1979-04-12 - Appearance Commission - Minutes • )1°' • • 'APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. ' THURS. , APRIL 12,1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting to order at 7:37 P. I. on Thursday, April 12, 1979 in the Village Hall. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present were Dana Knaak, Bud Gibbs, Mike Holland and Chairman Don Hardt. Commissioners Absent were Lorraine Kirby and Lou Paolillo. QUORUM PRESENT Building Dept. representative present - Dominic Saviano. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 22, 1979 - Appearance Minutes Page 3 - Item 5 of motion. Referring to Section 5.3 - should be clarified. • The area of the wall sign CANNOT exceed 20% of • the facia if a new ground sign is erected. It is to be notedhat when the sign is presented to the ZBA for variance a drawing should be brought in showing the dimension of the facia sign to see if it meets this criteria. Page 5 Strike p.3 -"where people arena:ture, or" Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Com. Knaak and seconded by Com. Holland. Minutes were approved. (Com. Gibbs abstained. ) 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS a) Chairman Hardt attended the Monday night Village Board meeting and the Prairie concept for the Villas of Buffalo Creek was approved. The AC had recommended by a 3-2 vote• to deny the Prairie but the Plan Commission representative had presented written documents that the Park District had approved it. b) The variations for the Bonanza and Manning Savings signs will be heard by the ZBA on Tuesday, April 17th. Com. Knaak and Com. Gibbs volunteered to attend if possible. Ch. Hardt will be out of town. 5. BUSINESS a) Arlington Country Club Condominiums - Landscaping Jerry Weiss - B. Katz and Co. Landscapers John'Martin Mr. Martin presented the new landscaping plan which in general was approved by the Forester. An overall plan -as• well -as a foundation plan showing additional plantings along the front was described. The parking area along Dundee Road will have bumpers and will have a green area. Some evergreens are 4 p planned for the rear but the golf course view will be maintained. The primary objective is in front of the buildings and between Dundee Road and the Parkway. The birming on the:_East side averages 5-6 feet to screen off the parking lot from the single family homes. The front patios have a landscaped terrace effect out about 2,6 feet. There is a step about 1/2 way between the parking area; there are sculptured sodded terraces. There is a catche basin at the Eastern side near the fire lane so water will not run off into the backyards of the homes. The detention area is smoother than shown on the first plan. It will be birned,screened and sodded. To comply with the Engineering Dept. request trees in the median strip will not exceed 4 - 5 ft. spread at maturity. Also they will stipulate Skyline or Shademaster variety and will not plant a tree closed than 14 ft. back from the nose of the median. If a tree must be eliminated from the median it will be placed elsewhere on the property. Ch. Hardt noted that the birming has not yet been approved by the Engineering so the motion should reflect it is sub - • ject to approval with rospect_to drainage. The forester was asked to look at the trees on Dundee Rd. • (the Willow Trees) and he recommended that they be trimmed in an effort to save them. In place of the Pin Oaks - Northern Red Oaks were stipulated. It was noted that the Flowering Crabs are ornamental, not a shade tree therefore 2 inch caliper is OK. The fire lane is sufficient for access. Com. Knaak made a motion to approve the Landscaping for the Arlington Country Club Condominiums as submitted with the following stipulations::, a) The existing Willows on Dundee Road be trimmed back, old rotted portions. b) Pin Oaks to be replaced with Northern Red Oak c) Birms as shown a.re acceptable to the Appearance Commission subject to the Village Engineers approval d) Trees in the entrance median not be closer than 14 feet to the front edge of the median. The motion was seconded by Com. Holland. Roll Call Vote was taken and motion Passed Unanimously. • APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12, 1979 - Page Two. r A� • t J LightinE -(Arlington Country Club Condominium& cont'd) Mr. Jerry Weiss pointed out the locations of the proposed lights. The fixtures have not yet been selected but they plan to use 250 watt mercury vapor lights on an 18 ft. pole in the parking lot and at the entrances to the underground parking garages. They also plan to light the area at the back of the property with possibly 7 ft. high wood poles. The lights have been so placed that they overlap each other to give maximum lighting. Oh. Hardt -noted that the Engineering Dept. (Greg Boysen) has suggested consideration of the same lights that are planned for the Village Hall - namely, Buffalo Grove Illuminaires. Mr. Saviano presented a photograph showing the lights which are being used in the new developments - a typical square light. It is a modern type of fixture that would blend well. Mr. Weiss said he would agree if the architect approved. The posts will be a weathering wood (red wood such as cedar) set into concrete. Com. Knaak made the following motion: • I move we accept the lighting as presented for the Arlington Country Club Condominiums with the stipulations as follow: ' 1) Parking Lot and interior street lights on the 18 ft. wooden poles be the Buffalo cirove Illuminaires as` per photo:; • 2) The low level lights are to be submitted to Mr. Saviano at be Building Dept. for review by the Appearance Commission. 3) All lights will be set -on a concrete pedestals. 4) Parking lot and interior street lights be mercury vapor. 5) Lights in the parking lot to be recessed back ,far enough so that car bumpers will not hit the posts. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. The developer was commended on the project. The two prospective Commissioners were introduced: Gene Weiss and Ilene Strauss; and invited to take part in the discussion, ask questions, etc. They cannot vote. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12, 1979 - Page Three b) Bonanza - No representative wasjresent . c) Pulte 4th Elevation; Jim Hoskins, Project Manager, Gr. Knolls. Mr. Hoskins presented the Split-level model. It is .a different elevation of one of the previously accepted models; _as ,per the suggestion of the Village Board. Model will be built with a brick front only; (left side of the door with aluminum siding on the 2nd story. Request was made to change the garage door to a single 16 ft. door instead of the double doors shown. Coach lights will be on both sides. All other discussion and stipulations will apply to this house. A lengthy discussion took place relative to the proposed galva- nized metal roof which will be painted to match. the roof and give a porch effect to the second story. The iron will be properly treated so that it will not rust. It was stated that. usually these metal gutters, roofs etc. have an oil that causes paint to peel, chip after the first year. Since this has been a problem in the past, it was suggested that the developer look for an aluminum product that would eliminate the possibility of later difficult maintainence. The facia, soffits and brackets arewood. Downspouts are on the sides (never on the face). Shutters are 12 in. wide aluminum. In answer to the question of water possibly dripping onto the garage light it was noted that there is an. 18 inch overhang and the fixture is under the overhang. Ch. Hardt gave the Commission , '3 possible actions. One to table. Two - Assume the procedure' that is proposed for the galvanized alumium is adequate and approve the presentation. Three - Make the motion subject to safeguards to prevent a problem occuring. Asking that at the Village Board presenta- tion an estimate of life expectancy of the paint be given; the type )of primer and a guarantee% for "X" number cf years. In answer to the question,"What would happen to the garage roof if constructed just before winter but too late to paint2" Mr. Hoskins said the longer the iron weathers the better. The snow will neutralize the oils and acids. • The Commission was in agreement to table but it was further agreed that Pulte could submit their proposal in writing to Dominic Saviano and a motion will be made to approve the 4th elevation without a representative being present. It will be further stipulated that a front porch light will be included as per requirement; a surface !mount light. Motion to table was made by Com. Knaak and seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. Note: The AC approves the elevation, with the exception of the garage roof;:-and with the stipulations that applied to the other models. Mr. Hoskins agreed to investigate an aluminum product. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12, 1979 Page Four. 4 Ir ? A further suggestion was made to using an inexpensive stained- ? glass window in the "attic ." d) Highland Point - Lighting for Construction Sign Mr. Saviano reported that earlier ,in the week the sign was lighted and that it had been tapped into the Village Public Street Lighting. Standard Pacific did not have anything to do with this. It was all done by the High- land Point people. When they were told to disconnect the lights they did not do so and Mr. Saviano had the wires cut. He informed them that the request would be tabled if they did not come in. The request was to have the sign lighted by means of an electric eye. This would mean they would be on all night. The Commissioners talked about whether any action could be taken without a representative present to discuss the matter. However, after consideration the. Commissioners agreed that no other temporary construction signs have been granted lighting. Also,sales are made in the daytime and there is no need for night lighting. Com. Knaak made a motion to deny the request for lighting the Highland Point construction sign. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. Request Denied. Appeal can be made to the Village Board. Chairman Hardt stated for the record that there is no precedent in the Village for lighted subdivision signs. e) Buffalo Grove. Mall -. Pylon Sign, Face Change. Mr. Coconas had called to say he would be in Church, for Easter Services and asked to be placed on the next agenda. Mr. Saviano suggested taking a look at the proposed change and making comments that would be helpful to expedite the matter. After discussion of the appearance of the sign which is now in disrepair the following remarks were made: 1 - A Color rendition should be submitted, drawn to scale showing the exact names in the blocks, 2 - Dominick's in Orange. Waigreen' s in White. Upper Portion - Buffalo Grove Mall - Same. 3 1 Style of lettering for the six signs. 4 Frame to be refinished. 5 Background _to be all the same color. 6 - Stipulation: Upon vacancy of a tenant, the sign should be removed and replaced with a plain panel. This concluded the items on the agenda, but Mr. Saviano had several other questions relative to previous business and these were dis- cussed as a WORKSHOP. a) Tony of Italy Has not yet made a decision about the sign as recommended. b) B G Cleaners will be the way Grate Signs will adjust sign. c) Ch. Hardt asked that all future raceways at the Prudential Shopping Plaza be one solid piece. The Meat Market is two. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12. 1979 - Paae Five d) Suffield Mr. Saviano reported that the road is" vary . bad and they have requested permission Tcr a gravel access area. temporaril ► until tie asphalt is in. This was discussed. and it was decided to issue a temporary permit as follows: Com. Holland made a motion to issue a permit to • Suffield Builders for a temporary gravel road for a period of 30 days from April 16, 1979. An extension of 30 more days will be OK if the weather forces a delay. The decision will be. up to Mr. Saviano. Motion .was seconded by Com. Gibbs. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed Unanimously. Com. Gibbs asked what happens when a sign blows down? According to the Sign Code, it can be replaced exactly as it was. If, however, a change is desired it must be reviewed by the Appearance Commission e) Commons - Lou Shassian has requested permission to erect a duplicate sign on. Buffalo Grove Road. The first one is located on #83. Cuairman Hardt took care to interpret the Sign.Cede correctly'' so that a precedent is not established. It reads that if a parcel fronts on two main roads they could have one sign per right of way; P. 49,& P. .5O, Since the Commissioners would prefer to have the sign moved from #83 to Buffalo Grove Road and to attain moril infoiaa ion Com. Gibbs made a nofionitto t.able pending aitional inormaion rom te uiaing Dept. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken; rand -the request was Tabled by Unanimous vote. f) Political and Advertising of Special Event Signs have presented a problem. Conflicting letters were sent to candidates and an interpretation.by Mr. Raysa indicated that it some cases a persons constitutional rights were violated if denied publicity. There is an urgent need for a meeting to review certain aspects of the Sign Code so that all can agree on the intent of sections in question. g) Mr. Saviano presented a letter from Bill Davis requesting the :height of Il:alkway lights around the Village Hall be increased from 4 ft. to 14 .ft. because of deep . snow. Some of the Commissioners were against such a proposal because in case of another severe winter it was true that low level '• ights will throw off enough heat to burn the snow away. The appearance of the 4 ft. standards was preferable. APPEARANCE COMMISSION April 12, 1979 - Page Six 4 i Com. Holland made the following motion: I move the request to change the Village Hall 4 ft lights to 14ft lights along the walkway be denied for.these reasons: 1 - during periods 9f heavy snowfall, the snow around the 4' standards can easily be •removed. by shoveling .acid the heat frdm the lights will burn away much of the snow. 2 - The 4 ft. ]rights will provide sufficient illumination for the walkway. 3 - The two months of possible heavy snow should not be permitted to remove the overall beauty or the esthetic effect of the low level lighting previously approved. Com. Knaak:seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken as follows: Aye to deny: Gibbs, Knaak & Holland. - Abstain; Ch. Hardt. h) Early Learning Center - Will present a new landscaping plan at the next meeting as per request by the Village Board. • Homeowner' s to be sent notification. . Motion to adjourn wasrade by Com. Knaak and seconded by Com. Gibbs. Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respec fully submitted, • Shirley Bat s, Secretary Appearance ommission Note: The prospective commissioners were advised of the general procedure followed when applying for a seat. It is asked that they attend three meetings; present a resume of their qualifications; write ashort letter stating the reason they desire to be on the Commission, etc. The resume should contain their background, education and references. When. two candidates are interested, a recommendation isnade to the Village Board and the Village President makes the deci- sion. sb The prospective Commissioners are: Mr. Gene Weiss, 70 Fox Hill Drive Mrs. Ilene Struass, 638 Sycamore APPLLRANCE COMMISSION April 12, 1979 - rage Seven • • . • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMI'MIISSION Attached to April 26, 1979 Minutes NOTE: Additions and Corrections to Minutes of April 12, 1979 Page 2-Paragraph 4 - Spelling of birmed • Paragraph 7 - Should read - The Forester looked at. . . Strike - was asked to Motion - Arlington Country Club Condominiums a) add - be removed after portions s/b "old rotted portions be removed." Page 5-Strike first sentence. . ."A further suggestion etc. . . ." Highland Point Motion - insert -* temporary' after lighted s/b/ Chairman -Hardt stated for the record that there is no precedent in the Village for lighted temporary sub- division signs. t alAl4d-eht-,71"-- Shirley B es, Sec. Appearanc Commission sb