1980-07-10 - Appearance Commission - Minutes 6 /1/11-1-4.4iV-3 ! APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. Thurs,, July 10, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thursday, July 10, 1980. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: D. Knaak, L, Kirby, B. Gibbs, M. Holland, P. Carr and Chairman Don Hardt. Commissioner Lou Paolillo was absent. A Quorum was present. Mr. James D. Griffin represented the Building Department. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Before the meeting continued, Chairman Hardt informed the visitors present • the power and purpose of the Appearance Commission regarding the aesthetics of structures and signs in the Village of Buffalo Grove. He explained that the Appearance Commission is a recommending body to the Village Board. Com. Gibbs made a motion to approve the minutes of June 12, 1980. Ch. Hardt noted an error on Page Six, Paragraph 5: Anden will be coming back, ' not Uptown as stated regarding the June 26, 1980 Agenda. Com. Kirby seconded the motion for approval with the correction. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Kirby, and Hardt. . Abstain - Holland Nay - None Note: Com. Carr arrived just after minutes were approved. June 12, 1980 Minutes were approved and will be placed on file. Com. Kirby asked that it be on record that she would like to have every sign ` brought before the Appearance Commission for approval. A.. OLD BUSINESS a) Anden - New Model, Architecture Representatives: Jerry De Grazia and Richard Wilkenson, who is the . - Chicago Director of Anden Corporation. Mr. De Grazia submitted the revised plans which clearly show the founds," tions for the units that are to be constructed on nine (9) lots in the Northwood Sub-division. Six (6) of the units are two-bedroom houses. All materials will be the same as the other Northwood homes. Regarding a newspaper article that appeared in a Buffalo Grove paper, Mr. De Grazia presented a answer to statements that were made which Anden feels are incorrect. (See Attached Statement from Anden.) r , 1 Mr. De Grazia als- re-affirmed his statement to the Commission (6/12/80) that no model is being built of the home and sales will be made from the . ' office. The building that is being constructed is for sale at this time. ' Ch. Hardt explained that the house that is basically constructed has been 1A( 1 ' put up with Village approval; and this is according to the Boca Code - ,- . Y Section 113.7 - - the section was read into the record. ,A f (j•Ao Anden was informed that should the building not be approved, they were proceeding at their own risk. All Code requirements are being met. The Commission discussed the building architecture with Mr. De Grazia. The drawings shows the furnace flue on the front, but it is actually in the rear and will be painted out to match the roof if necessary. Ch. Hardt noted that none of the other roof vents in Northwoods have been painted out as stipulated previously. . . Mr. Do Grazia responded that he is waiting because it is his understanding that the Village was changing its feelings about having then painted out because of the maintenance necessary. He will comply with the Commission's decision. Since the vent on this new model is definitely visible, because it's �e.� located so prominently.near the front of the house rJ- ii/ a` " J 7 ��� 1-0 4 tzl� jL.o. The Monotony Code was discussed. , Anden agreed that it would be met. The model has two front elevations with three possible different combinations (Lpf materials: All siding, All brick; and Half and half. All homes will �,\° have two-car garages. Mr. De Grazia promised to. meet the Monotony Code. `VV The picture presented shows a window box, but the drawing has this detail O missing, Fireplaces are options and come either framed or masonary, but 5e so far, only the masonary have been built. If any houses are placed so V� ��� that the blank elevation is on a corner, the same ands a in. treat.. stipulated before will be used. G fA At this time, Ch. Hardt asked the audience if there were any statements or questions they wished to discuss. There were several Northwood home- owners present and Mr. Robert Berger, acted as spokesman. He introduced himself and explained that he is a lawyer by profession, but he appears at this meeting as a homeowner in the Northwood development. He said they object to Andents plan for basically four reasons. 1. The drastic change from_the original plan. 2. That it violates the Monotony Code, 3. That it has a negative impact on the development's aesthetics. 4. There is a public policy against changing a developing plan in mid-stream. Mr. Berger noted that the first statement on the Village's application requirements by the Appearance Commission says that the Commission reviews ALL aspects of a project relating to aesthetics. He then elaborated on each of the above points. 