1980-01-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS, z JAN. 24, 12§0 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Appearance Commission was called to order at 7:38 P.M. on Thursday. 'Jan. 24. 1980; by Com. Kirby in the absence of the Chairman 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: M. Holland, L. Paolillo. L. Gibbs. and L. Kirby. Commissioners absent: D. Knaak and D. Hardt Bldg. Dept. Representative Present: James Griffin Prospective Commissioner: Pat Carr (2nd meeting) 3. APPROVAL OF. MINUTES The minutes of Nov. 29. 1979, Dec. 13. 1979 and Jan. 10. 1980 were deferred. 4. BUSINESS a) Mr. James Truesdell, Village Planner was present to discuss some proposed revisions to the Office and Industrial Ordinance. The first item to be considered was the height of slope relative to buffer zones between indus- trial and residential districts. Mr. Truesdell explained that to have a berm with a 4 to 1 slope takes 24 feet of ground;, but a berm with a 3 to 1 slope only takes 18 feet of ground. which would cost the developer less. The Commission favored dealing with each situation on an individual *./ basis because such decisions are based on many factors: type of business. building, abutting residential, land 'topography. etc. Mr. Truesdell said . the wording could be prepared to specify berming but not restrict by ordi- nance the height, so that the Engineering Department can make recommendations as to how much is needed. etc. Landscaping will also be required. The second change to consider was the requirement to plant a tree every 30 feet. The Plan Commission would like to leave this open so that trees can be clustered for appearance; with such specifications as the number to be equivelant to meet the B-5 requirement but leave placement up to the de- veloper as long as there are some trees planted every 60 ft. as in B-3. It was noted that the Appearance Commission must review every plan as it is so Mr. Truesdell's proposal was acceptableAo require a specified number of trees. Next, signage was discussed. With the possibility of a business within an office building, i.e. a restaurant the need for variances might be neces- sary. but the Appearance Commission felt that the Sign Code was sufficient. Mr. Truesdell said that for now they would agree to use the Wording of the Sign Code Section 4.2 and deal with exceptions accordingly. b) Tanglewood - Temporary Sign Mr. Jim Hoskins presented the copy of a sign face that they wish to erect at the NE corner of Busch Rd. and Green Knolls Dr. A . sign exists naw that belongs to Levitt and it will be purchased from them. The AC noted that the size of the existing sign is too large and they \./ must reduce the size to 120 sq. ft. Also some of the wording was to be deleted. If the Bldg. Dept. inspects the billboard and it is in good repair. it may used as long as the size is made conformable. i Mr. Hoskins was uncertain as to what procedure they will follow, but he agreed to comply with the Sign Ordinance and with the recommendations of the Commission. so the following motion was made by Com. Holland: I move we accept the Tanglewood billboard sign at the location of the NE corner of Busch Rd. and Rt. 83 as presented. subject to these stipulaions: a) Upper right hand corner (triangle with the percentage and type of financing) to be removed; regular border to be extended; b) Words "From $112.950" be removed and Single Family Homes to be centered under Logo. c) Words "North on Rt. 83 to Busch Rd." be removed — and Models with an arrow of letter size similar to "North on Rt. 83... .." be inserted; and color — Black. Further stipulated: Motion is subject to inspection of the Billboard Sign by the Administrator as the material condition of the Billboard; and also: The sign fact shall not exceed 120 sq. ft. as per the Sign Ordinance �r Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Holland, Paolillo. Gibbs. and Kirby Motion Passed Unanimously. c) Home Federal — Plaza Verde; Face Change Gwen Osborne. representative,presented the proposed change of copy at the Home Federal Savings and Loan, white. The new sign will be placed on three faces of the building. The Logo will be an individual— ly back—lit with red painted face. The rest of the sign will be white letters constructed in the same way. The name has been changed to. Nor-a Federal of Chicago. This is an incorporated name. It will occupy more space vertically but only about 1/2 of the existing horizontal