1980-02-28 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary For Sale Signs — S.W. Section of Project Title : Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Date : Feb, 28. 1950 Arthur Sheridan & Associates, Inc. Developer: 121 W. Wacker Drive. Chicago 60601 — FI. 6-0665 Moved by: Dom. Paolillo Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the two "For Sale" Sims as submitted. with the following stipulations: 1 — the signs be located 10 ft. back from the property lines. centered on each of the lots; 2 — The back of the Sign on Lot 4 be painted an appropriate color; 3 - If there is a change in theelephone number it shall be painted on and not patched over; subiect to the Appearance Commission approval. 4 - Six month time period. as per Sec. 11.2 of Sign Code Roll Call Vote: Aye — Knaak, Carr, Holland, Paolillo and Hardt. Nay — None Motion Approved Unanimously — 5 to 0. sb A C VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE • APPEARANCE COIThiISSION Recommendation Summary Project Title : Stonegate Apartments Date: Feb. 28. 1980 Developer: Larry Mc Carthy. Manager • Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Com. Knaak I move we accept the two permanent signs for Stonegate Apartments. as depicted in the rendering at the North and South boundary lines on Buffalo Grove Road. Such signs to be painted as depicted with the supports and the back of the signsto be painted black; Each sign to have 2 supports (4 x 41s of douglas fir) set in concrete. Such acceptance of- the signs under the stipulation that • all other signs. 3 in number. be removed. The signs shall be no higher than 10 ft. above grade and suitable land— scaping shall be maintained at the bases. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo. Carr. Holland. • Knaak and HIardt. Nay — None • Motion Passed Unanimously — 5 to 0 • sb • • AGENDA APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL THURS., MAR. 13. 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. BUSINESS a) Public Works Dept. - Repainting of Village Water Towers b) Bob Pavetto - Pylon Sign c) Levitt - Subdivision Sign 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT ' r £).Lft! ames D. Griffin, Asst. Building & Zoning Adm. sb