1. The development consists of 126 lots, 3/4 of which are completed. Some sold and some not sold. The remaining lots have the foundations only and work has been done even this week completing driveways, etc. A chart was presented of the section off Horatio on Buckthorne Terrace. Black houses are built. Yellow have foundations only. Red to be the new model in question. Lot #105 is the location of the house being re- viewed. He noted that this house is being shown as a Model. Mr. Berger stated that his house is on I:ot #109 and he has noticed an increase in the traffic because the house is being viewed. This is a violation of Para- graph #18 of the PUB agreement which requires only 5 models to be built with off-street parking to be provided. June 30. 1978. 1. cont'd - The existing models were described and the price ranges are from 90,000 to 1E1.064000. The proposed price of the new model is a base of 474,990 with options. Because the entire development with the exception of the small section being discussed, consists of 2-Story, 3-4 Bedroom houses. Mr. Berger said he purchased his home based on the statement by the Anden people that all the houses would be 2..-story, 3-4 bedroom homes. The same is true for others present at this meeting. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 12, 1980 - Page Two. 2. Anden is limited to -*art-lots can be used for this model, and because 3/4 of the development is finished, the Monotony Code cannot be met. All will be on Buckthorne Ter. 3, To permit 10 models to be built on one block of one develop- ment would negatively change the character of the neighbor- hood. Two-bedroom homes would be too small for children, and this fact would limit the children in the other homes from having friends close by; school funds will also be affected. 4. If this model is allowed, it would set a precedent for other developers to build different models just to get rid of lots. Developers have an obligation to the purchacers of homes and to the community to build what he started out to build. Obviously the econony is the factor that has prompted this action. In conclusion, Mr. Berger, said that the plan should be rejected, but if this house is allowed, it should be limited to a specific number. Mr. De Grazia was given the opportunity for rebuttal. He referred to the paper already mentioned earlier (Attached.) and added that they are in keeping with the PUD agreement. The one story house is compatible to the neighborhood. Six of the units proposed are three bedroom homes. He said he felt that old people, young married people and childless couples would add to the character of the neighborhood. ►V ," He repeated that the Monotony Code would be met and they 14G would work with the Building Department and the Appearance Commission. /�1i He does not think the elevations are alike, and believes they are totally ti ��11,0t11 C different in appearance; and also aesthetically pleasing. Anden does not UC wish to fight with homeowners. He referred to the price list and noted that the new model is in concert with the others that have been sold. The average price is :"59O,877. (Chart attached.) There are 65 houses yet to be sold. The Commissioners were asked to discuss the situation and the Monotony Code was the main issue to resolve. According to the chart that was presented by Er. Berger Lots ;'/103, #107 and either Y116 or '117 would be eliminated. So they would be limited to three (3) , single-story units. The Commissioners were divided as to their feelings about the elevations being different enough to be counted as two--with three possible fronts. Er. Richard [Iilkenson described in detail the major difference is the roof-line change because of the location of the vestibule on one model. The two foundations that the house will be built upon are Nos. 601 and 101. He assured the AC that both have totally different facades. The Commissioners each made comments and asked questions. The whole matter was thoroughly discussed. Concerning the issue of whether the house being built is a model; Mr. De Grazia said they would sell one of their models in order to comply with the PUD agreement if the Village Board so ruled. He admitted that it was advantageous to be able to show a perspective buyer the house if they wished to see it. One of the vacant lots could be used for parking temporarily. Continuing, Mr.De Grazia explained that in the beginning a total.. of 9 units was presented to the Village. Out of the nine - 5 models were selected for building. Ch. Hardt repeated his statement that only 2 more of this modele also be built on the section of Buckthorne presented in the drawi g the Board stated that if approval is given, the Homeowners can appeal t and if approval