1980-03-27 - Appearance Commission - Minutes '1 + 6-22i APPEARANCE COttMISSION / VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. ��2 THURS. . MAR. 27. 1980 1.. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:38 P.M. at the Village Hall. on Thursday. March 27. 1980. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Paolillo. Knaak. Kirby. Holland and Ch. Hardt. QUORUM. Commissioners absent: Gibbs and Carr. Building Department: James D. Griffin. Asst. Bldg. and Zoning Adm. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Two motions made at the meeting of March 13. 1980 needed clarification. as follows: Bob Pavetto - Gtt The Picture. should read under stipulation ; 1: 1) The business unit.per the variation granted by the ZBA ruling; 2) business license will read: GOT THE PICTURE Art and Frame Warehouse Lights at Executive Environs The recommendation was made to the Building Department. The notation at the end should read the Police "may" over-rule... Com. Kirby made a motion to accept the minutes of March 13. 1980 as amended. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote - Aye: Holland. Knaak. Paolillo. Kirby. and Hardt. March 13. 1980 minutes approved. Nay: None 4. OLD BUSINESS • a) Bank of Buffalo Grove - Burt Harris - Landscaping. Not represented. b) Datsun - Bob Stavin - Landscaping. This was tabled because three questions were unresolved concerning the ht. of planting on the berm. the addition of Sargent Crabs and the spacing. Mr. Stavin agreed to place the Honeysuckle plants on top of the berm along the border of the property. He mentioned that maintenance would be more difficult because of the height to which the shruos will grow, but it will effectively screen the overhead doors. .It was, agreed to add Sargent Crabs in the North Parking area as per the Foresterss recommendation. Also,-the Honeysuckle. Cotoneaster and Potentilla Plants will be spaced as the Forester recommended. It was noted that the original landscaping plan that was approved by the AC was rei ected by the Engineering Department because the drainage ditch location was changed. and the swale was revised. f • Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the Landscaping Plan for Buffalo Grove Datsun. as presented with the following stipulations:— 1) Four Sargent Crabs be planted in front of the North parking spaces; 2) The hedge East of the Service doors on the East side of the Building be planted with more mature Honeysuckle bushes than the balance of the hedge: the remaining Honeysuckles also be planted on top of the berm as depicted. 3) The balance of the recommendations made by the Forester be carried out. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo. Knaak. Kirby. Holland and Hardt. Motion passed unanimously. Nay — None 4. NEW BUSINESS a) The Book Rack — Lillian Pitlik ( Dunell Shopping Center in place of T.J. Plumbing) The sign will be a Red/Orange which is the Franchise color. Ch. Hardt had visited the site and reported that the color of the can is white, and has an electrical disconnect. but there is a short piece of conduit that is exposed. He asked that it be painted out brown to blend in with the wood shingles. Mrs. Pitlik agreed. Com. Knaak felt that the scroll after the word "The" is more ornamental than identification. Com. Kirby and Com. Holland agreed. It will be removed. Com. Paolillo asked if there was a color package for the Dunell Centers Ch. Hardt answered that it was there before the Sign Code and there is no uniformity of colors. shape of letters. size, etc. Mr. Griffin answered a question concerning the sign company. It is the Brisco Sign Co. of Roselle and the sign will be painted on the inside of the plexi—glas. .. The Sign Company is registered in Buffalo Grove. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for The Book Rack as presented. with the following stipulations: a) Copy of the sign will be painted on the interior of the plexi—glas. b) The electrical connection near the top of the sign which is exposed to be Painted out brown to match the wall. c) The scroll as shown on the copy to be deleted. Com. Holland seconded the motion . Roll Call Vote: Aye: Paolillo. Knaak. Kirby. Holland. and Hardt. Motion Passed Unanimously. Nay: • None Mr. Griffin was instructed that should they decide to paint the can brown. it would be alright to do so. He can issue the permit immediately. APPEARANCE COMMISSTON March 27. 1980 — Page Two b) Green Knolls — Street Trees Paul H. Ulatowski and Joe Ebenroth of Henderson and Bodwell The sign for Levitt was scratched. They have not selected a location. The Forester's Report was reviewed and Ch. Hardt informed the gentlemen that after street trees are approved and planted. they are maintained by the Village. For that reason hardy varieties of trees are selected. with good aesthetics and that they also have reasonable maintenance character— istics for the Village to save tax dollars. Mr. Page (Forester) suggests substitutions for three varieties chosen. Mr. Ulatowski felt that the Sargent Cherry trees are not placed in such a way that its going to create a sight problem nor will salting be a problem since they are going to be only on the cul—de—sacs. They prefer them. (Com. Paolillo left at this point.) Ch. Hardt asked that the trees be a minimum 2-1/2 inch caliper so that they do not need to be staked; and that they be balled and burlaped. Mr. Ulatowski said they had planned to stake all trees and that the cost factor would be higher if they use larger trees. The spacing bf the trees will be according to the Subdivision Regulations. and the number of trees shown on the plan submitted will be the minimum number of trees planted. Mr. Griffin indicated that the number and lo— cation is determined by Public Works Dept. The various points were discussed and agreement reached concerning the varieties used, sizes. location and grouping of species. A motion was made by Com. Kirby as follows: I move we accept the street tree landscaping plan submitted by Green Knolls — North Phase. be approved as per the Consulting Forester's report to the AC with the following stipulations: 1) The October Glory Red Maple be deleted; and as a substitution the Summit Green Ash be used; 2) The Autumn Purple White Ash be deleted: and as a substitution the Greenspire Linden be used; -3) The final tree planting specific locations be determined by the Public Works Dept.. with the intervals to be determined by the Subdivision Regulation Ordinance. as close to the 40 — 60 foot intervals as possible. 4) The minimum number of trees to be planted be 226. 5) All trees. under 2-1/2 inches will be staked. but it is the preference of this Commission that- the size range from 2-1/2 to 3 inches. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland. Kirby and Hardt. Motion Passed. Opposed — Knaak APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 27. 1980 — Page Three c) Hoffman Group - New Models; Otto Klein. representative. Mr. Klein described the proposed plan and said the new homes would range from 16.000 to 28.000 square feet. The same houses have been selling successfully in Wheaton. They plan to sell from the •blueprints. , The design fits in mainly with the older Hoffman homes. This is the 8th house that has been approved for Buffalo Grove. The Monotny Code will be met. The same materials and color packages will be usedh The chimneys will be pre-fab, with aluminum casing around the furnace flues. Ch. Hardt went through the models and noted specifications as follows: 1) Vents will be painted out. 2) Flower boxes will be the same as the trim. 3) Wooden, removable muttons on windows. Some discussion was held as to the addition of mutton? on rear windows. The cost of each set of muttons was uncertain. but since the first models built by Hoffman did not have them en the back - these won't. L). Shutters are plastic and come in colors that match the trim. so painting is not needed. 5) Houses on corners will have landscaping as provided in previous recommendations. Com. Knaak remarked that he has noticed that even where the additional landscaping has been added to corners. the blank elevations do not look good as viewed from the distance on a street that is curved. Ch. Hardt noted that developers leave blank walls for the purpose of giving homeowners plain walls for furniture placement. Mr. Klein agreed to ask his architects if they could re-locate an upstairs bedroom window on the blank elevation. Com. Kirby noted that she has a home where bedroom windows face other windows in the next house and she must keep these windows closed un for Privacy. Com. Holland suggested adding a garage window to break uo that well . Mr. Klein agreed to check into this and would so stipulate: Ch. Hardt said the aesthetic quality of any new development depends on the landscaping; but homeowners . seldom have much cash to work with the first few years. Com. Knaak suggested tabling the project until an inspection can be made of sub-divisions that have blank walls. Chairman Hardt asked Mr. Klein if he objected to tabling until he could che:;k with his architect to determine if there is a possibility of break- up the left side elevations. Optional 'A' has 2 bedrooms on the upper floor and it appears to be alright. A window could be relocated on others. After further discussion. it was agreed that the bedrooms were too small to relocate windows and have sufficient wall space. Ch. Hardt informed Mr. Klein that roof vents on the front or whieh are exposed to the right-of-way need to be painted out. Mr. Klein asked if the plans could be accepted with the stipulation that win- dows be re-located. so that the matter can be expedited. He will have new drawings prepared and submitted to Mr. Griffin for approval. The plans were reviewed individually and specifications noted. In addition to the ones mentioned above. it was requested that wood posts be set into aluminum cups or painted to prevent deterioration. Light fixtures will be similar to ones shown. