1979-09-27 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Project Title : DATSUN __...� Date : Sept. 27, 1979 Developer: Trebor Development Corp. - Stephen G. Thompson --Bbo 6t&Vin ARQHITECTURE Lloyd Fried Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by:• Com. Knaak I move we accept the Architectural Plan for DATSUN as presented with these stipulations: 1 - Roof top Heating- and A/C Units be screened on the East Side: with screening to be painted out to match the trim of the building; screening to be at least 1 ft. higher than the A/C Units and the fence to extend at least 3 ft. beyond the North and South peri- • meter of each A/C Unit. 2 - Downspouts be painted out to match the trim. 3 - Building materials be as depicted and specified on SMC - 364. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Holland, Gibbs, and Kirby Nay - None • Motion Passed. L. Kirby, Acting Chairman sb • � . r+ it • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary . Project Title : DATSUN _.._. Date : Sept. 27, 1979 Stephen G. Thompson, Proj . Man. Developer: Trebor Development Corp. Bob Stavin & Lloyd Fried , LANDSCAPING Moved by: Cami Knaak Seconded by: Cam. Holland I move we approve the LANDSCAPING for DATSUN subject to the Forester' s Report. and with the following stipulations: 1. Landscaping only, not signs,-damps or illimination in this motion; 2. Increased plantings East of the Service Door; 'B' as listed; 3. May relocate the berm at the South- Easterly property line, pending a decision of thePark District. Roll Call Vote: Ayer Paolillo, Knaak, Holland Gibbs, and Kirby Nay - None Emotion Passed L. Kirby, Acting Chairman sb VILLAGE 'OF•BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary Project Title : DATSUN -.--. Date : Sept. 27, 1979 Stephen G. Thompson, Prof. Man . Developer: Prebor Development Corp. Bob Stavin Lloyd Fried LIGHTING • Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the lighting for Buffalo Grove Datsun as proposed. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Holland and Kirby. (Com. Paolillo left the meeting. ) Nay - None Motion Passed. • • L. Kirby, • Acting Chairman sb 1 VILLAGE OF -BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Project Title : DATSUN - - -• Date : Sept. 27, 1979 Trebor Development Corp. - Stephen G. Thompson, Proj . Man. Developer: Bob Stavin & Lloyd Fried SIGNAGE Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by Cot. Holland • I move we adopt the signage package as outlined by the Chairman (following the motion) as to the specifications as far as specifications of color and height; SUBJECT TO a ruling by the ZBA on the pylon sign regarding the following: 1 - insufficient front footage on Right-of-Way. Sign Code - Sec. 5.1-a; and 2 - minimum distance between proposed • ground sign and any existing pylon sign either to the East 'or West on the same side of Dundee Road. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Holland and Kirby Nay - None • If the variance is denied a permit will not be issued for a Pylon. Sign Package: as depicted in the Official Programs a) Pylon Sign - D 80-10 (no D -24) If square footage can meet 120' _limit D 24 will be allowed. • Red background with White lettering; base anodized bronze. (D 24 is Red on White) Contingent _to the ruling of the ZBA on whether the ground sign will be permitted, the facia sign would be limited to 22 sq. ft. - Helvetica style lettering. If the ground sign is denied - 1/3 of the facie( can be used. b) Facia sign - D 2 A illuminated 24" high letters, individually lit on a track. Disconnect to be painted out the color of the background c) Service sign mounted over the service door sb on the East side - D 12. T._ Kirby. )Pting Ch. • • VILLAGE 'OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Project Title : BONANZA - Decorative Fence Sept. 27, 1979 -- Date: Developer: Federal Sign Co. - Dominic Nitti Moved by: Com. Holland Seconded by: Com. Knaak 1. I move we accept the fencing over the canopy of the building and the stained glass as depicted, in the rendering submitted, on either side of the entrance. Fence to be painted white. Roll Call Vote : Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Holland, Kirby Motion passed. • 2. I move we DENY the raceway with the lights as presented, outlining the roof line and facia, and around the fencing. White metal OK. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Holland, Kirby . Motion passed to DENY. L. Kirby, Acting Chairman sb VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Kemmerly Real Estate Sign Sept. 27, 1979 Project Title: - --- Date : Developer: Federal Sign Co. - Dominic Nitti Moved by: Com. Gibbs Com. Knaak Seconded by: I move we accept the sign as "presented. Roll Call-Vote - Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Holland, Kirby Motion Passed. • L. Kirby, Acting Chairman • sb • • • VILLAGE OF -BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Highland Point Highland Grove Sign at Entrance of Subdivision Highland Square Sept. 27, 1979 Project Title : - --- Date : Hoffman Group, Inc. Developer: Norman P. Goldmeier and Edward Hoffman Com. Knaak Com. Holland Moved by: Seconded by: I move we accept the Highland Point, Highland Grove, Highland Square sign as presented, stipulating that the Arrow be placed below the two sections. Permit to be issued for one year with renewal for six month periods, thereafter provided the sign is well 'maintained. Sign is double-faced, with no bracing. Roll Call Vote: Aye..- Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby Nay - Holland (because of arrow) Motion Passed. • L. Kirby, Acting- Chairman sb VILLAGE OF -BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Project Title : COMMONS r.... Date : Sept. 27, 1979 Developer: The COMMONS - Charles Nelson Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak I move we accept the addition to the sign, as it exists, at the Commons. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Gibbs Nay - Holland, Knaak and Kirby Motion DENIED. Petitioner informed of his right to appeal to the Village Board. • • L. Kirby, sb Actinfr Chairman. yam::.. •; VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary CANDLEWOOD CREEK EAST Sept. 27, 1979 Project Title : - - Date : Havenwood Development Corp. 011e E. Saarinen Developer: Kandace H. Saarinen MATERIALS Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we accept the construction materials presented for the Candlewood Creek East Development with the stipulation that the White Bricks are to be replaced • with a light tan with more reddish color. Roll Call Vote - - AYE - Holland, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby Nay - None Motion Passed LIGHTING Moved by Com. Holland Seconded by Com. Gibbs I move we approve the Lighting for Candlewood Creek as presented. Roll Call Vote Aye - Holland, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby Nay - None Motion Passed • LANDSCAPING Moved by Com. Gibbs Seconded by Com. Holland I move we accept the Landscaping for Candlewood Creek as presented with the sodding to be extended to the rear of the houses, the rest to be seeded, each to have 1 tree to be of the variety specified by the builder of 3 inch caliper - subject to the Forester's report. Roll Call Vote - - Aye - Holland, Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby Nay - None sb Motion Passed L. Kirby, Actin Oh_ VILLAGE OF.-BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary Project Title: CANDLEWOOD CREEK EAST_ Dates Sept. 27, 1979 Developer: Havenwood Development Corp. - 011e E. Saarinen Kandace H. baarinen ARCHITECTURE Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Corn. Holland I move we accept the elevations of the Havenwood Development Corp. - Oandlewood Creek East - exterior .. layouts, as presented for the Hillwood Model - 6 Homes, 2 elevations • Longwood Model - 5 Homes, 2 elevations Shadowwood Model - 4 Homes, 2 elevations with the following stipulations: 1. The exposure of any foundation not to exceed 3 feet; 2. A11 decking to be cedar and/of redwood; • 3. Downspouts be painted out to match trim; 4. Doors (front, side and garage) to be painted to match the accent color; 5. Vents (if possible) to be painted out, so the galvanized metal is not on dark roofs; 6. When any amount of steps appear, proper railings will be installed, black wrought iron ( Longwood Model) 7. Stones to be compacted as close as possible, with tight grouting. Roll Call Vote - Aye -- Holland, Knaak, Gibbs, Kirby Nay -- None Motion Passed. L. Kirby, Acting Chairman • sb VILLAGE 'OF-BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION - Recommendation Summary Project Title: NORTHWOOD GROVE, PHASE J 2 Date : Sept. 27, 1979 Jerry De Grazier, Developer: Anden Corporation - ARCHITECTURE Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Holland • I move we approve the elevations for Northwood Phase #2, materials as per the 6/24/78 revision - 23 combinations to be chosen from the 39 - - Architecture as reviewed and presented. Garage doors on Maintainence Bldg. being reduced to three doors, possibly two . No yellow on any. buildings #1 - 5 B or 4; Having a close range of colors in each cluster. • • Roof vents to be painted out. Canopy to be painted out - compatible to brick. • • Wood pillars - to have metal where wood meets concrete. Yellow limited to 2 buildings. • Roll Call Vote - Aye -- Holland, Kirby, Gibbs Opposed - Knaak Motion Passed. SIGNAGE Tabled. Motion - Oom. Holland, 2nd - uom. Gibbs. LIGHTING - Motion made by Com. Com. Gibbs - 2nd - Com. Knaak I move we approve the Lighting as presented by Northwoods Phase #2; Street lights to be the number required by the Village Code - 14 ft. ht. and building lights as exhibited and presented this evening. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Kirby Abstain - Holland Motion Passed. L. Kirby, sb Acting Chairman J , a VILLAGE OF -BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • Recommendation Summary Project Title : NORTHWOOD GROVE '1'11A$E4 2 Date: Sept. 27, 1979 Anden Corp. - Jerry De Gratis Developer: LANDSCAPING Moved by: Com. Knaak Seconded by: Com. Holland I move we approve the Landscape Architecture • for Northwood Grove Phase 2 as presented, sub- • ject to approval of the Village Forester; and with the exception of the trash recepticles: An alternate plan to be submitted at the time - the garage/car ports are presented. Roll Call Vote - Aye - Gibbs, Knaak, Holland Kirby • Nay - None • Motion Passed.