1979-03-08 - Appearance Commission - Minutes ID. 5 APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVEiIL. Thurs.i Mar. 8, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Don Hardt called the meeting of March 8, 1979 to . order at 7 :37 P.M. at the Village Hall , Buffalo Grove, Illinois. 2. ROLL CALL Six commissioners were present: Knaak, Berins, Kirby, Gibbs, Holland and Hardt. One commissioner, Paolillo was absent. (He was out cf town- ) QUORUM PRESENT . ,Also present - Dominic Saviano, Bldg. Dept. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Because of absentism of Commissioners from time to time, minutes from several previous meetings are to be approved. Jan. 11, 1979 No additions or corrections. Approved by voice vote. oem. Kirby abstained . Jan. 25, 1979 - _.No additions or corrections. Approved by voice vote. (Note - P. 2,#5 s/b74 IIAIR DESIGN) Feb. _8, 1979 - Corrections: Roll Call - Strike Paolillo -,she second .time - Add Berins --absent. Stan' s Standard Car Wash sign is not to be a reader board that can : be changed. A price must appear at all times and the lower portion is to identify the price of gas with the car wash only. p. 3 - Line 3 s/b 26-3 inch cal . p. - 3 - c) Home Fed. s/b Plaza Verde • p.; 3 - Motion - a) Add - Letters are to be opague with light radiating behind the letters, NOT through the letters. p. : 5 - Clarify i . There will be wooden kickboards under the patio `windows. Strike word not before compatible. Com. Gibbs moved to accept with corrections. Com. ' Knaak seconded. Approved unanimously. C• t fi Feb. 22, 1979 - Corrections - P. 4 - Combine items b) and c) - both have reference to the elevator tower. P. 5 - Under Landscaping: clarify. New plans were requested with reference to the first floor patio areas due to the higher elevation of the garage floor slab. P. 6 - Last paragraph, ref. Colonial - 1 x 12 strip is a Kickboard. P. 7 - Motion: s/b 'excludin}; 3rd model until it is e_resented, strike approved. f) s/b Chimney to be masonry. (Not fireplace) Motion to approve by Corn. Kirby. Seconded by. Com. Berins. Approved unanimously. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Hardt distributed several letters that were written as directed at the Workshop last week. No. 1. - problems with Green Knolls and Commons ; No. 2 - Appeal of ZBA decision for Tony of Italy Hair Design; No . 3 - Proposed R.V. Ordi- nance. Ch. Hard.t asked that one or two members of the Commission write letters as homeowners and resident of B.G with regard to the Tony of Italy sign. Com. Knaak and Com. Kirby were suggested as representatives when the matter goes to the Village Board. Regarding the R.V. Ordinance - A committee will be formed that will have 3 weeks to present a format for consider- ation. This format will be based on the limitation of frontand side yard set backs, with no size limit. The AC opposes this recommendation. Com. Knaak attended part of the Board meeting 2/19/79 but had nothing to report. 4. BUSINESS lifiart-AssooiatiOf, Ed Piaran of American . and In. ills. Chairman Hardt briefed the Commission on the facts that Mr. Larson had petitioned the ZBA for a variance to erect the Pylon Sign requested on Dundee Road based on hardship. The ZBA granted the variance and a permit was issued by ` �j the Building Dept . According to theSign Code the only two sat can authorize issuance of a sign permit are the cj� Appearance Com.and the Board of Trustees. M „nrh t n C`11rna to � t__1�T*Pn 1 Al[�17 } as March 8, 1979-APPEAR iNCE COMMISSION y Chairman Hardt asked Mr. Larson if any consideration would be given to erecting the sign on Buffalo Grove Road? Mr. Larson answered, "No, because B.G. Road is a secondary road in relation to Dundee Road." Chairman Hardt asked if he would stipulate that no other Pylon signs would be erected between existing Mobil Oil sign and the sign for which the permit was issued? Mr. Larson answered, "No , because the ZBA issued a variance for his sign and did not encumber the permit with any stipulations. " . - Chairman Hardt said, "Let the minutes show that the Appear- Commission is opposed to the erection of any other pylon signs from s point at the location where the questioned sign was granted a variance eastward to the. Mobil Oil sign, because it would conflict with the existing Sign Code and would cause a proliferation of signage in that area." .4141 'ate a ked fob.: 8,,r; �o a At ,o ? 7 to ; �. i pie submitted:, beca�. se the AC -did not approve-it, - Mr. Larson said that such a recommendation would put an encumbrance upon the property rights of other merchants. The sign met all the requirments of the Code with the ex- ception of distance. The AC did in essence agree that it is a good-looking sign. He said a :-Catch 22 situation could be created and repeated deniel could result in being shifted from one commission to the other. —4041110 " o 4' act to-aoor s ' - Chairman Hardt said he understood that since a permit has been issued the sign can be erected, but that he wanted it made clear that the AC was opposed to the sign when it was submitted before. d , pinion o n3-y- -at He agreed that a sign should appear only once before a Board. But he added that it should never come to the AC if it has to go to the ZBA. This is to be determined by the Administrator. - Mr. Larson requested that a meeting be held with himself to be hcluded to iron out some of the "Bug-a-boos" that can be expected in such a new code . Returning back and forth is too time consuming and costly to expect merchants to yield to . - Mr. Hardt expressed a possiblity that the Village Board,. or the A. C. should reverse the roles. First have the AC hear a request, then it goes to theZBA for a variance. Then based upon their decision, adtion would be taken. The procedures based on the Sign Code, Page 52 were reviewed. It was generally agreed that some minor ajustments would be made to the Sign Code and Mr. Larson would be invited to the committee meeting. A motion was requested again. A straw poll was taken to determine the opinions of the Commissioners. yy, g'°+51'Yiems, 4:40- APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8, 19V9 - Page Three . Commissioner Kirby made a motion to accept the Ranch Mart Pylon sign as submitted with respect to the loca- tion and the type of sign. Commissioner Gibbs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was as follows : Aye - Berins and Kirby Opposed - Holland Knaak Hardt Abstain - Gibbs • Chairman Hardt noted that according to Robert ' s Rules, the abstention is counted with the majority, therefore the Motion was Opposed 4 to 2. Mr. Larson repeated his request; for a meeting and he was informed that such a meeting would be an open meeting :a.nd that his imput would be heard with respect. b) Cambridge-On.-The-Lake - Signs. Ralph L. Swanson, PickuE. Const. Com. Knaak asked about the other existing signs for the InformationCenter, directional signs. Mr. Swanson said two signs are on private property and cannot be seen from Dundee Rd. One other, BordoBidg. , can be seen and Ch. Hardt said it should come before the AC. It will be submitted. A site plan was submitted. The signs requested will be Single-faced, placed diagonally facing East and West at position designated on site plan, placed above the fence, supported by 4"x I ' wood posts painted black, placed a ; least 100 ft. away from residential. A 1 year time limit with extension permissible upon 30 day written application provided the signs are in good condition. Sign will be enameled on top of plywood. • Height will be approximately 14 ft. The copy on the sign was reviewed. Corn. Knaak raised a question about the wording, Luxury Condominiums Fireplace Private Lake Swimming Pool Ch. Hardt noted that advertising is allowed on temporaay sales signs, Page 50 and interpretation was discussed. Identification is allowed, but advertising is not allowed. The Commission and Mr. • Swanson agreed to deletion to the three descriptive phrases, leaving Luxury Condominiums. Ch. Hardt said much advertising can be gone through other media. He suggested enlarging the lettering and said that should any Dart of the sign be changed at a later date a new copy should be submitted to Dominic. No ' lights. A straw poll was taken to determine if Th.e words Luxury Con- dominiums are acceptable. The vote was as follows: Yes - if opposed to Luxury - Knaak No , not opposed - Holland, Berins, Kirby Gibbs and Hardt. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8, 1979 - Page Four • • Com. Knaak made the following motion: I move we accept the - Cambridge On The Lake-- signs ; colors and size as dipicted with the stipulations that: 1) The words, Fireplace, Private Lake and Swimming Pool be removed. 2) Permitting Cambridge on the Lake , and Luxury Condominiums be enlarged in size. 3) If the hours or telephone number are changed, they will be re-painted on the sign. (Submitted. to Dominic) 4) Sign not to be located within 100 ft of. residential area. Back supports of tie sign be fainted black. 6) - vised drawing be submitted to the Village Bldg. Dept. indicating height, site location and thenanner of construction of the sign,ie. size of posts, ro back supports on the sign. 7) Sign not to be illuminated. 8) Application be made for the existing sign facing Dundee Read, saying Bordo Information Center (Sign does not have to be reviewed) 9) Letters not to exceed 24" in height or less than 10?' with regard to Stip. #2 above. Com. Kirby seconded the motion. Uom. Gibbs suggested that the area code be added to the sign if Mr. Swanson so desires. Ch. Hardt asked Dominic to specifically note bldg. specs. Roll Call Vote as follows : Aye unanimously. c) Green Knolls and Pulte Street Tree Planting. John Serko ----------------------- Chairman Hardt referred to the Forester' s Report and noted that it; suggests a change in variety after every fourth tree. The varieties selected are appropriate. Ch. Hardt said he prefers one variety per street for appearance but that to go along with the Forester there must be a happy medium. Even very hardy trees can be attacked by disease in the future. Corn. Knaak noted that 48% of the trees are Honey Locust, a very high percentage. He suggested 1/3 Honey Locust, 1/3 Ash and, 1/3 Maple, for instance. Com. Kirby suggested substituting Lindens for Shademasters. Com. Gibbs asked about plantings along Busch Road. , But that ,S�, „,iis a County Road and will possibly be widened. \vnn° The single tree on Brandywine is probably already planted and will be left. Ch. Hardt asked that it be stipulated that the developer will Z, put in 2) caliper trees , balled and baled . .At 4, Fures -et;rr7s' , nPn s" t rP�c staked are difficult to maintain. Placement of the trees was discusses and it was concluded that trees be placed in rows of 4 of the same variety, then 4 of another variety, also alternating across the street. There are 4 varieties to choose from - ABC D, such as AAAABBi3B as shown on the drawing. CCCCDDDD APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8, 1979 - Page Five • Chairman Hardt asked for a motion: Corn. Kirby made a motion to accept the Landscaping plan for Green Knolls , Pulte Corp. as per the sub- mitted drawing with the stipulation that every 4 trees a different variety will be used; and that they should be alternated across the street; also stipulating: 1) Green Spire :.Li t] e Le f Li en be substituted for the , , de asert Locs 2) A p an„i gs e " Caliper, Balledu ats,,,, and Burl aped. 3) As per the Forester' s Recommendation, 4 species to be used,• in _ groups of four and the same specie not directly across the roadway from one of the same kind. 4),. The four trees on Brandywine will remain as depicted, Shademaster Locust (Lot 285, . 215,216 and 217) 5) The circles on the Landscape Plan will indicate the site of the plant but the indication of species will be disregarded and will be planted as previously stipu- lated (#3) as per the Forester' s sug- gestions and with the Public Works ap- proval. 6) . The total number of trees depicted on the submitted drawing will be used. If drive- ways cause encttmberances and 2 or 3 must be eliminated that these trees will be planted in the Green Knolls subdivision at the Public Works discretion. 7) No planting shall take place before the Director of Public Works is contacted. 8) The Parkway areas are to be 18 Month Merion Blue Grass Sad} to be watered for 10 days by the Developer as per _plan. Corm. Knaak seconded the motion. Discussion: Con. Kirby asked , ftihe bike path was to be concrete? No,Blacktop. A need to clarify the intent of the tree plantings was noted, and the wording should indicate that '.Zsing 4 varieties, trees • • are to be planted in groups of four in a row with no same trees • to be across the road from the same specie. AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD DDDDCCCCBBBBAAAA etc . Also , a question aroe regarding the cul de sac trees and what pattern could be used. It was to be left to the Public Works Dept. to decide . Roll Call Vote was as follows : Aye - Holland, Knaak, Kirby, Gibbs Nay - Berins and Hardt. Motion Passed 4 - 2. A short recess called. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8, 1979 - Paf e Six At 9:15 P.M. the meeting was yreconvened. • d) Tony of Italy, Hair Design Tony Boccia, Ed Grate--Grate Signshmcre Shopping Plaza Basically, Chairman Hardt reviewed the situation.