1979-11-29 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS. , NOV. 29, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Dana Knaak, L. Paolillo, B. Gibbs, M. Holland and D. Hardt Commissioner Kirby absent. (Bldg. Dept. Rep. James Griffin) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the reference on p. 6 of the Nov. 8, 1979 minutes, of the possible necessity of 4 votes to determine passage of motions, Mr. Griffin reported that since the AC is not an official body, only a majority vote is necessary. Therefore, the motion to DENY lights on the Hidden Lakes Construction sign passed. They can appeal to the Village Board. Motion to approve the Nov. 8, 1979 minutes with correction was made by Com. Holland and seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll Call: Aye -Knaak, Gibbs, Holland Abstain - Hardt Nay - None (Com. Paolillo arrived late.) 4. BUSINESS a) Jack Robbins - Plaza Verde George Woock representing White Way Sign Co. The Plaza Verde Shopping Center has a sign package, but the sign requested differs in letter style and height. Mr, Woock explained the size_ of' the copy and said it was within the 30 inch letter line, but has a 4" border at the bottom and a 1" border at the top. The two letters that are over the specified 18" height are J and R which are 26"; colors red plastic internally lit letters on #450 anodic returns. There is sufficient store frontage for the pro- posed sign. Ch. Hardt explained that Sign Packages supercede all other criteria, letter type, style etc. with respect to signage. Mr. Woock said the owner of the Center had agreed to the change and should have been here as requested. The reason for needing larger letters is due to the fact that the store is located at the end of the row of businesses and for the sake of visibility. Also the owner of the Jack Robbins chain has the option to enlarge the facilities by March of 1981. Mr. Troy the Jack Robbins representative stated that when the store is enlarged it will be the 4th largest in the center, and because of the large volume of business they will bring in, felt they were entitled to more signage. The Commissioners were agreeable to varying the letter style but felt the height should meet the Sign Package. p ti • Com. Gibbs made the following motion: •• I move we accept the variance for the style of lettering for the sign for theJack Robbins store; but do not make any exception to the height of lettering as per the Sign Package for Plaza Verde. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Ch. Hardt asked for discussion; ' or possible compromise.. Would using a wider stroke, but staying the 18 inch height, be feasible? Mr. Woock said they could reduce the two letters (J and R) to 21". The Commissioners did not agree and Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye: Paolillo, Holland, Knaak Gibbs and Hardt Nay: None Motion Passed. Ch. Hardt explained that they could meet the height of the Sign Package,,Ar they could appeal to the Board. b) Grand-6paulding Dodge - Temporary Sign (Lot For Sale) No representatives. c) Stonegate Apartment - Rental Sign Larry Mc Carthy - General Manager presented the sign and the site plan locating it near Lake Cook Road. The Commissioners noted that Stonegate has at the present time 3 other signs that identify the Apartments, one of which has a !RENTING" sign attached to the brick wall. If the sign is ap- proved tonight there would be 4 signs within one block. If Mr. Mc Carthy would agree to remove the "Now Renting" signs, -then the new sign and the wall sign would be acceptable. The sign proposed was a temporary type sign and would have to be renewed every six months, but if Mr. Mc Carthy preferred to design a permanent sign eliminating the phone no. and bedrooms, it would be more attractive and would serve the purpose of identifying the Apartments. This was fine with Mr. Mc Carthy. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we table the proposal for Stonegate Apts. and that at a future date, a permanent sign be presented, for the same location at Lake-Cook Rd. and Buffalo Grove Rd. It is understood that erection of a permanent sign would be in conjunction with the removal of the three temporary signs located at the SE Corner of the property;and the "Now Renting" from the entrance; and at St. Mary's and Buffalo Grove Rd. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs, Holland and Hardt Nay .- None Motion to TABLE Passed. Ch. Hardt mentioned that directional a sign could be placed within the property directing people to models . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Nov. 29, 1979 - Page Two. • d) Buffalo Grove Datsun - Temporary Sign during Construction Mr. Bob Stavin presented the drawing of the proposed sign which will be a double sign identifying the builder Trebor Construction with the Datsun sign on top. The sign is ex- pected to come down in May 1980. The total of the combined sign was 80 .sq. ft. which exceeds the 64 sq. ft. limit - 4'x 8' (Trebor) & 6 'x 8 ' (Datsun) . Mr. Stavin agreed to reduce the Datsun to 4'x 8 ' which would then be two 4' x 8' signs for a total of 64 sq. ft. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the temporary construction:&.sign far BG Datsun as depicted on the blueprints. Colors as Bhown; with reduction in size of Datsun from 6' to 4' in ht. - in proportion to what is shown. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Paolillo, Knaak, Holland, Gibbs and Hardt. Nay - None Motion Passed. Sign is to be located as shown on site plan. and erected with 4' x 4' posts. e) Levitt Homes - Architectural review - Villas of Buffalo Creek - 2 new Models with 3 elevations each. Harry Sleek and Mr. Goldberg, representatives. Before the presentation of the new models, the question of the "repainted" sign was discussed and Mr. Sleek said he would bring in copies of the new face for proper review. Mr. Goldberg stated that because of the condition of the sales market, Levitt is offering a raised ranch duplex and a modified bi-level (with optional finishing) at a lesser cost. He presented the 3 elevations of each building. 1. Raised Ranch - JB';O1 - No Brick, all aluminum siding; aluminum gutters and down spouts ; B vents painted out; side garage option; colors same as rest of models; shutters are plastic; chimney same as siding; blank elevations on corner lots will be landscaped; black wrought iron railings; planters are wooden; light fixtures the sgTne as other models (or com- parable) ; garage doors all white with different trim; no concrete stoop in the rear; exposed concrete under patio doors; sodded lots (no front landscaping) ; roof vents on the rear - painted out. 2. Raised Ranch - JB 02 - Brick front (4 types of brick) ; other specifications the same as JB 01. 3. Raised Ranch - JB 03 - Tudor style , only version. Could have two front garages, or one front and one side; Staccato board with painted accent treatment and paint- ed shutters; overhang at each door; other specifications the same as JB 01. Com. Paolillo made a motion to accept the architecture for the Villas of Buffalo Creek, models JB 01, JB 02 & JB 03 - with the following stipulations: APPEARANCE COMMISSION Nov. 29, 1979 - Page Three (Levitt stipulations) a - vents on front eleyation to be painted out to • match the siding; b - light fixtures be the same as were approved for the other models, if available OR of similar design and gwJ.ity; c - construction materials similar to that approved for the other models ; if brick is not available then it must be of comparable quality and appearance; d - light fixtures as required by Code on rear elevation; e - corner elevations are to have landscape treatment as approved for the other models ; f - railings to be painted black. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Holland, Gibbs, Knaak, Paolillo and Hardt Nay - None Motion Passed. BI-LEVEL - unfinished lower level with option to be finished. JN 01 - 3 different exteriors, 2 bedroom model, different window treatment, side car option. JN 02 *- brick vaneer fronts, same garage roof as 01. JN 03 - garage doors have overhang. 3rd bedroom and bath on upper level over kitchen area. dormers are wood. bracket over door to be raised to 6' minimum. Cpon tructio materials thesame a JB Models. Muttons to Abe on side windows; Optional fireplaces: Com. Knaak asked for muttons to be included on all windows; but after discussion it was generally agreed that since this was not required on the other models, this was not to be made a stipulation; but the developer agreed to offer as an option. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I move we accept the architecture for the Villas of Buffalo Creek, models JN 01, JN 02 and JN 03 - with the following stipulations. a - roof vents to be painted out; b - light fixtures and all exterior construction materials will be similar to those approved for the rest of the models; but if the same materials are not available - materials of like quality will be acceptable. c - JN 03 overhang shall be a minimum of 6 ft. from ground level (bracket) d - muttons to be on side windows on corners e - muttons on the rear to be optional to buyer. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Paolillo, Holland and Hardt Nay - Knaak (because of his feelings about muttons) Motion passed. Note: the sign will be presented later. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS a - The Applegate sign on the K & B billboard on Arlington Hts. Rd. should be removed. Mr. Griffin said Applegate told him they had permission to put it up. He will check further. b - Mr. Griffin presented a re-inspection form for signs - OK 6. ADJOURNMENT - Motion to adjourn was made at 9:45 P.M. by Com. Holland and seconded by Com. Knaak. Unan. Aye Respectfully submitted, APPEAR.�NCE COi�1MISSION Chi rl c-cr Raf-ca �`nn V \i