is denied, Anden can appeal. The homes twat would be most APPI�;ARANCE C014MTSSI �1Three July 10, 1980 -. Page affected by the construction of the new model are lots that are not yet occupied. It is Ch. Hardtls opinion that Anden is in effect using the presently unoccupied house as a model and it would be his recommendation to the Village Board to require them to meet their original agreement to have only 5 models. Ch. Hardt noted that the 2-Bedroom house does meet the Village require- ments with 1,100 sq. feet and a 2-car garage, off-street parking, etco To say that the Homeowners want 3-5 bedroom homes is a discriminating statement. Developers have no right to discriminate against families with one or two children, families with handicapped people, families without children, middle-aged families with children who have grown up and moved out, and senior citizens. He stated again that the AC reviews only the aesthetics of buildings providing all the other Village require- ments have been met. He directed the Commissioners to make a decision on whether or not this building will tie-in with the existing buildings.and create a good looking development. Final statements were made by the Commissioners, Homeowners and Anden. Questions concerning the Monotony Code were again answered and explana- tion given given concerning the difficulty any developer has in saying which homes will be placed on which lots before sales are made.: The Building Department has the final decision on this matter. After further discussion, Ch. Hardt asked for a straw poll to determine the opinion of each Commissioner concerning the number of elevations are being considered which are significant enough for meeting the Monotony Code: 2 6 2 - foundation only Holland Knaak Carr 3 _ foundati . 5 Gibbs Hardt on and roof Kirby 6 — foundation, roof and materials Ch. Hardt asked for a motion expressed in the positive. Com. Knaak made the following _observation: We are tat king of potentionAlly 25% of the lots in one area and in fairness to the Homeowners he he does not think it would• be...fair to allow that many of the smaller homes. If the number were limited he would feel differently Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move that we accept the 6th model, as presented by the Anden Corp., with these stipulations: a) 3 Elevations based on foundations # 101 and '601, and either the A Elevation roof line or the D roof line be usedfor consideration in complying with the Monotony Code; b) Materials previously submitted for the existing five models and approved by this Commission must be used by the builder. c) The landscaping if any appear on corner lots shall be as approved Previously. Con. Gibbs seconded the motion. Con. Knaak repeated his statement concerning the number of potential homes to be built and his feelings about the marketing effect; and the homeowners. Com. Holland arced and recalled his concern when aiq W6-4115-Ed came in to build on the Green Knolls cue-division vld the different Quality of homes. 7� ,ro-i-Ewoao en' 71-1 /psi rC rDisa9- a Roil Call Vote was taken: Aye - Kirby, Gibbs and Hardt G N-i EYS Nay - Knaak, Holland and Carr AL i Ch. Hardt ruled the motion was defeated and advised Anden Corp.of their right to appeal to the Village Board. ,,pp uTC Br-P OiJuly 1 ; age Four.- b) Tony of Italy — Sign Tony Boccia and Joe Channey of North Shore Sign Co. Mr. Boccia presented a sign which has he name of his business — Tony of Italy Hair Designs — with the letters all on one line and the bottom of the letters is in line with the other signs at the Strathmore Shopping Plaza. The style of the letters was questioned and Tony agreed to comply with the Sign Package that calls for Helvetica lettering. He also agreed to delete the dot between Tony of Italy and Hair Designs. The color of the sign will be Orange. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the sign presented by Tony of Italy Hair Designs in Helvetica letters; removing the dot between the words Italy and Hair; using 9" and 12" letters as shown. Color to be Orange. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Holland, Carr, Gibbs and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed — 6 to 0* Ch. Hardt reviewed the question of the tree in front of Mr. Boccia's business. Previously, the Commission discussed removal of the tree if a mansard sign was erected and it was determined that Mr.Conrardy would have to request its removal. Should the tree be removed, it was with the understanding that it would be replaced with shrubbery. The Appearance Commission can make a motion at this time with the condition that Mr. Conrardy gives his approval. Mr. Boccia said that at this time he would prefer just to have the sign put up and then decide if the tree should be removed. Mr. Hardt agreed and added that the Commissioner's had looked at the tree. They do not think it will be a problem because it does-not have dense foliage. It also is not very tall at the present time. If in a year or soy Tony feels he would like to have it removed he will come back in for approval. Ch. Hardt wished Mr. Boccia success with his business and added that the Commission is sorry if they have created a problem for him. Mr. Boccia graciously thanked the Commission for their consideration. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Bob Pavetto — For Rent Sign Mr. Pavetto explained to the Commission that he has a small interior office behind his State Farm Office on Dundee Road and presented a 30' x 30' — For Lease — sign that he would like to put out from time to time as the need arises. It usually stays up from 3 to 6 weeks at the most. Ch. Hardt reviewed Sec. 11.2 of the Sign Code and explained the limitations for such signs. There is a 6 month time 7.imit with extensions granted by the Administrator if the sign is kept in good repair. A permit would be needed each time the sign is used; but the Commission can grant permission for its use whenever it is needed. APPEARANCE COM 1ISSION July 10, 1980 — Page Five The colors are Red and White. The sign must be placed 10 ft. back from the curb. The sign is double—faced. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the temporary "For Lease" sign as presented by Mr. Bob Pavetto; meeting the requirements as set forth in Sec. 11.2 of the B. G. Sign Code; regarding the 6 month time limit and renewal by the Administrator if in good condition. The sign is to be removed within three days if the office is leased. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Cell Vote was taken: Aye — Carr, Holland, Gibbs, Kirby, Knanic and Hardt. Nay — None. Motion Passed — 6 to 0 Mr. Pavetto was advised to let Mr. Griffin know when he wanted to put up the sign and the Commission would grant approval without his coming each time. He would however need a permit each time. Mr. Pavetto asked if the sign would comply with the Code exemption if he were to remove the arrow end the sign was under 6 square feet. • Ch. Hardt said that was correct. In which case he would not need permits. b) Schwaben Center — New Building, Architecture and Lighting . fr. Mr. David Orland — Architect Mr. Orland presented the drawing of the site and explained the construction of the proposed building. It will be 8,600 square feet interior. It will be a masonry building with a redwood roof. Steel frame. The color of the brick has not been selected but it will be all earth tones with brown or beige mortar. The window frames and doors will be bronze. The window panes in the front will be tinted (facing EAST) and the windows facing the soccer field in the rear is to be clear. The roof vents will be painted out to match the Redwood. Ch. Hardt asked that samples of the brick be brought in for approval and said if a color change has to be made that they come back for review. Any approval given at this time would be subject to this condition. The surrounding property was noted and since there is much screening of the center, it was decided that painting of the roof vents was sufficient. The need for a garbage dumpster was discussed and a single parking space on the North side and it is to be fenced with redwood to match the roof. The exterior 4' tA' 11 be under the canopy and at the exit doors. It was stipulated that the fi -.Lur es will be contemporary style. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the Architecture for Schwaben Center as presented, with the following stipulations: 1. Redwood Facia; + 2. Bricks to be earth tones, and samples Must be brought in for approval; 3. P'ortar will be tinted beige; 4. Windows -. bronze with tinted glass in front; 5. Doors — Painted bronze tocatch the window frames; 6. A/C and heating vents, of which there are 3 on the roof will be painted out Redwood color. APPEARANCE COMt-ISSION — July 10, 1980 — Page Six • Schwaben Center, Motion — continued 7. Roof units , located: 2 over the hall and 1 over the kitchen. 8. Concrete stoops in front and at each exit. 9. The dumpster to be placed in a convenient location on the North side of the building, near the service door and screened from view. oete be resesyoedofencingn tnother threidst eredwod. 10. Lights will be under the canopy of the front door and at each of the other two doors. 11. Glass i4he doors will be tinted bronze. Com. Holland seconded the motion; Roll Call Vote was taken; Aye — Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs, Holland, Carr and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed — 6 to O. Landscaping — Schwaben Center The existing trees will be :maintained.. It may be necessary to remove ... 2 or 3 trees at the building location, but these will be replanted. Small pines will be added in front and all areas not paved will be reseeded to keep a nice lawn. There will be a grassy strip between the building and the parking lot on the North side. Because the side door is used as an entrance for the youngsters who come to the Center, it is preferable not to add any bushes on the North side of the building. Because there is a blank spot on the North side and because the Village asks that a screen be placed between residential and non—residential facilities, the Commission suggested the addition of two more trees. It was noted by Mr. Orland that the utility easement is located in that area and that trees planted there might be lost, Mr. Griffin confirmed the information that the Village is not responsible for plantings that may be disturbed by necessary work done. Also in answer to the question of whether or not the Schwaben Center could request that the easement be moved inside of their line of trees, Mr. Griffin said the Engineering Department would consider such a request but they would make the final decision. After considerable discussion, the Commission and the Schwaben Center repre— sentatives agreed that two large maples that are going to be moved from the building site would be placed in the blank spot in question on the North side. If these trees are placed about 3 ft. inside the North parking line, there would still be sufficient room for the driveway. After this was discussed, it was decided that that parking area is not really necessary, and could be left graveled as it is at present. To separate the paved parking lot and the gravel area a curb could be added that is rounded on both sides; with a cut to allow for the trash removal. The cut would be 10 ft. and the trash container moved closer to the front of the gravel area. In the front parking areas there will be an island with eight trees set into it and surrounded with gravel. APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 10, 1980 — Page Seven S :nue_ s0me specific types of trees have not been decided upon as yet, Com. Knaak made a motion to table the landscaping until the bricks are presented. Com. Holland seconded the motion. The Schwaben Center representatives made the decisions concerning the types of trees that they will use and submitted them to the Commission. Roll Call Vote was then taken on the motion to table: Aye — Carr, Holland and Gibbs Nay — Kirby,Kraak and. Hardt Ch. Hardt ruled that a tie vote is equivilent to defeated motion. The Schwaben Center representatives made the suggestions for the plant— ings in question as follows: Purple Plum for the corners — 51-61 ft. 2 Large-Maples to be transplanted to the North Side. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move that Schwaben Center be directed to move two mature Maple Trees (North side),4, in the space that is e. pty in the sketch that was provided to the AC. Also, in addition to the replanting d the two Maple Trees, that on the Northwest Corner and the Southwest Corner the addition of 2 Ornamental Plum trees be planted that are approximately 5 ft. in height. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Ch. Hardt clarified the motion: The Plum Trees will be planted one in each location (NCB! and SW corners). Com. Kirby Amended the motion as follows: Three Maple Trees will be moved in an attempt to save them. Should the two trees that are to be used in the blank space on the North Side not live, they will be replaced by Schwaben Center. Com. Gibbs also Amended themotion as follows: I move that all parking lot areas be paved in accordance with the Buffalo Grove specifications, to include curbing and any ether necessary things to meet the requirements of the Code. Eliminate all parking on the North Side of the building. The curb running from the North end of the building to the North end of the property line be double—faced, (smoothed on both sides) between the hard pan area and the asphalt. Also, they have permission to put a cut (10 ft. Wide) in to allow the trash truck to pick up the trash from the North side of the building. The lawn area will be reseeded and gravel will be used around the trees in the parking lot. Com. Kh k seconded the Amendment to the motion. Roll Call Vote: Amendment — Aye:— Carr, Holland, Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak, Hardt Nay:— None Motion — — Aye:— Carr, Holland, Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak, Hardt Nay:— Ncne mendment and Moton, ;asspd. 