1978-12-14 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use Subdivision ( ) Commercial Landscaping of Village Sites ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other • location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action. Requested: 1 Bill Davis Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Motion made by Com. Kirby I move we accept the landscaping for the Village Hall, Golf Course , Well No. 6 and Well No . 3 as presented with the stipulation that consideration be given to planting a few shrubs on the West Wall of Well No. 6 and that Prairie Film or a similar material be used to cement stones at reservoir overflow. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the. Motion Passed Unanimously. Motion made by Commissioner .Gibbs to accent the signs for the Village property as presented with the exception of the Golf Course •3ign which will be treated separately when a Proper drawing of the proposed sign is submitted . Motion was seconded by Com . Berins . Roll was called as follows : Knaak - No . Gibbs, Kirby, Berins & Hardt - Aye Motion passed 4 to 1. • Dec. 14, 1978 • Don Hardt bate of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm. VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial Look 'n Hear - Panasonic ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision( ) Sign ( ) Other • location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Howard Treshansky Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: (Do not write below .this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Commissioner Berins made the following motion:- t I move we approve the copy as presented on Panasonic as per the minutes. Legal opinion is such that it conforms to the Sign Ordinance . Commissioner Kirby seconded. the Motion. • Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. Dec . 14, 1978 Don Hard.t Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm.