1980-01-24 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE• APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary Project Title : Tanglewood - Temp. Sign Date: Jan. 24. 1980 Developer: Pulte - Jim Hoskins Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by, Com.Paolillo .I move we accept the Tangle'wood billboard sign at the location of the NE corner of Rt. 83 as presented. subject to •these stipulations: a) Upper right hand corner (triangle with the per tentage and type of financing) to be removed; regular border to be extended; • b) Words "from $112,950"be removed and Single Family Homes be centered'under Logo. • l a) Words"North on Rt. 83 to Busch Rd." be • removed - and Models with an arrow of letter• size similar to "North on Rt. 83 " be • inserted; color - Black; - • Further stipulated: Motion is subject to inspection of the Billboard Sign by the Administrator as to the material • • condition of the Billboard; and also: The sign face shall not exceed 120 sq. ft. as per the Sign Ordinance Roll Call Vote: Aye - Holland. Paolillo. Gibbs and Kirby • Motion Passed Unanimously • VILLAGE OF BUFF'_LO GROVE • APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary • Project Title: C. C. Cycle - Sign Date: Jan 24, 1980 Developer: Mr. Schindler • Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by Com. Holland I move we accept the sign presented by C. C. Cycle, to replace the Heins Auto Parts sign, as presented with the addition of 307 W. Dundee Rd. to be inserted, letters to be in proportion with the rest of the sign. Colors to be blue & yellow as in the • rendition submitted. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Holland, Gibbs and Kirby Nay — Paolillo Motion Passed 3 to 1. \-/ • • `/ • • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary Project Title : Fireside Terrace - Sign Date: Jan. 24. 1980 Developer: Ken Middleton— Duo Sign Seconded by: • Moved by: Com. Paolillo Seconded by: Com. Gibbs • I move we approve the Fireside Terrace 'sign as presented with the following stipulations: a) Phone number be reduced to a smaller size; thereby allowing the line "models open 10 to 6" to be moved down; b) Embellishments on the F be removed; c) Coloring of "Woodburning Fireplaces" be yellow as indicated on the banner, which is to be removed. d) duration of permit to be 6 months with automatic renewal provided the sign is kept in good condition. Roll Call Vote: Aye — Paolillo, Gibbs and Kirby Abstain — Holland Nay — None Motion Passed — 3 Ayes