1979-02-22 - Appearance Commission - Minutes THE APPEARANCE COMMISSION VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL. THURS. , FEBRUARY 22 , 1979 1 . CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7: 37 P.M. by Commissioner Kirby, in the absence of Chairman Hardt ; at the Village Hall . 2 . ROLL CALL Commissioners Present - Kirby, Gibbs , Paolillo, Berins, Knaak and Holland . D . Saviano from the Bldg . Dept . Chairman Ha^dt arrived at 7:45 P.M. QUORUM PRESENT 3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from Feb. 8 , 1979 and the 2 January meetings were tabled until the next Workshop meeting . Com. Gibbs moved to table the 2/8/79 minutes . Seconded by Com. Knaak seconded the motion. Vote to table - Aye unanimously. 4 . BUISNESS a) Landscaping of Village Sites - Bill Davis Mr. . Davis presented photographs of two lights he has selected for the Village Hall . One is a 4 ft . standard to be used along the sidewalk that leads into the Village Hall and at the Police Station entrance . 12 in all . The second is a 14 ft . standard to be used for the parking lot . These are the same as the lights at Plaza Verde . The lights are square , with acrylic globes and anodized metal poles . In answer to Com. Gibbs' question concerning the Youth Center, Mr . Davis said one light would partially light the Youth Center property and that when lights are chosen for the Center, they would be tied in with these . The lights would be mounted at grade level . The company that makes them is reliable and replacement would be good . Com . Holland made a motion to accent the lighting for the Village of Buffalo Grove Village Hall as presented by Bill Davis . Motion was seconded by Commissioner Gibbs . Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed. unanimously. At this point, Chairman Hardt arrived . b) Commons - Lou Shassian, Devonshire Development Corn. Mr . Shassian presented samples of siding, roof shingles, and brick. They are offering 6 roofs , 6 alcoa siding colors , but no white or green. Colors denoted are : Village Red, Sandstone , Muscrat Brown, Desert Tan, Colonial Blue and Sierra Brown; 4 brick colors are being offered if available . Lights for the Tudor : - #5880 , antique brass and #5640 lantern; with #5655 for the Colonial . At the rear doors inexpensive black lights . Lights for the Park District property - "mall" - are 12' Standard - Commons #P-540331 - pole is steel abd 4 will be placed along the walkway. Mr . Shassian said that if the Park District does not want to retain the lights and landscaping it will be taken out and sodded . Ch. Hardt stated he felt the Homeowners would put pressure upon the Park District to keep the Mall . Regarding the roof colors , Mr. Shassian said that all homes must be cleared with the architect before they are accept the color combinations . Ch. Hardt approved the color chart and asked general questions . The wood trim will match the siding . The downspouts , and gutters will also match the siding or will compliment in the color range of dark brown, cream, ivory, grey and tan earth tones . No white , black, red or blue gutters or downspouts . Mr . Shassian or the architect review all color selections and would meet the monotny code - no 2 houses next to each other could have the same colors . Com . Knaak noted that the Jan. 11, 1979 minutes saw that 6 brick colors would be offered - the number is now 4 providing they can get what was presented tonight . Model #103 B with the wooden shutters - Mr. Shassian said they would be select cedar with solid stain.. It was noted that the Appearance Commission recommenr9ati.on will be that corner lots should have landsc3.pe treatment ; but Mr . Shassian has not agreed to stipulate this . Chairman Hardt (not presiding) made the following motion : I move we accept the color package as submitted for the Commons with the stipulations that : a) There are 4 types of brick; noting that if they are unavailable during construction, close facsimilies will be used in their place . b) There will be 6 roof shingle colors , Dark brown, cream , ivory, grey, tan and brown - No white , black, red or blue . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 22, 1979 - Page Two/ c) Six siding colors as previously mentioned. above - aloca aluminum or equal d) Gutters and downspouts be of aluminum to match or compliment siding. Mr . Shassian or the architect will review all color selections e) Lighting packages shall include : #5880- Anti.que Brass and #5640 - Lantern on the Tudors ; and #5655 on the Colonial . Rear door fixtures - Black. f) Four #54.0331 - Pole Lamps at the Mall area , 12 ft . tall Motion r s seconded by Corn . Gibbs. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed unanimously. Chairman Hardt noted that if upon dedication to the Park District any drastic changes in the landscaping or in the accepted lighting ; that it is requested that the A poerance Commission be allowed to review it before consideration by the Village Board . Mr . Shassian was thanked for coming . Chairman Hardt presided over the remainder of the meeting. He asked for a representative to be present at the Village Board meeting to represent the AC request for side yard treat- ments for the Commons . The date is March 5th - 1 week from next Monday. Commissioner Kirby volunteered . c) Arlington Country Club Condominiums Gerald Tenor (Katz and Co . ) explained the situation pertaining to the purchase of the Arlington Country Club Condominiums and the problem that occured after they had gone to the Village Board and were sent to the Appearance Commission. On Jan. 25th they were here and because of the extent of the changes in landscaping and architecture the matter was tabled . Ch. Hardt asked that the Appearance Commission treat the plans as a new submittal ; and review the building and landscaping as presented this night . Zoric Ravin, architect described the plans for the two buildings . The mansard type roofs are asphalt shingled and the terrace construction was explained . More detail appears in the motion. The Commission expressed their preference for a brown steel tube balcony rail . The heating/ A .C . units are interior with condensing units at the center of the roof about 35' back ane will be painted out . No muttons on the windows . Frame8:mood with thermo panes . Garage doors - Brn^*n wood . Service door. - Steel painted out bronze . Sills - cut stone . APPEARANCE COMMISSION February 22 , 1979 -Page Three garage- Mr . Saviano confirmed that a steel door on the/entr•y_. would meet the code . A concrete stoop at the entry - . way that has no sill . Sliding doors are two different sizes - one for the living room and one for the kitchen/ breakfast room to give tenants a more home like atmosphere . The elevator tower - a penthouse located in the center of the building and. extends about 4 feet above the mansard . It will be given the same treatment as the roof - flat . Facia painted out . No fireplaces in any units . Lighting selections have not been made . They will submit for the garage and balcony, front and. rear entries , and any other lighting at a later date . Laundry space is provided. in each apartment and a washer and dryer available for publie .use . Grills painted. out to match the brick. Garbage handeled • by shoots into a rubbish room and loaded into a dumpster . No parapet wall needed as such. A Class A roof with space between the walls . All stipulations are noted in the motion which was made by Commissioner Kirby as follows : I move we accept the architectural plans for the Arlington Country Club Condominums with these stipulations : a) No fireplaces to be allowed ; `J) Elevator tower to be brick to match the face brick; c) Flat roof will have no overhang, facia painted to match the brick • ` f d) Condensing units on the roof will be at the approxi- li mate longitudinal centerline of the building ; • , e) Entry to be bronzeffiodized aluminum ; f f) Brown trim on the building will include : . Rail pickets , 2"x 6" steel tube on patio ; - g) Wood window trim , facia , freezeboard will be beige ; h) Ceilings for terrace area will be Transite painted beiw i) Cedar cap on windows in the mansard roof will be stained cedar to match the roofing material , or brown; 3) Grill vents for dryers , kitchen and baths to be brown painted out to match the brick; k) Canopies and mansard replace parapet all around the building ; ,1) Roofing material will be Johns Mansville - Seadrift Grey m) Brick as submitted - Grey Old Spanish King , #1300524 (or if not available new bricks will be submitted ) ; n) Mansard returns on both bldgs , East and West elev tions will be the same roofing material as that - • portion of the building. o) Garage Doors - 16' x 7' overhead , Brown Wood to match the other wood trim ; p) Side Entry door to be steel with a glass-lite , painted out bronze . • q) ALL lighting 'to be reviewed at a later date . Commissioner Berins seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote was taken. Motion Passed unanimously. APPEARAI.CE COMMISSION Feb. 22 , 1979 - Page Four Arlington Country Club Condominiums , cont'd In answer to a question Com.Gibbs asked concerning the roof lines , Mr. Ravin described the roof drainage system with . interior downspouts and possibly one canopy run-off at the front door which would be painted out to match the wood . The front entry way and glass would be anodized aluminum . Landscaping A short break was taken while Mr . Saviano brought the original Landscaping Plans for Arlington Country Club. The new developer has agreed to follow these plans closely. Chairman Hardt asked that since they did not submit a new set of drawings , but plan to basically follow a plan simi- lar to the original plan the Commission should givF some guidelines and asked that new plans be brought In showtg the new treatment of the garage because it is higher ; also the parkway trees , parking area curb. The birm height was discussed and the retention area . Ch . Hardt asked that the plan be submitted to the Village Forester and. Public Works D:ept ,and then it comes to the Appearance Commission. If the original plan is followed approval should be speedy. Motion to table Landscaping and Lighting was made by Com . Knaak and seconded by Conn . Ber ins . Roll. Call vote was taken and the Motion Passed unanimously. Com. Kirby asked specifically that the landscaping plan show the elevation of the parking lot, any change of grade level . Show any new engineering changes . Also if consideration is being given to a picnic area . And especially the retention area, if dry? have it OK'd. with Engineering . d) Pulte (Formerly Green Knolls) Chairman Hardt reviewed the background of the Pulte Corp. presentation at the previous meeting . Several problems were to be resolved . One being the chimney construction . Green Knolls chimneys are all brick matching the houses and Pulte submitted plans for aluminum siding chimney. Also a problem of meeting the Village I9onothy Code with only two models . And a site plan was also requested so that the lots to be built by Green Knolls could be seen. Mr. Dan Star, representative , showed the plot plan and explained the location of Phase 1 of Unit 1 - 30 Lots and a second 39 Lots which are also under contract for a later. date . Phase I consists of lots 2 , 3,11-25, - 31 ; -and 108 - 125,also 285, and 128- 134 . (May not be correct . ) The area will be harmonious in style , size but in general the Pulte homes will be better quality. In answer to the quest concerning a 3rd. model , Mr . Star said he had met with Mr . Balling and Dominic ; at which time it was decided to build a 3rd model . These plans are not complete but a partial plan was submitted . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 22 , 1979 - Page Five • cont'd-Pulte (Formerly Green Knolls) The 3rd model would be a 2-story, 4 bedroom , 2 car. garage . A letter from fir . Balling was submitted stating that approval of the Appearance Commission is all that is needed by Pulte,because the engineering has not been changed . Mr. Star stated that regarding the fireplaces , the Green Knolls apnroval stipulated that the brick fireplaces match the brick front of the house . Since Puite offers brick as an orti.on,aluminum fireplaces would better match the front of the houses . They are pre-fabricated and ex- cept for 1 model the fireplaces are at the rear or on the side . The gables will match the trim color . The roof vents and chimneys are on the rear elevations and would 'be painted out to match the shingles . All garages will be paneled . The 3rd model will be the same es presented be- fore with 4 elevations making a total of 12 elevations . Shutters are alumium as per the color. package . Sills are wood. (or brick as an option) Front door wood sill dor ,brick) . Concrete foundation wall graded and sloped so that no more than 8" will be exposed . Muttons on win- dows removable and on all windows . Gable vent to be painted out to match the wood trim. Shutters will be put on corner windows . Again the fireplaces were discussed . Since Green Knolls offer brick fronts as an option and fireplaces are mason- ary the Appearance Commission will recommend to the Village Board that masonary fireplaces be required instead of the proposed aluminum pre-fabs that are being programmed now . The railings will be wrought iron which will meet the Building Code Requirements . A straw poll was taken to determine the feelings of the Commission as to the color of the railings . The vote was as follows : 'A11 Black Holland and Knaak Descretion of Home Owner - Kirby, Banns , Gibbs Paolillo and Hardt The vote was 5 to 2 in favor of the giving the Homeowners the option to select the stair rail color. Concerning the base of wooden posts which are hollow posts set into wood bases , the developer stipulated that where the wood and concrete meet the wood shall be treated to prevent rotting . Downspouts are on the side , not the front of houses . They will match the siding or the corner posts . Front lots will be sod'dei put have no landscaping . B vents rill be painted out . Side elevations - windows will have shutters , corners . On the Colonial - the rear patio has a 1 x 12 strip between the base and s#;bb ??r (didn' t get this) painted to match the trim. APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 22 , 1979 - Page Six Moving on to the 3rd elevation, Mr . Star said the plans are not complete . Therefore Ch . Hardt said that the model would be tabled but would be considered in the motion so that the Monotny Code would be met . He did question the two different sizes of shutters on the front . The color package was discussed and Mr . Star said buyers would be allowed to select a package and no changes con bP ma(iP . Roofs will be black. No green is being offered , in order to conform to the Green Knolls subdivision colors . 