1979-09-13 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. TxHURS. , Pl. 13;1979 • 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting together at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall, Thursday, Sept. 13, 1979 2. ROLL CALL All Commissioners were present: Kirby, Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Holland, Weiss and Ch. Hardt. Bldg. Dept. was represented by: James Griffin 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Com. Knaak moved the minutes of Aug. 23, 1979 be accepted as presented. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Voice vote taken: Aye - Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Holland Weiss, Hardt. Abstain - Kirby 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch. Hardt reported that the Business District Development Committee has been meeting all week. The whole draft that was reviewed at the AC Workshop meeting is to be transferred to the Planning Commission. The AC comments are to be sub- mitted to the Planning Commission for their meeting of Oct. 3rd. Ch. Hardt will meet with someone to get clarifi- cation of the definitions and prepare the draft. Ch. Hardt has resigned from the Business District Develop- . ment Committee because it meets on Tuesday nights and he has other commitments on that night. He was asked to recommend someone from the AC and feels it would be good to have the AC represented. The Commissioners were asked to think it over. Ch. Hardt noted that that draft that has been prepared by the Town Center Committee has many contradictions to the new Sign Code as well as other contradictions within the text itself, so it is an important task to be undertaken. 5. BUSINESS a) Temporary Sign - Grove Manor; Bernard Katz and Co. Jerry Weiss presented and described the proposed sign. It is 117-118 sq.ft . - unlit - pole to be set in concrete and will be erected in approximately the center of the property. The words -"Coming Soon" is an embellishment because it is not contained in the body of the sign. Mr. Weiss agreed to eliminate the phrase from the sign. He also agreed to. eliminate the back support post, and sink the posts in a little deeper. • It was noted that if the phone number is ever changed, the new number should be painted on, not to use a board. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the_:Grove Terrace Condominiums construction sign with these stipulations: a) The appendage - COMING SOON- be removed; b) The sign be free-standing, without back braces; c) In order for the sign to have sufficient stability, the posts be set in concrete to a sufficient depth to achieve this: (48"); d) If it becomes necessary to change the Telephone Number, the sign is to be repainted rather than using a board affixed to the sign; e) The sign is approved for a 1 year period, with renewal upon request, if it is in good condition. One month notice as per Code. f) Location as per drawing numbered A 1. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye —Kirby, Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Holland, Weiss and Hardt. No - None. Motion Passed Unanimously. b) Lieberman - Oak Creek Condos - Sign No representative was present. • c) Northwest Ambulatory Signs and Architecture Mr. Hundreiser , presented the signs. and described them. The colors are dard brown with white lettering. There will be 2 entrance signs - double-faced,perpendicular to the driveways. Locations - S 1; on the site plan. It was determined that. the parcel has sufficient frontage to allow for two signs at present and in the future may submit additional signa.ge" for the Weiland Rd. entrance. If the electrical disconnect is showing, it is to be painted out; and the signs will meet the Code requirements. The base will be flush to the ground and will be landscaped, as per Section 5.1 h; page 28 of the Sign Code. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the two identification signs for the Northwest Community Ambulatory Center- SD - 1 as presented with the following stipulations: APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 13, 19?9 - Page Two a) Double-faced signs placed perpendicular to the road at the entrances, noted as SD-1; b) Per the Sign Code - pfitzers,. or- other low growing shrubbery, to be !placed at the base of the posts. c) The electrical disconnects to be painted out to match the frame ( if exposed) ; These two signs as presented tonight are being reviewed by the Appearance Commission, taking into consideration the entire development as shown on the Plan SC 1. Based on the front footage of this parcel, it is the feeling of the Commission that they could be entitled to additional,_signage,. accord- ing to the Village Sign Code. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Unanimously: Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, Kirby, Holland, Weiss and Hardt. Interior Signae The signs were reviewed as follows: S - 2: At the base of the Staff Parking Lot Directional arrow to indicate Visitor P. . . S - 3: Double faced, turned 90 degrees so that • there is better visibility. (Arrow?) S - 4: Emergency Entrance Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the three small signs indicating Employee/Visitor Parking on one sign; visitor Parking on the second; and Emergency Entrance on the third; at the locations as indicated on site plan SD -1. The Visitor Parking sign be turned 90 degrees to be perpendicular to the parking spaces. S-3 will be double faced; S - 2 and 4 will be single. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll uall Vote: Aye - unanimously: Knaak, Paolillo, Gibbs, irby, Holland, Weiss, • and Hardt. • ARCHITECTURE The developer presented a color rendition of the facility and gave a general description. The view is from the South showing the back of the building showing the Emergency Entrance. The • North, East :and West sides are about the same. It has bronze aluminum and bronze glass; the brick is reddish orange. -The lower canopy has bronze metal: facia 4',-the higher canopy has a lighter shade of bricks- 8 x 8; and the height is 6' . Windows are bronze aluminum. APPEARANCE) OMNISSII0NN Three Sept. 13, �79 Page L Ch. Hardt had two questions : screening of roof top fixtures and under canopy lighting. Mr. Hundreiser described the lighting first. Since the hospital is open 24 hours a day, there will be some lighting under the lower canopy that is intensi- fied at the entrance; and perhaps some dim recessed fixtures on the high part just for dramatic effect. The roof top units on the lower portion will be con- cealed by the high parapet wall. If there are any exposed units on the higher part they will be screen- ed by usirig Childers ' metal screen. This will be bronze, matched to the facia. Ch. Hardt asked that anything visible from the street or surrounding property lines be painted, or preferably screened as indicated. Mr. Hundreiser agreed. No visible refuse containers are to be used. Only inter- ior disposal, and mostly linens, etc. are anticipated. Com. Paolillo asked if the roof-top screening was going to have access panels so that the Fire Dept. could get through? "Yes - also for maintenance ' purposes. " Interior downspouts which drain into the detention basin on the South, and out to #83 from there. • Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the Architecture for the Northwest Ambulatory Center as presented with the following stipulations : a) any under canopy lighting is to have recessed cans; soft effect lights b) any equipment showing on the high roof line will be screened with. Childers ' (or equal quality) equipment, with access panels for fire and maintenance purposes, to be of aluminum to match the building; c) all other equipment on the roof be at the center line of the building, out of sight from the street or adjacent property. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Unanimously : Knaak1, Paolillo, Gibbs, Kirby, Holland, Weiss and Hardt. Nay- None d) Stan's Standard Service - #83 and Buffalo Grove Road. Stan Ozimek came in at the request of Jim Griffin and presented a photograph of the Do-It-Yourself Vacuum sign. He said he erected it because customers thought they were station equipment. It is two faced, supported by iron posts. . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 13, 1979 - Page Four Chairman Hardt ruled that it is a ground sign and therefore would need a ZBA variation before the AC could look at it for approval. The ZBA requires proven hardship to grant such a variation. Distance is in violation of the sign code requirement of 500 ft. Mr. Ozimek was reminded that he should know the Village procedures which require review of the AC before putting up any signs. 6. OLD BUSINESS Ranch Mart Pharmacy (Mark Drugs) Alan Sear, owner. Mr. Sear presented a color rendition of the proposed face changes to the three ovals now existing. He explained the words Ranch Mart are in Script because of the way it is on the large pylon sign on Dundee Road. # long discussion took place regarding the status of the Mark Family Drugs sign on the large pylon. Mr. Sear told the Commission he was required to pay for part of that pylon, but was told that the word Mark could not be changed to Mart be- cause of the type of construction of the panel . He informed the AC that he had insisted that the paragraph concerning the sign stricken from the lease. Com. Kirby contended that the owner of Ranch Mart was responsi- ble for the pylon sign, not Mr. Sear. With regard to Abandoned Sign - P. 45 - Sect. 9.2 (a) of the Sign Code was discussed because the sign has been up for more than 90 days after purchase of the store. Mr. Holland noted that the situation is similar to. having a National Sign left up after a Dominick ' s has been opened in the same location (Buffalo Grove Mall example) . • Ch. Hardt agreed and said that in other situations, all signage was reviewed and changed accordingly. Con. Kirby referred to p. .21 of the Sign Code and suggested that • the question be referred to the Village Attorney for interpre- tation. There was general agreement to this and Ch. Hardt directed Mr. Griffin to check with Mr. Raysa with regard to the Ranch Mart Pylon sign which incorporates the name Mark Family Drugs; and determine if after 3 months time , it is an abandonded sign.? Since Mark Drugs no longer owns or occupies the premises, and since the owner of the Shopping Center does not want to change it, what is the legal status of the sign? The Commission is split in its feelings that the sign can be approached from a legal standpoint, and if it has any jurisdiction? Mr. Sear will be notified by Mr. Griffin of Mro Raysa' s decision. The Commission then reviewed the proposed sign changes, pending the interpretation by the Buffalo 'rove Legal Dept. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 13, 1979 — Page Five • Com. Kirby stated that since the name is now Ranch Mart Pharmacy, not Mark Drugs, that the words. Drugs and Liquors are advertising and not an identification sign as required by the Sign Code. Mr. Sear said his business license reads Buffalo Grove Drug, Co. Inc . and that the two departments Drugs and Liquors each make up about 40% of the sales volume and all other products the other 20%. It was noted by the AC that Mark Drugs did not advertise liquor and the business volume was the same for years. Also noted was that other signs` in the Village that advertise liquor are not legal signs but were erected before the sign code went into-effect. Ch. Hardt explained that the name of a business must conform with the signage. Mr. Sear said he would like to leave the sign as submitted until the legal opinion is determined, so that all the various questions can be reviewed. Com. Holland asked if he would prefer to have the matter tabled? This was agreeable to Mr. Sear. He may prefer to keep MarkDrug. The .question of total square footage allowed was mentioned and how much frontage the store has determines the amount of space hat can be used for identification signage. Also, it was noted that when Ranch Mart agreed to a sign pack- age for the center, the three stores, Mark Drugs, Irving Federal and Jewel were specifically left out. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we table the :consideration of the Ranch Mart Pharmacy wall sign subject to the Village' s Legal Counsel review of thePylon sign designated as Mark Family Drugs, which presently fronts on Dundee Road at the Ranch Mart Shopping Center. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Com. Holland added this to the motion: per the Legal review of that sign: whether it is in fact, abandoned in accordance with the Sign Code, Section: 9.2 - Page 45 Roll Call vote was taken: Aye - Weiss, Holland, Gibbs, Paolillo, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt Nay - ,None Mr. Griffin will notify Mr. Sear of the decision and the sign can be revieed at the next meeting, Sept. 27, 1979 if the interpretation so indicates. 7. WORKSHOP Greg Boysen, New Public Works Commissioner was present to inquire about the Village Sign Package that was submitted on Sept. 14, 1978. . .what was approved? APPEARANCE COMMISSION Sept. 13, 1979 - Page Sir S i • Ch. Hardt recalled that the problem was that no pictures were submitted. A drawing was presented and Mr. Boysen explained the two types of signs: Wells - Single Face with Village Insignia Village Hall and Public Service Center - ' Two Panels with Village Insignia These signs were approved by the Commission. The Golf Course Sign was removed from the roof and the one submitted was to be a Double Panel with the words: Pro Shop Cocktails Restaurant on the lower panel; 18 Hole Golf Course on top. Ch. Hardt recalled that Bill Davis had originally wanted to. use components of the original sign but since this was irrele- vant the sign was discussed as presented. Com. Knaak objected to the advertising aspect of the three words on the -lower part. The Ordinance forbids advertising. • Com. Kirby felt that Pro Shop and Restaurant were all right because they were not items to be sold, but Cocktails did refer to a product. (The Pro Shop is owned by the Village. ) • It will be placed parallel to Lake Cook Road.as previously approved. Also it is a single faced sign. Mr. Boysen agreed to delete Cocktails. Com. Gibbs made the following motion; I move we approve the Golf Course sign as presented with Pro Shop and Restaurant on the lower panel, and deleting the word Cocktails. • Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote taken: Aye Weiss, Hol_Land, Gibbs, Paolillo, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt. Nay - None Sins Observed to be reviewed by *Mr. Griffin: Lieberman's - Did not come in and has a sign that could be on Village property. Mr. Griffin will follow up. Shell - Location correct? Mr. Griffin presented a Steeple View sign - Must come in. Levitt is changing sign and will come in. 8. ADJOURNMENT Com. Knaak made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned by unanimous consbnt. Respectfully submitted sb Shirley B tes, Secretary- 4PnPEARANCE� CO��M.