1979-08-09 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • REGULAR MEETING APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. AUGUST 9, 1979 Chairman Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:35 at the Municipal Building, 50 Raupp Boulevard. Commissioners Present: Chairman Hardt Mrs. Kirby Mr. Gibbs Mr. Weiss Commissioners Absent: Mr. Knaak Mr. Paolillo Mr. Holland Also Present: Mr. Jim Griffin Chairman Hardt announced that the Village Board passed the RV Ordinance by a 4-2 vote. Chairman Hardt stated he talked to Mr. Carl Genrich, Chairman of the Business District Development Commission and they have put together a draft of the con- trols for the business district. Chairman Hardt asked Mr. Griffin if he could get a copy of this draft for each of the commissioners because Mr. Genrich ask- ed the Appearance Commission to review this before their next meeting, Sept. 11. Chairman Hardt asked Mr. Griffin to allocate at least half an hour in the agenda for the meeting of the 23rd for the review of the Business District plan. UPTOWN FEDERAL - Off Premise Sign Present were Mr. Ronald Becker, counsel, and Mr. Dan Regan of Sales and Services for Uptown Federal Savings & Loan. Mr. Regan stated the sign will be plywood, double faced and is to be ground mounted. He said it will be within their property lines but off premise. It is supported by 2x4's and the colors are blue and white. Chairman Hardt asked about the back of the sign. Mr. Regan slid it would be natural wood. Chairman Hardt stated that off premise signs require special approval by the Appearance Commission and to date none have been approvea. Chairman Hardt stated that the back of the sign must be presentable and painted out. Mr. Becker said that could be done. Mr. Regan stated the 2x4's would be 3 ft. into the ground. Chairman Hardt asked if they could use 4x4's and get by without the back brace. Mr. Becker said yes. The location was discussed and it was suggested they check with Engineering to make sure it would not hinder traffic. r I -2- Chairman Hardt stated he was not sure their request could be designated an off premise sign because this parcel has four owners. He said what we would be giving you is a ground sign plus a wall sign. He said he could see the possi- bility of erecting a temporary sign without the advertising of the interim office. After further discussion regarding these points, Mr. Becker asked for a vote. Commissioner Weiss made the motion the off premise sign for Uptown Federal Sav- ings be rejected for the following reasons: As an off premise sign, it offers a form of advertising which does not conform to the current code and, taking into consideration developed parcels, it would therefore be an illegal sign. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Mr. Becker said he would withdraw the request and ask to have a sign without the advertising. Commissioner Weiss stated he would withdraw the motion. Commissioner Gibbs made the motion to approve the sign to read "Future Home - of Uptown Federal Savings", deleting the rest of the wording. It is to be a two-faced sign not to exceed 9'x 12 ', . from tho gx-e4k' to be free of weeds and long grass, and the supports be removed and the up-rights be 4" x 4", and the back of the sign be painted out • e '0e4c. Commissioner Kirby seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. A S AGR EC 3 PULTE - TANGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION Mr. Ron Kelson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, introduced himself. He stated he is requesting a directional sign on site on Lot 2. Chairman Hardt asked if there are any other signs on site? Mr. Kelson said no. ARstovi i2E�� vED Mr. Kelson said the word "right" would be omitted.`'He said he agrees it should not be back braced and they would do whatever is needed to make it erect. The sign will not be lit nor more than 20 ft. high, Chairman Hardt stated that the time limit is one year. Commissioner Gibbs asked how many colors would be used. Mr. Kelson stated there would be 3 colors - two shades of green and black painted on a white surface. Mr. Kelson said it would be located where their present construction trailer is, and would face Busch Rd. (southwest) . It will be a single-faced sign and the back will be painted a light color. Chairman Hardt explained that they would be granted an automatic 6-month exten- sion if the sign is in good repair. Commissioner Kirby made the motion the A earance CommissioR.4�ccept the Pulte Subdivision Homes request for an on .!'u - atv`� o,u •s,rThat the permit be granted for the period of one year with an automatic ,extension granted by the • Appearance. Commission August 9, 1979 r j • -3- w admiktrator if the sign is in good repair. The sign will have no back braces but will have sufficient support not to exceed 20 ft. in height. The sign will not be lit, the back will be painted out in a light color. It will be set back 10 ft. from the right of way and will be located on Lot 2 of the Tanglewood Subdivision facing the southwest, and is not to exceed 120 sq. ft. Commissioner Weiss seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Gibbs stated that they will have to delete the word "right" and the arrow. He said he would like to say that this is the nicest sign that has come before the Commission in a long time. Mr. Kelson stated that his second request is for a parking lot. He said they are temporarily using the facilities across the street. He said they would use Lot 75, and they are proposing gravel. It will be ringed by sod with 5' honey- suckles where shown. The apron crossing the parkway will be concrete and there will be a sidewalk. The type of gravel was discussed, and how to best keep the dust down. Mr. Kelson stated they would be willing to do whatever was suggested and would look into the best possible way to keep the dust at a minimum. Commissioner Gibbs asked if there is going to be an edging along the sodded area and some means of stopping the cars from driving on the grass. Mr. Kelson said yes. He said they planned to use railroad ties or some similar way of keeping the cars off the grass. Commissioner Gibbs made the motion the Commission approve the landscaping of e .) Lot ?5 with honeysuckles 4-5' high along the east property line and rear propert (0%' line with 3-4 pfitzers betwee the honeysuckle , ,and the sod erms , and. mounding, the prc & • a�� some ctyype of edging to protect the sod, Na- f` 3 C with the provision they contact the staff to work out a system of keeping dust ,q,vO ( )( pf ' down and .that they maintain the lot. Commissioner Kirby seconded the motion. ciNGt-47 Upon voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. FA'#1,4,Y Pax "SipF11-.0e Chairman Hardt stated that he would like to have more members present before continuing work on codification requirements of the sign code. YOUTH CENTER Mr. Griffin stated he would like to request a sign for. the Yotith Center of white background and black copy, to be 60 ft. from Lake-nook Rd. and 25 ft. to the south of the building in line with the southwest corner. Commissioner Kirby made the motion the sign be approved as submitted except for omitting the arrow. The location to be the southwest corner of the build- ing approximately 25 ft south of the building and 60 ft. north of Lake-Cook Rd. to be designated as a temporary sign with a time limit of 6 months, with the stipulation that "Buffalo Grove" be written out, and that it not exceed 8 ft. Appearance Commission August 9, 1979 w -4- in height, and with the corners rounded. Commissioner Weiss seconded the mo- tion. Upon voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gibbs made the motion the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Kirby seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, aelfiZelX/W et Astrid L. Hasley APPROVED BY: D. Hardt, Chairman Appearance Commission August 9, 1979