10 combinations . A straw poll was taken to determine the whether masonary fire - places are prefered to match Green Knolls or whether a choice between masonary or aluminum be given? Poll as follows : Paolillo - all masonary Gibbs - all masonary Kirby - - Abstained Berins - all masonary Holland - all masonary Knaac - all masonary Hardt - all masonary It was decided 6 to 1 for all masonary fireplaces to be recommended . Com . Holland commented that the 3rd model is not significantly different , but Ch . Hardt pointed out that the garage is out in front , making a difference in depth which does not show clearly on a 2 dimensional drawing. Commissioner Kirby made the following motion: I move we accept the two models present4d , excluding the . 3rd model until it is aprroved - but including it as an entire package so that they can meet our Monotny Code . If fireplaces are ordered they are to be masonary; and if a fireplace is ordered for the brick house , the fireplace is to match the brick. front . (Brick submitted - face brick) Other stipulations : • a) The trim package accepted with the rules submitted ; b) All vents to be painted out to match the trim ; c) Wood sills under the windows and doors will be painted out to match the trim ; d) All models , all elevations where windows appear on corner lots - the sides will be treated as the fronts with shutters ; e) Freezeboards and facia painted out to match trim ; f) Fireplaces to be masonary ; g) Iron railings to be painted , option of Homeowner ; h) Posts where wood meets the concrete will be treated ; i) Patio door to be painted out to match the trim ; j) Downspouts to be painted out to match the 8 dI ng nr to match corner. posts ( downspouts not to be on the front) ; APPEAtiANCE COMMISSION Feb. 22 , 1979 - Page Seven k) Roof vents to be located in the rear and painted out to match the roof . 1) B-vents painted out to match roof. m) Foundation treatment will meet the Code- not more than 8 inches of exposed concrete . n) Will meet M onotny Code - No two like elevations located T^ithin 3 lots and no two like colors within 2 lots or across the street . o) Garage Doors will be paneled wood, painted to match the trim . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gibbs . Roll Call Vote was taken as follows : Aye - Holland , Berins , Kirby, Gibbs , Paolillo and Hardt Nay - Knaak Motion Passed - 6 to 1 . LANDSCAPING OF MODEL AREA Mr. Cizek of Pulte presented a drawing of the Model Area, showing location of lights for the models and general landscaping . The lights are 6"to8" quartz ground level lights showing ONLY on the models, which are located on lots72,73 and 77. Concern was shown for the homeowners directly behind the models . Mr . Cizek as-ur.ed the Com- missioners that they would not be seen from the rear . Chairmen Hardt stated that the landscaping plan was not satisfactory because sizes and species are not sho*,gin . in detail . Mr . Cizek proceeded to describe the selections of the trees and shrubs . Chairman Hardt noted these on the plan and the developers signed the plan for the file . Selections made were 15 to 17 foot , 4 inch diameter Green Ash (Marshall Variety) and Honey Locust (Shademaster) to be alternated - 2 each. The parkway trees will be the same as approved for Green Knolls . Around Lot #74, the Buchingham will have 3 - 6' ft . high Flowering Crabs Radiant (Thornless) Shrubs - 24" are Fitzer Junipers Small circulars are 24" Globe Ewes Larger circles are 30" dia. Globe Ewes Also used. Brown' s Upright Ewes Shrubs - 36" Sp1rea All the Model Lots will be landscaped in the same general way. - Ch. Hardt commented that model area landscning is usually very good and acceptable . Request was made to remove any shrubs that overhang the sidewalk if the Buyer or the Public Works asks that this be done . Agreed . Also request was made to shield the lights with shrubs . Agreed . The Model Signs were presented but Ch. Hardt asked that more specific detail be presented at a later date noting correct size would be required . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 22 , 1979 - Page Eight . • The Landscape Plan was signed and Chairman Hardt asked for a motion excluding signage . Lights to be shielded with shrubs . Com . Holland made a motion to table the landscaping in view of the fact that sizes must be approved , in view of the quality of the presentation, in view of the fact that it cannot be approved in total . He moved to table the entire Model Area Landscaping until such time that proper plans are presented . Com . Knaak seconded the motion and added his reason being that the Commission is not supposed to design, but to ap-rove . Chairman Hardt commented that Model area landscaping is usually well done and acceptable and that the developer had named the types of plantings . He called for a vote to table . Roll Call Vote was taken as follows : "-.- To table : Gibbs , Holland , and Knaak Not to table : Paolillo, Kirby, Berins and Hardt . Result - Motion to table defeated 4 to 3. Chairman Hardt asked for a motion to aprr- ove the l.andseaping of the Model area . Com . Knaak asked about the parking area and it res noted that it will be a gravel lot with no landscaping planned . Ch. Hardt felt that because surrounding neighbors mirrht not appreciate a Parking Lot vdew. Screening was suggested and asked that the parking area be excluded in the motion. Plans must be submitted . Commissioner Paolillo made a motion to accept the Landscaping around the Models as presented for Lots 72 , 73, and 74 , excluding the parking area, and street tree plantings , and noting that the exterior lighting be submitted. to Dominic Saviano for Appear- ance approval . Also.excluding signage . Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kirby. Roll Call Vote was taken as follows : Aye - Berins , Kirby, Gibbs, Paolillo and Hardt Nay - Holland and Knaak Motion Passed - 5 to 2 . Exterior lighting fixtures were shown to the panel . There will be Coach lights at the front door, garage and Porches . Ch. Hardt asked that they submit pictures to Dominic Saviano for approval at a later time . APPEARANCE COMMISSION Feb. 22 , 1979 - Page Nine 5 . ANNOUNCEMENTS Ch . Hardt announced that Commissioner Laura Bering had submitted her resignation to be effective March 9, .1979. Reason being so she can give more time to the Libraby Board . She was thanked for her year of service on the AC and asked to rejoin if at a future date she had more time . Dominic Saviano informed the AC that Tony of Italy, who had been denied at the Feb. 8, 1979 meeting because his sign does not comply with the Prudential Sign Packages had applied for a variance from the ZBA . He said if the ABZ denies the sign Tony has 15 days to submit a letter to the Village Board for approval . A discussion of the intent of the Sign Code with reference to Sign Packages, Section 4 .6 - and it was noted that if a developer agrees to a Sign Package it will 'Abecome a part of the Sign Code and need a variance from the ZBA before return- ing to the Appearance Commission . General discussion followed. concerning whether or not the ZBA has the power to approve a variance . It was finally agreed that the Sign Code, Sec . 12 ,1 provides that the ZBA. can vary the Sign Package because it is a part of the Sign Code . :__If the ZBA denies the variance the petitioner has 15 days in which to appeal to the Village Board . Discussion followed concerning the issuance of permits and Chairman Hardt suggested that a Workshop meeting be held on Thursday, Barth 1st to thoroughly discuss the situation and. make some definite decisions . The Commissioners agreed . Another decision to be made is whether the AC will review any development' s plans if they are not complete and submitted in time for the Commissioners to study them before the meeting. Dominic Saviano commented that the Appearance Commission was formulated on the policy in Section 1 the AC will assist or act as a guide to any developer that comes before it . They are to offer guidance as a consultant to avoid excessive time consumption. It is true that they must follow all Code rules . Ch. Hardt stated he felt it was better to help Pulte with the landscaping tonight since they did know what they wanted and he only labeled their plan. They saved time for all . Com . Knaak said he personally wants to see plans before coming. Com . Holland said his motion was probably made too late . Others recalled that last week Arlington Condos came in with plans and the situation created is not in the best interest of all concerned . The Workshop will be used to dispense with these and other problf:m&. Time 7 : 30 P.M . - Thurs . 3 / 1 /79. A list of requirements will be made up and given to developers . 6 . ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 11 :40 P.M . Respectfully submitted , Shirley Bate , Secretary Appearance ommission Feb. 22, 1979 - Page Ten.