• Tony of Italy came to the AC aid was variance. The The ZBA later gave him a vlyicnc The AC has decided to appeal the variance to the Village Board. At last week ' s Worksho was visited an a field trip P the whole site wanvs - gation that techically it is possiblesthated allpthelsiens1 atthe center are non-conforming. For a number of p • reasons: It is not depicted on any of the plans submitted that any signs will be installed on a can. All were shown as individual back lit letters, mounted with individual transformers on the other side of the parapet wall and some of the buildings do have individual letters, the Bakery and Starck Realty; as depicted to us and later submitted to he Bldg. Dept. for permits. One sign showed can on the cross section, from North Shore Sign Co. No pro- blems were anticipated when the sign package was formulated. Mr. Grate was asked to explain. Mr. Grate said he could clarify the problem. At the time he was here he said he had explained that the ones on the mansardgy roof were to be the individual letters. r each letter requires two holes and if a customerbmovescktout, many holes are left which cannot be patched satisfactorily. He said this was agreed to at that time. He cited as an example , the Lieberman Shopping been removed and holes are seen.�enter has signs that have he suggested was the best way to doetheated job. • he felt the way In answer to Ch. Hardt ' s questions n that are en file and he fact that the tepeiof the tugs, ing location of. transformers, etc. are not shown, mou Mr.1tGratend explained that generally customers are not shown this de- tail, they are shown on shop drawings. Another problem is that the cans are black around the edge , and this does not blend in with the brown brick. Chairman Hardt explained 'she purpose of a Sign how they are meant to speed up the issuance of permits andh developer chooses an architectural scheme thatblends •inTe with his center. The letter from Prudential including the • directions for signs and the agreement to inform tenants o the Sign Package. of The purpose of a S. P. is uniformity. Since the Sign Package does not state that any can will be used and since nce Mr. Grate said letters were mounted to cans in good faith trying to meet the intent of the sign package. Mr. Hardt said the Tony of Italy drawing shows a remote flush mounting and no other signs are mounted this way. He asked why the sign package was not observed when the Tony of Italy, Hair Design was designed using two lines. -: Mr. Grate said he believed the sign meets all the require- ments of the Sign Package. s APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8, 1979 - Page Seven y f The discussion concerning mounting, and it wasnoted that • none ofthe signs have a remote flush mount as shown. Also the reason for not informing the Building- Dept. of the changes that were being used that differ from the Sign Package. Mr. Grate said he felt they aid comply regarding type of letters, size, and color. Mr. Hardt noted that Tom Fennell had rejected some et' the plans that were submitted for the Bakery were denied and had to be resubmitted. Also noted was the fact that had request for signage such as appears at the Jewelers in- the Lieberman' s Center as opposed to the Rosen & Shane sign it would have been denied. Because cross sections of remote flush mountings are shown and have not been built there was some need for explanation. Other signs that were rejected came in first with two lines and later resubmitted with one line of copy as the Sign Package intended, using Little Italian Pizza as a model for all signage. Mr. Saviano presented the plans and cross sections of the mounting was noted. die saga the way the signs are mounted Mr. Crate described the mounting and said it only takes four holes for each sign. On Strathmore Drugs a different situ- ation existed in that it was impossible for the letters to be mounted on the mansard because there is not enough room between the top of the wall and the mansard for a man to reach in and do the job. The Bldg. Dept. was not consulted. Mr. Saviano said. he would check this out to confirm. - Ch. Hardt asked why the electrical disconnects were not put on where they were supposed to be? Mr. Grate said He did not know and he was not there at the time . This can be done easily and he will see to it. The problem of submitting a sign with two lines was dis- cussed again. . The SP intent being one line that was to • be 18 inches above the rocf base on the fascia board. As a matter of fact the signs are 24 inches above the roof base but that is betterrlacement according to: Mr. Grate. Another problem is that the Cleaners also does not comply. Chairman Hardt said. that it was necessary to decide what to • do. He gave two alternatives; one , require strict com- pliance or two , to compromise. Com. Knaak suggested that each problem be taken one at a time . Since different questions are to be applied to each sign that is in non-conformance , individual decisions must be made. If Little Italian Pizza is considered to be good then all signs like it are to be installed in a similar manner. Take all signs over arches or installed on brick and agree to whatever that is. Then take the ones on. the mansard and address that separately: Strathmore Drugs, Jelly Bowl and Starck, etc. Also all must have disconnects. Com. Knaak suggested starting with signs on the brick. A PE!RANCE .'COMi•1ISSION March 8 , 1979 - Page Eight y Chairman Hardt agreed with CQm. Knaak ' s suggestion with the added caution that supposing Little Italian Pisza is accepted as the correct format in construction, when the Cleaners is reviewed it must be considered that Cleaners is a form of ad- vertising not an identification sign, something must be done. A change must be compatible with the sign package and a double line is out. A form of compromise is necessary. The ones on the brick are okay with the exception of the Cleaners. Then take the ones on the mansard and say they are okay if discon- nects are installed. Then the Drugstore is assessed separate- ly, depending upon the structure of the building and whether or not there was access. The Cleaners is another separate item. Com. Kirby commented that since Mr. Conrardy was at the meeting at which the sign package was drawn up. The idea of a Sign Package was thoroughly explained so that problems such as have been experienced in the past would hot happen. She made cer- tain that he understood the importance of informing all tenants of the requirements. That way no tenant could come in pleading financial difficulty because signs were constructed before per- mits were issued or, because they did not know about a sign package. Com. Kirby strongly felt that Mr. Conrardy should be here because he is responsible for the Sign Package and he knew What was expected. Com.. Knaak confirmed Com. Kirby' s statement by referring to the previous rinutes in which the Sign Package was approved. He suggested reviewing each portion of the building and the particu2 ar mounting problems that exist, making the motions and reaching a suitable compromise . • After discussing the situation, . it was decided it would be best to go ahead this night and set forth in motions the various aspects of an amended Sign Package, including a reprimand to Grate Signs for not complying. A. Meats - Cleaners - Little Italian Pizza - ON BRICK. Straw Poll to determine approval or disapproval of the Raceway mounting being used, as follows : Holland - Acceptable, not exactly in conformance but facing reality - OK Knaak - Acceptable , same comment as Holland, but must be consistant in future Berins - Acceptable , practical and painting will make a difference Gibbs - Not Acceptable - Definite care Was taken but will say to prevent such situa- Acceptable tions, but allowance must be made for business sen to operate without excesr Kirby - Agree with sive expense. Mr. Gibbs Hardt - Agree with Mr. Gibbs, asked that the mounting brackets be made less notice- able . Mr. Grate said he would personally see to it that the Cleaners be corrected to BG CLEANERS and move it over. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8. 1979 - Pa ~e Nine B. MANSARD Signs - Starck Realty - Bakery Strathmore Drugs, exception? Chairman Hardt asked for the Commissioners to comment on the mansard mounted signs. Com. Holland said he approved of the individually mounted letters. Also since the situation with the Strathmore Drugs is necessary unless Dominic Saviano finds otherwise , then the sign will have to remain as it is. The other Commissioners agreed with Com. Holland' s statement. • Mr. Saviano brought up for consideration that since the S---- Drug store is located on the corner, there is a possiblilty that at the East end of the Center, construction will be the same . Therefore a stipulation might be made that a sign for that location be like Strathmore Drugs, using a Raceway. Chairman Hardt agreed that since all the signs on the Rt. 83 side of the building will be on Raceways it would be best to have both ends of the building the same. However if the inspection Mr. Saviano makes shows it to be ossible to have individual letters installed (in both places then the AC would make this necessary. The next question to be. discussed was the 24 inch bottom line designation instead of the line stipulated in the Sign Package. But it was agreed