1979-07-12 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • • ' VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Planned Development ( ) Special Use Uptown Federal ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other 8t. 83 & Arlington Hts. Rd. Location Developer (Owner) • Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Mr. Becker Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: July 12, 1979 • (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: 1. Corm. Gibbs made the following motion: I move that Uptown Federal be allowed to put up 6 Flags, to be located as identified in the sketch shown this evening; for a period of time not to exceed 15 days. Also to include the Grand Opening sign across the store front they are .renting, as Presented. These signs are in accordance with Sec. 6.7 — p.35 of the Sign Code. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. • .Motion Passed Unanimously. 2. Com. Weiss made the following motion: I move we approve the Uptown Federal temporary store front sign as presented; to be installed on a .raceway. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. MotionPassed Una..i.mously. 3. Landscaping — Com. Holland made the following Iiiotion: I move the Landscaping for Uptown Federal project be accepted as presented subject to: the discussion to be submitted by the Village Forester. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll q':13Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. Date of Approval July 12, 1979 Chairman .of Appearance Comm. L. Kirby (Acting Chairman) VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial Uptown Federal cont' d ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other Location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Mr. Becker Person to be Contacted Phone ' Address Date Received: • /Date of Hearing: • ' (Do not. write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Architecture • Com.Knaak made the following motion: S move we accept the Elevations and Architecture for Uptown Federal to be located at the Strathmore Shopping Center as presented with the. stipulations:- a) a gate be placed in the fenced area on the East elevation; b) Any exposed vents be painted out to match the color of the wood along the roof; c) Fence to be painted the same color; d) Downspouts to be painted out #611-H (Black Coffee?) e) Frames around doors and windows to be • #40 - Dark Bronze f) Brick will be Pink (?) g) Roofing material will be John Mansville, Fiber-glass, Woodland Rustic Brown Com. . Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm. July 12, 1979 L. Kirby (Acting Chairman) VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • e ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use Uptown Federal (cont'd) ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision--( ) Sign ( ) Other Location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: • (Do not write below this line) • Appearance Commission Recommendation: • NOTE: Off Premise sign was tabled until July 26, 1979. Pylon Sign was tabled also because it must have a variation from the ZBA because of distance requirements. • . July 12, 1979 • L. Kirby Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm. (Actinm Chairman VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use Buffalo Grove Mall ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other Dundee and Arlington Heights Rd. Kenroy, Inc . Location Developer (Owner) • Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: James Coconas Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: .1.11.ghting Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move the modification of the lighting at the Buffalo Grove Mall be as follows: a) New lights to be 15 ft. high on 3 ft. bases, for a total of 18 ft in height. b) Flex-mounted, anodized aluminum; and that they be directed onto the store front of 'Dominick&&s • and not show over the roof line. c) They can use _C for temporary bases for a period of time not to exceed 90 days. d) That they be 400 watts. e) To be installed as indicated on the diagram shown this evening. f) All poles shall be painted dark brown color, including poles around the perimeter of the building. Motion was seconded by Com. Holland, Roll Call Vote was taken. MOTION PASSED Unanimously. July 12, 1979 L. Kirby Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm. (Acting Chairman) • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use Buffalo Grove Mall (cont' d) ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other Location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Landscanin ' Com. Holland made the following motion: I move the landscapingalong Arlington Heights Road be amended as follows: a) The trees at the driveway entrance along Arlington Heights Road be set back 35 ft. from the driveway entrance b) The landscaping be amended so that spirea is put in place of the Hone suckle. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. • July 12, 1979 L. Kirby (Acting Chairman) Date. of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm.