1979-06-14 - Appearance Commission - Minutes � F APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE IL. THURS. , JUNE 14, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER The Appearance Commission meeting of Thurs. , June 14, 1979 was called to order at 7:35 P.M. at the Village Hall by Commissioner Gibbs. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Holland, Paolillo, Knaak, Gibbs and Chairman Hardt (Arrived 7:40 P.M. ) Also Present: Prospective Commissioner Ilene Strauss and Dominic J. Saviano, Building Department and Trustee Bobbie O'Reilly Not Present: Commissioner Kirby and Prospective Commis- sioner Gene Weiss (Business Commitment) QUORUM PRESENT 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The approval of minutes was deferred because not all the • Commissioners who were at the meetings of May 10 and May 24 were present this night. These will be reviewed June 28th. 4. BUSINESS a) Steeple View - Information Center Signs Clyde Carlig, Associated with A. T. Henderson Co. presented drawings of four (4) signs which they desire to erect to identify their Information Center for Steeple View. The site location was also presented. Mr. Carlig gave Commission a general description of each sign and its location. These are intended to be temporary signs. Sign C - a 1 ' x 16' directional sign pointing to the house being used for Sales. This would be attached to the existing sign structure just underneath it. Sign A •-. a 4' x 8' double faced sign to be located at the corner of Rt. 83 and Lake-Cook Rd. This property is owned by the developer, but is not a part of the subject property. It will direct traffic toward the Sales Office. It would confirm to the setback requirements. Sigh B a 3 ' x 3' sign - to be placed on Wieland Rd. so that it could be seen from Aptikisic and directing traffic to the Sales Office Sign D - a 4' x 12' sign at the Infomation "Center itself. The signs will all be the same color as the existing sign, a Light Beige with Brown. Posts are metal. It was noted at this time that these signs are being seen by the Commissioners for the first time and that it is difficult - o recall existing signs, locations, etc. For this reason the Commissioners prefer to: have copies of the information sent several days in advance so that they can properly research and review the requests. Ch. Hardt explained the requirements of the Sign Code with reference to advertising signs; p. 50 - must be on subject property - Sign A does not meet this requirement. Com. Knaak noted p. 33 - Maximum height of directional signs is 4 feet - Sign A is 4'' high so would have to be placed on the ground. The existing sign is the maximum size for a temporary sign - 8' x 16' = 128' . p. 33 - Incidental signs may not exceed a total of 10 sq. feet. Mr. Carlig said that the Directional Sign C could be lettered at the bottom of the existing sign. Removing the sign and taking it back to the shop would be a problem, could a sign painted on a masonite surface and attached? He would remove if the AC does not approve. Extensive advertising is being run in the local papers in about a week and the signs are import- ant for locating the project. Because the Commissioners were in agreement that they have not had sufficient time to research this package properly, Com. Holland suggested approving a portion tonight and tabling the remainder until the next meeting. He made the following motions:- 1) I move we table Signs denoted as A and C until the next meeting - June 28, 1979. Seconded by Com. Knaak. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion to Table passed unanimously. 2) I move we accept the Steeple View Information Center Sign B. Such sign to be at the entry .way to the project on Weiland Road. Seconded by Ch.. Hardt. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed - Unanimously. 3) I move that Sign D be approved with the lettering of Information Center to be placed at the bottom of the existing 8' x 16' sign at the corner of Weiland and Lake-Cook Road. The lettering of Information Center and the Arrow is not to exceed 1' in height per letter and that the lettering be at least 1, ft. separated from any verbage or lettering above on .the existing sign. Such lettering to conform with the lettering on the existing siAPPEARANCE n. (cont' d. . . ) dune�ll-,C19(9 -I.eaagge Two . Letters and background colors to be in complete conformance with the lettering on the existing sign. Seconded by Chairman Hardt. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Denied as follows: Nay - Paolillo Knaak Hardt Gibbs Ayg - Holland The Commissioners were opposed to the motion because they did not know what the sign would look like with the additional lettering. Chairman Hardt took over the meeting. b) Buffalo Grove Dodge - Sign Face Change Charles Sheehan - Sheehan Sign Co, Chicago presented the request to change the `Sign that was formerly Grand-Spaulding Dodge (changed hands in Nov. 1978) . The sign now in front is an illegal sign. Ch. Hardt noted that it was up to the Building Department to issue a fine, but that this was out of the scope of the AC. The sign submitted is to reviewed as a new sign. Construction of the sign will be the same as before. Colors- White letters on a Red background. The plastic panels are various lengths, but the space at each' end will be exactly the same. The panels will be installed so that no light will show through between them (as on the existing sign) . Each section is approximately 2 ft. long and about 18" high. The sign is set on steel posts in concrete. There is also a Pylon Sign that says Dodge on the property. Com. Gibbs made a motion to accept the sign face change-Buffalo Grove Dodge as presented. Seconded by Com. Knaak. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. c) Buffalo House - Front Elevation Philip Kupritz, represented Bill ' s Buffalo House and described the proposed change of the doorway. Clear glass windows have been added. Also a different doorway with glass and a metal frame will replace the existing door. The stairs which are now outside will be inside with a second door. Another pro- blem that will be eliminated is the illegal headr. om height of the doorway. Door frame is dark brown. The use of al-c.minum was discussed, since it is not in keeping with the wooden architectural style of the building. Mr. Ku- pritz said this had been considered and an alternate plan , discussed, but it was decided that the doorway would be too prominent. They decided to use the glass window effect to keep it as transparent as possible. Glass is clear. It was noted that the interior chalkboard is not necessarily approved by the AC but being inside it is acceptable. Mr. Kupritz said they decided to include it in the drawing so that their intentions would be made known from the begin- ning. The neon signs will also be reinstalled. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 14, 1979 - Page Three Com. Knaak moved that the Front Elevation Change for Bill 's Buffalo House be accepted as presented. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed as follows ; Aye - Knaak, Gibbs, Holland and Hardt. Abstain - Paolillo (Did not have drawing previously. d) Early Learning; Center Review of Pylon Sign which will need a ZBA Variance before it can be approved by the Appearance Commission. Arvid Olson - Owner of ELC George Woock - White Way Signs Mr. Woock apologized for not having copies of the sign available to the Commissioners prior to the meeting. Ch. Hardt explained that the Prudential Shopping Center falls short of the necessary 800 ft. frontage required for two Pylon signs. Therefore the request must have a ZBA variance and also a written letter of permission from Mr. Conrardy to place such a sign on Rt. 83. Id1r. Olson presented a signed contract from Mr. Conrardy agreeing to the Early Learning Center sign. Mr. Saviano mentioned that Uptown Federal is going on the corner and has already indicated they would want a sign. They have also been informed that a variance will be needed. Ch. Hardt asked for the sign to be presented for consider- ation but no action can be taken until the variance is granted by the ZBA. He suggested they bring as much infor- mation as possible to the ZBA meeting. Mr. Woock presented the sign and the proposed location on a site plan. It reads Rainbow Path - Early Learning Center. The background is opaque white - unbreakable plastic. Only the letters will be illuminated at night. It will be loca- ted at the entrance on Rt. 83. Since the sign will be next to residential they took this into consideration and the people should not be able to see the sign from the ground - perhaps from the second story it could be seen. It will be erected on the existing island and will be planted at the base. This will be determined at a later time. 4 . H. dt --•ted - •at h re ire , is d' e S' Co P. 28 17P Se -won i - :Sys ' ; si must . et e r den ' al e • _ . .ab y ee• o v ance . The suggestions the Commissioners made were as follows: 1 - White brick planter does not blend in with the rest of the center - Mr. Olson agreed to use a darker brick which would look better. 2 - The white posts were also in conflict with the rest of the center and the frame also. Mr. Olson said he would not object to a dark frame with white insert. APPEAR_.NC E CO MISSION June 14, 1979 - Page Four Yr Colors of the lettering - Red - 032U; White 307 U. 3. Phone number not preferred. Also questioned the child. 4. Possibly an arrow indicating location of ELC. These suggestions were noted and Ch. Hardt informed the gentlemen that should the AC not approve any portion of themi-in�r sign when it is presented after the ZBA Variations .rc •ranted, the Village Board has the final decision. A revised drawing will be required at the next Appearance meeting. 