1979-05-24 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use Village - Walkway Lights ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other 50 Raupp Blvd. Location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Bill Davis Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: May 24, 1979 (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Com. Knaak made the following notion: I move we accept the proposal for Walkway Lights at the Village Hall, as presented stipulating: 150 watt- high pressure sodium vapor lamps 4 - 14 foot poles, as shown on plans Cori. Hardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Aye - Knaak Hardt Nay - Holland Motion Passed: - 2 - 1. • May 24, 1979 Don Hardt Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm. • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial Kemmerly Real Estate ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) (x) Sign ( ) Other 313 W. Dundee Road Location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Mr. Doninic Nitti, Federal Signs Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: May 24, 1979 (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we denythe sign presented by dack Kemmerly - Real Estate; Better Homes and Gardens for the following reasons: a) too many different letter styles b) because of the fact thatBetter Homes and Gardens represents a Logo c) prefer change of Real Estate to Realtor Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed unanimously to DENY. !!i tf May 24, 1979 Don Hardt Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm. r 411 • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial Harris Executive Office Bldg. ( ) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) Other S.E. Corner of Lake-Cook and Location Arlington Heights Rd. Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: Burton Harris Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: May 24, 1979 (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we approve the change to the Harris Building at the Southeast Corner of Lake-Cook and Arlington Heights Road, eliminating the pedestrian doors on the East and West ends of the building and substitu- tine windows of the same type as shown on plans which were previously approved by the Appearance Commission on July 27, 1978. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. • May 24, 1979 Don Hardt Date of Approval Chairman of Appearance Comm.