1979-05-24 - Appearance Commission - Minutes d c APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURS. , MAY 24, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:39 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Knaak, Holland and Hardt. QUORUM Commissioners absent: Paolillo, Gibbs and Kirby Prospective Commissioners present: Weiss and Strauss Building Department Representative: Dominic J. Saviano. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the May 10, 1979 meeting were tabled until the next meeting because the Commissioners who attended that meeting were not all present. 4. BUSINESS a.Village of Buffalo Grove - Village Hall Walkway Lights Mr. Bill Davis, Director of Public Works Mr. Dennis J. Solit , Quality Lighting, Inc . Mr. Davis distributed drawings of the lights that he is requesting in lieu of the 4 ft. lights that the AC approved in February 1979. The new lights would be 14 ft. If 4' high lights were used - 10 would be needed. If 14' lights are used- 4 will give better light distribution. These are the same as the lights which were approved and which will be used in all other locations of the complex; using the same lamp with 2 different heads. The April 12, 1979 motion to deny the 14' lights was reviewed. Ch. Hardt stated the primary reason for denial was that the AC felt that 4' standards would be very appealing aesthetically, but the supply of lighting must be the most important factor. Mr. Solit informed the AC that the cost of installation would be considerably lower. Taller lights would hinder vandelism. Lighting would be very uniform - giving a 10 to 1 ratio overall with a ratio of 3 to 1 along the walkway. Since there will be fewer fixtures, there will be less power consumption, as well as much more uniformity of lighting. The 4' lights would give a light-dark-light-dark pattern, but the 14' would bring the entire site into uniform light. The pole is All-Weathering steel, the same as used at Plaza Verde (and the Civic Center Piccaso) . It is copper enriched color which weathers to a dark (duranodic) bronze. LampS would be sodium vaper - 150 Watts. Mr. Davis repeated that he felt they definitely needed the added light, the lesser number of lights would mean lower instal- lation cost. Estimated cost savings- 33,000 for the fixtures and a total of $5,000 (at least) for materials and installation. Other general questions were discussed. Mounting would be at ground level , set into concrete but no exposed concrete. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the proposal for Walkway Lights at the Village Hall, asjresented, stipulating 150 watt - high pressure sodium vapor lamps on 4 - 14 foot poles. Chairman Hardt seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken: Aye - Knaak and Hardt. Nay - Holland . Motion Passed - 2 to 1. N/ b. Kemmerly Real Estate - Renovation of Sign Dominic Nitti, representing Federal Signs, and Kemmerly Real Estate, 313 W. Dundee Rd. Mr. Nitti presented Kemmerly' s new sign, which will be placed in the same location, on the same pole, using the same time-temp. installation. The new sign will be smaller - overall size - 5 ft. wide by 10 ft. total height. The discussion was centered around the intention of the Sign Code to allow only identification of businesses, but no advertising. The name of the company, as shown on the business ]icense, can be used on a sign only. The multi-styles of lettering was also questioned. It was noted that both Jack L. Kemmerly - Real Estate and Better Homes and Gardens are both registered trademark names. - _All Kemmerly offices are now affiliated with B. H. & G. and all signs are being changed. The signs used on Homes for Sale are all like the sign presented. Ch. Hardt said he liked the new concept better. He asked about the disconnect location and asked that it be either inside or painted out if located on the time-temp. box. The sign itself is painted on white - plexiglas constructed to withstand 100 MPH winds. The drawing shows three supports. The pole is iron clad with metal painted with baked on enamel. No landscaping has been planned for the base, but Kemmerly would probably consider some if requested. The time-temp. is now set at 7 sec. changes and that is OK. Com. Knaak said he would prefer the word Realtor instead of Real Estate, but Mr. Nitti said he had no authority to make such an agreement. Ch. Hardt said the problem with the Better Homes and Gardens is that the AC must be careful not to set a precedent of allowing advertising, if the DBA is not as the sign reads. He said Logos are acceptable if approved by the Commission. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 24, 1979 - Page Two Mr. Saviano asked if the DBA did include the Better Homes etc. would the sign be acceptable? This .was discussed at length and main problem was with the lettering & copy. The structure was better in the Commissioners opinions. Mr. Nitti said it would be difficult for Kemmerly to change just one sign when they are putting up 5 or 6 new ones. And because they are using basically 2 trademarks together they might not be able to change it. Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we deny the sign presented by Jack L. Kemmerly, Real Estate - Better Homes and: Gardens for the following reasons: a) too many different letter styles; b) because of the fact that Better Homes and Gardens represents a Logo c) prefer change of Real Estate to Realtor. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed uanimously to DENY. Mr. Nitti requested a letter be sent to Kemmerly informing him of the recommendations and the denial . c) Bill ' s Buffalo House Dominic Saviano said they had. called to say they would be late. 4. WORKSHOP a) Harris Office Building Mr. Saviano presented the drawings of the building and described the requested change. The doors on the East and West have been eliminated and replaced with windows which are the same as the other ones all the way around. This will give them more office space inside. Mr. Harris is willing to come in to present the request, but the Commission saw no problem. Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we approve the change to the Harris Building; at the Southeast Corner of Lake-Cook and Arlington Hts. . Road; eliminating the pedestrian doors on the East and West ends of the building and substituting windows of the same type as shown on plans which were previously approved by the .Appearance Commission; 7/27/78. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed Unanimously. APPEARANCE COMMISSION May 24, 1979 - Page Three b) Dominick' s - Buffalo Grove Mall Mr. Saviano presented the drawings of the front and side facing Arlington Heights Road showing the location of the name - DOMINICK 'S. It was noted that the sign has been placed on the taller portion of the blank side on Arlington Hts. Road and is centered. It was approved on the lower portion at the southern end. The AC discussed whether or not it will be more visible to traffic or not. The reason it was moved was because Dominick' s feels it would look better on the large brick wall because it would break up the space. Since only three Commissioners were present it was decided to wait until the next meeting when the representatives from Dominick' s can be here as well as a full Commission. It was noted that Walgreen' s complied when requested to remove the portable sign from the meridian when the store opened and they took down the banners within a few days. Also when a truck damaged the mansard the repairs were made promptly Representatives from Bill ' s Buffalo House still had not arrived at 8:45 P.M. so they will be placed on the next Agenda. Mr. Hardt suggested a Workshop meeting to be held the first Thursday in June to meet with the two perspective commis- sioners and review their qualifications so that the vacant seat may be filled. He thanked both Ilene Strauss and Gene Weiss for coming so faithfully. The date is June 7, 1979. 6. ADJOURNMENT Com. Holland made a motion to adjourn, Com. Knaak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourn at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 44(16 Shirley Bat s, Secretary Appearance ommission NOTE: Mr. Hardt mentioned that he has spoken to President Clayton regarding the Sign Ordinance meeting that was suggested at the informal workshop held on May 10, 1979. After consider- ing the need for her to be present it was decided that the first thing to do is have a meeting of Mr. Hardt, Mr. Heinrich, Elliott Hartstein, Dominic and a representative from the AC and the ZBA each. Ideas from this meeting would then be presented to each Commission, then pass the recommendations on to the Village Board. sb A'PPEAR NCE COMMISSION y , 1979 - Page Four