that as long as they all are on one line at the same height. But Tony of Italy is a problem since he has a variation for 2• lines, with letters 12" and 8" - from the ZBA. Tony presented a new drawing Tony of Italy Hair Design on l line; Letters of 18" and 10" and stretched across almost the full 20 ' store front, somewhat close to the side line; as a representation. As the Commission reviewed the sign, it was noted that it would be an offset sign, and might be overpowering to Starck Realty. Chairman Hardt asked if Tony would be willing to install such. a sign if the AC approved the sign, and Starck Realty agreed • to having such a large sign next door, and Mr. Conrardy also was in agreement? Would Tony be willing to withdraw his vari- ance and put up the 20 ' sign on his 20'. store front? In which case LC would withdraw its appeal . Tony said -he would consider it but that he did not think it looks as good as the sign he presented on two lines. He asked if the Commission could not make one more exception? The discussion that followed brought out several factors, such as the number of stores yet to be rented and what "exceptions" they might ask for. Also Starck Realty must be consulted and they might also object to two lines as well as the large sign. Mr. Grate asked what the whole procedure would be if the Village Board approves the variance? Chairman Hardt described the procedure : • 1 - Applicant is sent to the ZBA for a variance if a sign is presented that is in non-compliance. 2 - If the ZBA grants the variance it goes to the AC 3 — The AC reviews the sign. If it is approved a permit is issued by the Bldg. Dept. if it is not approved. It goes to the Village Board. AIPPEARANCE COMMISSION Ten 8,ch 7p y9 - PA", • 4. The Village Board can overrule the AO decision or agree with the AC. 5. If they agree with the AC, a permit is still not issued and they go to court. Mr. Grate said he thought that if the AC rejected a sign, it went to the ZBA - got a variance, back to the AC, rejected- the Village Board was the judge. He thought it should be - tothe AC, if rejected goes to the ZBA - win or lose - go to . Village Board. Com. Berins explained the thing that sometimes happens is that a sign comes to the AC that should have first gone to the ZBA for a variance. There is no intention under the Sign Code to cause a Catche 22 situation. Tony said the Sign Package does not specify one line. Dominic said the intent was that Little Italian Pizza was the model and it has only one line . The other indication • was the placement at a certain height on the mansard. Ch. Hardt gave the three ways a permit can be issued. 1 - The sign meets the Sign Package. 2 - The AC can authorize the Bldg. Dept. to issue a permit. 3 - The Village Board can authorize a permit . The ZBi. does not have the authority to issue a permit. With Starck Realty the key to whether or not the large sign Would be acceptable , Ch. Hardt asked what shoul,K be done. It was felt that Mr.Conrardy would not object. Mr. Tom Neal of Grate Signs offered an alternate solution and that was to reduce the size of the letters to 12" Upper case & 8" Lower case, using one line 15' long, at 24" ht. Tony Of Italy Hair Design This would require only a variation of the size of letters. A straw poll was taken as follows : Holland - Against variation - prefers 18" Knaak - No - all 12" letters Yes; or T.ofl. Berms - Yes, 12" & 8" Gibbs - Yes, 12" & 8" Kirby - Yes Hardt - Yes to compromise • Ch. Hardt gave the three options the AC has. I - Say No to the Compromise 12" & 8" letters 2 - Appeal to the Village Board a) Village Board denies, Tony comes back to the AC b) Village Board agrees with ZBA, sign can be put up with the 2 lines. Dominic Saviano reminded Tony that alce be Village Board is shown the plans that have been denied by the previous Bldg. Commissioner, that have two lines - they will deny. Chairman Hardt said he would allow five more minutes of discussion and then motions will be made. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8, 1979 - Page Eleven Tony added that if he liked ihe 12" and 8" on one line he • • will agree to it. Corn. Gibbs cut out the letters and laid them out for Tony to see with the comment that all the .words should match one Cap. and the rest lower case . Tony Of Italy Hair Design Tony could not visualize the way it would look until a draw- ing is made and he could think about it. Therefore it was decided that several different motions would be made. I - Motion made by Com. Holland I move that this Commission be on record chastizing Mr. Grate for not conforming exactly with the Sign Package as agreed to in the minutes of August 10, 1978 by Mr. Conrardy and with the subsequent letter dated August 30, 1978 ; And further that the construction of signs did not correspond with the drawings that were submitted. Motion was seconded by Com. Kirby. Roll Call Vote was taken a , follows: • Aye- Knaak, Gibbs, Kirby, Holland Hardt No - Berins II - Chairman Hardt asked for a motion dealing with compro- mise situation for existing . masonary wall signage and for any future signage ; also including uniform coloring of the raceways, painting out of the mount- ing brackets, placement of disconnects on the side channel of the raceway and painted out to match the raceway; all future signs must meet this criteria - Com. Kirby so moved with the added stipulations: • a) signs to be single line on the brick wall located 14" above the tangent of the archway; b) addition of EG to the signage already installed for the Cleaners - to be done by Mr. Grate - entire signage to be centered over the store- to be done within 6 weeks of this date; This motion is addressing itself only to the signs that are on the masonary roof and it will supercede the portion of the sign package of Aug. 10, 1978. Com. Gibbs seconded the motion. No discussion Roll Call Vote was Aye Unanimously. III - Mansard Signs - Tony of Italy Cora. Gibbs made the following motion: I move we approve a sign to he 12" Capitol letters and 8" Lower case letters , to be Helvetica style; centered over the store front; disconnects to be painted out as discussed; letters to be in a single line - 24" from the roof base in a line with the Bakery and Starck Realty; to read as follows: Tony of Italy Hair Design Letters are internally, illuninated - free-standing individual letters - Helvetica style. No Raceway. Motion seconded by Com. Berins. Roll Call Vote as follows: Aye - Berins , Kirby, Gibbs and Hardt No - Holland and Knaak Motion Passed 4 to 2. APPEARANCE COMMISSION March 8. 109 - Page Twel :f •• IV - Mansard Signs tkom. Holland made the following motion: —ItI move that on the mansard frontage all signs shall ` Or be of Helvetica medium letters, 18" Upper case and 10" Lower case letters; free standing, internally illuminated; 24 inches from the base of the mansard S c frontage on all the mansard frontage buildings in the Prudential Shopping Uenter known as Strathmore Shopping Center with the exception of the previously accepted aC- bt/ motion regarding Tony of Italy aid with the stipulation:- p (L o ,, that the present raceway on Strathmore Drugs be inspect- �" - ed by Dominic Saviano . Chief Building Inspector. If it Q� o S a �, is impossible to install individually illuminated free- i. Qv ✓v � � standing letters, then the raceway may remain. ,�,...�� The balance of the Rt. 83 frontage 'S� s'< shall be in conformance with the free-standing letters; with the exception of the section of the building at the far Eastern end cf the building - if the brick wall behindd -thenansard is too close to allow access on the ,r., Strathmore Drug -store then a raceway shall be used on The motion was seconded by Com. Knaak. the East end 0150. Roll Call Vote was as follows: • - Aye - Gibbs , Kirby, Knaak, Holland and Hardt No - Berins Motion Passed 5 to 1. Com. Hardt explained to Tony that should he approve ofthe rendering of the sign as outlined in the Motion III! a permit will be issued by Dominic. Tony stated that he would look at the drawing and. if he thinks it is attractive ,the way he wants it, he Will agree. If not , he will go to the Village Board. Come Kirby made the following suggestion .:- If Tony of Italy goes to the Village Board it is the suggestion of this Commission that the whole thing is reviewed from the beginning. That the compromise worked out here tonight must be accepted or rejected prior to any appeal to the Board. Dominic was instructed not to issue a permit unless the new rendering is approved. The variance must be withdrawn. If the ZBA variance is withdrawn prior to the meeting of the Village Board, a permit may be issued. If the appeal goes through the Appearance will withdraw the Motion ; III to compromise. Motion to adjourn was made by Com. Knaak •and seconded by Com. Kirby. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :40 P.M. Chairman Hardt thanked Laura Berins for her contribution to the Commission ,and invited her to rejoin at a future time. • _Respp;ctfully submitted, .,C__� /" 7i��'✓� /2. Sb rl- y ;Secretary EAtt..I�IG,i eUi it IISSION sb March 8, 1979 - Page Thirteen.