space. The Sign Code reference is Section 5.3 - Category' 1 and the provision regarding square footage. The Commission had difficulty visualizing the sign as it would appear on the wall and asked that drawings be submitted. Motion to table was made by Com. Paolillo, and seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll Call Vote was Aye — Paolillo. Gibbs. Kirby and Holland. Nay — None Appearance Commission Jan. 24, 1980 — Page Two. i d) C.C. Cycle — Face Change at Dun—El Shopping Center (Formerly Heins Auto) The sign copy was presented by Mr. Schindler. who described the construction as a single piece of plexi—glas with blue lettering. He requested the addition of the address "307 Dundee Rd. to the sign under the logo. The logo,which is a cyclist,was discussed. Mr. Schindler explained that since they plan only to sell bikes, not motor bikes or cycles. he felt the logo was necessary to identify his business. Com. Paolillo expressed concern that allowing a pictorial logo was opening up the possibility of other products being advertised. Ch. Kirby pointed out that it is the purpose of the Appearance Commission to deal with each sign presented on an individual basis. The cyclist was not offensive to the other members of the Commission. Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we accept the sign presented by C. C. Cycle to replace the Heins Auto Parts sign, as presented with the addition of 307 W. Dundee Rd. to be inserted. letters to be in proportion with the rest of the sign. Colors to be blue and yellow as in the rendition submitted. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye — Holland, Gibbs and Kirby Nay — Paolillo `-/ Motion Passed 3 to 1. e) Fireside Terrace. Ken Middleton of Duo Sign; Bob Hirsch of Fireside. Copy of temporary sales sign and site plan were presented. The Grove Terrace Apartments are being converted to condominiums. The sign will be a 10 x 12 ft. — 2 sided sign — mounted on 4 x 4ts and placed 4 ft. off the ground. It will be about 125 ft.from the Golden Bear Pylon. One reason for needing a billboard sign is the size of the Golden Bear sign. The Commission felt the sign was much "too busy" and discussed ways of eliminating unnecessary wording and embellishment. All agreed that in the location on Dundee Rd. where the speed limit is 45 MPH it would be best for the sign to appear uncluttered. It was further agreed that if the phone number is ever changed., it will be repainted. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we approve the Fireside Terrace sign as presented with the following stipulations: a) Phone number be reduced to a smaller size; thereby allowing the line "models open — 10 to 6" to be moved down; b) Embellishments on the F be removed; c) Coloring of "Woodburning Fireplaces" be yellow as indicated on the banner. which is to be removed. cont'd on next page APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 24, 1980 —Page Three • d) Duration of permit to be 6 months with automatic renewal provided the sign is kept in good condition. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Aye — Paolillo. Gibbs, and Kirby. Nay — None; Abstain — Holland Motion Passed. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS James Griffin asked if a Patio Furniture Store moving into the Prudential Shopping Center must have a sign reviewed if they plan to use 10" lower case letters. He was directed to check the sign package and if there is no:,specific mention that first letters must be caps. then it is OK. Mr. Griffin asked if a 4th sign could be added to the gound sign at Dun El. The Heins Auto Parts Shop has been divided and a second office will be opening. C.C. Cycle has taken the whole sign. but it is really 3 pylon signs now, so any other must have a variation by the ZBA. The Applegate situation has not quite been resolved. but Mr.Verbic did agree to remove the sign from the Windfield billboard. Mr. Griffin has determined that K & B still owns the billboard and he will be in contact to see to it that the billboard is removed. The Westwood Estates sign is apparently being lit at night and Mr. Griffin u will take care of this matter. 6. ADJOURNMENT Com. Paolillo made a motion to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. Seconded by Com. Holland. The Commissioners voted Aye Unanimously to adjourn. Respectfully submitted. iacXa=2 Shirley Bates ecretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION Jan. 24. 1980 — _Page Four