1979-12-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAG%OF BUFFALO GNOME z IL. Thurs. , DEC. 13,1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. on Thursday, Dec. 13, 1979 at the Village Hall. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: L. Kirby, M. Holland and D. Hardt. Commissioners Absent : D. Knaak, L. Paolillo and L. Gibbs. Bldg. Dept. was represented by Jim Griffin. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ch. Hardt deferred the minutes until the next meeting because only three Commissioners were present. However, three are sufficient to proceed with the meeting. 4. BUSINESS a) Applegate Realty - Sign (Arlington Hts. Rd. on K.& B. Board) Bob Verbic , Representative for Applegate Realty explained the situation has occur because they now represent the owners of the Kaufman and Broad models - a company called "Comco." Comco specializes in buying models from builders, the builders then lease them back. K & B's lease is ending and Comco (Hinsdale) has commissioned Applegate to sell the Winfield Models. The billboard in question is owned by Ed Schwertzq who granted Applegate permission to use it. After the small 4x8 sign was placed in the lower corner of the old 120 sq. ft. billboard, Applegate was informed that a permit would be needed. Ch. Hardt clarified the problem which has been caused by the K & B firm' s abandon.nent of the sign. Originally a permit was issued for a period of 6 mos. with renewal conditional upon the maintenance of the sign and provided that the copy not be changed. Since K & B left, changed the sign by paint- ing out the copy and decided to sell; it should be removed. The solution is to have the large sign removed (it is illegal) and secure approval of the Applegate sign in the same location. After discussion of the situation, including the possibility of locating the Applegate sign out of B. G. (p. 28 of S. C. ) or re--locati..i- it on the same property if sufficient distance per. the S. C.) Mr. Verbic said he thought Mr.Schwartz had plans to develop the property and use the sign in the near future. The AC advised Mr. Verbic to seek a permit for his sign at a different location, provided that the large sign is taken down; and written permission from the owner is shown. The Village has the authority to have the K & B Sign taken down. Also the Sign Ordinance must be followed. No special consideration can be given to anyone. Com. Kirby made armotion to table the Applegate Realty request for a sign permit until all the following pro- cedures have been completed: a) present a site plan b) present construction information c) letter with Schwartz' s approval Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call: Aye: Holland, Kirby and Hardt Nay: None Motion to TABLE Passed Unanimously. Mr. Verbic asked if they would have to wait until the Commission meets in January if the Conco people agreed to remove the sign. Ch. Hardt said permission can be given to Jim Griffin to issue a permit for the sign if certain conditions are met. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we " the administrator to issue a permit for the Applegate Sign as presented on the exact site of the former Kaufman & Broad construction sign, subject to removal of said billboard; with these stipulations: a) sign to be of a height not to exceed 10 feet; b) mounted on 4 x 4' s c) for a period of time: not to exceed 6 months, or for the sale of the 4 homes, whichever comes first. NOTE: Special hardship is granted for an off-premise sign because of lack of access to a small sub-division. Such conditions must be met or permission is not to be granted the administrator. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kirby, Holland and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed Unanimously. b) Westwood - Temporary Construction Sign Bob Caperilli presented the sign and explained that his partner was to have come. He had not previously seen the sign. Several problems arose: sign too large, too much copy for the speed limit, Westwood too small. a second is on the property. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Dec. 13, 1979 - Page Two Mr. Caperilli requested that the discussion be tabled until he could review the sign with his partner and they redesign it for submission at the Jan. 10, 1980 meeting. Com. Kirby made a motion to TABLE. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye .- Holland, Kirby and Eardt Nay -None Westwood Estates Motion to TABLE Passed Unanimously. C) Grand-Spaulding Dodge - For Sale sign Leonard Kraus presented the sign, a 4 x 8 located on the property next to Grand-Spaulding advertising the sale of a 5 acre piece of land (Harnole' s) . The sign met the approval of the Commission. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for Grand- Spaulding Dodge as presented; in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.2 of the Sign Code ; for a period of 6 months or u1til sold or leased. Coln. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Kirby, Holland and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed Unanimously. d) Commons - Mr. Shassian is out of town. e) Datsun - Did not present revised landscaping plans. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Hardt said a letter has been submitted by Pres. Clayton suggesting a prospective commissioner. He will follow-up. A letter from Harry Sleek, Levitt was received and Mr. Griffin will follow-up. TheTown Center agreements were sent to Ch. Hardt. Jack Robbins goes to the Board next Monday, Dec. 17, 1979 No meeting until January 10, 1979. 5. ADJOURNMENT Com. Holland moved the meeting adjourn at 9 P.M. Seconded by Com. Kirby. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned. Re ectfully submitted, Shirley Bat , Sec. APPEARANCE COMMISSION sb Dec. 13, 1979 - Page Three