1978-12-14 - Appearance Commission - Minutes i • APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. • THURS. , DECEMBER 14, 1978 1 . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting together at 7 :40 P.M. on Thurs . , Dec . 14, 1978 at the Village Hail . In the ab- sence of the Secretary, Corn . Kirby acted as Recorder. 2 . ROLL CALL • Commissioners present : Gibbs, Knaak, Berins , Kirby and Hardt. Commissioner Paolillo was absent . QUORUM PRESENT 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - • Corrections and additions were made to the minutes of Nov. 30, 1978 as follows : Page two - Paragraph 5 - Strike "Chicken" - Just Logo Page three-. Motion 2 - Strike "back" - 115 feet North of the South property line 6 - sp. dark brown Page four - Motion 5 - s/b - The sign is to be placed a minimum of 12 ' set back from East property line . Page five - Paragraph 1 - strike " small shingles" Page six - Paragraph 3 - sp. legal Paragraph 7 - Line 5 - of s/b is Spage seven - Comment of Mr. Holland s/b - Agreed with the suggestion to .ask Standard Oil to help clean up the signage . Page three - Duo - Paragraph 2 - #83 s/b Rt. 83 Motion to approve corrected minutes was made by Com. Knaak. , seconded by Com . Gibbs . Com. Berins abstained . ,Minutes accepted . 4 . BUSINESS . VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE - Landscaping of Village Sites . Bill Davis - Public Works Lirector of Buffalo Grove John Ryan - Michael Ives and Associates , Landscapers . A"�5 made the presentation. The Village Hall was first . The plans were explained and questions answered. The Commis- sion'lhad no objections or additions to make . The Golf Course plans were very suitable and approved . Well No . 3 - Plans were accepted as presented . Well No. 6 has had some changes made and the Commissioners had some suggestions that were approved by the develorers . � I The Golf Course signage was discussed because the Buffalo appears on the sign, also there is a question concerning whether it meets safety standards. 1 ) . Commissioner Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the landscaping for the Village Hall, Golf Course, Well No. 6 and Well No . 3 as presented with the stipulation that consideration be given to planting a few shrubs on the West Wall of Well No. 6 and that Prairie Film or a similar material be used to cement stones at reservoir overflow. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. 2) Commissioner Gibbs made a motion to accept the signs for the ' Village propebty as presented with the exception of the Golf Course . Seconded by Commissioner Berins . Roll Call vote was taken: Com. Knaak - No . All others Aye . Motion passed 4 to 1 . 'Chairman Hardt commended Mr. Davis and Mr. Ryan on an excellent presentation and added that the Village would be spared consider- able expense because of their work. LOOK N' HEAR Howard Treshansky, representative . V. P. Panasonic Distributors . Poliroid pictures were distributed in lieu of a drawing. Chairman Hardt gaiTe some background information regarding the Workshop discussion of the Look N' Hear sign which was at one time included on the Grove Court pylon sign. It was removed and the facia sign erected . Now request is being made under the new Sign Ordinance allowing two signs under specific conditions . A request has been made of Mr. Raysa, Village Attorney for a legal intrenre_ tation, because it is possible that a 'variance may be needed . (The total facia signage allowed when a pylon sign is also put up is not to total more than 20% of the wall space . ) Mr. &sviano stated he was present when Mr . Tom Fennell said that Mr. Raysa ruled thatrthe previous minutes bind the action now. `-- fN Tl•1 �c C ASL Therefore Mr . Hardt intrepreted his motion of June 23, C978. which approved the Grove Court Pylon Sign with the stipulation-t at any copy to be added to that sign must come before the Appearance Con- trol. Ch. Hardt asked for a motion to approve .the sign. Commissioner Knaak made a motion to table the discussion until written advice is received from Mr . Raysa. Commissioner Kirby further explained the situation. The problem is caused by the fact that under the Old Ordinanance only one sign per business establishment was allowed . Under the New Ordinance, if a pylon and facia signs are both requested , the facia sign can only be 20% but the Look N' Hear Sign that is up is 33-1/3 per cent . Appearance Commission Dec . 14, 1978 - Page Two. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion to table . The discussion continued as to the permit that was issued . Also the sign on the facia is blue and white, and appears to have two different colored backgrounds . This makes the sign different by the intentions of the Commission but it is in conformance by definition. Mr. Saviano will make a further check of the permits etc . Vote was 'taken on the motion to table . No . Berins , Kirby and Hardt . Aye - Knaak and ors Motion defeated. ' Tom Fennell came in and told the Commission that Raysa said. the variance for the second can was not needed . The only question was whether the original permit was still in effect or if a new one was needed . Mr. Saviano was to check this out . Chairman Hardt asked for a motion to .aprrove the Pylon sign based on the positive opinion of the attorney; that in fact the can was approved on June 23, 1978 and that the only consideration required by this commission tonight is regard- • ing the insert . Commissioner Berins so moved . Commissioner Kirby seconded . Roll Call vote was taken and the Motion Passed unanimously. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 9:15 P.M. by Com. Gibbs . All were in favor . Meeting adjourned . Respfetfully submitted, Shirley Ba es , Sec . Appearance Commission sb • Appearance Commission Dec. 14, 1978 - Page Three .