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS The minutes of July 10, 1980 were reviewed and the following changes made: Page 1 — Anden Paragraph 4 — Add Ch. Hardt specifically ex— plained the-function and roll of the Appearance Com. Page 2 — Anden Paragraph 2 — Add It (the vent) will be painted out to match the roof. Anden Paragraph 4 — Add All exterior chimneys will be masonry. Page 3 — Paragraph 6 - Strike the phrase "before it i.s sold" and add "they will be shown the house" at the end of the sentence. The sentence should read: "As the house is being constructed, if anyone wants to look at it. they will be shown the house." Page 4 — Com. Holland's statement: Tanglewood should be PULTE. Also after build "Tanglewood on the balance of the New sentence. We disagreed on the chimneys because it would change the quality of the home. Page 6 — Paragraph before the motion — the word building should be "lighting." The Commissioners felt that in the future that when a developer comes in request a new model. it should be made clear that all previous stipulations regarding materials and other features be included in the motions Com. Kirby made a motion to approve the minutes ui.th the revisions. Com. Gibbs secondecipe motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Holland. Kirby. Gibbs and Hardt. Abstain — Paolillo Nay — None 6. ADJOURNMENT Com. Paolillo made a motion to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. and seconded by Com. Gibbs. The Commission voted Aye Unanimously. The meeting was adjourned. sb Respectfu lly submitted, 6p) APPEARANCE COMMISSION Shirley Bates. Secretary July 24, 1980 — Page Six