1980-03-27 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE CONYJSSION • • Recommendation Su:Tr-nary " • LANDSCAPING protect Title : Buffalo Grove Datsun _Date: March 27. 1980 Developer: Bob Stavin • Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Com. Knaak I move we accent theLandscaping Plan for Buffalo Grove Datsun. as presented. with the following stipulations: . 1. Four Sargent Crabs be planted in front of theNorth parking spaces. 2. The hedge East of the Service doors onthe East side of the Building be _ planted with more mature Honeysuckle bushes than the balance of the hedge: - • the remaining Honeysuckles also be Planted on top of the berm as depicted. 3. The balance of the recommendations made by the Forester be carried out. • • "Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo. Knaak. Kirby. Holland. and.Hardt. • • Nav — None Motion passed Unanimously. • • • • sb VILLAGE OF BUFF LO GROVE APPEARANCE CCMISSION Recommendation Summary Project Tit.l e• Bank of Buffalo Grove — Landscapin$a Le: March 27. 1980 Developer: Burt Harris - Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the Landscaping Plan for the Bank of Buffalo Grove with the stipulation that the Juneberry be replaced with the Amelanchier Candensi.s, Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak. Holland Hardt ,i` Nay — None Motion Passed Unanimously. - • • • • �b • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE COMNIISSION Recommendation Summary Project: The Book Rack File # Meeting Date : March 27, 1980 • Moved by: Com. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the sign for the Look Rack as presented, with the following stipulations: a) Copy of the sign will be painted on the interior of the plexi-glas. b) The electrical commection near the top of the sign, which is exposed, to to be painted out brown to match the wall c) The scroll as shown on the copy to be deleted. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Kirby, Holland and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPE=RANCE CO:;::ISSIOIZ • • • • Recommendation Summary . Street Tree. Plantings • Project Title: Green Knolls — North Phase Date: March 27. 1980 Contact: Mr. Paul Ulatowski. Developer: Henderson and I3odwell. Suite 408. 10600 Higgins Rd. Rosemont. 60018 • Moved by: Com. Kirby Seconded by: Com. Holland I 'move we accent the street tree landscaping plan submitted by Green Knolls — North Phase. De approved as per the Consulting Forester's report to the AC with the following stipulations: 1) The October Glory Red Maple be deleted. and as a, substitution the Summit Green Ash be used;/ • 2) The Autumn Purple White Ash be deleted: and ash a substitution the Greenspire Linden • be used: 3) The final tree planting — specific locations be determined by thePublic Works Department with the intervals to be determined by the • Subdivision Regulation Ordinance. as close to the 40 — 60 foot intervals as. possible. 4) The minimum number of trees to be planted be 226. • 5) All trees. under 2-1/2 inches will'be staked. • but it is the preference of this Commission that the size range from 2-1/2 to 3 inches. • Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland. Kirby and Hardt. 'Opposed — Knaak • Motion Passed. • • sb • • VILLAIGE OP BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COM1,,ISSIOTd ( Recommendation Summary Hoffman Homes — New Models L March 27. 1980 Proiect Title: Date: Developer: Hoffman Group Inc. — Otto Klein Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland Chairman Hardt outlined a motion to accpet the models • presented by Hoffman Group with the following stipulations: 1. Wood poste will be set in aluminum. or painted with Wolmanized paint. 2. Color packages the same as previously approved; 3. Materials used will be basically the same as previously approved: • 4. A window shall be placed in the garage. . • 5. Corner lots shall have landscaping to • break up blank elevations; • • 6. The Motony Code will be met as per 'other models. 7. Light fixtures to be similar to those • previously approved; 8. Models sold with fireplaces need not have a garage window; 9. Vents to be painted out. if on the front. 10. . Muttons are to be wooden. 11. Shutters are plastic. . • This motion is contingent upon the condition that a window be put in the garage to break up the right side elevation; and on corner lots. the left side elevation will have additional landscaping as:previously approved to break up the blank elevation. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland: Knaak and Hardt Nay — None Motion Passed. Mr. Griffin will hold the recommendation for Board approval until the deoition regarding the window is made, Should Hoffman decide against the addition of the window; they can take it to the Village Board. sb •