5. WORKSHOP Chairman Hardt asked for a volunteer to represent the AC at the Business District Development Commission. They meet about once a month and Mr. Hardt is a member but his time has not • allowed him to attend the meetings. Only an appointed member can vote. Anyone interested can let Mr. Hardt know before June 7, 1979. Ch. Hardt noted with reference to- the decision to deny the Kemmerly Sign last month that logos are allowed with the approval of the AC. The question that should be asked is "Does the Logo 'hurt ' ?" Some are acceptable and it is to be remembered that the Village Board does have final approval. Tony of Italy dame before the Village Board and Ch. Hardt was there. Not enough notice was given for other members cf the AC to come. The vote was a 3 to 3 split and Pres. Clayton voted with the AC to deny the removal of the tree. A letter will be sent to James Kaplan recommending that Prudential Realty make a decision regarding placement of the Tony of Italy sign. If on the mansard, the tree could be replaced with something lower. If a window sign is allowed, then the tree should remain. It was noted that when Mr...Grate was in before the AC, he agreed to put up BG on the Cleaners., and install cut off switches. The switches were fixed but the letters have not been added. A per- mit has been taken out according to Mr. Saviano. Appointment of a new Commissioner. Unfortunately the resumes of Mrs. Strauss and Mr. Weiss have been misplaced. Also, a business appointment prevented Mr. Weiss from attending this meeting. After some discussion it was decided to have a meet- ing next Monday, June 18, 1979 at 7 P.M. in the Conference Room. Mrs. Strauss answered some preliminary questions concerning her background and her reason for becoming e member. She has an interest in the Community affairs and has the time to devote to the job. Her education has been in Fine Arts. Her husband is in favor of her taking this responsibility. She is familiar with codes and ordinances. She would not feel offended if she was voted down on any issue. She was active in the League of Women Voters when she was a resident of Morton Grove. When asked what problems she saw with the Appearance Commission she suggested that from the four meetings she has attended that the one thing she has noticed is absentism. APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 14, 1979 - Page Five Mr. Weiss will be contacted and informed of the time and place of the meeting. He can then answer any questions the Commission- ers might have. Ch. Hardt wants the decision to be made in time for the next Board Meeting, June 23, 1979 The rest of the time was spent in an informal session. 6. ADJOURNMENT Com. Gibbs made a motion to adjourn . Com. Holland seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 10:17 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Aii0L24- �.L Shirley B s, Secretary Appearance Commission sb APPEARANCE COMMISSION June 14, 1979 - Page Six • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • E Recommendation Summary L. Gibbs, Acting Chairman • I Project Title : Steeple View Date : June 14, 1979 Developer: A. T. Henderson & Co. Three separate motions. • Moved by: Commissioner Holland Seconded by: Com. Knaak and Com. Hardt. 1 - I move we table the Signs designated A and C until the next regular meeting - June 28, 1979 Seconded by Com. Knaak. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion to Table passed unanimously. . 2. I move we accept the Steeple View Information Center - designated Sign B. Such sign to be at the entry way on Weiland Road. Seconded by Ch. Hardt. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed unanimously. • • 3. I move that Sign D be approved with the lettering of Information Center to be placed at the bottom of the existing 8 ft. x 16 ft. sign at the corner of Weiland and Lake-Cook Roads. The lettering cf Information Center and the Arrow is not to exceed 1 ft. in height per letter and that the lettering be at least 1 ft. separated from any verbage or lettering above on the existing sign. Such lettering to conform with the lettering on the existing sign. Letters and background colors to be in complete conformance with the lettering on the existing sign. Seconded by Chairman Hardt. Roll Call vote was taken. The Motion was Denied as follows : Nay--Paolillo, Knaak Hardt and Gibbs Aye--Holland The Commissioners were opposed to the motion because they did not know what the sign would look like with the additional lettering. F VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION Recommendation Summary Don Hardt, Chairman • Project Title : Buffalo Grove Dodge Date : June 14, 1979 Developer: Sign - Sheehan Sign Co. for Buffalo Grove Dodge Moved by: Com. Gibbs Seconded by: Com. Knaak I move we accept the sign face change for • Buffalo Grove Dodge as presented. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. ♦. • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • i Recommendation Summary Don Hardt, Chairman • • • Project Title : Bill ' s Buffalo House . .... Date: June 14, 1979 Developer: Philip Kupritz - architect Moved by: Corn. Knaak Seconded by: Corn. Gibbs I move we accepted the front elevation change for Bill 's Buffalo House as presented. Roll Call- Vote was taken. Motion Passed as follows: Aye. - Knaak, Gibbs, Holland, and • Hardt • No - Paolillo (did not have drawing)