6 to_at APPEARANCE COMMISSION July 10, 1980 - Page Eight • LIGHTING — Schwaben Center The lighting fixtures were presented for the center island in the front parking area. There will be 6 light fixtures in the lot and 1 light in the rear which will be attached to the building. The lights in the parking area will be 14. ft. high, 175 watt mercury vapor bulbs — #2425 . The pole will be brown aluminum. Landscape Chandeliers (square) by Moldcase Lighting. Standard Symmetric style fixture. Shielded if necessary after erection. The Commission asked that the rear light be brought in at the time the brick is submitted. Com. Knaak made the following motion: T move we accept the lighting fixtures #2425 as presented: 175 watt mercury vapor bulbs on 14 ft. poles of anodized aluminum in a bronze color at the six (6) locations shown on the site plan. Com. Holland seconded the notion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Carr, Holland Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Passed. 6 to 0 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Griffin reported that the Kinder—Care light is down. Should Anden decide to Appeal the AC decision to the Village Board on July 21st, Ch. Hardt asked that two representatives be present. He will hopefully be able to go and perhaps Com. Holland to present the negative view of the motion. 7. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 P.M. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote of approval. Respectfully submitted, „z4( Shirley Bate Secretary Appearance C 'ss-i.on APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb July 101 1980 — Page Nine THE BELOW IS A LIST OF THE SOLD NORTHWOOD AT BUFFALO GROVE HOMES AND THEIR BASE PRICES * • TYPE OF HOUSE BASE PRICE 601 Essex $90,990 401 Bayberry 84,990 201 Cypress 90,990 601 Essex 95,990 401 Bayberry 88,990 601 Essex 94,990 201 Cypress 84,990 101 Dorchester 89,990 401 Bayberry 84,990 • 201 Cypress 88,065 401 Bayberry 86,990 101 Dorchester 96,990 601 Essex 95,990 101 Dorchester 88,990 501 Glenn 84,990 302.3 Alpine I 85,990 201 Cypress 88,990 101 Dorchester 92,990 201 Cypress 88,990 201 Cypress 85,990 101 Dorchester 94,990 101 Dorchester 93,990 601 Essex 95,990 201 Cypress 89,990 601 Essex 96,000 401 Bayberry 84,990 201 Cypress 85,990 101 Dorchester 92,990 401 Bayberry 87,990 401 Bayberry 88,990 201 Cypress 88,990 601 Essex 95,990 101 Dorchester 94,990 201 Cypress 91,990 601 Essex 94,990 101 Dorchester 91,990 601 Essex 95,990 401 Bayberry 86,990 401 Bayberry 86,990 201 Cypress 88,990 501 Glenn 82,990 401 Bayberry E7,990 501 Glenn 80,990 201 Cypress 88,990 101 Dorchester 105,000 401 Bayberry 84,990 • 2200 Stonington St. Suite 160 Hoffman Estates, II. 60195 884-7880 • Anden's answers to issues that appeared in the Northwest Buffalo Grove newspaper: 1. Statement: That the new ranch home will attract elderly persons or childless couples. Buffalo Grove is a well-known, fine growing community with a good reputation to live in and move to - not to move from. We feel that it is not the intention of Buffalo Grove to discriminate against growth by accepting the concept of discriminating against the young or old. 2. Statement: That our homes begin with sales prices near $ 100,000. Our average base sales price is $ 90,877 meaning that we feel that the $ 79,000 3-bedroom home and the $ 75,000 2-bedroom home are very compatible to the present.. product. 3. Statement: That Anden intends to build the two and three bedroom homes on the remaining lots in NorthWood. There will be 126 homes constructed at NorthWood at Buffalo Grove - 61 previously sold and 65 presently unsold. Out of the 65 remaining unsold homes, only four are proposed to be of the new 2-bedroom ranch product and only six are proposed to be of the 3-bedroom one-story ranch type home. With 65 unsold homes , Anden is not interested in changing the tenor or character of the neighborhood - since we obviously do not want to damage our sales success. 4. Statement: That the area is all two story type homes. We point out that one-story ranch style riving has been intermixed throughout almost all of Chicagoland. We do not feel a one-story home degrades the subdivison. 5. Statement: That we are building cheaper homes. When the typical purchaser completes his sales transaction on the new ranch homes, including their desired options , upgrades, etc. ; the home most likely will cost $ 80,000 to $ 85,000. We certainly do not consider an $ 80,000 to $ 85,000 home in the 'cheaper home' category. 0. . TYPE OF HOUSE BASE PRICE 401 Bayberry 88,990 601 Essex 95,990 601 Essex 95,990 401 Bayberry 87,990 601 Essex 94,990 401 Bayberry 92,990 201 Cypress 90,990 201 Cypress 93,990 501 Glenn 85,000 101 Dorchester 96,990 401 Bayberry 92,990 401 Bayberry 92,990 401 Bayberry 92,990 401 Bayberry 99,990 501 Glenn 87,990 $5,543,495 $5,543,495 4 61 lots = $90,877 Average 126 homes will be constructed at NorthWood at Buffalo Grove. - 61 sold as shown above - 65 homes are presently unsold Out of the 65 remaining unsold homes, 4 are proposed to be of the new 2 bedroom ranch product and 6 are proposed to be of the 3 bedroom ranch product.