1980-07-10 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation (2) VILLAGE CP BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation SummarrZ Prol ect Title : Anden - New yodel at Northwood/ Date: July 1.0, 19$0 • Developer; Anden Corporation Moved by: Con. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Gibbs 3 move that we accept the 6th yodels as Presented by the Anden Corp., with these stipulations: . a) Three/(3) elevations based on foundations #101 and '601, and either the A elevation roof line or -the D roof line be- used for consideration in complying with • the Monotony Code; b) Materials previously submitted • for the existing five models and approved by this Commission must be used by the builder. • c) The landscaping, if any appear on corner lots, shall be as approved previously. Roll Call Vote: Aye -- Yirby, Gibbs and Hardt • Nay - Knaak, Holland and Carr Chairman Iiardt ruled the motion was defeated and advised Anden Corporation of the right to appeal to the Village Board. sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, APPE R_NCE COMMISSION • - Recommendation Sun-nary Project Title: Tony of Italy Hair Designs Date: July 10, 1.980 Developer: Tony Boccia, owner - Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the sign presented by Tony of Italy Hair Designs in Helvetica letters; removing the dot between the words Italy and Hair; using 9" and 12" -letters as showm. Color to be 0range. • Roll Call Vote: / Aye — Knaak, Kirby, . • Holland, Gibbs, Carr and Hardt. Motion Passed 6 to 0. sb- VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CVi'iXISS?ON • • Recommendation. Suamary Project Title : Bob Pavetto — For Lease Sign Date • July 10, 1980 Developer: Bob Pavetto Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Gibbs _ I,move we accept the temporary "For Lease" sip as presented by Yr. Bob Pavetto; meeting the • requirements as set f"rth in Sec. 11.2 of the B. G. Sign. Code; retarding the 6 month time limit and renewal by the Administrator if in • good condition. The sign is to be removed within three dayp if the office .is leased. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Holland, Gibbs,. Kirby, Kna.ak and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed — 6 to 0 • 3 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE J PPE 1 ANCE CONY.IS ION • Recommendation Summary • Pro e ct Title : Schwaben Center — three motions Date: July 10, 1980 • Develouer: Schwaben Ccnter, Mr. David Orland Architect Motion No. 1 - Com. Gibbs Moved by: Seconded by: Com.Holland I move we accept the Architecture for Schwaben Center as presented, with the/following stipulations: 1. Redwodd Facia 2. Bricks to be earth tones, and samples Must/ be brought in for approval • 3. Mortar will be tinted beige 4. Windows — bronze with tinted glass in front 5. boors — Painted bronze to match the window frames 6. A/C and heating vents: or which.there are 3 on the roof will be painted out Redwood color 7. Roof units located, 2 over the hail and 1 over the kitchen. • 8. Concrete stoops in front and at each exit. 9. The dumpster to be placed in a convenient location on the North side. of the building; near the service door and screened from view. . 10. Lights will be under the canopy of the front door and at each of the other two doors • 11. Glass in the doors will be tinted bronze Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, Holland, Carr and Hardt • Nay — None . sb VILLA.GE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEJR A \zCE COMISSION • Recommendation Summary • • • • • Prol ect Title: Schwaben Center - Motion #2 Date: July 10, 1980 Develener; Schwaben Center Mr. David Orland - Architect Nosed by: Com.Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak I •move that Schwaben Center be directed to move two (2) Mature Maple Trees (North Side) in the space that is • empty in the sketch that was provided to the AC. Also, in addition to the replanting of the two Maple Trees; that on the Northwest Corner and the Southwest Corner the addition of two (2) Ornamental Plums trees be planted that are approximately 5 ft. in height. (One• tree in each corner.) Amendment: Coin. Kirby: Three Maple Trees will-be moved in an attempt to save them. Should the two trees that are to be used in the blank space on the North Side not live, they will be _replaced by Schwaben Center.Amendment: Com. Gibbs: I move that all parking lot areas be paved in accordance with the Buffalo Grove specifications to include curbing and any other necessary things to meet the requirements of the Code. Eliminate all parking on the North side of the • building. • The curb running from the North end of the • building to the North end d• the property line be double-faced, (smoothed on both sides) be- . tween the hard pan area and the asphalt. Also, they have permission to put a cut (10 ft.wide) in to allow the trash truck to • pick up the trash from the North side of the building. The lawn area will.be reseeded and gravel will be used around the trees in the parking lot. Com. Knaak seconded the Amendments. Roll Call Vote: Amendment - - Aye: Carr,Holland, Kirby, • Gibbs, Knaak and Hardt. Nay - None Roll Call Vote: . Motion - .. - Aye •- Carr, Holland, Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt • Nay - None Motion Passed 6 to O. • • • • • - t sb • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COM'°.ISSION • • Recommendation Summary Project Title : Schwaben Center — Motion # 3 Date: July 10, 1980 Devel or)er• Schwaben Center, Mr. David Orland Architect Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the lighting fixtures #2425 as presetned: 175 watt mercury vapor bulbs on 14 ft. poles of anodized aluminum in a bronze color at the six (6) locations shown on the site plan. • j R611 Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Holland, Gibbs, Kirby, j Knaak, and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed 6 to 0. • • • • • • • sb