1979-03-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILL. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order byChairman Don Hardt at 7:42 P.M. on Thursday, March 22, 1979 at the Village Hall. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners present were: Kirby, Knaak, Holland, Paolillo and Chairman Hardt. D. Saviano. Commissioner Gibbs was absent. QUORUM PRESENT 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following additions and corrections were made to the minutes of the meeting of March 8, 1979: Page 2. Under 4-a: Line 6 - change concerns to bodies. Delete the last sentence. Page 3. Paragraph 6 -"Chairman Hardt said: " Delete the second sentence beginning - And he said it was his opinion Page 4. b) - Paragraph 2 - Add "any single family" before the word residential in 2nd sentence. Page 5. Cambridge On The Lake motion - 5) Strike back. c) Green Knolls - Paragraph 4 - insert Busch Road (is a County Road. ) Paragraph 6 - Strike second sentence , "Atlhe. . . " Page 8. Paragraph 4. Strike second sentence "He said the . . . ' Page _13. Clarification of Mr. Holland' s motion: Part two - It is to be understood that if the amount of space at Strathmore Drugslstoo narrow to allow installation of individual letters then a race- way sign shall also be used on the East end. Note : Mr. Saviano reported that the inspection was made and there is not sufficient space to install the letters. Raceway' installation is necessary on the East end also. They are to be the same. Commissioner Holland made a motion to accept the minutes of March 8, 19?9 as amended. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll was called as follows: Aye - Holland, Kirby, Knaak and Hardt. Com. Paolillo was absent from the Mar. 8th meeting - Abstained. Minutes 3/8/79 stand approved as corrected. 3 Appearance Commission - March 22, 1979 - Page Two 4 - 4. BUSINESS a) Bonanza Pylon Sign - Lawrence Olsen, Owner of B.G.Bonanza Dennis Camfield, Manager The site plan was considered and Ch. Hardt said that there appears to be problem with the location. If so, then a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals is needed before the Appearance Commission can review the proposed sign. How- ever, according to the Sign Code a permit request must be denied before an appeal can he made. If the variance is granted, then the AC approves or disapproves the sign. If it is approved a permit will be issued. If it is not approv- ed, then it can be appealed to the Village Board. The question has arisen that the AC should in fact see the sign before the ZBA reviews it. The possibilities are :- 1. If this was a change in existing signage and not a new sign, the AC could review it to see * if it is any more distracting or any more harmful to the community than the one that already exists. 2. Basically, the Commission is not in favor or reader boards. This sign is similar to Arco - generally reader boards are not well maintained, the letters fall off, • different styles °fletters are used, etc. Mr. Camfield informed the Commission that as new owners, they took over a business that was very bad, and they have worked hard to reconstruct it. They have put a lot of money into it and they assured the Commission that they would take excellent care of the sign. They agreed that the sign at present is broken but that it needed rebuilding entirely. Bids were taken and a company has been selected. In addition to food advertising they plan to use the reader board for Civic services; promote good will to B. G. High School, etc . Ch. Hardt questioned the fact that if a sign is so important to the building up of the business, why was the sign not repaired sooner? Light bulbs were not replaced even. Mr. Camfield said that is not the .problem. It is much more severe so it would not have been wise to spend money twice. It must be rewired, etc. before it is elevated. Ch. Hardt explained that at present the Bonanza sign is a Legal-Non-conforming sign, since it was erected before 10/2/78 when the Sign Code was adopted. However, if a major sign change occurs, the new sign should conform to the S.C. The problem is that the code says no ground sign shall be within 500 feet of any other ground sign. Both the Car Wash sign and Grove Court sign : are within 500 feet. There are four ground (Pylon)signs that are within 700 feet of Bonanza. The AC has • felt that low level ground signs are less offensive than the raised signs. Have you considered fixing up the ground sign? If so, a variance would not be needed. 3. Embellishments are also in question. The coach lights and the decoration at the bottom. The entire Sign Code addresses itself to Business identifi- cation and not advertising - Bonanza Sirloin Pit? or Bonanza? Appearance Commission - Mar. 22, 1979 - Page Two. '; Mr. Olsen said that he has a Franchise that allows them to use Bonanza or Bonanza Sirloin Pit as their DBA- #1151. 'Mr. Carnfield expressed their need for a higher sign and for a reader board. He also said they were just asking for an equal opportunity to identify their business as those surrounding them. Mr. Saviano was asked if under Sec. 3.10, p. 21 the ZBA should first grant or deny a variance. Should the AC table it or deny it? Mr. Saviano said he thought that the AC should see signs first so that when the ZBA reviews the matter they will be able to know the AC !s opinions from the minutes. Com. Knaak stated that another problem with the sign is the square footage . Sect. 4.3 -a states the maximum is 120 sq. ft. per sign face. Also wall signage is limited Sec. 4.3 -c. For ZBA information - Page 33 - Sec. 5.9 Embellishments Page 7 - Sec. 2.39 - area for copy. Page . 3 - Sec . 2.9 - structure. The various problems were discussed noting that the AC wants to encourage business. The AC can approve embellishments. Com. Kirby made the following motion: I move that the permit application forthe sign presented for the Bonanza Corporation be denied for the following reasons : 1. Regarding the new Sign Ordinance, Sec. 5.1 (a) there are three signs within 500 feet of the sign Bonanza is requesting to change. 2. The square footage of the sign exceeds 120 square feet. Sec. 5.1 (e) - P. 28. 3. Embellishments are not in keeping with the direction of the Appearance Com. 4. The reader board asiresented on this sign is for advertising only and does not serve as an identification of tie place of business. 5. ::Referring to Section 5.3, Wall Signs -Cate- gory- a 2 (b) - the area of the wall sign would have to be (20%) reduced in regard to the area cf the new sign. Com. Paolillo seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. The motion to DENY was Aye - Unanimously. MOTION-DENIED Ch. Hardt referred the Bonanza representatives to P. 51-Appeals. Also - Should the variance be granted, it was stipulated by the representatives that the electrical disconnect on the sign be moved higher so that it cannot be reached from the ground. Com. Paolillo asked that a reference be made to 3.1-2 with regard to rmaintainence of signs in the event that the :SBA denies the variance; the present sign should be repaired. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22, 1979 - Page Three It is to be noted as part of the denial : : proliferation of signs along "We want to stop the granted, for the erection of Dundee edBonanza sign, itoad and if hwouldis rsetca is precedence for all future signs along a Dundee Road. A straw poll was taken to determine whether the Commission would agree to view the 3rd Model for_Pulte Homes. . Starr for this to be done without previous submittalMbecause heske woul like to submit all three models at one time to the Board. d Aye - Holland, Kirby and Hardt Opposed - Paolillo and Knaak Ch. Hardt said it would be reviewed if there is enough time. b) Villas of Buffalo Creek, Landscaping Harry Sleek, Levitt Land Mr. Cruz, Landplus lest reviewed the Prarie that will be donated to the Village. He explained that they have met with the Park Board five times. s with the Forester and have an agreement hwithathe ParkvenBoard. . . . At this point, Com. Knaak stated he had conversations with HMr. Crosland and there are some problems with the concept. e asked what kind of agreement there was? Mr. Cruz asked for a specific example of problem. Core. Knaak said it is believed that some of the speciQs.. of grass do not grow well around here. Mr. Cruz answered that he was under the impression that the plan was approved. Since they must go out for bids soon in order to have the prairie built this year. Com. Knaak asked if they had signed plans for approval by the Park District. Mr. Sleek answered and referred to the previous meetings held in February: The Park Board took action and gave them.-- concept approval. The Village Board Meeting on Monday night indicated approval. He has heard nothing in the last two months that was objectionable with regard to species. He said that he felt Mr. Cruz was an expert in his field. Dominic said that he has the Village Engineer's approval. A Forester's report indicating approval. went to the Park District . with Mr. Davis 'Tcomm ntsreport Com. Knaak repeated his conversation with Mr. Crosland did indicate that some of the items were not compatible with this area; and would...die out in a few years. Mr. Sleek said he had posted a bond of about 'tt75. ,000 with the Village and they will guarantee the plantings for three • years. Levitt has given the Park District the funds to maintain the Prairie for essentially 4 years beyond the initial guaranteed period. These were the terms asked for. Ch. Hardt expressed concern about the height of some the grasses being2-3 of ft. tall and the difficulty of APPEARANCE COMMISSION Ma rc h 22. r .. k maintenance since possible debris like cans, bottles and papers • would be carelessly tossed into it. Would not the PublicWorks people trample it down when they tried to clean up. Mr. Cruz explained that the grasses grow 2 ft. roots before they grow 10 inches of leaf. The people in B.G. area are not like those an the South Side of Chicago but would treat the prairie more like a picnic grove. Ch. Hardt agreed that where people are mature, or where people visit Botanical Gardens or the Morton Arboratum, they do not litter. This however, is a bike path and the kids do scatter debris. Also wouldn' t the ;grasses trample when it is played on? In answer to the last part, Mr. Cruz said the grasses are stronger than the grass .people 'grow,4n their front yards. Another ,question asked was how long before one grass would take over? Mr. Cruz said that Little Blue Stem would eventially be 60% of the total and that the others would be subdominant and he added that three foot tall grass would not be three feet high, it sort of bends over. It will not interfere with abutting yards. In the atheletic area the mix will be cut, as with other turf. A mix using Kentucky Blue Grass will be used and it will blend in with the Homeowner' s in the area. Ch. Hardt read from the Forester' s report and in general the grasses mentioned are, native to our area and have done well for the last 2 or 3 centuries. They have a natural beauty that would be almost maintainance free. It will take approximately 5 years to become established. Mr. Cruz said any good sod would take about 2 years to get start- ed. The plan he proposes should get going in 13,i to 2 years. And in 3-5 years will be dompletely dense. More discussion followed but in general the same points that are in the Forester' s report were mentioned. Mr. Cruz expressed the • hope that the area would become an attractive place for walking where people can commune with nature. Ch. Hardt asked that the Commission look at the prairie be con- sidered from an point cf view since the Plan Commission has -already OK'd the concept. After more consideration he asked for a motion. Com. Kirby maciea motion to accept the Open Space Treatment as presented by Levitt Land, for Strathmore . states, known as The Villas of Buffalo Creek. Com. Knaak seconded. Roll Call Vote was taken as follows: Aye - Kirby and Hardt Nay - Holland, Paolillo and Knaak The Motion was Denied 3 to 2, but Ch. Hardt explained that the AC is only a recommending body and that the Village Board can approve the Prairie when they meet. Street Tree PlantinG - Representatives from Landscapers could not be present, but Mr. Sleek would try to answer. 'Ch. Hardt mentioned the Forester' s preferences - 2,6 inch caliper trees unstaked, and that they would prefer only 4 trees of one kind in a row because of possible disease. • Mr. Sleek stipulated to the 2}Z inch caliper trees- no staking. Also he noted that the plan is a continuation of the rest of the development, but they will comply with F. .Other stipulations are included in the motion. YEARANCE COM .ZISSIO . arch 22, 1979 - p.bive e I Com. Holland made the following motion: I move we accept the planting scheme as depicted for the Villas of Buffalo Creek with the following stipulations :- 1. Tree sizes be of 2-1/2 inch caliper. 2. The bike paths have depressed curbs onto the sidewalks. 3. The medial off Aptikisic Road be sodded the light be relocated at the descretioh of the • Public Works Dept. 4. The tree plantings be alternated so that there is a variance of new specie no greater than 4 in a row and that tree plantings on the oppo- site side of the street will be different in nature than those across from it similar to the Green Knolls, in accordance with the Village Forester. 5. Tree locations to be determined by the Public Works Deparement with driveways, etc. If, in fact, trees are eliminated from the plan- those trees that were eliminated from the total count shown will be planted somewhere else in the subdivision. Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Aye - Peolillo, Kirby, Knaak and Holland No - Hardt ( because of the alternating of species) Model Area - Jerry Siegal, Green Lakes Landscaping The Landscaping for the Model was presented with the explanation that they came in too late for distribution. In view of the fact that as a rule Model Areas are well-landscaped the AC agreed to review it . Lots 85 to 88 are tie models. It was noted that since people will eventually live in the models they were land- scaped with this in mind. The plants will be hardy and they must be guaranteed for 1 year after the homes is purchased. Lighting will be similar to other models they have built and will be shielded with low shrubbrey at the base. This is to be sub- mitted to Dominic and we will OK them without having to come back. The stones are Buff Colored L A Gravel , a larger stone overplastic. Com Paolillo made a motion to accept the landscaping for the Villas of Buffalo Oreek Model Area, Lots 85 to 884 and also accept the lighting stipulating that such lighting shall be similar to the other models they have constructed. The lights with shields and low shrubbery at the base are to be submitted to Dominic for AC approval. Motion was seconded by Com. Knaak. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed - Aye Unanimously. A short break was taken at this point. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22, 1979 - Page Six . 5 r + .c) Manning Savings and Loan Assn. Full Review Sherwin Rosenfeld, Architect Lloyd Ochsenschlager, President - First Bank Builders The presentation was made by Mr. Rosenfeld. The Architecture of the building is to be. a Colonial Style; with red brick with natural mortar; aluminum4structural columns with styrofoam cen- ters; windows are aluminum o79r wood; soffits, facia and gut- ters are all aluminum;' all gable ends are also aluminum covered; fans are installed in the attic to conserve energy. The. whole building has been designed to have minimum maintenance. It will give the corner a different treatment from others along Dundee Road. The cupola is a pre-fab with no clock as shown in photo #Cu-430. The whole building has been designed to have a front elevation' on all four sides. There will be steel- clad doors. The drive-in windows are stainless steel, also night deposit box. There will be no signs on the building. The structure was discussed and various stipulations were re- quested as are reflected in the motion. Com.Paolillo made a motion to accept the Architecture for Manning Savings and Loan Assn. as shown with these stipulations : 1 - Vents on roof be painted out. Class A vents. 2 Brick to be Cherry Red Bark, Marion Brick Corp. ' 3 - Columns - Associated Supply and Manufacturing Co. , Lamona, Michigan. 15"diameter in front and 12" all others. 4 - Cupola - 4430 Campbellsville Ind. , Inc. Ky 5 - Windows are Pella-Clad, with blinds or muttons. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed - Aye Unanimously. Landscaping All area not paved or sidewalk will be sodded including the retention area. A very complete landscape plan and plant list was presented. All the existing trees, shrubs etc will be removed. • Ch. Hardt asked about the possibility of screening to the West where the Arco Car Wash is located. After this was discussed at length the suggestion was made to recommend to the Village Board the use of 5 feet of easement to use as a green belt. If the driveway; which is not necessary to the bank but which is part of the original Plan; is not demanded they would gladly plant the same type of shrubs, etc. that are shown for the rest of the property. A stockade fence would not be appropriate. A bus shelter will be provided by Manning Savings. Also to make snow removal easier, the developers prefer to stripe the parking spaces instead of using bumpers. • The lighting was mentioned but will be taken up "later. But the lights proposed are 35 ft. aluminum pole with sodium vapor lights. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22, 1979 - Page Seven r Com. Kirby made a motion to accept the landscaping for Manning Savings and Loan Assn. as submitted with the suggestion to the Village Board that 5 feet of the easement along to the , West side of the property to be used for planting-with the landscape"theme similar to that on the South property line which would act as a buffer to commercial property to the West, provided that it is approved by the Engineering and Building Depts. that this would be no problem for access to emergency vehicles. This suggestion is Stronglly Recommended. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed - Aye Unanimously. Lio.hti The lights were shown, style - Sternberg - oval sphere. Three types - 8 ' standards and 12 ' overall . They are on a photo- cell ; on at dusk and off at dawn. The sodium vapor and mercury lights were discussed and it was decided that sodium vapor would give a purer light and would blend in with the rest' ®I the Village. The second lights are the building spot lights which will be on a time clock; on at dusk and off at 11 P.M. These will be placed and shielded on site. Under __the ,canopy lights have a quartz globe and give off a yellow light. Landscaping will be used at the bases of lights as necessary. Com. Paolillo made the following motion: I m^ve we approve the lighting as presented with the stipulations that: 1. The tall Sternberg lights be of sodium vapor 2. The two quartz lights be shielded from the roadway, field adjusted so that the • lights are directed taward the building to eliminate glare. 3. Suitable landscaping around the bases of the lights. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed - Aue Unanimously. Signage. Som lirectional signs will be necessary to indicate entrance - exit - Stop etc. Only one sign for Manning Savings is being request. The site is at the corner. A time/temperature is proposed. The front face is aluminum plate with lights inside . Manning Savings is cut out. Disconnects are inside the sign. The height of the sign was discussed and the motion reflects the change to reduce the height of the brick base. A problem arose over the need for a ZBA variance because of the Sign Code P. 27 (q) provision -- 300' frontage necessary to have a pylon sign. Also there are other signs within the 500' limitation. It was noted that allowing the Side Code to be varied would set a precedence . APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 22, 1979 - Page Eight. The brick wall will be 8 ft. sq.and some of the Commissioners . thought it was too large. The developers felt that it is in keeping and in proportion to the rest of the building. Ch. Hardt said there are two alternatives for the the AC to consider. Tabling the signage until a variance is gotten from the ZBA or make a motion subject to the ZBA stating the Commission is in favor of the sign. He read from the S. C. page 51 which gives specific conditions for a variance. Straw pole was taken and it was 3 - 2 to table. Mr. Saviano said the sign meets Code requirements except for the distance to other signs. The discussion continued for some time and it was agreed that when measured from the .'curb the sign would have been too high; therefore it was agreed to reduce the brick from 8' x 8' to 8' wide by 5' high. (Sec. 5.1 (d) Chairman Hardt made the following motion: I move we accept the Manning Savings and Loan Assn. ground sign as presented, subject to a variance granted by the ZBA varying Sec. 5.1 (a) of the exist- . ing Sign; with the further stipulation that the total height of the sign shall not exceed twenty (20' ) as measured from the curb. Motion was seconded by Com. Holland. Discussion: Addendum: The Appearance Commission is in general concurrence with Sec. 5.1 (d) thereby reducing the actual height of brick as presented in the submitted drawing from 8 ' to 5' to comply with the definition of the height of a sign (Section2.49) Roll Call Vote was taken and the Motion Passed - Aye Unanimously. Com. Paolillo asked that the4following statement be included in the minutes and recommendation: Several members of the Appearance Commission feel that the 500 foot restriction should not be varied. The developer and the architect were commended on the quality of the presentation. d) Pulte - Dan Starr A third model was presented to be included with the develop- ment is submitted to the Board. Mr. Starr described the architecture and model. It will be a 4 bedroom; with 2}� baths. All the same stipulations which were made for the other two models will apply to this model. The reason for a third model was to make the Monotny Code workable. Com. Paolillo made a motion to accept the Hawthorne Model for Pulte (formerly Green Knolls) as presented with the same • discussion and stipulations that pertain to the other two models also to pertain to this model. Com. Holland seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. • Motion Passed Unanimously. Aye. Meeting was adjourned at 11 :40 P.M. as moved by Com. Holland and seconded by Com. Knaak. Respectfully submitted, Shirley Ba es, Sec.