1979-06-28 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • APPEARANCE COMrISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , JUNE 28,1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hardt called the meeting together at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Hall on Thurs. , June 28, 1979. 2. ROLL CALL _ Commissioners Present - Kirby, Knaak, Holland and Hardt. Commissioners Absent - Gibbs andPaolillo. Also present - From the Bldg. Dept. Dominic Saviano and Propsective Commissioner Gene Weiss. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Deferred to Workshop, after the Business Meeting. • 4. BUSINESS a) Scissors Palace Hair Design Mr. Aloisio of Chicago Rite-Lite Sign Co. presented and described the sign for Scissors Palace Hair Design at tie Dunell Shopping Center. The electrical dis- connect will be on the side of the can painted out black. The sign is painted on the interior on a plastic face. The lettering is white on a black background. The sign is lighted from the interior with white bulbs. A question arose concerning the Legal Business name - if Hair Design is part of' the DBA then the sign will be approved. However if Hair Design is not part of the DBA it should be deleted. Mr. Saviano will check into this. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move the sign for Scissors Palace Hair Design be approved as presented with the background - Black; All painting to be on the interior of the sign; The electrical cut-off to be on the side, painted out black to match the can; and with the stipulation: that, if not in fact, Hair Design is part of the business name then it shall be deleted from the sign, and the copy be approved as Scissors Palace. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed unanimously. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 28, 1979 - Page One b) Buffalo Grove National Bank Landscaping - Parking Lot and Buffer Zone Irving Capitel of Batler and Capitel, Representative. Com. Kirby excused herself from the hearing because she holds a minor interest in the bank. Mr. Capitel gave an explanation of the planned landscaping along the East side of property next to the Fire Department; and the additional parking lot area. As per Village Board request, planting of_ 100 shrubs; seventeen and one/half foot dedicated easement, for ingress and egress will be as shown on the plan. Also the new addition of three drive-in stalls and addition- al parking area with complete landscaping. Ch. Hardt said he had attended the Board meeting and the bushes were a compromise because the Board wanted curb and gutters around the drives, but the Bank re- jected this. Apparently the original drawings show- ed what appeared to be curbing but this was never the architect ' s intent; nor is curbing required by the Zoning Ordinance or the Building Code. The Board asked for a suitable low screen to prevent car lights from shining into the Fire Department or any future building the Village might wish to put on their pro- perty behind the Fire Station. Since a Forester' s Report has not been submitted, the motion will include their approval. The Imperial Honeylocust will be 3" diameter. The median will contain bard with steel edging around edge and there are concrete car bumpers, in the new parking area. The Bank Personnel parking sign is a directional sign and there is no need to approve. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the Landscaping Plan submitted by the Buffalo Grove National Bank with the following stipulations: a) The planted strip beginning at the East end of the property from a point 165' from Dundee Road edge of the property contain the plantings as designated; b) The Imperial Honeyloc ast trees be 3" caliper, balled and burlapped, all 3; c) Median in the expanded parking lot area be barked with steel edging; d) Wheel stops in the expanded parking area. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken, as follows: Aye - Knaak, Holland and Hardt. Abstain - Kirby. Notion Passed. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 28, 1979 - Page Two • Com. Holland made a second motion regarding Buffalo Grove National Bank as follows: I move that the approval of the Buffalo Grove National Bank Landscaping Plan be subject to the Forester' s anticipated opinion and that the expanded detention basin be in accordance with the recommencations of the Village Engineer. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed as follows: Aye - Knaak, Holland and Hardt. Abstain - Kirby. c) Buffalo Grove Executive Environs Office Center Burton Harris - Presented the sign and described the construction and location. It will be a single--faced sign, 120 Sq. Ft. to be placed at the North East corner of the property Parallel to Lake-Cook .Rd. The temporary sign will be up for approximately six months and they will be coming in with a permanent sign at a later date. The supports will be ---- grey, black or white, which are the colors of the sign. The Logo on the drawing is reversed, but the real sign- will be right . Advertising is allowed on temporary signs. The copy is acceptable. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the sign for the Executive Environs Office Center at Lake-Cook Road, with the stipula- tions as follows : a) Supports be painted out, either grey, white or black; as the petitioner decides ; b) That it be granted for a six month period, with automatic six month extension provided the sign is in good condition; c) That the logo is reversed as shown on the signed copy; d). Sign is to be removed within three days after the entire premises i s leased; e) Sign is single-faced. Chairman Hardt seconded -the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. Aye--Holland, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt. d) Steeple View - Temporary Signs Clyde Carlig, Associate of A. T. Henderson presented the revision of the directional sign for Steeple View' s exist- ing temporary sign; sign on sales office and 3 x 3 ID sign. A plastic film will be painted and attached to the large sign indicating the arrow and Information Center. Com. Knaak said he had visited the site and found the sign in good condition and he agreed that the office should have a sign on the garage so that people can find it easily. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 28, 1979 - Page Three Mr. Saviano commented that the house being used as the sales office has been nicely renovated and the property landscaped. All the Commissioners agreed the signage was very well done. Com. . Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the Steeple View Information Sign to be erected over the garage door and the addition of the information arrow on the existing temporary sign. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. It was also noted that the 3 x 3 sign had been approved at the June 14, 1979 meeting. 5. WORKSHOP Approval of Minutes of May 10, 1979 was deferred because the Commissioners present at the meeting were not present tonight. Approval of Minutes of May 24, 1979 - - C•ommission felt that the lem::ierly sign rejected will not be opposed at the Village Board meeting next Monday. Chairman Hardt asked for a representative to be present to so indicate. Com. Knaak and Com. Holland said they would try to attend. Ch. Hardt will also notify Trustee O'Reilly, the AC Liaison - that if Better Homes and Gardens is part of the Kemmerly D.B.A. the sign is acceptable. Also the word Realtor is preferable to Real Estate. Com. Kirby made a motion to approve the minutes of 5/24/79. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Minutes of 5/24/79 were approved. Aye - Knaak, Holland and Hardt. Abstain - Kirby. AlpprOval of Minutes of June 14, 1979 - Under Early Learning Center on Page Four - the paragraph noting the requirements of the Sign Code - P. 28 should be striken. It does not apply. Also on Page Five ELC change words "are granted" in Para. 1-Line three to read ZBA Variation hearing. Motion to approve made by Com. Knaak. Seconded by Com. Holland. Minutes approved for June 14, 1979. Aye Knaak, Holland and Hardt. Abstain - Kirby. • Dominic Saviano reported that the landscaping for the Early Learning Center had been delivered, but a problem of location was discovered and corrected. Trees will be outside fences and a letter from Bill Balling officially sanctioned the change. Motion to adjourn was made at 8:55 P.M. by Com. Knaak and seconded by Com. Holland. All were in favor. Re ctf lly submitted, Shirley Baites, Secretary APPEARANCE COIL IIS:ION June 28, 1979 - Page Four sb