1979-03-08 - Appearance Commission - Recommendation • • i' VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) ' Special Use Subdivision ( ) Commercial Ranch Mart Association ((,) Rezoning Addition Subject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) (1) Sign ( ) Other Dundee Road, West of Buffalo Grove , Gregg Builders, Ken Rodeck Location Developer (Owner) Current Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use Brief Statement of Action Requested: American Sign aid Indicator, Cc Ed Larson _ 65 E. Palatine Road Person to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: /Date of Hearing: (Do not write below this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: Commissioner Kirby made a motion to adcept the Ranch Mart Pylon Sign as submitted with respect to the location and type, of sign. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll (;all Vote was as follows: Aye - Berins and Kirby Opposed - Holland, Knaak Hardt Abstain- Gibbs Chairman Hardt noted that according to Robert ' s Rules, the abstention is counted with the majority, therefore the Motion was Opposed 4 to 2. • March 8, 1979 Lon Hardt. Chairman of Appearance Comm. Date of Approval • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION• ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use Commercial Street Tree Plantings ( ) Subdivision ( ) J Green Knolls - Pulte ( ) Rezoning AdditionAdit !b'ect Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Sign ( ) ►cation Developer (Owner) arrent Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use rief Statement of Action Requested: • 1128 Gail, B.G. John Serko Address erso o aContacte Phone 1 ate Received: /Date of Hearing: (Do not write below .this line) hppearance Commission Recommendation: Chairman Hardt asked for a motion: Com. Kirby made a motion to accept the Landscaping plan for .Green Knolls , Pulte Corp. as per the sub- • mitted drawing with the stipulation that every 4 trees a different variety will be used; and that they should be alternated across the street; also • stipulating: 1) Green Spire .Little Leaf Linden be substituted for the Shademaster Locust; 2) All plantings be 2) " Caliper, Balled and Burlaped. 3) As per the Forester' s Recommendation, 4 species to be used,. in _ groups of four • and the same specie not directly across the • roadway from one of the same kind. 4•): The four trees on Brandywine will remain as depicted, Shademaster Locust (Lot 285, 215,216 and 217) 5) The circles on the Landscape Plan will indicate the site of the plant but the • indication of species will be disregarded and will be planted as previously stipu- lated (#3) as per the Forester' s sug- • gestions and with the Public Works ap- proval. continued - bate of Approval • Chairman of Appearance Comm. ✓ • 1 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION . Street Tree Plantings ( ) Planned Development ( ) ,. Jecial Use Green Knolls ( ) Subdivision - Pulte C& '� ( ) �ditional ubject Title (Or Name of Subdivision) ( ) Signning ) Otdirion ( ) Other • ocation 'Developer (Owner) :urrent 'Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use trief Statement of Action Requested: • • ?erson to be Contacted Phone Address Date Received: Date of Hearing: (Do not write below .this line) Appearance Commission Recommendation: . continuation: • 6) The total number of trees depicted on the submitted dr.^wing will be used. If drive- _ ways cause encumberar:ces and 2 or 3 must be eliminated that these trees will be planted in the Green Knolls subdivision at the Public Works discretion. • 7) No planting shall take place before the • Director of Public Works is contacted. 8) The. Parkway areas are to be 18 Month Merlon Blue Grass sod; to be watered for 10 days by the Developer as per .plan. Cop. Knaak seconded the motion. ifthe bike path was to be concrete?Discussion: Com. Kirby asked A need to clarify No,Blacktop. the intent of the tree plantings was noted, and the wording should indicate that using 4 varieties, trees are to be planted in groups of four in a row with no same trees to be across the road from the same specie. AAAABBBBCCCCDDDP DDDDCCCCBBBBA AA etc. Also, a uestion ' aro e regarding the cul de sac trees and that pattern could be used. It was to be left to the Public Works Dept. to decide. Roll Call Vote was as follows : Aye - Holland, Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs • Nay - Berins and Hardt. Motion Passed 4 - 2. • • • March 8, 1979 Date of Approval Don Har t -Chairman of Appearance Comm. • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • ( ) Planned Development . ( ) Special Use ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial Cambridge on the Lake ( ) Rezoning Addition u Ject Title Sign ( ) Other r Name o Su ivision (x) Dundee Road, East of B.G.Rd, Pickus Construction. Developer Owner ,ocation • oning Re q op ueste Prose Use .urrent oning brief Statement of Action Requested: Ralph L. Swan ress - • erson to a Contacte one Date Received- /Date of Hearing: • • Do not write elow .t is line • Appearance Commission Recommendation: • Com. Knaak made the followirg motion: . I move we accept the - Cambridge On The Lake-- signs; colors and size as dipicted with the stipulations that: 1) The words, Fireplace, Private Lake and Swimming Pool be removed. 2) Permitting Cambridge on the Lake, and Luxury Condominiums be enlarged in size. 3) If the hours or telephone number are changed, they will be re-painted on the sign. (Submitted to Dominic) 4) Sign not to be located within 100 ft of any residential area. • • 5) Back supports of tie sign be minted. black. 6) Revised drawing be submitted to the Village Bldg. Dept. indicating height, site location and the canner of construction of the sign,ie. size of posts, no back supports on the sign. ? Sign not to be illuminated. 8� Application be made for the existing sign facing Dundee Road, saying Bordo Information Center (Sign does not have to be reviewed) • 9) Letters not to exceed 24" in height or less than 10P with regard to Stip. #2 above. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. uom. Gibbs suggested that the area code be added to the sign if Mr. Swanson so desires. Ch. Hardt asked Dominic to specifically note bldg. specs. Roll Call Vote as follows: Aye unanimously. airman o Appearance Comri. ate of approval March 8., 1979 Don Hardt VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , vAPPEARANCE COMMISSION ( ) Planned Development ( ) Special Use ( ) Subdivision ( ) Commercial Tony of Italy, Hair Design ( ) Rezoning • Addition object Title (Or Name of Subdivision) (X) Sign Other Strathmore Shopping Center Tony Bocci a, owner. .ocation 'Developer (Owner) `.urrent -Zoning Zoning Requested Proposed Use grief Statement of Action Requested: Ed Grate, Grate Signs Person to be Contacted Phone Address I - Motion made by Com. Holland I move that this Commission be on record chastizing Mr. Grate for not conforming exactly with the Sign Package as agreed to in the minutes of August 10, 1978 by 'Mr.. Conrardy and with the subsequent letter dated August 30, 1978; And further that the construction of signs did not correspond with the drawings that were submitted. Motion was seconded by Com. Kirby. Roll Call Vote was taken as follows: Aye- Knaak, Gibbs, Kirby, Holland Hardt No - Berins II - ' Chairman Hardt asked for a motion dealing with compro- mise situation for existing • masonary wall signage and for any future signage; also including uniform • coloring of the raceways, painting out of the mount- ing brackets, placement of disconnects on the side ' channel of the raceway and painted out to match the raceway; all future signs must meet this criteria - Com. Kirby so moved with the added stipulations: a) signs to be single line on the brick well located 14" above the • tangent of the archway; b) addition of BG to the signage . already installed for the Cleaners - to be done by Mr. Grate - entire signage to be centered over the store- ', to be done within 6 weeks of this date; This motion is addressing itself only to the signs that are on the masonary roof and it will supercede the portion of the sign package of Aug. 10, 1978. • Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. No discussion Roll Call Vote was Aye Unanimously. ApprovalChairman of Appearance Comm. Date of March 8, 1979 continued- Don Hardt • VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION • ( ) Planned Development ( ) ` Special Use Subdivision ( ) Commercial Tony of Italy, Continued Rezoning Addition ( ) Si ( ) Other n Ject Title r Name o Su ivision (X) g Strathmore Shopping Center Tony Boccia Developer (Owner) °cation III - Mansard Signs Tony of Italy Com. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve a sign to be 12" Capitol letters and 8" Lower case letters, to be Helvetica style; centered over the store front; disconnects to be painted out as discussed; letters to be in a single line - 24" from the roof base in a line with the Bakery and Starck Realty; to read as follows:: Tony of Italy Hair Design Letters are internally, illuninated - free-standing individual letters - Helvetica style. No Raceway. Motion seconded by Com. Berins. Roll Call Vote as follows: Aye - Berins, Kirby, Gibbs and Hardt No - Holland and Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 2. IV - Mansard Signs Com. Holland made the following motion: I move that on the mansard frontage all signs shall be of Helvetica medium letters, 18" Upper case and 10" Lower case letters; free standing, internally illuminated; 24 inches from the base of the mansard frontage on all the mansard frontage buildings in the • • Prudential Shopping Center known as Strathmore Shopping Center with the exception of the previously accepted motion regarding Tony of Italy aid with the stipulation:- that the present raceway on Strathmore Drugs be inspect- ed, by Dominic Saviano. Chief Building Inspector. If it is impossible to install individually illuminated free- standing letters, then the raceway may remain. . The balance of the Rt. 83 frontage shall be in conformance with the free-standing letters; with the exception of the section of the building at the far Eastern end cf the building - if the brick wall behind the mansard is too close to allow access on the Strathmore Drugstore then a raceway shall be used on The motion was seconded by Com. Knaak. the East end MS Roll Call Vote was as follows:- Aye - Gibbs, Kirby, Knaak, Holland and Hardt No - Berins Motion Passed 5 to 1. March 8, 1979 airman Appearance Comm. ate o al Don Hardt