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 27. 1980 - Page Four Com. Kirby left at 9:00 P.M. Ch. Hardt noted that there is a change in the roof-line of elevation "C" when the optional bedroom is added. In the Monotny Code - 2 "C" cannot be built side-by-side .. but since there is such a drastic change in elevation... would it be agreeable if two "Cgs" were side-by-side? The Commissioners said "no." Chairman Hardt outlined a motion to accept the models presented by Hoffman Group with the following stipulations: 1. Wood posts will be set in aluminum; or wolmani.zed. 2. Color packages the same as previously approved; 3. Materials used will be the same as previously approved: (basically) 4. A window shall be placed in the garage: 5. Corner lots shall have landscaping to break up blank elevations; 6. The Monotny Code will be met as per other models. 7. Light fixtures similar to those previously approved: 8. Models sold with fireplaces need not have a garage window; 9. Vents to be painted out. if on the front. 10. Muttons are to be wooden. 11. Shutters are plastic. This motion is contingent upon the condition that a window be put in the garage to breakup the right side elevation: and on corner lots. the left side elevation will have additional landscaping as previously approved to break up the blank elevation. Com. Knaak agreed to the motion and Com. Holland seconded it. Mr. Klein was asked to provide Mr. Griffin with the information requested relative to the cost of the muttons for each window. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye - Holland. Knaak and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed. Mr. Griffin will hold the recommendation for Board approval until the decision regarding the garage window is made. Should Hoffman decide against the addition of the window - they can take it to the Village Board. OLD BUSINESS a) Bank of Buffalo Grove - Landscaping Mr. Harris arrived and -apologized for being late. (He kindly informed the AC that the piece of aluminum used under wood posts is called "plinth.) The Forester's Report approved the plan with the exception of the Juneberry plants. He suggested Amelanchier Canadensis. Mr. Harris agreed to this change. Com. Knaak made a motion to accept the Landscaping Plan for the Bank of Buffalo Grove with the stipulation that the Juneberry be replaced with the Amelanchier Candensis. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak. Holland. and Hardt. Motion passed. Nay - None 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Hardt has written the Thank You letter to President Clayton. A set of glasses was presented to the Commissioners that were present at the Luncheon, and the other Commissioners should also receive a set. Shirley Bates will see to this. Jim Griffin was asked to look at the Skokie TV sign at Lieberman's. It appears to be white instead of cream as the others. and it looks bad. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 27. 1980 - Page Five • • Com. Knaak brought up the matter of Village regulaions for Landscaping. His copy of the plan issued in June 1977 includes some specifications that are not being followed. Ch. Hardt thought that in 1978 = a revision ofthe Sub-division Ordinance was made. but he was uncertain whether or not it was ever adopted. Changes were included for lighting and street tree planting. Com. Knaak asked that the Staff be consulted to see what they use and he asked that copies be delivered to the Commissioners. Oom.Knaak also suggested that the Commission take a stand about Muttons on windows so that no arguments take place during the meetings. Logos are another problem area that should be discussed. Ch. Hardt suggested a short Workshop before the next meeting. April 10. 1980 at 7:00 P.M. for this purpose. Com. Holland felt that in new sub-divisions muttons could be required. but in older sub-divisions they should• t-ake into consideration what was done before. He agreed that the Commission should be strongly united. The KaufmanaBroad sign was discussed, because it is now beginning to lean. and the Commission felt that a date be set for it to be utilized or it MUST come down. June 1st was suggested as a final date. Mr. Griffin checked Antie Pastos and found that the signage is about 43 of the windows as allowed under the Code. • A suggestion was made that two or three Commissioners get together to review the Sign Code = and then make recommendations to the rest of the Board. • 7. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Holland made a motion to adiourn at 9:55 P.M. and Com. Knaak seconded it. The meeting was adiourned. Respectfully submitted. Shirley Ba . Secretary Appearance ommission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 27. 1980 - Page Six